
Yay, more babby! [Kids]



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    XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    Huxley wrote: »
    We took Maddie to the beach last week. The first time (ever) she saw the ocean she just bolted for it and started picking up handfuls of sand.

    ME: Maddie, it's the ocean!
    MADDIE: [Picks up handful of sand, never really looking up]
    ME: Maddie, it's so big! There's so much of it! Appreciate your ... uh... smallness!
    MADDIE: [Looks up for split second at the horizon] OOOOH! SMALLNESS!

    when we took my youngest to the ocean for the first time, he exclaimed "I don't like that big swimming pool"

    which proved to be true upon discovering 'salt water'

    (it was amusing to see a 2 year old yelling at the ocean because it contains salt water and not regular bath water)

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    QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    Having never had a toddler, I'm not sure whether to be amused or alarmed when I can't keep my kid's attention on anything. We'll have conversations like this:

    Me: Are you going to have a good day at school?
    Kid: No, I don't want to go swimming.
    Me: Well, you have to swim every day.
    Kid: Boulder and Blades are Rescue Bots.
    Me: Yes, yes they are.
    Kid: They roll to the rescue.
    Me: Yes they do.

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    XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    Quoth wrote: »
    Having never had a toddler, I'm not sure whether to be amused or alarmed when I can't keep my kid's attention on anything. We'll have conversations like this:

    Me: Are you going to have a good day at school?
    Kid: No, I don't want to go swimming.
    Me: Well, you have to swim every day.
    Kid: Boulder and Blades are Rescue Bots.
    Me: Yes, yes they are.
    Kid: They roll to the rescue.
    Me: Yes they do.

    that is a perfectly normal (/adorable) toddler conversation.

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    ProlegomenaProlegomena Frictionless Spinning The VoidRegistered User regular
    Christine just told William it was time for bed and he should say night night to daddy...his response?

    "Night night poopy nappy".

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    DisruptedCapitalistDisruptedCapitalist I swear! Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Xaquin wrote: »
    Quoth wrote: »
    Having never had a toddler, I'm not sure whether to be amused or alarmed when I can't keep my kid's attention on anything. We'll have conversations like this:

    Me: Are you going to have a good day at school?
    Kid: No, I don't want to go swimming.
    Me: Well, you have to swim every day.
    Kid: Boulder and Blades are Rescue Bots.
    Me: Yes, yes they are.
    Kid: They roll to the rescue.
    Me: Yes they do.

    that is a perfectly normal (/adorable) toddler conversation.

    Reminds me of how toddlers generalize terms too. Lily recently did this at a visit to a local farm.

    Me: Look! A cow!
    Her: Cow!
    Me: Look! A goat!
    Her: Cow!
    Me: Look! A chicken!
    Her: Cow!
    Me: Look! A sheep!
    Her: Cow!
    Me: Look! A horse!
    Her: Dog!
    Me: ???

    DisruptedCapitalist on
    "Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    So people who have raised 13 month olds, how much food do you give them at once? Ever since we had a scare with our daughter almost choking on a piece of plastic she chewed off a DVD case, my wife and I have been giving our daughter only a small amount of food at a time to eat for meal time. But while we try to get her to chew and swallow what she's eating before she gets more, she yells and wants more immediately. We're just afraid she's going to just stuff as much in her mouth as will fit, and then have a hard time chewing it and what not.

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    XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    So people who have raised 13 month olds, how much food do you give them at once? Ever since we had a scare with our daughter almost choking on a piece of plastic she chewed off a DVD case, my wife and I have been giving our daughter only a small amount of food at a time to eat for meal time. But while we try to get her to chew and swallow what she's eating before she gets more, she yells and wants more immediately. We're just afraid she's going to just stuff as much in her mouth as will fit, and then have a hard time chewing it and what not.

    at 13 months, I was still spoonfeeding Isaac a lot. But he'd get little puffies and smaller bits of food.

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    QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    At that age, my kid also loved to stuff too much food in his mouth and choke. He still does. So uh.


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    FoufouFoufou Registered User regular
    My Husband is awesome. Check out the cool vest he made for Violet to wear to my last roller derby bout of the season. You can bet the other derby moms were super jealous!

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    LuvTheMonkeyLuvTheMonkey High Sierra Serenade Registered User regular
    Foufou wrote: »
    My Husband is awesome. Check out the cool vest he made for Violet to wear to my last roller derby bout of the season. You can bet the other derby moms were super jealous!


    Molten variables hiss and roar. On my mind-forge, I hammer them into the greatsword Epistemology. Many are my foes this night.
    STEAM | GW2: Thalys
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    TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular

    We have reached Crawling.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Xaquin wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    So people who have raised 13 month olds, how much food do you give them at once? Ever since we had a scare with our daughter almost choking on a piece of plastic she chewed off a DVD case, my wife and I have been giving our daughter only a small amount of food at a time to eat for meal time. But while we try to get her to chew and swallow what she's eating before she gets more, she yells and wants more immediately. We're just afraid she's going to just stuff as much in her mouth as will fit, and then have a hard time chewing it and what not.

    at 13 months, I was still spoonfeeding Isaac a lot. But he'd get little puffies and smaller bits of food.

    Thanks for the feedback. She was exclusively breastfed for about 7 months, then I'd say 90% breastmilk and the rest pureed veggies and fruits until 1 year. She's to the point now at 13 months where she wants to eat what we eat for dinner, so it's chicken, vegetables, pasta, etc, but it seems no matter how much we give her she shovels it all in her mouth and then we worry, so we try to just give her a few small bites at a time to feed herself. She just gets angry and I was hoping for somebody to have an answer, hah!
    Quoth wrote: »
    At that age, my kid also loved to stuff too much food in his mouth and choke. He still does. So uh.

    Hah, that doesn't make me feel better, but thanks. =)

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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    Quoth wrote: »
    At that age, my kid also loved to stuff too much food in his mouth and choke. He still does. So uh.

    I was browsing this page with my son in my lap and he started waving at homer and saying buh-bye as he disappeared into the hedge.

    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Xaquin wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    So people who have raised 13 month olds, how much food do you give them at once? Ever since we had a scare with our daughter almost choking on a piece of plastic she chewed off a DVD case, my wife and I have been giving our daughter only a small amount of food at a time to eat for meal time. But while we try to get her to chew and swallow what she's eating before she gets more, she yells and wants more immediately. We're just afraid she's going to just stuff as much in her mouth as will fit, and then have a hard time chewing it and what not.

    at 13 months, I was still spoonfeeding Isaac a lot. But he'd get little puffies and smaller bits of food.

    Thanks for the feedback. She was exclusively breastfed for about 7 months, then I'd say 90% breastmilk and the rest pureed veggies and fruits until 1 year. She's to the point now at 13 months where she wants to eat what we eat for dinner, so it's chicken, vegetables, pasta, etc, but it seems no matter how much we give her she shovels it all in her mouth and then we worry, so we try to just give her a few small bites at a time to feed herself. She just gets angry and I was hoping for somebody to have an answer, hah!
    Quoth wrote: »
    At that age, my kid also loved to stuff too much food in his mouth and choke. He still does. So uh.

    Hah, that doesn't make me feel better, but thanks. =)

    I'd just keep giving her little portions till she gets used to it.

    maybe give her larger portions in a month or a few weeks.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I know my sister who watches her during the day gives her veggies like peas and carrots in a cup she likes to hand feed herself out of, so I know she's capable of not overstuffing her mouth, but it sure seems like with her mom and me she likes to do so.

    Maybe she does it because we're only giving her a few bites at a time. Thanks again for the feedback. =)

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    JihadJesusJihadJesus Registered User regular
    I kind of have to fight the 'oh my God if I just let her try it herself she might [X]!" because given enough times she absolutely WILL [X]. The issue is whether or not [X] is worse than being smothered trying to prevent it or not.

    In you case? Yes, if you just give your 13 month old a whole meal at once he'll eventually chipmunk all of it and gag. Just like every other 13 month old ever. You just need to make sure its not anything he's really going to choke on.

    I do the same thing with my 5 year old. I must think to myself 'God, she's going to break an arm climbing like that' at least once every other day. And she probably will - which is much better that following her around yelling at her not to climb too high or play too hard for the next 13 years.

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    djmitchelladjmitchella Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Yeah -- food, as long as there's nothing too chokeable then at worst they'll have a mouth full of food and spit it out. Maybe you'll end up throwing out more food than you expect,but after a while you'll get a sense of how much she can actually eat. Probably don't give her anything too hard / large to be on the safe side, but peas should be fine, carrots if they're cut up small, whatever. Or give her mum-mums or something like that which is chewable but soft. (and, why not, learn the baby heimlich just to be extra-safe).

    I certainly used to walk around under climbing things as a spotter for my kids when they first went up high, but after a while it became obvious that they were only going to fall off if they do something unusually ridiculous, and there's only so much I can do there. (that said, I don't push either of them very high on the swing any more, after they both (at separate times) fell off the swing onto their faces -- they'll have to learn to do that themselves, it was just too rough seeing them slam down like that)

    One of the better activities we put our older kid into was gym class; it was just gym class for little kids so he didn't learn anything particularly flippy or whatever, but they _did_ make him learn "safety jumps", which mean "bend your knees when landing" -- after that I'm much less worried about the long-term state of his joints than I was before.

    djmitchella on
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    djmitchelladjmitchella Registered User regular
    Jokes -- these are all jokes that my 7-year-old came up with entirely on his own. He's read a bunch of "1000 jokes for kids" books, so he knows the way these sorts of jokes work, but it's pretty great(? or is it) now that he can create them himself.

    What do you call it when it's raining burgers?
    A meat-eor shower

    What do butterflies do when they're in love?
    They pucker up for a chryss-alis [kiss-alis]

    Why do cats like cowboy boots?
    Because of the s-purrs

    What do you call it when ducks kidnap one another?
    An ab-duck-tion

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    djmitchelladjmitchella Registered User regular
    Oh, and it was just amazing the other day, seeing my younger kid read a word for the first time; I was poking around at some amazingly tedious technical stuff on my computer, he came over and complained the "I can't read the words on the screen". This is fair enough, because a:he is still working on reading, and b:I was deep in the innards of regedit at the time which is barely legible even to adults. So I launched Word, put "CAT" in there, made it big, and asked him what it said.

    He was so proud of himself when he realised he'd read it properly; I don't think I've ever seen him be so happy with himself about something.

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    MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular

    For those of us that are friends on FB, please don't mention it there since we're trying to keep this on the DL for the time being

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    JohnHamJohnHam Registered User regular
    That's fantastic, @Moriveth. Congratulations to the both of you!


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    PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Congrats! Two is better than one, don't let anyone tell you other wise! Lots more peas in the pod and all that.

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    SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    Congratulations @Janson and @Moriveth!

    There are many reasons why I love having two kids, and to start with, there'szzzzZZZZzzz ... ... ...

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    JansonJanson Registered User regular
    Thank you guys!

    I'm likely only 3 weeks at most (skipped period but definitely NOT pregnant last month, so who knows when I ovulated?!) so it's super early days. I only tested because I bought this bumper pack of ovulation and pregnancy strips off Amazon so I could start tracking! Since I'd skipped a period I took both an ovulation & pregnancy test to determine where I stood and bam, there you go. Normally I wouldn't even test until well after a missed period so I'm super nervous it'll be a chemical pregnancy.

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    MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    In other news, Anya is running around with a silk scarf going "SUUUUPER ANYA TO THE RESCUE!"

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    ElbasunuElbasunu Registered User regular
    Night two of Isaac's Doc band is just as bad as night one. It's tilting his head forward, backwards, or sideways, so he won't sleep anywhere but the rock n play...

    He's perfectly fine with it during the day and for quick naps, but he just won't go down at night. Uggghhh

    Steam ID: Obos Vent: Obos
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    MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Congrats, Moriveth!
    You are so doomed!

    Wife and daughter went to the zoo today. When they were looking at the monkeys, CC said, "Where's the man in the yellow hat?"

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    SporkAndrewSporkAndrew Registered User, ClubPA regular
    We're at "pulling myself up on everything my height and giggling like a madman" stage. His new favourite thing is pulling everything off the coffee table, sitting down and then waiting whilst I put everything back again so he can do it again.

    3 days with him whilst the childminder was on holiday was exhausting.

    The one about the fucking space hairdresser and the cowboy. He's got a tinfoil pal and a pedal bin
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    LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    ohh my god, Mori and Rachel congrats!! I'm so happy for you both!

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    bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Casa GrandeRegistered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Keep forgetting this thread exists.

    Our 4 year old is getting ready for school so were tryyyyyyyyyyyying to work on a earlier sleep schedule but its not working as planned.

    Hes current on a 8-9am - 8-9pm day but we need to get him up at 7am and keep him up, we also need to get up at that time and stay up.

    bloodyroarxx on
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    QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    Elbasunu wrote: »
    Night two of Isaac's Doc band is just as bad as night one. It's tilting his head forward, backwards, or sideways, so he won't sleep anywhere but the rock n play...

    He's perfectly fine with it during the day and for quick naps, but he just won't go down at night. Uggghhh

    My kid slept in that thing until he was too big for it, it's not too serious, I think?

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    MulysaSemproniusMulysaSempronius but also susie nyRegistered User regular
    I'm really glad babies are made of rubber. Our little one is pulling herself up on anything she can. And will occasionally slip up. Nothing bad, and she gets over it after 5 seconds of being held. I take her socks off when she's inside now.
    Babies are made of rubber, right?

    If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
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    Blake TBlake T Do you have enemies then? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered User regular
    So, you're going to name this one after me right?

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    LuvTheMonkeyLuvTheMonkey High Sierra Serenade Registered User regular
    Yes, the child shall be named Blanket.

    Molten variables hiss and roar. On my mind-forge, I hammer them into the greatsword Epistemology. Many are my foes this night.
    STEAM | GW2: Thalys
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    ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    I drove across the country and back and somehow in a week and two days my 14-month-old son became gigantic.

    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Moriveth wrote: »

    For those of us that are friends on FB, please don't mention it there since we're trying to keep this on the DL for the time being

    If you wanted another Moon nightlight you could have just asked.

    DaMoonRulz on

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    djmitchelladjmitchella Registered User regular
    (un?)expectedly morbid kid games continue.
    It's the the red skull dragon game. I am a skeleton with a red skull and my sword has a black blade and a red handle. I have a dragon army.
    . . .
    My game is a game of magic
    . . .
    . . .
    and death

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    PeenPeen Registered User regular
    My wife, the innovator.


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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Now she can fall frontwards or backwards and be completely fine!

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    PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Doorways are a problem and she's definitely going to end up giving one of the kids a concussion somehow but that's why we had two. Redundancy!

This discussion has been closed.