I tweeted to him but not sure if he got it, I want a Scott from blaminations pin, and Kris to have a matching one of him, and have both pins fit together like one of those heart shaped pendants that break in the middle
I am going to talk to him about this at the Drink and Draw this Sunday. It is too awesome not to do.
I've been listening to the just-released Planetary Annihilation soundtrack and I rather want some Commander pins now. And an asteroid/John Comes' head smashing into a planet.
JuicesirThe Boy with the D&D TattooRegistered Userregular
If you guys love MU's work, go show her Tumblr some love. She's the one who designed them. Better yet, drop her a message on the forum and tell her how much you liked it. ^_^ It's good to show artists proper support.
If you guys love MU's work, go show her Tumblr some love. She's the one who designed them. Better yet, drop her a message on the forum and tell her how much you liked it. ^_^ It's good to show artists proper support.
And also, hell yes I will kill for those pins.
I talked to Mu and she has a 4 Set ready to go: Gabbie, Tyche, Charlotte and Diva. We just need to spam Mike with love for these and make it happen. Maybe the next Valentines Set?
JuicesirThe Boy with the D&D TattooRegistered Userregular
You know, I honestly wouldn't mind a summer seasonal pack right now to be online. Maybe the Gabe in shorts one and even the Tycho sitting in a pool. Something along those lines. A sunbathing kemper.
You know, I honestly wouldn't mind a summer seasonal pack right now to be online. Maybe the Gabe in shorts one and even the Tycho sitting in a pool. Something along those lines. A sunbathing kemper.
Yes to that.
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
PedroAsaniBrotherhood of the Squirrel[Prime]Registered Userregular
Given the time from design to Pin is about 3 months, I don't think there is time for them to get one done unless they did it literally today.
Not too fussed with destinys aesthetic. Looks a little too like Halo imo... Kind of understandable since it is Bungies next game, but i still feel it needs a bit more of its own personal flare.
After playing about a month of the newly released MMO, Wildstar, I have a new found appreciation of last years Granok and Draken pins, and I do hope they come up with a few more for this year. Another from each faction, maybe Mordesh and Chua? or even one for the treasure hoarding Lopp! If theres any race/character that would understand the obsessive need to collect, its those guys.
After playing about a month of the newly released MMO, Wildstar, I have a new found appreciation of last years Granok and Draken pins, and I do hope they come up with a few more for this year. Another from each faction, maybe Mordesh and Chua? or even one for the treasure hoarding Lopp! If theres any race/character that would understand the obsessive need to collect, its those guys.
JuicesirThe Boy with the D&D TattooRegistered Userregular
I've been playing a metric crap ton of Shovel Knight, and really getting into the effort Yacht Club Games put into it to make it as NES-like as possible, and what they did to change things up. I think any pins from it would be amazing.
As much as I'd LOVE to see pins from smaller studios, the 1000 pinimum (yes I'm coining this now) is a lot to invest without the guarantee of making it all back. It's easy for Blizzard where it's chump change, but to Yacht Club Games that's the price of a booth at a few cons.
Who knows, maybe the cost of pins will go down over time, but where the hobby is still relatively new, I think we'll only see the big guns for at least a bit longer.
JuicesirThe Boy with the D&D TattooRegistered Userregular
edited August 2014
I imagine a world where Penny Arcade themselves puts up the money for studios and games they really like as sort of a free promo. I dream of that impossible place.
I would love to see something like this (or exactly this) - Edison Yan drew the characters from Final Fantasy VI. I love cross-overs from one game to another, seeing how a different artist puts their twist on something that isn't their source material.
Pins for trade!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
As an Aussie, I absolutely love the idea of the Underworld arc. I've considered this before. Seeing it come to fruition is amazing.
PAX Aus 2015, we need The Malahedron as one of the pins. Along with any other awesomeness that comes out of this arc.
EDIT: Ugh. I don't know what's going on with the HTML link button, but it's been messing up my links today. Anyway, here's the relevant comic for posterity: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2014/10/27
I would love to see something like this (or exactly this) - Edison Yan drew the characters from Final Fantasy VI. I love cross-overs from one game to another, seeing how a different artist puts their twist on something that isn't their source material.
Guessing there will be Overwatch pins from Blizzard next year then.
I'd imagine so. I'm inclined to think it won't happen before Prime though. Unless Blizzard let PA in on the game before the announcement (I'm doubting it), South is certainly out of the question and East is fairly unlikely.
I'm guessing one of the next pins is the Heroes of the Storm logo.
So far blizzard have done pinny arcade pins to promote upcoming games, hearthstone, WoW expansion and heroes of the storm. I can see them do one for Overwatch and legacy of the void in the future, but for specific characters from their games i think theyre going to save them for their own pin series
I am going to talk to him about this at the Drink and Draw this Sunday. It is too awesome not to do.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
They even come in a pin-friendly artstyle.
I want pins of them so bad...
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
And also, hell yes I will kill for those pins.
I talked to Mu and she has a 4 Set ready to go: Gabbie, Tyche, Charlotte and Diva. We just need to spam Mike with love for these and make it happen. Maybe the next Valentines Set?
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Rainslick Set was one of the early suggestions. I push for it when I can.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Yes to that.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Pinventors, you know what you've got to do then!
Not like you'll hate our summer.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Its OK. Anybody who spends a single day in Melbourne at any time of the year will experience every conceivable weather condition.
Personally now that Aus is at Jeffs Shed, the temperature will at least be regulated, and we wont get drowned in queues like we did last year
Verbosity is my charm point.
Who knows, maybe the cost of pins will go down over time, but where the hobby is still relatively new, I think we'll only see the big guns for at least a bit longer.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
PAX Aus 2015, we need The Malahedron as one of the pins. Along with any other awesomeness that comes out of this arc.
EDIT: Ugh. I don't know what's going on with the HTML link button, but it's been messing up my links today. Anyway, here's the relevant comic for posterity: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2014/10/27
Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833
"Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I'd imagine so. I'm inclined to think it won't happen before Prime though. Unless Blizzard let PA in on the game before the announcement (I'm doubting it), South is certainly out of the question and East is fairly unlikely.
I'm guessing one of the next pins is the Heroes of the Storm logo.
I'd love for Blizzard to release a Diablo and a Starcraft Pinny for Heroes of Storm.