
Yay, more babby! [Kids]



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    MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    My daughter (with help from my wife) gave me a seat at a Great Lakes brewery themed dinner hosted by a BBQ store. Should be fun.

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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular
    @MichaelLC Meaning the Great Lakes Brewing Company or breweries in the Great Lakes region?


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    MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    The first one, :) . Makers of excellent products such as Edmund Fitzgerald and Conway's Irish Ale.

    Conway is going to be there, so I can tell him how much I like his ale with my corned beef. That's not weird, right?

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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Happy Father's Day, daddies!

    I got to go to Hurricane Harbor yesterday with the kiddos for my present. In the Texas 90°+ heat, it was pretty awesome.

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    FortyTwoFortyTwo strongest man in the world The Land of Pleasant Living Registered User regular
    So, my good friends and neighbors welcomed their son into the world....On Friday the 13th....on a full moon....in between massive thunderstorms.

    Is this awesome, or the best thing?

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    davidsdurionsdavidsdurions Your Trusty Meatshield Panhandle NebraskaRegistered User regular
    Did they name him Nero?

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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular
    Not just any full moon: a honey moon.

    And a honey moon on Friday the 13th is double rare! It won't happen again until 2098


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    FortyTwoFortyTwo strongest man in the world The Land of Pleasant Living Registered User regular
    DaMoonRulz wrote: »
    Not just any full moon: a honey moon.

    And a honey moon on Friday the 13th is double rare! It won't happen again until 2098

    I thought it was called a Strawberry Moon?

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    FortyTwoFortyTwo strongest man in the world The Land of Pleasant Living Registered User regular
    Did they name him Nero?

    No, but I did tell him that Thor was heralding his son's arrival. He liked that.

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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular
    FortyTwo wrote: »
    DaMoonRulz wrote: »
    Not just any full moon: a honey moon.

    And a honey moon on Friday the 13th is double rare! It won't happen again until 2098

    I thought it was called a Strawberry Moon?

    That's the Native American term for the full moon in June, so yes. Also the Rose moon.
    Full Strawberry Moon – June This name was universal to every Algonquin tribe. However, in Europe they called it the Rose Moon. Also because the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries comes each year during the month of June . . . so the full Moon that occurs during that month was christened for the strawberry!

    The Chinese were watching the Lotus Moon.


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    MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    FortyTwo wrote: »
    Did they name him Nero?

    No, but I did tell him that Thor was heralding his son's arrival. He liked that.

    'Stromageddon Dark lord of All' would also work.

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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Happy father's day forum dads!

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    JihadJesusJihadJesus Registered User regular
    My daughters had their first ballet recital yesterday. They're still so small they're in the pre-pre ballet class, but I was so proud of them just coming out and dancing in front of 150+ people. Who, incidentally, all seemed to agree that my two year old was the cutest damn thing ever.

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    PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Hi5, my kid just had her first dance recital too. Mostly tap, no ballet, still baller.


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    -smash-smash Registered User regular
    Our daughter is 13 days old today. Still incredibly surreal that (a) this thread and (b) Father's Day apply to me now!

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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    Watching the World Cup with my son strapped to my chest because that keeps him from crying. Yeah ok, life could be worse ;)

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    Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Going to eat at one of the restaurants that feed dad's for free today!

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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    But I feel like all this bouncing and singing has me working out as much as the players.

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    testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    Happy Father's Day, all you PA dads (and, thanks, moms, for puttin' up with us).

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
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    Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    I ate too damn much and maybe drank a few Guinness Drafts because it was the closest thing to beer they had available.

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    QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    I bought my husband Mario Kart and now we are playing it, but I'm not letting him win because Father's Day only gets you so much.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    So while my wife and I are still in the middle of changing around our diets to make our house friendly to my 1 year old daughter's newfound food allergies, we did find out that she's pregnant again, so Happy Father's Day to me!

    I feel like I should hope for a boy this time, and while I won't really care either way, I'm kind of rooting for another baby girl. I can't get enough of one amazing daughter so I surely wouldn't mind another. =)

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    CorporateRedCorporateRed Wooooooo! Registered User regular
    With the peanut thing, if it eases your mind at all, every school or daycare that we've had any dealings with have been nut-free zones. My daughter's elementary is nut-free, and still has a separate table for the peanut kids, just to be safe. They let the kids pick a friend that gets to sit at the table with them every day, so it doesn't leave them feeling bad about being different.

    Steam ID: Corporate Red
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    CreaganCreagan Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    I used to be allergic to cow's milk. It might be worth seeing if goat's milk is a safe substitute. It was for me, and it really made things easier since I was allergic to like everything growing up.

    Another thing that my parents did, which was AMAZING, was introducing me to the "Great Pumpkin" when I was old enough to trick-or-treat. At night while I was asleep, the "Great Pumpkin" would switch out all my Halloween candy for treats that were safe for me to eat. So I never missed out on Halloween even though I couldn't eat anything I got.

    Creagan on
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    Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    I hope everyone here had an awesome Father's Day. My wife and son made me pancakes,fruit and sausage for breakfast which was super nice. They got me gift cards for Steam and the art store which was also thoughtful of them. We had a friend come over and had a big bbq followed by a game of Beatles Scrabble. Super fun day - ended odd though as we found out that my niece will be staying with us all summer vacation as her father apparently is moving again and isn't sure where he'll be living. So my wife is talking to him this morning to get all the details and make plans. Frankly I'm hoping he'll be passing on her child support if we're feeding and clothing and supporting her for the summer - every little bit helps.

    We have a tiny 2 bedroom apartment with really no space so we're going to have to figure out something...I think we're going to put out Facebook feelers for anyone with an extra sofa bed/futon that we could put in the living room and go from there. If it turns into a school year thing, we'll figure out something more permanent like swapping bedrooms and having my son and her share a room for a year. We were already going to try to start house hunting fall of 2015 so I'm sure we'll figure something out for the next year or so if it comes to that.

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    DisruptedCapitalistDisruptedCapitalist I swear! Registered User regular
    So my Father's Day present was my littlest one (aged 27 months) figured out how to escape from her pack-n-play during nap times. So I guess that means no more afternoon naps on weekends anymore. So tired. :disappointed:

    "Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular
    Line the top of it with upside down Lego bricks.

    Technically, it violates the Geneva Conventions.


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    MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Just put some blankets on the floor and flip the pack n play on top. It's like a little fort.

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    TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    MichaelLC wrote: »
    Just put some blankets on the floor and flip the pack n play on top. It's like a little fort.

    Or a prison, whichever.

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    Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular

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    IoloIolo iolo Registered User regular
    Creagan wrote: »
    I used to be allergic to cow's milk. It might be worth seeing if goat's milk is a safe substitute. It was for me, and it really made things easier since I was allergic to like everything growing up.

    Another thing that my parents did, which was AMAZING, was introducing me to the "Great Pumpkin" when I was old enough to trick-or-treat. At night while I was asleep, the "Great Pumpkin" would switch out all my Halloween candy for treats that were safe for me to eat. So I never missed out on Halloween even though I couldn't eat anything I got.

    That is an A+ parenting maneuver right there. :)

    Lt. Iolo's First Day
    Steam profile.
    Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
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    El SkidEl Skid The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    Iolo wrote: »
    Creagan wrote: »
    I used to be allergic to cow's milk. It might be worth seeing if goat's milk is a safe substitute. It was for me, and it really made things easier since I was allergic to like everything growing up.

    Another thing that my parents did, which was AMAZING, was introducing me to the "Great Pumpkin" when I was old enough to trick-or-treat. At night while I was asleep, the "Great Pumpkin" would switch out all my Halloween candy for treats that were safe for me to eat. So I never missed out on Halloween even though I couldn't eat anything I got.

    That is an A+ parenting maneuver right there. :)

    As a bonus it synergizes really well with Charlie Brown Halloween specials!

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    EntriechEntriech ? ? ? ? ? Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    I'm certainly more of a lurker around here, especially in SE++, but pleased to share we're expecting a daughter in late September. Reading all the stories in here has been good preparation, and fun to boot. I always had kind of a hard time conceptualizing what being a parent is like, but the stuff everyone's shared in here has really helped with that.

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    El SkidEl Skid The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    Entriech wrote: »
    I'm certainly more of a lurker around here, especially in SE++, but pleased to share we're expecting a daughter in late September. Reading all the stories in here has been good preparation, and fun to boot. I always had kind of a hard time conceptualizing what being a parent is like, but the stuff everyone's shared in here has really helped with that.

    I'm glad we haven't scared you off :)

    Being a parent is a really special experience, though most times it's much easier to share the disgusting and/or horrible stuff then it is to put into words the joy parenthood brings.

    Best of luck to you and partner in this new chapter of your life!

