Hello all!
This is my first PAX as well as my first PAXtrain, and I am totally excited!
I will be getting on the train at LA (Union Station/LAX) with my group (I think there are 6 of us, I am coming with TCM and Squirminator2k)
As I will post on the roster: I am bringing a power strip (6 outlets, 2 usb ports), and a 3 to 2 prong adapter (just in case)
I have no idea what snacks I will bring, but I am always willing to share.
This will be the longest convention I have ever gone to (since I was only able to go to SDCC on the first and last days, with none in between) and I am so excited!
I was wondering if anyone happened to be heading on the train before this one? I was so tempted to board the PAX Train, but it was more expensive, plus I wanted to get into Seattle earlier in the day to settle in before Pre-PAX shenanigans. If anyone else is heading on the train that arrives in Seattle at around 4:00pm, I'll be hoping on in Portland at 12:30pm!
I was wondering if anyone happened to be heading on the train before this one? I was so tempted to board the PAX Train, but it was more expensive, plus I wanted to get into Seattle earlier in the day to settle in before Pre-PAX shenanigans. If anyone else is heading on the train that arrives in Seattle at around 4:00pm, I'll be hoping on in Portland at 12:30pm!
You do realize that by skipping the paxtrain for pre-PAX shenanigans, you are missing pre-PAX shenanigans.... I'm sorry you are going to miss out. I hope you hop on next year!
Yeah, if you have any inkling of wanting to do pre-PAX stuff (besides the TriWizard stuff which, from what I've seen, tend to cut it close) the PAX Train isn't ideal. The train tends to have fluctuating arrival times and even when we do arrive early or on time, there's still the taxi/walking madness that happens after arriving.
However, the PAX Train is essentially a super long pre-PAX so I have never felt like I've missed out.
I am hoping to get down on some D&D while on the train. That would make it 150% worth it to me
Murder in Bladur's gate is coming out and I've got it preordered. We can try running that in DnD next. I could run it but I wont' be getting on the train till Sac so it'd just be a single session, likely Thu afternoon.
So I was wondering about the seating. I ordered the reserved seats since they were cheaper...can I walk around and pick the seats I want? Or am I stuck to 1 seat...also are they comfortable? Since it will be 17 hours for me and want to get some sleep.
@StingrayX, you choose your seat when you get on the train, and later as you sit, the ticket checker comes by and marks your destination by your chair, effectively reserving it against others. It's possible to sleep in them, and they're more comfortable than cramped airplane seats, but they are by no means a comfy bed.
1) Show up ahead of time. You can then check in and get a boarding number (in the past they actually let people claim seats at this point, didn't happen last year though).
2) After you board your car, you can then choose your seat. Then you stay there until the checker comes around.
3) You sit your ass down until pretty much we start moving then you are free to wander up to the obs deck or whatever. I believe they start taking lunch reservations like within an hour of boarding.
How do most people get from the station to their Hotel? !st time taking the train, will be staying at the Paramount. Thanks!
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
@savagehart You can often share a taxi with other people headed the same direction. Intrepid people sometimes take public transit then walk the several remaining (usually uphill) blocks. I tried that once. It wasn't so far, but it was decidedly steep. I was happy for my rolling luggage.
Last year a Mariners (I think) game was getting out right when the train hit, so there was a TON of foot traffic spilling into the streets. I walked to my hotel, changed for the TWDT, and then headed out- and passed some trainfolk (Arikado, etc) who had finally given up waiting in line for a taxi.
So taxis are great, but if there's a line just hoof it if you can. Unless BAGGAGE of course.
Hey my PAXtrain pals, did I miss out on ordering shirts?
Shirts? I had a chance for shirts?
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
I just booked train tickets this year to get up north and decided to be cool and train with you guys. However I get on about one and a half hours before we reach Seattle. When the train creaks into the ol' Centralia stop that looks like it came from an early horror movie, I'll be there. Save some of the party for the late comers?
I'm well familiar to Seattle so if anyone is nervous about taking the buses or getting to their hotels just ask! I should be able to point you in the right direction and I'll probably be stopping at the large Asian Market (Uwajimaya) which is right next to the train station.
My friend and I are taking our first venture on the PAX express. We're very excited and anxious with this whole experience. Also, we will be getting on in Sacramento. If any other Sac nerds are heading up on the train, it would nice to get a heads-up and possibly meat before the train midnight. Maybe grab some drinks and pizza. Maybe play some "Apples to Apples" or something
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
I kinda dropped the ball on shirts this year. I've been so busy with other things that i just never go around to making sure someone designed and ordered them.
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
CuvisTheConquerorThey always say "yee haw" but they never ask "haw yee?" Registered Userregular
While we're talking about PaxTrain extracurriculars, is anybody setting up a pizza order in Portland this year? I'd get something going myself, but I know fuck-all about Portland.
I kinda dropped the ball on shirts this year. I've been so busy with other things that i just never go around to making sure someone designed and ordered them.
No worries. It's all good
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
While we're talking about PaxTrain extracurriculars, is anybody setting up a pizza order in Portland this year? I'd get something going myself, but I know fuck-all about Portland.
I'm a Portlandian. I don't know what you guys usually get, but I bet you've been missing out.
