
Skyrim: Now with realistic horse vaginas! Dragonborn DLC out 12/4.



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    Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity What a lovely day for tea Secret British ThreadRegistered User regular
    Hell yes it is

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    PharezonPharezon Struggle is an illusion. Victory is in the Qun.Registered User regular
    It's Solstheim.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    Also: Pfft, right Bethesda. Putting in Red Mountain to help keep things in scale.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    I don't care what @Tube said

    Bloodmoon was a whole lot of fun for being a fairly desolate island

    it was the Mead hall and the colony that really sold it for me

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    PlatyPlaty Registered User regular
    I really liked Bloodmoon's atmosphere.

    And stuff like the Bloodmoon, the giant residing in a frozen castle and the mining colony was great material.

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    LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    was the vampire thing fun?

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    Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 Time Trash Cat Registered User regular
    Bloodmoon was great until the main questline becomes completely broken due to shoddy scripting.

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    LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    no i mean the skyrim thing.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    no i mean the skyrim thing.

    I haven't really got into it all

    but lemme tell you, it's REALLY nice being able to craft arrows

    and to see random vampires not in ugly brown furs

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    Oh, someone with Hearthfire,

    I haven't grabbed a chunk of land or anything, but I've been planning out my houses

    How awkward is the transition between the small house and main hall? I want to build a place with an Armory, Storage, and an Enchanting Tower

    but I would also like a bed

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    Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity What a lovely day for tea Secret British ThreadRegistered User regular
    How are the crossbows

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    My next goal is to find out, Zen

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    Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity What a lovely day for tea Secret British ThreadRegistered User regular
    I'm too busy adding dildo bats to find out

    Fun fact

    I had to teach my phone dildo to post this

    Dildo dildo dildo

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    PetesalzlPetesalzl vorpal blade in hand Registered User regular
    My favorite female armors in Skyrim are:

    ancient nord armor, for looking like an all-natural nordic revenant while still maintaining femininity

    steel plate armor, for being a valkyrie

    orcish armor, for looking like a hunk of jagged forgings, and also because my nord's name is Ronan Orc-Courted cause she was was such a bold new talent in armoring that an orc once hollered at my girl and I have to tell someone, please, know of my head-canon, I can't be alone with this information

    Ancient nord armor = best, all 15 of my wives wear it.

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    FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    man, once i get my computer back I might have to play this again, i never did the first dlc either. was it good?

    It's fun but the plot is comically awful if you stop to think about it for even a second.

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
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    FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Like, even by Bethesda standards holy moly.

    But who cares, Ancient Falmer Armor and Aetherium Crown justify everything I'm king of skyrimmmmmm (or I look it)

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    For what, Dawnguard? Nah, it's a fine plot. Certainly better than the vast majority of the main game's plots. Plus your companion throughout is well written and easily one of the better characters in the whole of Skyrim.

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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    bloodmoon > tribunal hth

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    Serana seems like a well written character until you remember she's supposed to be a Molag Bal worshipper, then suddenly her behavior doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    She was a Molag Bal worshipper, who already had her doubts about the whole thing even after being trapped for like a thousand years.

    Really the whole Molag Bal thing was just a paper thin reason for this whole family to be vampires. It's not a great plot point but doesn't somehow turn a well written character into a bad one.

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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    Crossbows are easily the best thing added to Skyrim, I think. As an archer player, the crossbows combined with the explosive quarrels really give me a way to fight dragons and other non-sneakable beasties with real stopping power.

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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    bloodmoon > tribunal hth

    better gameplay

    inferior atmosphere, setting and story

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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    completely wrong

    unless you like the atmosphere of a smelly sewer

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    every day i regret my decision to buy this for the ps3 at launch :(

    actually, only every day since the addon craphole.....until then it was wonderful on the ps3

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    Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 Time Trash Cat Registered User regular
    Tribunal gives you some sorely lacking light armor between chitin and glass for free, and quite a bit of money if the game is feeling good about throwing more assassins your way

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    Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 Time Trash Cat Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    It also makes Medium Armor not a dumb choice

    Duke 2.0 on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    since I chose correctly and was a heavy armor user I was a big fan of the new nord armor in bloodmoon

    also, solstheim had cool treasure spots and was awesome in general

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    completely wrong

    unless you like the atmosphere of a smelly sewer

    At least its an atmosphere

    Bloodmoon had ice and snow and that was it

    Not a huge amount of atmosphere until the last mission, and while that was pretty neat, it wasn't anything as cool as the finale of Tribunal.

    Really though it's not entirely fair to compare the two anyway. Bloodmoon is a slice of the open world gameplay of Morrowind. Lots of random stuff to do, neat environments to explore. The story was kind of a neat excuse to introduce werewolves.

    Tribunal lacked most of these open-world features but presented a more focused world and story that related to Morrowind's, and was therefore much more interesting as an environment and story. To me, anyway. I'll always prefer Tribunal to Bloodmoon, but they're very different expansions.

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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    open world gameplay is number one

    I was so sad when I couldn't open the city door in mournhold

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    I loved the open world game in Morrowind but the thing that sticks with me the most is the story. When bloodmoon came out I went into it expecting something as good as Tribunal's plot and was only disappointed. The open world nature of it wasn't enough to make up for that, even though I still had a lot of fun.

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    Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 Time Trash Cat Registered User regular
    open world gameplay is number one

    People say that, but nah

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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    as someone who backdoored the main quest in morrowind,

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    as someone who backdoored the main quest in morrowind,



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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    don't worry I was safe I wore a wraithguard

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
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    SeriouslySeriously Registered User regular
    well it's pretty

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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    my hole is open

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity What a lovely day for tea Secret British ThreadRegistered User regular
    Look I play elder scrolls to not play with other people

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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    The most compelling things about Elder Scrolls are freedom of movement/plot and personal character creation. Neither of those things are possible in an MMO.

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    SeriouslySeriously Registered User regular
    if there is a free trial or it goes free to play I will make a few characters explore for a bit and then probably never actually play it

    just like every other mmorpg

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