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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular

    Baby Geniuses meets Rush Week


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    Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    Kid thread, can I share my family life issues for a moment? I just need a few paragraphs of venting. I'll even spoiler it so you can skip it if you like :)
    We thought we were doing the right thing fixing our past financial problems by cleaning up our credit scores. However, we've overextended this month in doing so and now need a car repair (something front end). However, since we never complain about money and both of us have good jobs, people assume things like that aren't a big deal to us. So, my wife goes to Facebook to see if any friends or family could help check out the car, since we have many people we know that do their own repairs. You could hear the crickets chirping. It's so frustrating that other people whine about money all the time and people bend over backwards to help them, but because we keep our shit private, people assume we don't need help.

    To top it off - we take in my niece for at least the entire summer today and still need to figure out the sleeping situation. Guess what? It will cost us money. We'll either need a mattress/boxspring or a sleeper sofa or something because we can't have her sleep on our living room couch all summer and frankly at this point, I'm betting it could extend into fall. I'm willing to bet neither parent will have made sure she has enough clothes for summer so before our bowling trip out of state we'll probably have to take her shopping as well. On top of that, tonight we're supposed to go celebrate her 8th grade graduation with her mother and father in the same room, which is going to be insanely awkward and potentially a screamfest.

    But of course we'll feed and cloth her and we'll find a way to pull money out of our asses to pay for the car repair and still get the family (of four for the summer) to Buffalo for my son's bowling trip because that's what we do. You take care of kids and family. Us taking care of business can be the difference between her being successful or being back in the hospital for depression. We can be the difference between a home cooked meal and Hot Pockets. Regardless of the fact that absolutely no one else seems to realize that two professionals don't necessarily have spending money coming out of their ears all the time.

    I'm sorry for the vent. I'm just super upset and frustrated and as parents this is the most likely place that others understand where I'm coming from...sometimes admitting you can't do everything as a parent is painful.

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    El SkidEl Skid The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    Kid thread, can I share my family life issues for a moment? I just need a few paragraphs of venting. I'll even spoiler it so you can skip it if you like :)
    We thought we were doing the right thing fixing our past financial problems by cleaning up our credit scores. However, we've overextended this month in doing so and now need a car repair (something front end). However, since we never complain about money and both of us have good jobs, people assume things like that aren't a big deal to us. So, my wife goes to Facebook to see if any friends or family could help check out the car, since we have many people we know that do their own repairs. You could hear the crickets chirping. It's so frustrating that other people whine about money all the time and people bend over backwards to help them, but because we keep our shit private, people assume we don't need help.

    To top it off - we take in my niece for at least the entire summer today and still need to figure out the sleeping situation. Guess what? It will cost us money. We'll either need a mattress/boxspring or a sleeper sofa or something because we can't have her sleep on our living room couch all summer and frankly at this point, I'm betting it could extend into fall. I'm willing to bet neither parent will have made sure she has enough clothes for summer so before our bowling trip out of state we'll probably have to take her shopping as well. On top of that, tonight we're supposed to go celebrate her 8th grade graduation with her mother and father in the same room, which is going to be insanely awkward and potentially a screamfest.

    But of course we'll feed and cloth her and we'll find a way to pull money out of our asses to pay for the car repair and still get the family (of four for the summer) to Buffalo for my son's bowling trip because that's what we do. You take care of kids and family. Us taking care of business can be the difference between her being successful or being back in the hospital for depression. We can be the difference between a home cooked meal and Hot Pockets. Regardless of the fact that absolutely no one else seems to realize that two professionals don't necessarily have spending money coming out of their ears all the time.

    I'm sorry for the vent. I'm just super upset and frustrated and as parents this is the most likely place that others understand where I'm coming from...sometimes admitting you can't do everything as a parent is painful.

    From previous comments it sounds like getting the child support paid to you while you have your niece is at least part of the answer.

    I'm sure the dad really needs the money, but offloading the kid and keeping the child support payments is just wrong. On so many levels.

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    Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    El Skid wrote: »
    Kid thread, can I share my family life issues for a moment? I just need a few paragraphs of venting. I'll even spoiler it so you can skip it if you like :)
    We thought we were doing the right thing fixing our past financial problems by cleaning up our credit scores. However, we've overextended this month in doing so and now need a car repair (something front end). However, since we never complain about money and both of us have good jobs, people assume things like that aren't a big deal to us. So, my wife goes to Facebook to see if any friends or family could help check out the car, since we have many people we know that do their own repairs. You could hear the crickets chirping. It's so frustrating that other people whine about money all the time and people bend over backwards to help them, but because we keep our shit private, people assume we don't need help.

    To top it off - we take in my niece for at least the entire summer today and still need to figure out the sleeping situation. Guess what? It will cost us money. We'll either need a mattress/boxspring or a sleeper sofa or something because we can't have her sleep on our living room couch all summer and frankly at this point, I'm betting it could extend into fall. I'm willing to bet neither parent will have made sure she has enough clothes for summer so before our bowling trip out of state we'll probably have to take her shopping as well. On top of that, tonight we're supposed to go celebrate her 8th grade graduation with her mother and father in the same room, which is going to be insanely awkward and potentially a screamfest.

    But of course we'll feed and cloth her and we'll find a way to pull money out of our asses to pay for the car repair and still get the family (of four for the summer) to Buffalo for my son's bowling trip because that's what we do. You take care of kids and family. Us taking care of business can be the difference between her being successful or being back in the hospital for depression. We can be the difference between a home cooked meal and Hot Pockets. Regardless of the fact that absolutely no one else seems to realize that two professionals don't necessarily have spending money coming out of their ears all the time.

    I'm sorry for the vent. I'm just super upset and frustrated and as parents this is the most likely place that others understand where I'm coming from...sometimes admitting you can't do everything as a parent is painful.

    From previous comments it sounds like getting the child support paid to you while you have your niece is at least part of the answer.

    I'm sure the dad really needs the money, but offloading the kid and keeping the child support payments is just wrong. On so many levels.

    We still have to discuss it with him. I think he should send it our way - however if he desperately needs it to be able to get a permanent apartment for them to live in for the fall, I'd be willing to take that hit. Ideally her place is with a parent if at all possible.

    Lindsay Lohan on
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    MechMantisMechMantis Registered User regular
    Yo hey Lindsey whereabouts in Buffalo are you gonna be? I live in that region.

    I also happen to be a front desk person at a hotel.

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    XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    Kid thread, can I share my family life issues for a moment? I just need a few paragraphs of venting. I'll even spoiler it so you can skip it if you like :)
    We thought we were doing the right thing fixing our past financial problems by cleaning up our credit scores. However, we've overextended this month in doing so and now need a car repair (something front end). However, since we never complain about money and both of us have good jobs, people assume things like that aren't a big deal to us. So, my wife goes to Facebook to see if any friends or family could help check out the car, since we have many people we know that do their own repairs. You could hear the crickets chirping. It's so frustrating that other people whine about money all the time and people bend over backwards to help them, but because we keep our shit private, people assume we don't need help.

    To top it off - we take in my niece for at least the entire summer today and still need to figure out the sleeping situation. Guess what? It will cost us money. We'll either need a mattress/boxspring or a sleeper sofa or something because we can't have her sleep on our living room couch all summer and frankly at this point, I'm betting it could extend into fall. I'm willing to bet neither parent will have made sure she has enough clothes for summer so before our bowling trip out of state we'll probably have to take her shopping as well. On top of that, tonight we're supposed to go celebrate her 8th grade graduation with her mother and father in the same room, which is going to be insanely awkward and potentially a screamfest.

    But of course we'll feed and cloth her and we'll find a way to pull money out of our asses to pay for the car repair and still get the family (of four for the summer) to Buffalo for my son's bowling trip because that's what we do. You take care of kids and family. Us taking care of business can be the difference between her being successful or being back in the hospital for depression. We can be the difference between a home cooked meal and Hot Pockets. Regardless of the fact that absolutely no one else seems to realize that two professionals don't necessarily have spending money coming out of their ears all the time.

    I'm sorry for the vent. I'm just super upset and frustrated and as parents this is the most likely place that others understand where I'm coming from...sometimes admitting you can't do everything as a parent is painful.

    That sucks royal ass.

    Two quick things that may help a bit!

    1: Air mattresses are fine for temporary sleeping and pretty cheap.

    2: Goodwill or salvation army have clothes for real cheap. They can also be in pretty decent shape a lot of the time.

    also, depending on what car repair needs to be done, you can find an astounding amount of videos detailing a lot of things on youtube. Also, odds are that somewhere on the internet your car has a forum with members that will help you out concerning specifics.

    sorry your situation sucks. I know how it is to have a lot to do and very little money to do it with.

This discussion has been closed.