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[Prime] 2013 Custom PAX Dice - SOLD OUT - Shipments will go out mid-September

SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
edited August 2013 in PAX West
Welcome to the official community forum PAX custom dice thread!

The idea behind this is to produce and distribute custom dice designed by the community for the community.

The company we will be going with is a company called Qworkshop.
They offer the best selection for what we want.

The manufacturing process involves creating a laser cut replica of the design we give them then multiplying that by how many we need.

Voting/opinions is open to the community.
You can vote once for each phase of the design process.

Voting will be done for: Dice format, dice design, and colour.

Taking a tip from the 'Forum challenge coins' thread, dice will be shipped out a few weeks before PAX.
This will be done for 2 reasons:
1) Some people prefer to get their PAX swag in hand before the actual event.
2) This also cuts down on distribution complications and time at the actual event. Less time handing out dice = more awsome PAX time for everyone.

UPDATE: Manufacturing is going to be a little longer than expected so dice will be shipped out after PAX.

The following are guideline dates that will help keep us on track so we all get our dice before PAX.
Apr 19 - 26 - Dice format discussion/voting
Apr 26 - May 9 - Dice colouring and design discussion/voting
May 24 - Dice design and colouring finalized
May 31 - June 7 - Dice available for ordering
Mid June - Order sent to manufacturing company
Mid July - Dice received
Mid July - Mid August - Dice orders shipped out/received by forumers.

End of August - Dice shipped to distribution location
Beginning of September - Dice orders shipped out

Update 8/12/2013 - Open ordering up now!

Those of you looking for the order link/wondering if you're too late - NO, you're not, but order soon! I did not release the link right away in order to give the pre-order people a chance to get their orders in before I release the link to the public forums.
If you filled out the pre-order form after I sent out the email invitations, you wouldn't have gotten anything.

In hindsight I should have made that more clear, sorry guys!
I'll send out invitations to the last few emails on the pre-order form again (thought I had locked the form but I guess not?)

For the rest of you, here's THE ORDER LINK

Seeing as we are 3 sets away from selling out, I've increased the amount available to 145 to give those last few people a chance to order.
Also just a note, please be sure to SELECT A SHIPPING ADD-ON.
A few of you did not... I'll be sending you emails tomorrow.
Also any international orders should get their shipping prices within the next couple days. FYI to keep shipping prices down, I will be going with the most economical (cheapest) shipping options.

8/7/2013 - Pre-ordering up now! Check your emails!
Hi guys;

Sorry, just been scrambling to get everything sorted out with EventBrite.
First there was an issue where it was listing the dice sets as 'free' and then there was a payment option issue where it wasn't using the option I had selected.
I had to refund all orders in order to change the payment issue, sorry about that.

It's all sorted out now so go ahead and re-order.

PS. All of you who had pre-ordered should have gotten an email invitation.

Thanks guys!

Update 6/19/2013 - Pre-orders up now!

Pre-orders are now open!
I will be using a Google doc for orders right now but will be sending invoices seperately later on.


I am not requiring payments right now, this form's main purpose is only to gather information on how many RPG sets will be ordered to see if it's feasible. As I mentioned if I don't get 100 orders for RPG sets, we will have to revert to D6 dice.

Thanks for everyone's patience!

Update 6/3/2013 - Update from Dice manufacturer

Q-Workshop is a little overworked at the moment according to them so they're unable to do a whole set for us in the time frame needed.
Apparently there's some sort of big table top tournament order they have at the moment.
So we have 2 options:
1. cut a few dice out of the set to get them in time for PAX.
2. Follow through with our plan for a full set but have them completed and shipped out after PAX

Either way it sounds like we have to get the designs to them ASAP which means designs need to be finalized and ordering needs to go up this week.

Update 5/27/2013 - Colour will be Blue die with white writing
Voting is now over and the community has spoken.
Blue die with white writing it will be!

Next up is finalizing the design and getting ordering up.
Stay tuned!

Update 5/22/2013 - Colour (or color) voting now open!

Vote for your preferred colour HERE

View the results HERE

Voting for this closes on Sunday May 26th
Happy voting everyone!

