Assassins returns! This year we are doing things somewhat different from past games so check below for whats changing and whats new! For those who are ready to order your kits you can do so
What is Assassins Ball?
In Assassins Ball you are given a mission to find a specific player while avoiding players trying to find you. When you find your target you “assassinate” them and take up their current mission to find a player. Each assassination can be registered online and nets you points on our leaderboards. Your overall objective is to assassinate as many players as possible before you yourself are assassinated or the game ends.
Factions NEW!
Assassins Ball brings a new element to the game: Factions. Players will be able to select from one of five themed factions. The factions are listed below, but to find out more go to

Factions are a way to provide a more immersive experience using story and themes. They will also be used as an additional modifier in determining your potential targets.
Achievements NEW!
We feel like points just aren't enough to commemorate your kills anymore and with that in mind we're adding shiny new achievements for actions both big and small. We'll have more info about achievements soon.
How it WorksOrdering Kits
To play in the PAX Prime game, you'll need to go to our
website and purchase a kit. Kits are $5.50 plus shipping. For those who have played an Assassins game and still have their badge holder you can order an upgrade for $3.00 plus shipping.
The cost of the kit is comprised of the material costs only. Shipping has increased in response to USPS price increasing and is now $2.50 per kit in the US, but is capped at the US Flat Ship Postal Rate for different locales, which means once you order enough kits shipping stays the same. i.e. In the US 3 kits will max out the shipping at $5.35. To save on international shipping rates, orders outside the US can be picked up before or during the show.
A new option on the order form is for branding. Branding is a free service for groups of 10 or more playing. Branded badges have the groups logo displayed on the badge to the right of the faction symbol and special achievements can be added involving those badges. If you're playing with a group like that let me know and I can set up a branding file for you. Current groups with branding are:
- Enforcers
- Omeganauts
- PMS & H2O Gaming Clans
PAX Community Event
- Girls Meetup
Your Kit
Your kit contains everything you'll need to play. The main item in your kit is your player badge and an armband badge holder. Your badge has a 5-letter code and a symbol, made up of a shape and a color and faction. This represents you in the game and is what other players will look for on you to see if you are their target. It is also what you will look for on other players.
The badge holder is a vertical armband badge holder and is what you'll wear your badge in and for Full Kit orders it will arrive liked this. We ask that you wear it on your right arm about midway up with the badge pointing out to your right. This way players will be able to identify other players quickly without having to look all over.
The smaller card in your kit is your first Mission Card (called a KillTag in previous games). The major elements of your Mission Card are a shape, one or two colors and a faction sigil. These elements represent your target. The closer your target matches the elements described in your Mission Card the more points you will receive for your kill.
The final item in your kit is a business card with a code on the back. This is your Death Card and it is to be given to a player if they assassinate you along with your current Mission Card. Likewise, when you assassinate another player they will give you theirs. Once you have lost your Death Card and current Mission Card you can no longer make assassinations.
Finding TargetsAny player whose badge matches the shape displayed on your Mission Card is a potential target even if their color and faction do not match those displayed. Assassinations where only the shape listed in your mission matches is called a Generic Kill and is worth the least amount of points of any kill. The more elements you can match on your mission to your target the more points you will get. It may well be worth it to let a generic target walk away and instead focus on more specific prey.
Assassinations are verbal only! Please do not use weapons or props.
Don't see something covered here or uncertain about a rule? Got a suggestion or constructive criticism? Think this is awesome? Ordered a kit? Let us know below! We're very excited about this years game and we hope you are too!
We've released a new draft of our rules for Prime for you to look over and comment or ask questions about. We're committed to being as clear as possible about how to play so let us know if you're unsure about how something works is worded. You can find the draft release
Community Rules (Optional)
This section is for optional rules offered up by the community. Let us know if you have a suggestion for an optional rule!
Loot or Booty
While it's not fun to be killed, it is fun to give presents! You can die with a smile knowing your killer will enjoy your parting gift, taken off your lifeless corpse. Preferably something small you can give to all ages.
Signature Kills
Who says the dead get to have all the fun of giving? Leave something behind to mark your crime and that your target can enjoy in the afterlife while you fade into the shadows.
Help us get the word out!
Assassins grows primarily through word of mouth. Help us get the word out and let us know any suggestions you have on reaching people! Here's some ways we're connecting with people:
- Twitter handle for Assassins news and updates: @PAXAssassins with the #PAXassin hashtag.
- We've created a Google+ and Facebook page for Assassins as well.
- Each faction can now be shared on Google+ and Facebook. Support your faction and let your friends know about Assassins Ball!
Faction Populations
- Kingsport Raiders [21]
- Robot Ninjas [28]
- Varsity Dead [22]
- Cowboy 'Verse [22]
- Sparkly Ponies [19]
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
Fixed now!
Also over the weekend I started working on the button concepts for the different factions. Here's the concept for Kingsport Raiders:
Let me know what you think!
Also, do you have only one death card - aka only 1 life?
If so, can you rejoin the game by assassinating someone else?
