Little Miss RachelGeek Chick Before Geek Was ChicIdahoan ExileRegistered Userregular
Bobcat supplies acquired! Will ship start of next week, after I get back from attending mom's funeral. =/ (Apologies for the delay, but I hope it's understandable).
Related: if the Tube can hear me, and Its agent is just about to send me a bobcat...that agent might want to hold off a day or two, so it arrives next week. I don't think a bobcat would much enjoy spending the weekend sitting in the cold at my front door.
Bobcat supplies acquired! Will ship start of next week, after I get back from attending mom's funeral. =/ (Apologies for the delay, but I hope it's understandable).
Related: if the Tube can hear me, and Its agent is just about to send me a bobcat...that agent might want to hold off a day or two, so it arrives next week. I don't think a bobcat would much enjoy spending the weekend sitting in the cold at my front door.
Sincerest condolences on your loss .... I don't think anyone would disagree with a delay in such circumstances.
As for the bobcat, the cold will only make it feistier !!!!
aBByNormaL on
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
Little Miss RachelGeek Chick Before Geek Was ChicIdahoan ExileRegistered Userregular
Hmm, apparently my giftee package was given to the local post office, even though it was shipped UPS?
There's this wonderful thing known as UPS Surepost; it uses a UPS/USPS Hybrid label that looks like this
A package will be shipped (usually as part of a bulk shipment) from a warehouse through UPS. Once arrived at the UPS Distribution center for a given area, the bulk shipment is broken down and sorted. Those sorted packages are then transferred to post office for local delivery.
Source: I spent 5 years working for a UPS Store and was present when they rolled this program out.
I am rather frustrated right now. I ordered my giftee's bobcat last Friday. It was and is in stock. It still has not shipped even though the delivery estimate is tomorrow to Monday.
I am rather frustrated right now. I ordered my giftee's bobcat last Friday. It was and is in stock. It still has not shipped even though the delivery estimate is tomorrow to Monday.
Hmmm. I'll say this much: this time of year, with as many packages and parcels and gifts being sent here, there and everywhere, there are odd occasions where a package does not get scanned before it's shipped. It's rare, in my experience but it does happen. E.G. it'll be scanned once when it leaves, nothing in between (some five days or so) and then one scan that says it's out for delivery on it's due date.
My advice is to have a bit of patience. If it doesn't show up by EOD Monday, get in contact with somebody.
I have acquired 3/5ths of my giftee's bobcats. I am waiting on the arrival of one and will go purchase the other in the next few days. Then, will Ship All Bobcats!
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
Hmm, apparently my giftee package was given to the local post office, even though it was shipped UPS?
There's this wonderful thing known as UPS Surepost; it uses a UPS/USPS Hybrid label that looks like this
A package will be shipped (usually as part of a bulk shipment) from a warehouse through UPS. Once arrived at the UPS Distribution center for a given area, the bulk shipment is broken down and sorted. Those sorted packages are then transferred to post office for local delivery.
Source: I spent 5 years working for a UPS Store and was present when they rolled this program out.
Thank you for clearing it up. I was like uhhh, what is this? I was going to freak out for a moment!
You guys make me so happy!! I'm so glad everyone is having a good time finding gifts for their bobcats!
Just as a reminder though, please do not post anything BUT pictures of your received gifts in the other bobcat thread. I'm using it for tracking and if people start talking in there it starts to get very messy very quickly.
Thank you!!
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
Little Miss RachelGeek Chick Before Geek Was ChicIdahoan ExileRegistered Userregular
You guys make me so happy!! I'm so glad everyone is having a good time finding gifts for their bobcats!
Just as a reminder though, please do not post anything BUT pictures of your received gifts in the other bobcat thread. I'm using it for tracking and if people start talking in there it starts to get very messy very quickly.
Thank you!!
Our Bobcat Mistress is a harsh mistress. Practical, but harsh! (But that's why we her.)
It's also possible that someone hasn't immediately posted the results.
It's what I'm hoping! One time, I had a package stated it was delivered, and didn't make it to their actual location a few days later due to being delivered to the wrong place. Hope it's not the case here!
You know ... Bobcats can fly mine just proved it and like all cats it has landed safely enroute to its new home ... It has most assuredly left Canada and touched down in the US ... Won't be long now
P.S. apologies to my Bobcatee ... as I just realized I did not Christmas wrap the thing ... oh well ... !!!
UPDATE: 2013/11/25 06:04 Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country SOON BOBCATEE SOON !!!!
My bobcats are on their way to visit my bobcatee! I've never done anything quite like this before, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Kind of like a bobcat! I did have Amazon do the gift-wrapping and shipping, though, because I'm rubbish at them. It is not because I am lazy! I am simply incompetent! Take note!
Aperture Safety Personal Observation Tester for Aperture Testing and Observation, Honorary Alphanaut, Grandmaster of the Tychonian Guard, Chronicler of the House of Brahe, Senior Editor for Mustache News, Agent of O.S.P.R.E.Y., PAX COPS Detective Inspector, and PAX Tours Saboteur.
"I think he starts in reality and ends in fantasy."
"No he starts in fantasy and ends in chaos."
Yeah it's a thing that people are always a little bad about. If it goes on for longer than 2 weeks, PM me with your person's name and I can poke them for you. Also hopefully it's not me, because I haven't received anything :P
@bubblegumnex that was from me. There was supposed to be a nice note included with it. Amazon is really screwing up in that department this season. Enjoy the books.
@bubblegumnex that was from me. There was supposed to be a nice note included with it. Amazon is really screwing up in that department this season. Enjoy the books.
I had the same thing happen to me last year. Irritating that the gift-related stuff would break down exactly when it is needed most.
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Apparently, my bobcat came in parts. I need to assemble it and have it activated before shipping it out to my Fill-In-The-Blank victim giftee. Hopefully by next week I will be able to do that.
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
@Kirindal .... glad you enjoyed it !!! That Punisher looks sweet, think I am going to have to go back and get me one. Living so far away I knew that just getting this there was going to be a challenge but I had immense fun in the adventure. Cheers.
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
Bobcat gifts purchased and yet to receive them to send, I will be out of town tomorrow and all of next week so i will try to have it shipped out December 9
Pax Prime 2014 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [x] BYOC [not attending ]
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
The tracking elves are telling me that they attempted delivery on the 25th, but no updates since then; maybe it arrived but just hasn't been marked as such yet?
@bubblegumnex that was from me. There was supposed to be a nice note included with it. Amazon is really screwing up in that department this season. Enjoy the books.
@bubblegumnex that was from me. There was supposed to be a nice note included with it. Amazon is really screwing up in that department this season. Enjoy the books.
Awww laaame
But again, thanks man. I really appreciate it!
I am just glad you like it. I have never really ordered or shipped internationally before. That was an experience.
Hey bobcat, just an FYI: I'm gonna be out of town with my family till Monday. So if something should show up and you don't see me post right away, that's why.
@kropotkin Enjoy! I thought about getting them framed before sending as they really are lovely and deserve framing, but figured that would increase the damage risk exponentially. I was as spellbound as you were when I first saw those, just the best looking prints I've seen.
Related: if the Tube can hear me, and Its agent is just about to send me a bobcat...that agent might want to hold off a day or two, so it arrives next week. I don't think a bobcat would much enjoy spending the weekend sitting in the cold at my front door.
Sincerest condolences on your loss .... I don't think anyone would disagree with a delay in such circumstances.
As for the bobcat, the cold will only make it feistier !!!!
That's what I'm afraid of!
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
There's this wonderful thing known as UPS Surepost; it uses a UPS/USPS Hybrid label that looks like this
A package will be shipped (usually as part of a bulk shipment) from a warehouse through UPS. Once arrived at the UPS Distribution center for a given area, the bulk shipment is broken down and sorted. Those sorted packages are then transferred to post office for local delivery.
Source: I spent 5 years working for a UPS Store and was present when they rolled this program out.
The idea was that it was to be for the customer's convenience; for returns, they could drop it off at a USPS box or UPS box.
But in general yes, I see your point.
Hmmm. I'll say this much: this time of year, with as many packages and parcels and gifts being sent here, there and everywhere, there are odd occasions where a package does not get scanned before it's shipped. It's rare, in my experience but it does happen. E.G. it'll be scanned once when it leaves, nothing in between (some five days or so) and then one scan that says it's out for delivery on it's due date.
My advice is to have a bit of patience. If it doesn't show up by EOD Monday, get in contact with somebody.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
Thank you for clearing it up. I was like uhhh, what is this? I was going to freak out for a moment!
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
Just as a reminder though, please do not post anything BUT pictures of your received gifts in the other bobcat thread. I'm using it for tracking and if people start talking in there it starts to get very messy very quickly.
Thank you!!
Our Bobcat Mistress is a harsh mistress. Practical, but harsh! (But that's why we
In good news my Bobcat is finally on the way to it's new home. I am learning a lot of new geography following the tracking.
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
It's what I'm hoping! One time, I had a package stated it was delivered, and didn't make it to their actual location a few days later due to being delivered to the wrong place. Hope it's not the case here!
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
P.S. apologies to my Bobcatee ... as I just realized I did not Christmas wrap the thing ... oh well ... !!!
UPDATE: 2013/11/25 06:04 Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country SOON BOBCATEE SOON !!!!
UPDATE: 2013/11/25 14:15 Item successfully delivered
"I think he starts in reality and ends in fantasy."
"No he starts in fantasy and ends in chaos."
At least you waited a week. I started freaking in 3 days. LOL.
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
Gift Get post will be up as soon as I find that rascally camera.
I had the same thing happen to me last year. Irritating that the gift-related stuff would break down exactly when it is needed most.
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Awww laaame
But again, thanks man. I really appreciate it!
<@zerzhul> you win at twdt
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Haha I only wish I were so talented.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion