Open call for Board Member and Moderator positions in Coin Return. More information here.

The 4th Annual Post-PAX Party - REGISTRATION IS LIVE.



  • jthom252jthom252 Duarte, CARegistered User regular
    What's the best way to go up coming from the Westlake Center? If anyone else is heading up from here I think I'll be going up around 730

  • CrogothCrogoth Registered User regular
    Hey Arco are the tickets refundable or transferable at this point? All of my friend and mine's stuff is in auburn and were bussing it, so I don't think attending would be possible

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Anyone leaving from the Sheraton in the near future?

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • ramen215ramen215 Registered User regular
    Crogoth wrote: »
    Hey Arco are the tickets refundable or transferable at this point? All of my friend and mine's stuff is in auburn and were bussing it, so I don't think attending would be possible

    I'd like to know that as well, due to unforeseen circumstances I won't be able to make it either :( Hope to make it next Prime tho!

    Track Record: ~Prime '12 Prime '13
  • bfigginsbfiggins Registered User regular
    Was there any raffle? I kept listening for it but never heard any announcement.

  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    The blue ticket was your Raffle Ticket and you claimed your possible loot at the big black-covered table (where the folks played Cards Against Humanity) there. It seemed like a silent auction-style, but the matching tickets were taped onto the items.

    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • kabutodudekabutodude Registered User regular
    Great party Arco. Thanks for all the hard work putting it together.
    It was by far the best pax party I attended this year.

  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Just wanted to say thanks to Arco again. This year was my first PAX, and last night made it so much better than it already was. So thanks again for organizing such an awesome party. I can't wait for next year

  • skylatronskylatron Registered User regular
    Thanks to the group of Cards Against Humanity players that showed us how to play! Had a great time.

  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    skylatron wrote: »
    Thanks to the group of Cards Against Humanity players that showed us how to play! Had a great time.

    That game was fun.

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    The blue ticket was your Raffle Ticket and you claimed your possible loot at the big black-covered table (where the folks played Cards Against Humanity) there. It seemed like a silent auction-style, but the matching tickets were taped onto the items.

    Were the unclaimed items ever reauctioned? One of my friends asked Arco what would happen with them and he said he was just going to keep them. Seemed odd.

  • mikegonzalezmikegonzalez Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    sanovah wrote: »
    skylatron wrote: »
    Thanks to the group of Cards Against Humanity players that showed us how to play! Had a great time.

    That game was fun.

    A lot of fun. Super long though. :)

    mikegonzalez on
    "I'm a reasonable guy. But, I've just experienced some very unreasonable things."

    XBL: ii Mike G ii - PSN: Greddy21 - Steam: notmikegonzalez - Slytherin - Death Eater
  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    sanovah wrote: »
    skylatron wrote: »
    Thanks to the group of Cards Against Humanity players that showed us how to play! Had a great time.

    That game was fun.

    A lot of fun. Super long though. :)
    sanovah wrote: »
    skylatron wrote: »
    Thanks to the group of Cards Against Humanity players that showed us how to play! Had a great time.

    That game was fun.

    A lot of fun. Super long though. :)

    It only lasted like 3 hours until 12:30. Wasn't that long of a game...

  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    I thought, at first, this would be just a social experiment and in the end just not my thing. However, finding the right group of friends and ka-bam! Totally worth it.

    Thank you, Arco and all who assisted in this brilliant evening.

    PS Also, thank you to JonnyNero and the other two really-really-really awesome musicians for playing!

    PPS Came to find out I like cranberry juice...with a heavy dose of vodka.

    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    Hey everyone!

    Expect a full report soon. Still busy wrapping up PAX. Thanks to everyone who attended; this was the best party yet!

    There were a few raffle items unclaimed. With the exception of a $200 "any console + games" prize, they were all under $20, so I gave them to the servers. I would've had to haul them back to the hotel and then home, so this just seemed easier.

    We can figure out what to do with the $200 in unspent money soon. Suggestions welcome.

