Actually, myrrh was worth its weight in gold back in those days (and sometimes more) due to scarcity and its multiple uses. Myrrh would have been a heckuva good gift back in those days. Actually, I wish I had some now.
Actually, myrrh was worth its weight in gold back in those days (and sometimes more) due to scarcity and its multiple uses. Myrrh would have been a heckuva good gift back in those days. Actually, I wish I had some now.
Actually, myrrh was worth its weight in gold back in those days (and sometimes more) due to scarcity and its multiple uses. Myrrh would have been a heckuva good gift back in those days. Actually, I wish I had some now.
Sure but isn't it mostly medicinal?
Seems kinda wasted on Jesus.
It was also used in perfume and incense.
Actually all of the gifts are highly symbolic (frankincense being an indispensable part of religious ceremony. The import of frankincense into the roman empire was so great and expensive that it was probably THE biggest contributor to the collapse of the roman monetary system).
They were the traditional gift to kings to symbolize their power both as worldly and religious rulers. Especially in the levant where myrrh was a part of the oil of anointment used to crown kings and high priests (messiah means "the annointed one").
So by giving him these three gifts they're basically declaring him to be a Holy king.
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
This is why you stick with Hillshire Farms. Everyone throws in some cash and BOOM! giftbasket.
"The three wise men descended upon Bethlehem to bestow upon the young king of kings a gift of summer sausage, some kind of nutty cheese log and tiny jars of gross mustard."
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
BTW, Joseph should be drawn as a 90 year old man, and Mary should be just under 15. But accuracy has never been a big part of any religion.
Yes because a man who still worked as a carpenter, and went on to have several more kids with Mary, is clearly 90 years old. I also love how there's never any specific mention of either person's age in biblical texts, but apparently we know exactly how old they should be!
This is why you stick with Hillshire Farms. Everyone throws in some cash and BOOM! giftbasket.
"The three wise men descended upon Bethlehem to bestow upon the young king of kings a gift of summer sausage, some kind of nutty cheese log and tiny jars of gross mustard."
And Jesus cherished that gross plasticky taste well into his adulthood.
In that last comic I was never sure if buying the Hickory Farms is the gift that would damn them both, or if that was the backup gift because they weren't going to buy Tycho a slave giraffe.
Sceptre: Penny Arcade, where you get starcraft AND marriage advice.
3clipse: The key to any successful marriage is a good mid-game transition.
In that last comic I was never sure if buying the Hickory Farms is the gift that would damn them both, or if that was the backup gift because they weren't going to buy Tycho a slave giraffe.
It's the backup gift.
This comic reminds me of a Family Guy cutaway from a few years ago. Can't seem to find the clip on Youtube.
In that last comic I was never sure if buying the Hickory Farms is the gift that would damn them both, or if that was the backup gift because they weren't going to buy Tycho a slave giraffe.
It's the backup gift.
This comic reminds me of a Family Guy cutaway from a few years ago. Can't seem to find the clip on Youtube.
I think i know the one you're talking about. Where the wisemen had all agreed on a $20 limit, and they find out the one guy brought gold. I think they all wanted to pool the gifts or something. Funny stuff.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
BTW, Joseph should be drawn as a 90 year old man, and Mary should be just under 15. But accuracy has never been a big part of any religion.
Yes because a man who still worked as a carpenter, and went on to have several more kids with Mary, is clearly 90 years old. I also love how there's never any specific mention of either person's age in biblical texts, but apparently we know exactly how old they should be!
Aren't there a lot of superhumanly-old people in the bible? Like Moses? I don't know about Joseph but it wouldn't be out of place given the rest of the book.
BTW, Joseph should be drawn as a 90 year old man, and Mary should be just under 15. But accuracy has never been a big part of any religion.
Yes because a man who still worked as a carpenter, and went on to have several more kids with Mary, is clearly 90 years old. I also love how there's never any specific mention of either person's age in biblical texts, but apparently we know exactly how old they should be!
