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[PRIME] PAX Prime forums custom dice?

SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
edited September 2012 in PAX West
So I got inspired looking at the challenge coins and beer steins and go to thinking: wouldn't it be cool to do something similar, but with dice?

I've already found a company that can do it and have inquired with them. However before I get too deep into researching/planning this, I wanted to get an idea of how many people would be up for this...
So? Who'd order a custom PAX forums dice or dice set if it were to be made?

I am not sure on the price however it would about ~2 dollars per dice or ~10 dollars per set according to this company. I will get more definite prices if needbe.
Just think this:

But all PAXy and cool and awsome.

zerzhul on


  • MalgarasMalgaras Registered User regular
    I'd potentially be interested, although at the rate we're going, I'm going to have used all my spending money before I even get to PAX.

  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    I'd be up for something like this.

  • madtygermadtyger Lover of Bricks Side 3Registered User regular
    Ooh, that would be super cool. I could easily go for $10 for a nice set.

  • ramen215ramen215 Registered User regular
    A thousand times yes!

    Track Record: ~Prime '12 Prime '13
  • karmacappakarmacappa Registered User regular
    Talk to the rep and find out all the costs. Ask them what the die/mold fee is, what the factory fee is per production run is, what the minimum order size is, and whether the company is going to handle it on a per customer basis or if they want you to pay for X number of sets up front and they ship them to you to do with as you please. Also, you'll want to ask them about what the default packaging is and what your options are in upscaling from that.

    "In Europe, it's not America."
    Scott Kurtz, The Morning After, Aug 31 - 2010
  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    I've considered doing something like this myself (getting dice that are custom for me as a giveaway similar to buttons), but the cost to do it as a giveaway has always been prohibitive. Making a forum set seems the perfect solution, so if the price comes out reasonable I'm in, possibly in for 2 or 3 sets (since I'd like to get one for a friend, and possibly one for Wil Wheaton.)

    Cultural Geek Girl on
    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
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  • zephusdragonzephusdragon Registered User regular
    I'm surprised at least one of these dice companies haven't already made a PAX related die to sell at PAX... There's a real market here.

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  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    Ok perfect, sounds like this is a go... I'm already in contact with a rep so I'll start on this ASAP.
    I will be working on a design as soon as I get a template. That being said, if there are any graphic designers out there that want to help/do the design, PM me :)

    I am thinking we can do something similar to the coin designs and have community input.

  • FenrisfangFenrisfang Edmonton, AB, CanadaRegistered User regular
    This sounds awesome! Would be something I could get for my hubby, too!

    PAX Tickets: check!
    Hotel Booked: check!
    Sitter for the kids: check!
    Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
  • ramen215ramen215 Registered User regular
    Quick question: how many are in a set? 5? 6?

    Track Record: ~Prime '12 Prime '13
  • ArcticLizardArcticLizard Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Yeah why not, put me down for a set.

  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    Yes, yes and yes! I would love a couple sets.

    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    Would the dice in this set have sharp edges?

    “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
  • ryan2180ryan2180 Registered User new member
    im good for at least 3 sets.

  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    ramen215 wrote: »
    Quick question: how many are in a set? 5? 6?
    Generally there are 7 in a set. I haven't decided whether it would be a set or just a single dice yet though.

    Apparently D20s are pretty expensive to carve and cast.
    Right now it looks like it's going to be about $2.25 for each dice. So... we'll see. As I said, it's still in the early planning stages, I made this thread to see how popular this idea would be.
    I'll be working with the rep as fast as I can to get a design and prices...

    The OP will be updated as soon as I get some more details.

    What sort of dice would people prefer? 6 sided? 20 sided? 4 sided?

    Serenity on
  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    The 2.25 price is for how many custom sides? I remember finding out that a fully custom six-sider was pretty gorram expensive, but getting only a single custom side was less expensive. Also, mind if I ask where you're thinking of sourcing them from?

    Six siders are best for me, with 10s a close second. My absolute ideal would be a full "set" (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). I'm guessing that would likely be prohibitively expensive.

    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
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  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    The 20's should be the PAX Logo, and the 1's should be Gabe or Tycho.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited May 2012
    The 20's should be the PAX Logo, and the 1's should be Gabe or Tycho.

    Using their characters' likeness on what is essentially merch is probably not a good idea, at least without permission.

    zerzhul on
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    The 20's should be the PAX Logo, and the 1's should be Gabe or Tycho.

    Using their characters' likeness on what is essentially merch is probably not a good idea, at least without permission.

    Which actually brings up a good point: any images that you want to use that you don't own should be checked and permissioned, in writing, from the image owner. PAX images and otherwise.

    @Serenity, you may have had this in mind already?

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • TheCheshireTheCheshire Registered User new member
    I would be in for at least 2 sets..

  • Tar3820Tar3820 The One and Only Sunnyvale, CARegistered User regular
    Serenity wrote: »

    What sort of dice would people prefer? 6 sided? 20 sided? 4 sided?

    I'd want a full set. As would my coworker currently leaning over my shoulder... But this of course depends on the final design and what-not.

    PRIME 2012: 3-day Pass [X] Hotel [X] Plane Tickets [X] Buttons [X] VacationTime [X]
    !Ravenclaw Deatheaters, represent!
  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    The 20's should be the PAX Logo, and the 1's should be Gabe or Tycho.

    Using their characters' likeness on what is essentially merch is probably not a good idea, at least without permission.

    Which actually brings up a good point: any images that you want to use that you don't own should be checked and permissioned, in writing, from the image owner. PAX images and otherwise.

    @Serenity, you may have had this in mind already?

    Yes I've already taken this into account...
    It's a must if we're even talking about putting PAX owned pics on them.

    Also just want to make it clear I am in no means trying to make a profit on this, just pursuing this as a fun community project.
    @zerzhul can you point me to the correct person to be emailing about this? I was going to start with the PAX general mailbox and work my way up...
    The 2.25 price is for how many custom sides? I remember finding out that a fully custom six-sider was pretty gorram expensive, but getting only a single custom side was less expensive. Also, mind if I ask where you're thinking of sourcing them from?

    Six siders are best for me, with 10s a close second. My absolute ideal would be a full "set" (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). I'm guessing that would likely be prohibitively expensive.

    The 2.25 price is for full 6 sides, 1 side is cheaper.
    I am talking to a company located in Kentucky... would rather not say who but if you really want to know, send me a PM.
    I will see how much a full set would be but I would assume the price would be too high for most.

  • AlaendilAlaendil Des Moines, IARegistered User regular
    This seems like an awesome idea

  • YamaraYamara Registered User regular
    I've considered doing custom dice in the past, but couldn't bring myself for the cost for a single set. I'd be happy to help with any design aspect.

    And everyone is correct, likeness and PAX art is protected, as is the PAX logo itself. Khoo has been responsive when I've mailed and asked him directly, with samples of the community logo. He has, in the past, been firm about not allowing the use of the above things for non-official swag, and wants the community logo to be 4 inches or below (not a problem on dice, I imagine ;) ).

    You could recommend to PA to do official PA/PAX dice, or we can do art inspired by such things.

    We want strategy board game testers! Check out Paiko's Indie Game thread.
  • CreamsteakCreamsteak Thrall Registered User regular
    If you're going the full length of custom dice I would almost want to give them a secret secondary use... a game you can play only with these dice...

  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    Creamsteak wrote: »
    If you're going the full length of custom dice I would almost want to give them a secret secondary use... a game you can play only with these dice...

    Good idea.
    @Kropotkin suggested something along these lines as well.
    Depending on how much the full set ends up costing, that may be a good solution if we still want a full set.
    Maybe a set of 4-6 D6 dice that turn into a game of some sorts...

  • ComplexityComplexity Registered User regular
    I don't think it would be particularly useful to make dice that have fully custom sides. I'd like them to still be usable as normal dice.

  • AkumakeiAkumakei Registered User regular
    I'd be in for a d20 that changes year to year. Something small, inexpensive, and still able to show off as swag for attendees.

  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    I'd like at least one full nonsense die. With this pricing, do they all have to be the same? Or could we get a combination of some with multiple nonstandard sides, and some that function as regular dice?

    For instance, if we were doing 7 D6s, we could come up with an image for each face (for instance, ones representing tabletop, console, PC, cookies, triwizard, and buttons), get one printed with all the faces, and have single images replace the 1 pip on all the other dice.