From what I've heard of the East game a lot of people randomly found their target from just walking around. Keep in mind that there will be multiple players matching your Mission requirements and conversely you will match multiple peoples Missions! Some of those targets will more specifically match than others.
The rule for this game will be that for every 24 players you will have around 4 targets. Last years game was around 90-100 players so using that as a base you would have 15 to 16 targets at the beginning of the game.
The key thing is to keep on the watch for players wearing the armband, which should be exclusively worn on the right arm. While covering the armband is against the rules, "sidling" is not and I remember a few times at East where I saw people using that tactic.
Yes, you only have one life. Once you've been assassinated you will not be able to assassinate other players since you will hand off your current mission to your killer. However you will still be able to gather intel and gain points that way.
Ok so if I have 5 mission cards, I only give the current mission to my killer, and just hold on to my remianing mission cards?
edit: Also, does everyone branded need to be the same faction?
Correct. The other 4 mission cards would be mementos of your daring exploits.
It doesn't have to be right now, just let me know and I'll hold any orders already made until the template is final. If you have some ideas for imagery though PM them to me and we can start working on them to get that ready.
Nope! Branding is completely separate from factions, you can have the same group branding but different factions.
That's pretty much it. You can be as creative as you'd like to be in how you do that. There's no mechanic for avoiding being assassinated. If you do see someone and think they may be coming for you, you can try to flee but please do not run in the convention center.
The game takes place in the convention center and starts on Friday and ends on Sunday (whichever hours the doors open and close). It runs continuously between those times, though you only need to wear the badge while inside the convention center but if you wear it outside you are considered fair game for other people who are playing and wearing their badges (I'll update the rules so that is clear: You cannot be assassinated if your killer is not wearing their badge, just putting it on, etc.).
The cutoff for shipped orders is August 22nd, but you can still order kits after that and pick them up at the convention. It's better to get them shipped as sometimes its difficult to find people amidst all the awesomeness that is PAX.
Also, what's the significance of the code on your mission card?
The answer is yes, you can gather intel on any player other than yourself, even those you've killed.
The code on the mission card allows me to organize the kits together, your first mission card will have the same code as your badge so I can match them together.
In addition to above the codes primary purpose is for the verification of kills. When registering a kill you enter two codes, the 10-length code on the death card and the 5-letter code on the mission you used to assassinate that person. The badges representing those codes are compared against each other and if they match you receive credit for a kill with points that equate to how specifically the kill matches your mission, if they don't then you get an error message.
The rules pdf currently only mentions the Death Code for registering kills but needs to be updated to match with what's above, sorry for any confusion there. I will update them tonight and get a new version out there.
Pirate, Stormtrooper, Decepticon
Yes, my middle name really is MEGATRON
Former Ravenclaw Death Eaters Head of House
Woot! Glad to have you back!
Same. I wish everything was filled out for Cowbow 'Verse and Sparkly Ponies. *hinthint*
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
Find me on Steam.
At East this year we had around 130 sign up, but due to some shipping problems only about 100 were able to get their kits in time. I'm hoping for at least that many this time around.
I've been having writers block coming up with the remaining Cowboy 'Verse flavor text and Sparkly Ponies content, but it's on my list. Suggestions are welcome.
Great! Let me know if you have any questions!
Also I assume factions don't kill follow faction members aka "teamkill"?
Is there a population limit on factions? or can we get an idea of which faction is being more populated so we can sign up sooner, or sign up for a different faction to balance out the numbers?
Thanks for all your work on this and the quick responses
Also, could I pick my kit up at some point instead of hoping it arrives in the UK in time?
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Actually it's perfectly fine to kill players in your own faction (The assassin business is very cut-throat), though you don't have to. Factions are considered more of a personal allegiance than a group one. Feel free to make alliances though with faction or non-faction members, just watch your back!
There's no theoretical limit, and I'm not planning on trying to balance them at this time. That being said if one faction gets really big I may disable if for a bit. I'll update the OP shortly to show which factions have orders.
Faction Populations
- Kingsport Raiders [6]
- Robot Ninjas [5]
- Varsity Dead [0]
- Cowboy 'Verse [3]
- Sparkly Ponies [3]
Thanks!Factions are picked when you order. As for the Sparkly Ponies being less scary, I've seen some pretty scary ponies!
Sure! International orders should have an option on checkout to pick up kits at the show.
Thanks - I'm wondering if there ends up being 90 in kingsport raiders and 5 in each of the other factions, if Kingsport Raiders will end up with mission cards to assassinate other Kingsport Raiders. While it doesn't necessarily fit in with the idea of factions, assassins are a treacherous lot after all. So it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have in-fighting.
If it started to get that unbalanced I'd step in. You should expect that if you survive long enough you will receive a mission that targets your faction. Below is the East faction populations, things were relatively close. Note this does not count kits sold at the show.
PAX East Faction Populations
Kits will start shipping out shortly for those who have already ordered.
No power in the 'verse can stop us...
Sweet! Browncoats for life!
Unfortunately not. I can cancel the order and you can reorder or I can send you an email invoice for the price of that kit (Pretty sure your order has hit the max shipping cost). PM with me what you'd like to do.
Awesome! Good luck!