
  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    Quick question: does the site usually update with 2014 con info...dates, etc...before the badges go up? Or does it all typically happen at The same Time? I've been to east before, but not since 2012...when 3days took a couple days to sell out.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    pilferk wrote: »
    Quick question: does the site usually update with 2014 con info...dates, etc...before the badges go up? Or does it all typically happen at The same Time? I've been to east before, but not since 2012...when 3days took a couple days to sell out.

    They usually clear out the previous year's stuff beforehand. Not a determinate amount of time beforehand though. It varies.

    If you're looking for the date, it's April 11-13th 2014.

  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    You can tell they're actually already clearing out last year's stuff. For example, the Farewell message has now been replaced by a message about the new rules section of the site. Looks like things are going to kick off soon!

  • RastRast Keene NHRegistered User regular
    They even wrote soon in availability! SquEE!

    Pax East 2015: Hotel [X] Passes [X] PokeCrawl [ ] Pure Joy [X]
  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    SmallLady wrote: »
    Safety, Security & CosPlay Weapons Policy
    **all info has been taken from PAX Safety on September 20th**


    Safety & Security
    Since the early beginnings of the show, PAX has been proactive about creating and implementing policies that ensure a safe and fun environment for attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and Enforcers alike. Many of you have seen the condensed “Six Rules of PAX” circulated each and every show, but this page is dedicated to explaining each of them in their intent and use as well as our other safety and security policies, including our Booth Babe Policy, our Weapons Check policy, and our policies specific to the Expo Hall.

    If at any point you feel unsafe at PAX or that any of the rules have been broken, we ask that you inform an Enforcer or member of PAX staff immediately. Your safety is our primary concern, and if you feel that safety has been compromised, we will do everything in our power to rectify the issue. Issues of violence and harassment are addressed immediately, with guarded “Safe Areas” being designated in case any incidents do arise.

    If you feel any concerns about your safety prior to the show, please email us at

    Weapons Check Policies
    All prop weapons brought to the show MUST be approved at the Info Booth as soon as you arrive. We will be looking for the following criteria:

    It cannot fire any sort of projectile. (Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and cannot fire.)
    It cannot be an airsoft weapon. (Yes, even if it’s deactivated.)
    It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce (for example, a Little Sister syringe made of wood would not be allowed)
    Upon approval, your weapon and badge will be tagged and cataloged.


    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • mindflare77mindflare77 OhioRegistered User regular
    Hello all. Looking forward to my first PAX. I'm assuming that pocket knives count as prohibited?


    PSN/Steam: mindflare77
  • GreenizdabestGreenizdabest Southeast CT - USARegistered User regular
    Hello all. Looking forward to my first PAX. I'm assuming that pocket knives count as prohibited?

    If it's a weapon, it's prohibited.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Nobody is going to give you a patdown for your pocket knife, but if you pull it out and brandish it, you will likely be asked to leave. Any knives that are part of a cosplay are prohibited.

  • CastainCastain Registered User regular
    Keep in mind that it's illegal in Boston to carry a knife with length greater than 2.5 inches.

  • GreenizdabestGreenizdabest Southeast CT - USARegistered User regular
    Those are good points too. I suppose I'd really be curious why you'd bring a blade into a convention, unless you're the type that must have one on you all the time?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I have generally carried a pocket knife with me since I was 12. It's just a tool. I don't bring it to pax though, just in case it might accidentally give the wrong impression.

  • mindflare77mindflare77 OhioRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    I have generally carried a pocket knife with me since I was 12. It's just a tool. I don't bring it to pax though, just in case it might accidentally give the wrong impression.

    Thanks for the guidance, y'all. This is why I carry it. Honestly, I barely remember that I have it on me. I've grown up/lived in small/rural farm towns (to put it in perspective, the nearby town has one stoplight), and it's just something that I've carried regularly. /shrug. I'll be sure to leave it at home for PAX though, just to be sure to avoid any misunderstandings.


    PSN/Steam: mindflare77
  • letsgamelawlzletsgamelawlz If you want to know me, CHEESE Aperture scienceRegistered User regular
    Rast wrote: »
    They even wrote soon in availability! SquEE!

    I saw it too! YAYZ

    it seems everybody is doing this so....PAX EAST 2014: Badges[X] Travel[X] FRANNDS [X] My video game spirit [X] Party supplies[]
  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    Ugh I am so going to miss the tickets. I have no idea how I will be able to buy them. I have school, work, and no smart phone. If the tickets sell out as fast as this years pax prime I am so doomed.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Best advice is to have a friend do it for you. Use your charm and bribe if necessary lol

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Best advice is to have a friend do it for you. Use your charm and bribe if necessary lol

    None of my friends go plus they all have school too.
    man I wish there was some sort of different ticket system.

    koolaroo on
  • Account4ThisAccount4This BostonRegistered User regular
    koolaroo wrote: »
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Best advice is to have a friend do it for you. Use your charm and bribe if necessary lol

    None of my friends go plus they all have school too.
    man I wish there was some sort of different ticket system.

    At worst I'd imagine you'd only miss the 3-day passes. The individual days stay available for a bit longer. Just make some really good PAX friends this year and then convince them to front/look out for you for 2015 (PAX is more like Pringles than Pringles. Once you go once, you just can't stop)

  • shepdshepd Registered User regular
    koolaroo wrote: »
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Best advice is to have a friend do it for you. Use your charm and bribe if necessary lol

    None of my friends go plus they all have school too.
    man I wish there was some sort of different ticket system.

    Ask a family member to buy them. If it's a money issue, give them the money up front. Even if they don't live in the USA, they can still buy the badges. The only issue could be being forced to use will call instead of shipping; in which case you must check with the official PAX personnel to be certain that won't be an issue as only the purchaser of the badges may pick them up at will call. I know badges will ship to Canada and the USA.

  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    shepd wrote: »
    koolaroo wrote: »
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Best advice is to have a friend do it for you. Use your charm and bribe if necessary lol

    None of my friends go plus they all have school too.
    man I wish there was some sort of different ticket system.

    Ask a family member to buy them. If it's a money issue, give them the money up front. Even if they don't live in the USA, they can still buy the badges. The only issue could be being forced to use will call instead of shipping; in which case you must check with the official PAX personnel to be certain that won't be an issue as only the purchaser of the badges may pick them up at will call. I know badges will ship to Canada and the USA.

    No one in my family is going to be willing to keep checking the website till the tickets are up. My issue isn't that I couldn't find someone to buy them for me if I'm not home. My issue is I have no idea when tickets will launch.

    koolaroo on
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    Do you have a friend with a smartphone who can get notifications from Official Pax on twitter and let you know when that site advises registration is open? They could call you on a landline when they get the tweet, then your only concern is how to proceed from knowledge to acquisition. Btw, people are only trying to be helpful - being sarcastic in return really is not appropriate.

    aBByNormaL on
    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Do you have a friend with a smartphone who can get notifications from Official Pax on twitter and let you know when that site advises registration is open? They could call you on a landline when they get the tweet, then your only concern is how to proceed from knowledge to acquisition. Btw, people are only trying to be helpful - being sarcastic in return really is not appropriate.

    Neither I nor any of my friends have a smart phone. I am just hoping tickets sell at the rate they did last year 24 hours is reasonable but 1 hour isn't.
    Plus I would feel like a bother seeing as anyone I could ask wouldn't even be interested in pax. If any of my friends went to pax this wouldn't be a issue.

    koolaroo on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    So this thread is specifically for Q&A (and potentially for posting mistakes or updates to the OP). If you're not doing one of those things, please take it elsewhere. is where registration is being discussed, in general.

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    is there stuff to do sunday after pax ends like pax wise. I know it ends like at 5 or 6 on sunday but is there still get togethers and stuff like that. Just wondering if it makes sense to get a hotel through till monday morning or sunday morning.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    People usually hang out and play games in the hotels. There are definitely some get togethers and such on Sunday evenings as well usually. All personal preference though.

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    FYI on Weapons... If it looks real, its considered real. I have seen plastic swords, nerf guns and the like confiscated based on appearances alone. I remember 2 years ago on Easter Sunday a COSPLAY person with a Plastic Halberd being escorted out. Safety is very important and is taken seriously. PAX Enforcers and Police do an awesome job considering the wall of humanity that swarms into the BECC and making their job easier should be everyone's goal

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited September 2013
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    FYI on Weapons... If it looks real, its considered real. I have seen plastic swords, nerf guns and the like confiscated based on appearances alone. I remember 2 years ago on Easter Sunday a COSPLAY person with a Plastic Halberd being escorted out. Safety is very important and is taken seriously. PAX Enforcers and Police do an awesome job considering the wall of humanity that swarms into the BECC and making their job easier should be everyone's goal

    Some of this has now actually been changed. Updated stuff in the cosplay thread.
    AaronC wrote: »
    I'd like to point out a rule change regarding costume weapons. Arwen has the right info, there is no missprint. Realistic looking costume weapons are now allowed as long as they are not airsoft (working or not), nerf that works or fire any kind of projectile.

    They still have to be inspected and tagged.

    Have fun cosplaying this year.

    zerzhul on
  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    WOOT. Thanks for pointing that out. ZER.

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    so is there parties and stuff like that or is it just games and stuff like that. What time does pax end on sunday

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    If the schedule is like last year, expo closes at 6, Omegathon final round ends at 6:30, everyone out of the building by 7.

    I would be amazed if there are not a couple of planned post-PAX parties. This forum would be the best place to look out for those.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    If you go to PAX East and don't go to at least one company party (if you are over 21) you did not go to PAX. In my experience the day starts no later the 8am (lines for a 10am opening are LONGGGGGGG) and goes solid until 2am on Friday and Saturday. Sunday starts to wind down around 3-4 but events continue until 8-9 depending on your interest. If you over 21 and they host again this year, CURSE is the Premier Must Attend Party, followed by the Mad-Catz Unveiled Pre-Party. Last year ESO put on the Best Pax East Party Ever... if you could get in the door. If you go to PAX East and don't go to Parties, you might as well have gone to Hawaii to see the sights and never set foot on a beach. PAX East has bands in the convention center from 8-2 usually, but they are way over crowded and meant for the under 25 crowd who still think music's quality is measured by decibels. Not that there is anything wrong with under 25, just not this old farts scene.

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    Two years ago did the bioware swtor party and another who's host I can't remember ( ubisoft, maybe?...which speaks volumes about how good the party was, IMHO). They were some of the highlights of the con. Keep an eye on yor fav community boards to see if they are running any events. Many of the vendor sponsored parties seemed to be running shuttles to and from the bcec.
    I am squarely in the over 25 category...pushing 40.
    This will be my wife's first gaming con...should be fun!

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    If you go to PAX East and don't go to at least one company party (if you are over 21) you did not go to PAX. In my experience the day starts no later the 8am (lines for a 10am opening are LONGGGGGGG) and goes solid until 2am on Friday and Saturday. Sunday starts to wind down around 3-4 but events continue until 8-9 depending on your interest. If you over 21 and they host again this year, CURSE is the Premier Must Attend Party, followed by the Mad-Catz Unveiled Pre-Party. Last year ESO put on the Best Pax East Party Ever... if you could get in the door. If you go to PAX East and don't go to Parties, you might as well have gone to Hawaii to see the sights and never set foot on a beach. PAX East has bands in the convention center from 8-2 usually, but they are way over crowded and meant for the under 25 crowd who still think music's quality is measured by decibels. Not that there is anything wrong with under 25, just not this old farts scene.

    Are there any after parties where there is not a minimum age? My daughter is accompanying me so I am a bit restricted on that front, but if there is an event I can bring her to it would be great.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    That's hard to answer. In general I am going to guess no, but your best bet on that front is to wait for the parties to start showing up, if you really want to go to parties.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    but they are way over crowded and meant for the under 25 crowd who still think music's quality is measured by decibels. Not that there is anything wrong with under 25, just not this old farts scene.
    Let's not start into conjecture on people's taste in music and what it means about their age. You can just stick to "it's not for me."

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    can you sometimes make it to the concert and the party or is it a pick your posin thing. Is the parties just a bunch of people drinking and hanging out or what exactly are they

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited September 2013
    It depends on the party is the answer to both of those questions.

    Some game dev parties give you a chance to mingle and chat with the developers. But yeah it's pretty much just drinking and hanging out. Some have entertainment.

    Personally I think most of the industry parties are terrible, but lots of people love them.

    As far as the conflicts go, you can always go in and out of the concerts as long as they aren't full up on capacity, so it's likely that you could go to a party and then show up for the concerts late, or something of that sort.

    zerzhul on
  • letsgamelawlzletsgamelawlz If you want to know me, CHEESE Aperture scienceRegistered User regular
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    If you go to PAX East and don't go to at least one company party (if you are over 21) you did not go to PAX. In my experience the day starts no later the 8am (lines for a 10am opening are LONGGGGGGG) and goes solid until 2am on Friday and Saturday. Sunday starts to wind down around 3-4 but events continue until 8-9 depending on your interest. If you over 21 and they host again this year, CURSE is the Premier Must Attend Party, followed by the Mad-Catz Unveiled Pre-Party. Last year ESO put on the Best Pax East Party Ever... if you could get in the door. If you go to PAX East and don't go to Parties, you might as well have gone to Hawaii to see the sights and never set foot on a beach. PAX East has bands in the convention center from 8-2 usually, but they are way over crowded and meant for the under 25 crowd who still think music's quality is measured by decibels. Not that there is anything wrong with under 25, just not this old farts scene.

    Are there any after parties where there is not a minimum age? My daughter is accompanying me so I am a bit restricted on that front, but if there is an event I can bring her to it would be great.
    I might throw an age maximum party, no minimum. (to avoid 40 year olds at a 13 yr olds party lulz)

    it seems everybody is doing this so....PAX EAST 2014: Badges[X] Travel[X] FRANNDS [X] My video game spirit [X] Party supplies[]
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    Thanks. The after parties are not a necessity for me (if I was travelling alone it might be different) as I am not 25 anymore and I looking forward to sharing the experience with my daughter. The trip initially was supposed to be solo but daddy guilt set in since her sister is travelling to NYC with her mom soon after. The after parties certainly I can appreciate are part of the experience so I will keep my eye out for events where my daughter can accompany me. And if there are none then we will simply experience Boston and take in other sights (and maybe a Bruins game).

    aBByNormaL on
    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited September 2013
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    If you go to PAX East and don't go to at least one company party (if you are over 21) you did not go to PAX. In my experience the day starts no later the 8am (lines for a 10am opening are LONGGGGGGG) and goes solid until 2am on Friday and Saturday. Sunday starts to wind down around 3-4 but events continue until 8-9 depending on your interest. If you over 21 and they host again this year, CURSE is the Premier Must Attend Party, followed by the Mad-Catz Unveiled Pre-Party. Last year ESO put on the Best Pax East Party Ever... if you could get in the door. If you go to PAX East and don't go to Parties, you might as well have gone to Hawaii to see the sights and never set foot on a beach. PAX East has bands in the convention center from 8-2 usually, but they are way over crowded and meant for the under 25 crowd who still think music's quality is measured by decibels. Not that there is anything wrong with under 25, just not this old farts scene.

    Are there any after parties where there is not a minimum age? My daughter is accompanying me so I am a bit restricted on that front, but if there is an event I can bring her to it would be great.
    I might throw an age maximum party, no minimum. (to avoid 40 year olds at a 13 yr olds party lulz)
    Please stick to relevant answers to people's questions.

    zerzhul on
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    do the bruins play in april i dont follow hockey i was thinking about maybe trying to see a show at the house of blues or something like that if a good one is going on there.

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