    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    Arco wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    Expect a full report soon. Still busy wrapping up PAX. Thanks to everyone who attended; this was the best party yet!

    There were a few raffle items unclaimed. With the exception of a $200 "any console + games" prize, they were all under $20, so I gave them to the servers. I would've had to haul them back to the hotel and then home, so this just seemed easier.

    We can figure out what to do with the $200 in unspent money soon. Suggestions welcome.

    Plane tickets to Australia

    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    Childs Play donation seems like the only answer here.

  • skarsolskarsol Registered User regular
    Kinda sucked having all the raffle already done by the time we were able to get there (9pm) but pool was fun. Having the stage music fight with the Rock Band area was interesting. :)

    why are you smelling it?
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited September 2012
    @arco and @jonnynero you always combine for awesome things
    Arco wrote: »
    We can figure out what to do with the $200 in unspent money soon. Suggestions welcome.

    Either Child's Play donation, or save it for next year.... Or maybe long distance raffle?

    zerzhul on
  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    Child's Play.

    Thanks for the party again, @Arco

  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    skarsol wrote: »
    Kinda sucked having all the raffle already done by the time we were able to get there (9pm) but pool was fun. Having the stage music fight with the Rock Band area was interesting. :)

    For anyone who was confused on the raffle: You received one of two identical raffle tickets when you arrived. The other ticket was put into a pot, mixed up, and then each prize was tagged with a ticket. The only way someone could take a prize off of the table was if they "won" that prize, and I strongly urged everyone to come grab me before they took anything off the table, just so I could verify.

    This was something I went back and forth on. The raffle gets bigger and bigger every year. Last year it was close to an hour of me raffling stuff off. This year probably would have been even longer. That's time people have to spend paying attention to me when they could be playing games, talking with other people, time the bands could be performing, etc. I don't want to take up that much time (or more) with the raffle.

    So this seemed like a good solution. There's actually NO benefit to showing up early or late this way; either you win or you lose, and if you win, your prize will remain there until you claim it. No one else has your ticket.

    I do agree that it takes some of the "fun" out of the raffle, though. I'm open to suggestions on how to compromise and deliver a more entertaining solution, without taking up any significant chunk of time during the party.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • kemikalkemikal Registered User regular
    Arco wrote: »
    I do agree that it takes some of the "fun" out of the raffle, though. I'm open to suggestions on how to compromise and deliver a more entertaining solution, without taking up any significant chunk of time during the party.

    Take the more traditional raffle approach for the larger prizes? :)

    Either way, thanks for throwing the party. I loved the unlimited gameplay cards!

    Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
    TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Arco wrote: »
    skarsol wrote: »
    Kinda sucked having all the raffle already done by the time we were able to get there (9pm) but pool was fun. Having the stage music fight with the Rock Band area was interesting. :)

    For anyone who was confused on the raffle: You received one of two identical raffle tickets when you arrived. The other ticket was put into a pot, mixed up, and then each prize was tagged with a ticket. The only way someone could take a prize off of the table was if they "won" that prize, and I strongly urged everyone to come grab me before they took anything off the table, just so I could verify.

    This was something I went back and forth on. The raffle gets bigger and bigger every year. Last year it was close to an hour of me raffling stuff off. This year probably would have been even longer. That's time people have to spend paying attention to me when they could be playing games, talking with other people, time the bands could be performing, etc. I don't want to take up that much time (or more) with the raffle.

    So this seemed like a good solution. There's actually NO benefit to showing up early or late this way; either you win or you lose, and if you win, your prize will remain there until you claim it. No one else has your ticket.

    I do agree that it takes some of the "fun" out of the raffle, though. I'm open to suggestions on how to compromise and deliver a more entertaining solution, without taking up any significant chunk of time during the party.