For delivery near the train station, there's
Old Town Pizza: (503) 222-9999 oldtownpizza.com {reliable pizza}
Lonesome's Pizza: (503) 234-0114 lonesomespizza.com {This place has really good pizza and really funny pizza names}
Pizza Schmizza: (503) 477-5501 schmizza.com {a portland staple}
Hot Lips Pizza: (503) 595-2342 hotlipspizza.com {well known for both their pizza and their soda}
Also, I might (if I have time) pick up some FAMOUS VOODOO DONUTS. Cock and Balls anyone?
I'm a Portlandian. I don't know what you guys usually get, but I bet you've been missing out.
For delivery near the train station, there's
Old Town Pizza: (503) 222-9999 oldtownpizza.com {reliable pizza}
Lonesome's Pizza: (503) 234-0114 lonesomespizza.com {This place has really good pizza and really funny pizza names}
Pizza Schmizza: (503) 477-5501 schmizza.com {a portland staple}
Hot Lips Pizza: (503) 595-2342 hotlipspizza.com {well known for both their pizza and their soda}
Also, I might (if I have time) pick up some FAMOUS VOODOO DONUTS. Cock and Balls anyone?
Anything but Pizza Schmizza I'm up for
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
My biggest piece of advice, after having my laptop stolen from the train on the ride home near Albany OR - don't take anything you can't trust out of your site. The PAXers aren't likely culprits but there are a lot of other people on the train. Watch that RB stuff like a hawk. I literally slept on the floor of the arcade car where my stuff was, with my stuff between me and the wall.
Speaking of stolen stuff, I had a fairly expensive DSLR stolen 2 years ago as well, so definitely keep anything expensive with you at all times. There is literally nothing stopping someone from taking an extra bag and stepping off the train at their stop.
I'll be doing the pizza again and collecting money for it on Thursday so bring cash if you are planning on pizza. In the past we have gone with Rovente Pizzeria since they incredible close to the station, pretty affordable, and willing to work with us and a timetable that changes. And it does look like they got a gluten free option.
I'll be doing the pizza again and collecting money for it on Thursday so bring cash if you are planning on pizza. In the past we have gone with Rovente Pizzeria since they incredible close to the station, pretty affordable, and willing to work with us and a timetable that changes. And it does look like they got a gluten free option.
This is my first PAX as well as my first PAXtrain, and I am totally excited!
I will be getting on the train at LA (Union Station/LAX) with my group (I think there are 6 of us, I am coming with TCM and Squirminator2k)
As I will post on the roster: I am bringing a power strip (6 outlets, 2 usb ports), and a 3 to 2 prong adapter (just in case)
I have no idea what snacks I will bring, but I am always willing to share.
This will be the longest convention I have ever gone to (since I was only able to go to SDCC on the first and last days, with none in between) and I am so excited!
(Can you tell I am excited?)
You do realize that by skipping the paxtrain for pre-PAX shenanigans, you are missing pre-PAX shenanigans....
However, the PAX Train is essentially a super long pre-PAX so I have never felt like I've missed out.
Murder in Bladur's gate is coming out and I've got it preordered. We can try running that in DnD next. I could run it but I wont' be getting on the train till Sac so it'd just be a single session, likely Thu afternoon.
1) Show up ahead of time. You can then check in and get a boarding number (in the past they actually let people claim seats at this point, didn't happen last year though).
2) After you board your car, you can then choose your seat. Then you stay there until the checker comes around.
3) You sit your ass down until pretty much we start moving then you are free to wander up to the obs deck or whatever. I believe they start taking lunch reservations like within an hour of boarding.
So taxis are great, but if there's a line just hoof it if you can. Unless BAGGAGE of course.
There's a Seahawks vs Raiders preseason game that night that starts at 7pm.
I expect at least 10 people to attend that game. How will we defeat the crowds?
Shirts? I had a chance for shirts?
I'm well familiar to Seattle so if anyone is nervous about taking the buses or getting to their hotels just ask! I should be able to point you in the right direction and I'll probably be stopping at the large Asian Market (Uwajimaya) which is right next to the train station.
My friend and I are taking our first venture on the PAX express. We're very excited and anxious with this whole experience. Also, we will be getting on in Sacramento. If any other Sac nerds are heading up on the train, it would nice to get a heads-up and possibly meat before the train midnight. Maybe grab some drinks and pizza. Maybe play some "Apples to Apples" or something
All about PAX Pants these days!
But do you need them for the victory dance?
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
While we're talking about PaxTrain extracurriculars, is anybody setting up a pizza order in Portland this year? I'd get something going myself, but I know fuck-all about Portland.
No worries. It's all good
I'm a Portlandian. I don't know what you guys usually get, but I bet you've been missing out.
For delivery near the train station, there's
Old Town Pizza: (503) 222-9999 oldtownpizza.com {reliable pizza}
Lonesome's Pizza: (503) 234-0114 lonesomespizza.com {This place has really good pizza and really funny pizza names}
Pizza Schmizza: (503) 477-5501 schmizza.com {a portland staple}
Hot Lips Pizza: (503) 595-2342 hotlipspizza.com {well known for both their pizza and their soda}
Also, I might (if I have time) pick up some FAMOUS VOODOO DONUTS. Cock and Balls anyone?
We did it in 2011, and indeed, it was.
Anything but Pizza Schmizza I'm up for
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Speaking of stolen stuff, I had a fairly expensive DSLR stolen 2 years ago as well, so definitely keep anything expensive with you at all times. There is literally nothing stopping someone from taking an extra bag and stepping off the train at their stop.
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Oh I forgot that place. How could I forget? They have some of the best pizza around!