    Cultural Geek Girl on
    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
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  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I would like dice please. Dice, Dice, Baby!

    Maybe we could go the [Retracted Popular Game Developer's Name Here] route and co-opt an existing dice game and rebrand it as our own.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    I think it's too late in the planning phase to actually develop a game that is markedly different from rebranding another zombies or madness-based game (and we don't want to do shameless rebranding, though I'd totally be up for trying to develop something original, either this year or next year). Depending on what we go with, dice design wise, I could come up with some interesting uses for these dice in concert with games like that.

    Cultural Geek Girl on
    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
    Nerd blog at
  • ALKADERALKADER Registered User regular
    I am in for a set.

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    Im game, sign me up!
    +1 to Interest skill

  • NeuralLinkNeuralLink Registered User regular
    I'd be interested in either a d20 or a full set of 7. I think I would be willing to spend $15-$20 on a cool custom set.

  • SilvertwinnSilvertwinn Going on 40. "Get off my lawn!"Registered User regular
    I'd love to get a set of them for $10 (or so, I dunno how much it will actually be), but only if they're pink. :3 I have a reputation to uphold.

  • YuritauYuritau CanadaRegistered User regular
    I don't know which dice maker has been talked about here so far, but I've ordered custom d6's in the past from Chessex, and been pretty pleased with the process. Their pricing is pretty good too, at least for some options, though if you want all sides of the die customized, it starts to get pricey. Last time I checked it was $1 per side you want customized, with a minimum order of 10 dice. Also, if you're going with any die other than d10 or d6, you can only do all sides custom, not just one. They can do some pretty fine detail though.

  • LoneGunmanLoneGunman Registered User regular
    Jeez, count me IN. Why didn't anyone think of this BEFORE?!? lol Depending on the design and all, I'd definitely be down for a couple sets if not more.

    And, yes, you'd definitely need to talk to someone at PA about using logos, names, etc. You'd be more likely to be able to get by if you don't use images. So, if it said something like PAX 2012, you'd probably be okay and could probably do it without asking (PAX is of dubious trademarkability....the PAX logo is 100% trademarkable and is in fact trademarked though I'm surprised they don't just play it safe and register it). Even so, I would ask. Just send an e-mail to Robert and ask him. He's actually really responsive.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer but I've had to deal with trademarks at previous companies I've worked for so I know enough to be dangerous. :)

    That all said, keeping it simple (as far as the PA-specific trademarks) and keeping the price at cost will probably go a long way towards getting Robert and PA's blessing. And that blessing would go a long way towards making your life a lot easier.

    By the way, I'll be at the Child's Play Tourney in LA so if you try Robert or someone there and don't get an answer, let me know and I'll see if I can't talk to Robert (no guarantees but there's a high probability I'd be able to).


  • Sleepy KittySleepy Kitty Registered User regular
    Serenity wrote: »
    Creamsteak wrote: »
    If you're going the full length of custom dice I would almost want to give them a secret secondary use... a game you can play only with these dice...

    Good idea.
    @Kropotkin suggested something along these lines as well.
    Depending on how much the full set ends up costing, that may be a good solution if we still want a full set.
    Maybe a set of 4-6 D6 dice that turn into a game of some sorts...

    Instead of Zombie dice ... PAX dice game ??? something simple , along those lines I mean ..

    And yes I would be interested in a set at least possibly 2 or 3 depending on the cost, as these would make great gifts. Also a set would be great to present to Mike and Jerry during one of the Q & A 's

  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    Yeah, I think it's pretty clear we'd want to take a page out of the existing fan community creations projects. The coin, for example, just uses the words "PAX Prime", rather than the logo. The community badge uses community created art in addition to the PAX logo, but I think if we asked say, the buttoneer organizers if we could use a design derived from their heraldry for the side of a die, they'd probably say yes.

    Just using the word PAX once and then simple vector graphics of symbols that are evocative of goings-on at PAX (A mouse, a d-pad, a pencil, a cookie, a button, etc) are good and easier to get permission for than major commercial art things.

    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
    Nerd blog at
  • arwen_doll16_LOTRarwen_doll16_LOTR Commander Registered User regular
    I would also be in for a set but first need to know more to fully commit

    I should go.
This discussion has been closed.