    Get a helper monkey to hold the raffle for you, in the manner to which the crowds are accustomed. We did that for achievement tracking + prizes at the SchlitzKrieg and it worked brilliantly.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • skarsolskarsol Registered User regular
    Arco wrote: »
    skarsol wrote: »
    Kinda sucked having all the raffle already done by the time we were able to get there (9pm) but pool was fun. Having the stage music fight with the Rock Band area was interesting. :)

    For anyone who was confused on the raffle: You received one of two identical raffle tickets when you arrived. The other ticket was put into a pot, mixed up, and then each prize was tagged with a ticket. The only way someone could take a prize off of the table was if they "won" that prize, and I strongly urged everyone to come grab me before they took anything off the table, just so I could verify.

    Huh. When we showed up we were told the raffle was done, all the prizes were given out, but there might be more prizes later if people donated them. We were not told of a raffle table or anything and it looked as if the twin raffle tickets were being separated at the time they were handed to us. So no real clue what was going on there, I guess they meant everything was already claimed from the table by then? But if you had stuff left over... No idea. Oh well! :)

    why are you smelling it?
  • Sharkey1337Sharkey1337 Registered User regular
    Yeah I was confused on the raffle as well. We got in late closer to 10pm, still have my ticket stubb though, lol.

  • akTheraakThera akjak Registered User regular
    Arco, you had $200 left *after* the console prize? Dang!

    I agree that Child's Play is the um... Play.

    Switch: SW-4133-1546-2720 (Thera)
    Twitch: akThera
    Steam: Thera
  • Little Miss RachelLittle Miss Rachel Geek Chick Before Geek Was Chic Idahoan ExileRegistered User regular
    I can totally understand the need to find a different solution for the raffle, given the size of this thing...the biggest thing for me, I think, would have been if a little more info had been given out when we got our ticket as to how it was going to work? I had no idea how it was being done, ended up leaving my ticket with a friend when I left 'cause I figured the raffle was still going to be happening later...if I'd known what was up I'd've made the rounds before heading out.

    Hope you can find a good solution that makes everyone ha...erm, well, at least not too sad (because you'll never make everyone happy until you're giving out the biggest prize to everyone right when they walk in the door, and probably not even then)!

  • DhutchDhutch Registered User regular
    Excellent party. Good shows- Abducted By Sharks, Johnny Nero Action Hero, and Danimal Cannon. Also, did anyone else catch when The Protomen took over Rock Band for a bit?

    Ravenclaw, Dumbledore's Army! CaCAW! 2011 TWDT Winners!
  • polaris314polaris314 Registered User regular
    Dhutch wrote: »
    Excellent party. Good shows- Abducted By Sharks, Johnny Nero Action Hero, and Danimal Cannon. Also, did anyone else catch when The Protomen took over Rock Band for a bit?

    Sadly, I left before much of that took place. Was hoping to get some time in on that setup (which was amazing, btw) but there was just too much in the way of people to see/meet and other things to distract me.

    XBL/PSN-Polaris314/Twitter/DJ P0LARI5
  • olanmillsolanmills Registered User regular
    Thanks for organizing this! It was very fun. It took a while to find the right games, but I eventually got some really good ping pong in.

  • akTheraakThera akjak Registered User regular
    Has anyone heard from Arco lately? Trying to get in touch with him about the raffle.

    Switch: SW-4133-1546-2720 (Thera)
    Twitch: akThera
    Steam: Thera
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    To the group of 'mericans that walked back with two Canadians yelling about Gun-fu and how crazy St. Louis was. You were great people!

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • TD&TRQTD&TRQ rockband night co-host in seattle Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    we sure had a great time hosting the rockband portion of the public and enforcer after parties! hope to do it again next year :)

    TD&TRQ on
  • BombClancyBombClancy Sugar Lady Registered User regular
    Maybe you could designate a spot / space for the raffle numbers to be posted visually or online (SMS/Tweet/Forum/Sheet of paper) at certain times of the night.

    10 numbers posted every every hour or so, three times during the evening. This gives time for people to gather together, and see the numbers posted up without the mess of people feeling like they MUST be there.
    You don't have to wait for people to walk up and claim their items as they can see it visually if it is posted/projected/tweeted/etc.

    what do you call a pile of kittens? A meoooowntain!
This discussion has been closed.