Aren't there a lot of superhumanly-old people in the bible? Like Moses? I don't know about Joseph but it wouldn't be out of place given the rest of the book.
Early on in the book. Once you get to Moses you're basically back to your regular old life span, as it starts declining post-flood. As far as I remember, there is literally nothing to indicate the ages of Mary or Joseph. I read some article once that took the average ages of married couples and applied it to them, but that was hardly specific.
Thing to keep in mind that once you get to said Mary and Joseph you're back to the "known history" era. Most things we know about the Roman Empire and the world of its day seem to apply.
Maybe you're thinking of Zechariah, father of John the Baptist? He (and his wife Elizabeth, a relative of Mary's) are said to be old, too old to have children.
BTW, Joseph should be drawn as a 90 year old man, and Mary should be just under 15. But accuracy has never been a big part of any religion.
Yes because a man who still worked as a carpenter, and went on to have several more kids with Mary, is clearly 90 years old. I also love how there's never any specific mention of either person's age in biblical texts, but apparently we know exactly how old they should be!
Aren't there a lot of superhumanly-old people in the bible? Like Moses? I don't know about Joseph but it wouldn't be out of place given the rest of the book.
As has already been said- the very long lifespans were almost exclusively prior to the flood. That's not even all the way through the very first book in the bible!
You see some mid 100s after that, but they decline quite rapidly down to 90 being a very respectable age during the kingdom eras. By the time we're into fully recorded history, such as during the Roman occupation of Israel, we're down to very regular lifespans.
So, yeah, to say that Joseph would have to have been 90 is just ignorance at best, or trolling at worst Mary being young is entirely possible, but again it is also completely unknown. She could've been 16, could've been 21.
If you want to be offended at revisionist depictions of Jesus, look no further than Caucasian Savior. Comics can take some liberties because they're comics.
But yeah, show me where the Bible says the ages of Mary and Joseph.
BTW, Joseph should be drawn as a 90 year old man, and Mary should be just under 15. But accuracy has never been a big part of any religion.
Yes because a man who still worked as a carpenter, and went on to have several more kids with Mary, is clearly 90 years old. I also love how there's never any specific mention of either person's age in biblical texts, but apparently we know exactly how old they should be!
Aren't there a lot of superhumanly-old people in the bible? Like Moses? I don't know about Joseph but it wouldn't be out of place given the rest of the book.
As has already been said- the very long lifespans were almost exclusively prior to the flood. That's not even all the way through the very first book in the bible!
You see some mid 100s after that, but they decline quite rapidly down to 90 being a very respectable age during the kingdom eras. By the time we're into fully recorded history, such as during the Roman occupation of Israel, we're down to very regular lifespans.
So, yeah, to say that Joseph would have to have been 90 is just ignorance at best, or trolling at worst Mary being young is entirely possible, but again it is also completely unknown. She could've been 16, could've been 21.
Just as a random fun fact. Frankincense and Myrrh were used for burial rituals, so they were literally giving baby Jesus (my favorite Jesus) the tools to bury him later in life.
Just as a random fun fact. Frankincense and Myrrh were used for burial rituals, so they were literally giving baby Jesus (my favorite Jesus) the tools to bury him later in life.
Myrrh was also commonly used in the coronation of monarchy- yet another piece of symbolism.
Just as a random fun fact. Frankincense and Myrrh were used for burial rituals, so they were literally giving baby Jesus (my favorite Jesus) the tools to bury him later in life.
You think during the crucifixion two of the magi were somewhere in the crowd?
"Hey Mary! You got that stuff we gave you? It'd be real handy to have some myrrh right about now, huh?"
If you want to be offended at revisionist depictions of Jesus, look no further than Caucasian Savior. Comics can take some liberties because they're comics.
But yeah, show me where the Bible says the ages of Mary and Joseph.
I have it on the best Fox News authority that Jesus, Santa, and Martin Luther King were all as blindingly white as the driven snow.
As white as the plainest white rice in a white bowl, cooked by a white man.