Update 5/15/2013 - All dice will be customized
Schedule has been updated.

Apparently Q-Workshop requires you to fully customize each side of each dice so that means we'll be getting a fully customized set of dice.
This does mean designing will be taking a little longer to do but it ultimately means we'll have an even more awsome project when we're done.

I am hoping to have all designs finished by Friday so we can get on to voting this weekend/next week.

Here are some previews of some designs done up by @OliverHolsfield


I was considering making up a theme for each dice as well.
Themes I was thinking of were: pacman - mini pacmen, space invaders, meeple/board games, and of course Seattle monuments such as the space needle.

Update 4/29/2013 - Manufacturers might be changing
In a slight turn of events we may be switching manufacturers.

The company I was originally going to go with has a very low selection of colours from what they had previously told me.
I'm in contact with a European company that has a MUCH better selection AND they may be able to do fully customized D20s (which means we can have a graphic on the D20 as well!)

This may mean the dates I have outlined in the OP may need to change but this would work out better for what we're looking for.

Stay tuned but in the mean time, here's a fancy colour chart from the new company:

Start discussing colours guys!

Update 4/26/2013 - RPG Set wins!
Voting is now over for dice formatting.
RPG won by a landslide.

Now it's on to voting on the design for the D6 and the D20.
The D6 will be a graphic, the D20 has to be wording on either side of the number.
So here's how it's going to work:
April 26 - May 3 We'll have a discussion on design and wording both custom dice in the set.
May 3 - May 9 We'll vote on what the design and wording should be.

Sample of what the D20 will look like:

Sample image of what the D6 will look like.

NOTE: The pictures are just samples and have nothing to do with the actual design or colour.

Update 4/19/2013Pre-
Voting for the dice format is now open.
Choices are:
RPG Set - 1 custom D6 and 1 custom D20
Oversized D20 - 1 side custom
1 D6 set - 1 side custom on each dice.

Please place your vote here for your choice. Only 1 entry allowed.
Voting will close Friday April 26th.

See the results here

Serenity on


  • Kaoken00Kaoken00 TexasRegistered User regular
    A) Set, D20
    B) 10-15 dollars

    South 2016 Status: .[*] 3-Day Passes .[*] Hotel .[*] Waiting Patiently .

  • hyrulehero96hyrulehero96 The Hero of Rhyme Registered User regular
    A) whole set , D20
    B) 10-20

    Slim, Relax, Fine Wine At The Qfc, On A Snowy Saturday Night

    My Body Is always Reggie
  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    A) a set, D20
    B) whatever the price ends up being

    sanovah on
  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    A) a set or D20
    B) $20 (or more if need be)

    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • cbelleviecbellevie Registered User regular
    a) whole set, d20
    b) $10-20

  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    So crazy question and possibly off topic for right now. Are you going to do to a couple different color options/sets or just one color option? BTW LOVE this!

    adias.angel on
    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    a) whole set
    b) $10-20

  • ramen215ramen215 Registered User regular
    a) whole set
    b) $10-15

    Track Record: ~Prime '12 Prime '13
  • AylaviereAylaviere Overlord Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular
    edited July 2023

    Aylaviere on
    East 2015: Hostel/Hotel [✓] Time Off [✓] 3 Day Pass [✓] Pokecrawl [ ]
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    a) set (make sure a d4 is in there. For some reason I'm missing my d4s. Perhaps the Boy is using them as caltrops)
    b) $10-$25

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • Thunderous_TThunderous_T Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    a) whole set, or d20
    b) YES

    Prime 2017: Tickets soon please...
  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    WuShock wrote: »
    a) set (make sure a d4 is in there. For some reason I'm missing my d4s. Perhaps the Boy is using them as caltrops)
    b) $10-$25

    I'll have to remember to buy you a few spare d4s :P

  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    So crazy question and possibly off topic for right now. Are you going to do to a couple different color options/sets or just one color option? BTW LOVE this!

    Not really off topic...
    TBH I have no idea right now.
    I am still waiting for more details from the dice company...

