As I said earlier in this thread, if you need a go-between for asking your giftee questions, I can serve that purpose if the giftee has not designated their own go-between in his/her letter.
Little Miss RachelGeek Chick Before Geek Was ChicIdahoan ExileRegistered Userregular
Muahahahahahaha. Giftee info is now in hand, and now, you fools, I'll show you, I'll show you all. Or maybe just one of you. Or maybe ALL of you! Muahahahahahaha! =P
FYI, I made an error in sending out a message to Geekgrrrrrrrr as I didn't properly remove her from the list when I removed her letter (for not meeting participation requirements.)
I have corrected this error by adding a new late comer (whom I vouch for) who will post their letter tonight.
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
Jim SharkmagicThat's the Sharkmagic magic.England, UKRegistered Userregular
Just a heads-up that the e-mail went into my Junk folder for some reason (I'm using Hotmail)-so people might need to check their spam boxes!
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
It is my personal opinion that you should reveal yourself at some point so that you can be properly thanked. In a series of gifts, though, there's some fun in remaining anonymous for a bit
In addition, some of us participate in multiple exchanges on the forums here, so at least identifying that it's part of secret bobcats would be good.
SmallLady would be the final world on whether or not it's a requirement since she's running the event She is ultimately the person who would provide me with the list of anyone who is a deadbeat gifter.
For the 2nd year running I have been given a most tricksy of Bobcats. It just means I shall have to be just as creative as last year.
Jim SharkmagicThat's the Sharkmagic magic.England, UKRegistered Userregular
Bought a lot of yummy UK treats for my Bobcat today I'm so excited-this is my first year participating and I'm already finding everyone to be nothing but lovely.
Got the main gift now all I has to do is figure what to pair it with. It was tougher than I thought ...
aBByNormaL on
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
Little Miss RachelGeek Chick Before Geek Was ChicIdahoan ExileRegistered Userregular
Hee hee, I hope my bobcat victim giftee likes what I'm getting them in the few weeks remaining before my doomsday device is complete and I destroy you all. =D
Bobkittens are en-route to my location for grooming and redeployment.
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. -Robert Wilensky
If you did not get an email from me, or if there is an error, please let me know asap.
I used a fancy new gmail mail merge for the first time, so if there is a terrible mistake, I BLAME EVERYTHING ON GOOGLE.
I have corrected this error by adding a new late comer (whom I vouch for) who will post their letter tonight.
Community Pinny Arcade Trading web site:
Pinny Arcade - Pin Pals twitter: @PA_PinPals
In addition, some of us participate in multiple exchanges on the forums here, so at least identifying that it's part of secret bobcats would be good.
SmallLady would be the final world on whether or not it's a requirement since she's running the event
HOWEVER, please do tell them some how that the gift they just received is for secret bobcats.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
Random and non-linear increases the weirdness quotient, so I think that counts as doing it right.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Bobcat away!
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
But... that's a Tiger!
Maybe, but are you gonna argue with hir to hir face? =P
Technically, it's a jaguar, or maybe a leopard, but I don't think he knows. I won't be the one to break the bad news to him.
Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
Community Pinny Arcade Trading web site:
Pinny Arcade - Pin Pals twitter: @PA_PinPals
<@zerzhul> you win at twdt
UPDATE: gift is sent ..... Mistress Bobcat do we provide the tracking to the recipient somehow?
...I mean acquisitions will begin at the end of the week.
No, keep it for your records incase something gets lost, I'll ask for it later if it doesn't show up.
Twitter: @APacManSays