Just as a random fun fact. Frankincense and Myrrh were used for burial rituals, so they were literally giving baby Jesus (my favorite Jesus) the tools to bury him later in life.
You think during the crucifixion two of the magi were somewhere in the crowd?
"Hey Mary! You got that stuff we gave you? It'd be real handy to have some myrrh right about now, huh?"
"You said was a gift for Jesus, and he used it all when he was twelve and his dog died.
"Stunk the house up, by the way - you basically gave him the olfactory equivalent of a drumkit."
I have been Myrrh guy, and it sucks.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Sure but isn't it mostly medicinal?
Seems kinda wasted on Jesus.
"Congratulations on your new baby - here's a sober reminder of his mortality. Oh also, this is for his birthday and Christmas present..."
It was also used in perfume and incense.
Actually all of the gifts are highly symbolic (frankincense being an indispensable part of religious ceremony. The import of frankincense into the roman empire was so great and expensive that it was probably THE biggest contributor to the collapse of the roman monetary system).
They were the traditional gift to kings to symbolize their power both as worldly and religious rulers. Especially in the levant where myrrh was a part of the oil of anointment used to crown kings and high priests (messiah means "the annointed one").
So by giving him these three gifts they're basically declaring him to be a Holy king.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Path of Exile: snowcrash7
MTG Arena: Snow_Crash#34179 Snowcrash#1873
"The three wise men descended upon Bethlehem to bestow upon the young king of kings a gift of summer sausage, some kind of nutty cheese log and tiny jars of gross mustard."
And a very myrrhy Christmas to none!
Yes because a man who still worked as a carpenter, and went on to have several more kids with Mary, is clearly 90 years old. I also love how there's never any specific mention of either person's age in biblical texts, but apparently we know exactly how old they should be!
And Jesus cherished that gross plasticky taste well into his adulthood.
3clipse: The key to any successful marriage is a good mid-game transition.
This comic reminds me of a Family Guy cutaway from a few years ago. Can't seem to find the clip on Youtube.
I think i know the one you're talking about. Where the wisemen had all agreed on a $20 limit, and they find out the one guy brought gold. I think they all wanted to pool the gifts or something. Funny stuff.
Thank God
it still is i guess....
Aren't there a lot of superhumanly-old people in the bible? Like Moses? I don't know about Joseph but it wouldn't be out of place given the rest of the book.
Early on in the book. Once you get to Moses you're basically back to your regular old life span, as it starts declining post-flood. As far as I remember, there is literally nothing to indicate the ages of Mary or Joseph. I read some article once that took the average ages of married couples and applied it to them, but that was hardly specific.
Thing to keep in mind that once you get to said Mary and Joseph you're back to the "known history" era. Most things we know about the Roman Empire and the world of its day seem to apply.
Maybe you're thinking of Zechariah, father of John the Baptist? He (and his wife Elizabeth, a relative of Mary's) are said to be old, too old to have children.
As has already been said- the very long lifespans were almost exclusively prior to the flood. That's not even all the way through the very first book in the bible!
You see some mid 100s after that, but they decline quite rapidly down to 90 being a very respectable age during the kingdom eras. By the time we're into fully recorded history, such as during the Roman occupation of Israel, we're down to very regular lifespans.
So, yeah, to say that Joseph would have to have been 90 is just ignorance at best, or trolling at worst
But yeah, show me where the Bible says the ages of Mary and Joseph.
Shit stinks.
Myrrh was also commonly used in the coronation of monarchy- yet another piece of symbolism.
You think during the crucifixion two of the magi were somewhere in the crowd?
"Hey Mary! You got that stuff we gave you? It'd be real handy to have some myrrh right about now, huh?"
I have it on the best Fox News authority that Jesus, Santa, and Martin Luther King were all as blindingly white as the driven snow.
As white as the plainest white rice in a white bowl, cooked by a white man.
"You said was a gift for Jesus, and he used it all when he was twelve and his dog died.
"Stunk the house up, by the way - you basically gave him the olfactory equivalent of a drumkit."
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch