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Preliminary Pokecrawl 4 Thread



  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
    EchoZero wrote: »
    ErickaJo wrote: »
    Team Squirtle, you're on my sh*t list. Last year Blue Gold filled up much more slowly. This year my crew and I are on Green Gold.

    But... My Gyrados hat...

    Cant decide on squirtle with glasses or snorlax!

    Team snorlax is an entirely different team. Thats the team that missed signups but goes and finds a bar to camp out at and drink at anyway.

    Lol, I just love the fat Pokemon. Kinda hard to not go with Squirtle with glasses. Whats everyone go to site for the hats and any good ones for shirts?

  • RidleyDragonRidleyDragon Registered User regular
    EchoZero wrote: »
    ErickaJo wrote: »
    Team Squirtle, you're on my sh*t list. Last year Blue Gold filled up much more slowly. This year my crew and I are on Green Gold.

    But... My Gyrados hat...

    Cant decide on squirtle with glasses or snorlax!

    Team snorlax is an entirely different team. Thats the team that missed signups but goes and finds a bar to camp out at and drink at anyway.

    I don't know if that's gonna be alright this year, there are capacity limits at the bars.

  • vicechanvicechan Registered User regular
    Missed the boat on Red Gold and Yellow Gold, so thought I'd mix it up and go Red Silver. Caught them all last year, going for two in a row!

  • EchoZeroEchoZero Registered User regular
    EchoZero wrote: »
    ErickaJo wrote: »
    Team Squirtle, you're on my sh*t list. Last year Blue Gold filled up much more slowly. This year my crew and I are on Green Gold.

    But... My Gyrados hat...

    Cant decide on squirtle with glasses or snorlax!

    Team snorlax is an entirely different team. Thats the team that missed signups but goes and finds a bar to camp out at and drink at anyway.

    I don't know if that's gonna be alright this year, there are capacity limits at the bars.

    I think last year they picked a random bar wasnt one on the route even. Tag alongs are discouraged regardless because of the capacity limits yes.

  • gfishgfish Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    vicechan wrote: »
    Missed the boat on Red Gold and Yellow Gold, so thought I'd mix it up and go Red Silver. Caught them all last year, going for two in a row!

    A couple reopened. As much as I love my Yellow-Gold though, all teams are awesome on the Pokecrawl.

    -- PokeTron: Ampharos
  • vicechanvicechan Registered User regular
    gfish wrote: »
    A couple reopened. As much as I love my Yellow-Gold though, all teams are awesome on the Pokecrawl.

    Ah! You guys were fantastic last year and made me want to rejoin this year. I didn't create an account so I don't know how to refund and it looks like Red Gold needs some bodies, so I'm sure I'll see you on the road to Viridian City!

  • ImperfectImperfect Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    One of my fondest memories was buying a Snorlax a drink to get it to move out of my way.

    I imagine that girl must have been SO DRUNK off free drinks by the end of the evening, she'd need someone to sober her up to get out of the way.

    SUCH good times.

  • TheSeffTheSeff South Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I think about the first year I did the 'crawl; how I was able to stroll into my team of choice a few weeks before PAX, and it didn't really fill up until the week of PAX. Now...two and a half hours after signups start and there are 350+ people already registered for this thing. I love it.

    I am literally only registered on this forum for the PAX East PokeCrawl; Red Gold four years running. Feel free to ask questions regarding Boston Area bars, restaurants, attractions, etc around PAX East.
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Team green gold! We continue our grand tour of the colours....all that's left for next year is blue!

    LoonyEclipse on
    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • ZarienZarien Registered User regular
    ErickaJo wrote: »
    Team Squirtle, you're on my sh*t list. Last year Blue Gold filled up much more slowly. This year my crew and I are on Green Gold.

    But... My Gyrados hat...

    Lol sorry, we can't help being awesome and people wanting to join in on the fun :). Hey, you could always still represent for us though as a spy! Halfway through the night people typically join up with us anyways so you're always welcome as friendly enemies.

  • Meester ScyllzMeester Scyllz Registered User regular
    My buddies got team Blue Gold.

    I'll be rocking team Yellow Silver, so that team is now the best team and the rest of the teams can eat it.

    Highfive! We're on your best team!

  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
    Whats the go to for hat and tshirt purchases?

  • Red RegexRed Regex Visioneer, Red Foe Games MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    2 hours after opening signups and already over 75% sold out. Wow, I'm glad I checked when I did!

  • Meester ScyllzMeester Scyllz Registered User regular
    I think I'm going to continue my tradition of wrestling shirts, topped off with a pikachu hat to rep the yellow!

  • NecessityNecessity Registered User regular
    Possibly the best part about pax. Looking forward to representing team green-x again.

  • ItsIanKItsIanK Registered User regular
    That awkward moment where you are still checking for sign ups while in your master's program classes.

    Thank God that paranoia was worthwhile. And our professor kind of being a bitch and calling me out for it.

    The Squirtle Squad is going to be rocking Blue Gold!


  • ItsIanKItsIanK Registered User regular
    I'll also do a plug for Red Silver. Atlas has been awesome about organizing this for the last couple of years and is a genuinely friendly guy.

    Though I've never run with him on the Pokecrawl because of obvious necessity to the Blue team, I can say that on the TWDT he is a boss! He helps make sure folks are doing well while still knocking some back himself.

    Can't wait to see what crazy challenges are concocted for this year, and some of you will be lucky enough to experience that first hand!