    For simplicity and for my own sanity though, I'll probably call a vote on what colour/design to go with then stick with one colour/design (similar to the PAX Forum badge or Challenge Coins do)

    BTW I could use a designer or someone who's good with that sort of stuff.
    PM me if you're interested.

    Serenity on
  • PythagorisPythagoris Registered User regular
    I would for sure purchase a whole set. Probably 2, one to keep and one to use. I think $10-15 would be a fair price to pay. Perhaps $20.

    Pax Prime 2013 Checklist: Time Off [X] Badge [X] Hotel [?] Flight [X]
  • TraitoriousTraitorious Registered User regular
    set, D20

    I would also like to know if we'll have different color choices. Maybe we could, at minimum, get blue; red; and yellow for each pax (I guess green if you want to throw dev in there too)?

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    Set, d20
    Whatever price it ends up being, custom dice are always cool

    I think something we should vote for at some point is if we want regular or precision dice.

    Otherwise yeah we'll need designs, let's get as many as we can from anybody that has some ideas and the ability to show them off to us.

  • ValgadisValgadis Just North of SeattleRegistered User regular
    A) Whole set preferred
    B) $10-$20

    PRIME 2013: Ticket [X] PTO [X] Hotel [X] Transport [ ] Plan [ ] Head Explody Anticipation [X]
    <a href="">PAX Dice Set</a>: Dice Selected [X] Design Selected [ ] Colors Selected [ ] Order Made [ ]
  • KellyShepard087KellyShepard087 Myrtle Beach SCRegistered User regular
    sanovah wrote: »
    A) a set, D20
    B) whatever the price ends up being
    I like your thinking!

    - Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.

    Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
    Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
    East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    I've done many custom dice orders thru Chessex before. If you're looking for a customized image/color combination you probably won't find a vendor that can do it any cheaper for the quality you get from them.

    But remember this, the more sides of the die you have the smaller and worse looking your design is going to be. That's why d6 is one of the best options. Yeah, a d20 is cool and is directly associated with Penny Arcade, but unless you're stringing together different designs on each face to create an over all image (which is expensive), it's not going to "pop" like a smaller die.

    Clix on
  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Know it's a little early but if we end up doing a d3-d20 or just a d20 I think one cool thing to do would be something like this JKalu8z.jpg

    It's a MTG countdown D20 where the 20 is the set logo and then rotates down to the 1.

    Was maybe thinking we could do something similar with ours. Use a 2 color scheme and then put our logo or something on the highest number and make them countdown ones

    sanovah on
  • ctiwolfctiwolf Registered User regular
    What happed to the good old d10's. Hate fiddling with a d20

    set of d10
    $depends on set or sets and quality but top out at 40

    Ps can i just mention metal die would be awesome and would pay extra for them

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    I would be interested in a full set, or just a high quality metal D20
    Willing to spend about $20.

  • MidnyteMidnyte Registered User regular
    a) set, D20
    b) $20

  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    I like the ideas coming in.
    Keep them coming but keep in mind this is in early early planning stages still.

    I am just corresponding with a couple dice companies to see what they can do for us.

    Good suggestion on the metal D20, I'll see if either company offers those.
    Thanks for the warning about logo size Imsorad, D20 may be too expensive anyway.

    Also something to consider is that because none of us are technically part of PA, we can't really use any official logos or content created by them.
    I tried to ask them last year but never got a response however I can already guess what the answer will be.
    If we used any 'official' stuff without consent, I/we could get in a lot of trouble.

    Anyone have any design ideas regarding icons/logos?

  • ValgadisValgadis Just North of SeattleRegistered User regular
    One thought regarding the D20 would be to do an oversized D20. More space for an icon/logo that way. But they would be a bit more expensive.

    PRIME 2013: Ticket [X] PTO [X] Hotel [X] Transport [ ] Plan [ ] Head Explody Anticipation [X]
    <a href="">PAX Dice Set</a>: Dice Selected [X] Design Selected [ ] Colors Selected [ ] Order Made [ ]
  • TalesofZTalesofZ Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    I think if we did something similar to the X in the pax logo would be cool if we could figure out a way for it not to be copyright infringement for a 20 on the dice. Oh also
    A: Set, d20 or d6 for boardgames
    B: $10-20

    TalesofZ on
  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    Valgadis wrote: »
    One thought regarding the D20 would be to do an oversized D20. More space for an icon/logo that way. But they would be a bit more expensive.

    I would be good with an oversized d20.

    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • CrimCrim Registered User new member
    Well considering the challeng coins are looking into using the pax logo and what not you may look into asking the person in charge of that on if there are copy right issues are for the logo

  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Crim wrote: »
    Well considering the challeng coins are looking into using the pax logo and what not you may look into asking the person in charge of that on if there are copy right issues are for the logo

    That's the forum crest and to my knowledge can/is used on all community projects.

    If we're having trouble coming upwith something why not use the shape of the forum crest and a P for PAX. Something like the picture I posted.

    Maybe make the die red/blue or blue/red and use the logo shape and a P in place of the highest number.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yeah nothing on the challenge coin is the actual pax logo.

  • Baka AlBaka Al Registered User regular
    I would be interested in a full (DnD)set of dice, and would pay about $20.
    In regards to colours, would it be sensible to use the PA colours (eg blue dice, orange numbers) seeing as these are forum community rather than a particular PAX?
    But an oversize D20 would be cool too (though probably not metal unless you want to break people's tables!)

    Oh, and do like Sanovah's idea for highest number pip design.

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    If memory serves me correctly, last year's thread had us narrowing in on a D6 dice as any other kind was prohibitively expensive. Now I don't mind that, as plenty of games use those sorts of dice way more than the other type. Dragon Age RPG being a good example of that, not to mention tabletop miniature war games and Relic, which I recently reviewed :)

    Anyhow I'm keen that we go for the D6 design on a slightly oversized dice. The design on it could be the centre shield in the PAX Community crest, again something I suggested last year.

    Cost wise, I wouldn't turn my nose up at around £3 which is around $5 but no more than that.


  • grifta67grifta67 SF, CARegistered User regular
    I'm flummoxed each year that they don't have a custom d6 for sale at the merch booth. The tiny 200-person conventions I go to throughout the year all have a custom d6 each year with the convention logo and year.

    That said, I'm not sure I'd be content with one that didn't have any official logos on it. But maybe with enough noise they'll start making them each year!

    Prime '09, '10, '11, '12, '13
  • WedjatWedjat SeattleRegistered User regular
    I would love a full set, and a special d20.

    I'd probably go up to $30 for nicely-made dice, maybe up to $50 if they're very special.

    3DS 0404-6459-8631
  • Little Miss RachelLittle Miss Rachel Geek Chick Before Geek Was Chic Idahoan ExileRegistered User regular
    I'd go for these! I'd gladly go $15 for a set, or $5 if it was a single special die (like the idea being tossed around about a D20 with a special pip for the 20 and/or 1).

  • YuritauYuritau CanadaRegistered User regular
    I'd prefer a whole set, and I'd pay ~$25 for it. If an individual die becomes the plan, I'd vote for a d12, cause i love d12's. and for a custom d12, I'd pay ~$5.

  • CtrlAltDftCtrlAltDft Luis Registered User regular
    a) Whole set
    b) $10-20

    They really need to be countdown though, like the MtG dice.

  • CuvisTheConquerorCuvisTheConqueror They always say "yee haw" but they never ask "haw yee?" Registered User regular
    A D6 would be more universal (i.e. useful for the board gamers in addition to the RPGers -- well, except the World of Darkness players), and would give more space for a logo. It may be the way to go if there's just single dice. Just a thought.

  • rileyperrileyper Registered User regular
    I'm interested like everyone else
    whole set 10-20

    Pax Prime 2014 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [x] BYOC [not attending :(]
    Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
    Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
  • MimoaMimoa Seattle, WARegistered User new member
    While I like dice sets, I'm going to say single.
    Mostly because once you have a set, do you reeeeally need another? I'd like to see this become a recurring thing, with a new die each year to look forward to
    (But I'd totally buy a whole set this first time around!)
    As for pricing, having purchased/help purchased custom dice, $20-25 seems right

    Attending PAXPrime since 2012,
    Sadly watching from work since 2008
    Other web handles: meemoez/meemoez.lp
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