  • zealdukezealduke Registered User regular
    Any way to change the forum name on there? I accidentally signed up as Pax East in a panic

  • aj31907aj31907 You all can call me AJ. Registered User regular
    Was cutting it close...oh well better late than never...LETS GOO!!!! Team Red-Silver

  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Damn. It figures that it would go live while I was in class. Missed out on red gold :(

  • EagleAlphaXEagleAlphaX New JerseyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Team Yellow-Silver! I'm super excited! My friends (including @Shacklebolt ) have decided that we are going to be the Blitzle Brigade.
    If anyone else wants to be in the Blitzle Brigade from Yellow-Silver, let me know. We are going to make buttons.
    I hope @Victoryoftheppl is cool with that.

    EagleAlphaX on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    EchoZero wrote: »
    ErickaJo wrote: »
    Team Squirtle, you're on my sh*t list. Last year Blue Gold filled up much more slowly. This year my crew and I are on Green Gold.

    But... My Gyrados hat...

    Cant decide on squirtle with glasses or snorlax!

    Team snorlax is an entirely different team. Thats the team that missed signups but goes and finds a bar to camp out at and drink at anyway.

    I don't know if that's gonna be alright this year, there are capacity limits at the bars.

    Team Snorlax has always worked with me in order to find a spot for them where they're not squeezing people out. However, I have not heard anything about Team Snorlax happening this year.

    If there's a mistake with your registration, please PM me with the relevant details here or message me through Eventbrite. I have had several people message me through Eventbrite and I fixed their registration immediately. I'm about to go through the orders now to see if there are any other issues so message me sooner rather than later.

  • boozysmurfboozysmurf Registered User regular
    Gold-Gold PokeTronz!

  • ProeliatorProeliator Registered User regular
    Proeliator and Pointdablame (New forumer? Forumite? Forum-residente?) signed up for Red Gold, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    2 of my friends are on Blue Gold while 4 of us are on blue silver! Can not fucking wait for this night.

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Go Yellow Gold!! Super excited to see everyone there. We're going to rock the night! Pika-CHU!

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • boozysmurfboozysmurf Registered User regular
    Randomfool wrote: »
    Go Yellow Gold!! Super excited to see everyone there. We're going to rock the night! Pika-CHU!

    Seriously, it just gets better EVERY year. MOAR CRAZY 2AM DANCIN'!

  • IVblueIVblue Registered User new member
    Signed up to be on yellow gold. Me and my buddy's first time.

  • FugitoidFugitoid New York, USARegistered User regular
    Successful strike on blue silver
    Well done!

  • WVTinyTimWVTinyTim Registered User regular
    WooHoo! I just got on Team Yellow - Silver... this is my first year at PAX, and first time at the Pokecrawl!

  • KrayolaKrayola BostonRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    I CAN NOT WAIT! This will be my first crawl. Got onto Team Yellow-Silver . :D AND.....March 21st is my birthday! Can't wait to Birthday Pokecrawl with my team.

    Krayola on
    Pokecrawl 2013 Team Yellow Silver. Pikachu!
  • FugitoidFugitoid New York, USARegistered User regular
    Krayola wrote: »
    I CAN NOT WAIT! This will be my first crawl. Got onto Team Blue-Silver . :D AND.....March 21st is my birthday! Can't wait to Birthday Pokecrawl with my team.

    As a fellow team member, I too await your birthday!

  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
    ItsIanK wrote: »
    Ready to rock the bar crawl again as Blue Silver! Excited to see you all again and have a wonderful rampage through the town with my fellow Squirtle Squad bros!


    @Itslank im lost, how many squirtle squads were running around?!

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    WVTinyTim wrote: »
    WooHoo! I just got on Team Yellow - Silver... this is my first year at PAX, and first time at the Pokecrawl!

    Welcome to the winning team! I mean everyone wins. But our team wins more than the other teams.

    Also, I just realized the only Gold and Silver clothing I have is an old school "The Rock" jersey.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • Lady LilybellLady Lilybell Geeky Crafter & Baker South Shore, MARegistered User regular
    Krayola wrote: »
    March 21st is my birthday! Can't wait to Birthday Pokecrawl with my team.
    Woohoo, a birthday team buddy! I get to celebrate with 48 people I have yet to meet.

    I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I think I'm going to continue my tradition of wrestling shirts, topped off with a pikachu hat to rep the yellow!

    I don't know if it was you or someone else on Green last year, but I remember being drunk, walking down the sidewalk and one of our teammates had a CM Punk shirt on. There were chants of YES! YES! YES! while going to the next bar and everyone got in on it from what I remember. So good.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Krayola wrote: »
    March 21st is my birthday! Can't wait to Birthday Pokecrawl with my team.
    Woohoo, a birthday team buddy! I get to celebrate with 48 people I have yet to meet.

    If you play your cards right I'm sure you could drink for free all night

  • Lady LilybellLady Lilybell Geeky Crafter & Baker South Shore, MARegistered User regular
    Except I am a light weight.

    I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
  • RastRast Keene NHRegistered User regular
    So glad I got into this again! Here's a shout out to all my fellow GREEN GOLD party peeps! We are going to drink until our livers match our Pokemon ;) Or until we should stop. No one should get too hurt.

    Pax East 2015: Hotel [X] Passes [X] PokeCrawl [ ] Pure Joy [X]
  • KrayolaKrayola BostonRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Krayola wrote: »
    March 21st is my birthday! Can't wait to Birthday Pokecrawl with my team.
    Woohoo, a birthday team buddy! I get to celebrate with 48 people I have yet to meet.

    If you play your cards right I'm sure you could drink for free all night

    That would be amazing. :P

    Krayola on
    Pokecrawl 2013 Team Yellow Silver. Pikachu!
This discussion has been closed.