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PAX East 2014 Parties



  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    Carbine/ncsoft is doing a wildstar community event at sidebar on Saturday night, 8pm to 2 am. (gotta scroll down a bit to see the actual schedule).

  • DKTheArcadeRatDKTheArcadeRat Registered User regular
    Sidebar is one of my usual bar stops anyway. Will probably be there

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    DK...that's the one at the Sheraton? Or the one on Bromfield? Think it's walkable? Or cab it?

    pilferk on
  • DKTheArcadeRatDKTheArcadeRat Registered User regular
    Sidebar is the one on Bromfield. Depends on where you are coming from. I usually walk most places. I gotta rework my routes a little this year. Not staying at my usual hotel. But from most spots I'd say definitely walkable

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    Thanks. We're staying at the it's a trek from the BCEC, itself, but doesn't look unmanageable. Maybe look for a shuttle out to a hotel closer to that area, and then walk.....have to ponder.

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    Hop the silver line (next to seaport) to south station, then catch the red line and get off at park st station if you don't want to walk. Not worth the cab fare since all those streets in that area are one way and they have to circle around the city center.

  • JayDfromMAJayDfromMA MARegistered User regular
    The T is definitely your friend. Plus, it will be running late night so you'll be much better off using it than a cab.

  • grayfawkesgrayfawkes Registered User regular
    Has there been any news on a Mad Catz Party? I missed my chance on getting a ticket to it last year and don't want to miss it again this year.

    PAX East 2015:
    3 Single Day Passes [x]
    Hotel [x]
    Flights [x]
    Packed []
    PAX East 12'
    PAX East 13'
    PAX East 14'
    PAX East 15'
  • pelicanflippelicanflip Registered User regular
    grayfawkes wrote: »
    Has there been any news on a Mad Catz Party? I missed my chance on getting a ticket to it last year and don't want to miss it again this year.

    Not yet, they haven't announced anything yet.

  • JayDfromMAJayDfromMA MARegistered User regular
    I am guessing we should be seeing a lot of parties roll out pretty quickly in the coming weeks.

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    JayDfromMA wrote: »
    The T is definitely your friend. Plus, it will be running late night so you'll be much better off using it than a cab.
    This is the best thing to happen to PAX East since they signed that multi-year deal to stay in Boston.



    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    If only they would friggin' OPEN on weekends though...

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • danielofthekingsdanielofthekings Silver Spring, MarylandRegistered User regular
    Cloud Imperium will be have a Pre-PAX East event on Thursday from 8pm - 12am for Star Citizen. You must be a backer for the game to attend. Should be fun for anyone backing!

  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Not to be a negative nancy but for someone looking for quick and consolidated information this thread is kind of a dumpster fire. I know it is a tall order but is there any chance of this information being curated into a single post by the OP?

    I have only been to PAX once previously and I didn't even know that vendors/assorted others put on parties... I don't want to miss out again!

    EDIT: If OP has abandoned ship I may attempt to take over the reins by making a post on PAX's subreddit but I haven't given up hope just yet ;)

    imnotalawyer on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2014
    You could always consolidate the info yourself and make a post here notifying the OP, and the OP could edit that in. Seems far more constructive than just pointing out the lack of info ;)

    team effort, and all that

    zerzhul on
  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    Not to steal the OP's thunder, and not to divert views from this thread (which seems to get much more current, quick info) but:

    Consolidated info. They tend to be a couple days behind, but...

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    They're also not exactly complete if you consider non-company hosted parties.

  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    Fantastic thank you for adding this link, Pilferk!

    Zerzhul, I realized my post wasn't exactly constructive (I didn't want to be a jerk but I also like using the word "dumpster fire") so I added my edit offering to try my hand of this if the OP doesn't return to us ;)

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Well, the OP's last edit was at around 10am this morning, so I don't think he has totally disappeared.

  • kewlratskewlrats Editor-in-Chief Detroit-ishRegistered User regular
    Thanks for posting the link, pilferk! I maintain the list over at SideQuesting, and I try not to post the link in here (since I also don't want to divert views). But, I do draw from here and from the PAX East parties Facebook group. You guys rock, so keep it up! I hope to bump into more than a few of you this year! :)

    Curator of joy and love at
  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    So I have put my money where my mouth is and started a Reddit thread which aggregates the listing from this thread and's wonderful page.

    OP is welcome to thieve my effort right back and update his original post.

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    They're also not exactly complete if you consider non-company hosted parties.

    Absolutely true. They won't have stuff like the pokecrawl, etc.

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    Not sure if you should be posting the Pokecrawl outside of the Forums... I think they typically like to keep that as a forum things but I could be wrong.


    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, my two cents is that the pokecrawl is a forum event. Certainly people will find out about it, and that's fine, but it has staggering demand as it is and posting it elsewhere is not a great idea. Atlus has taken great pains to keep it a forum-centric event over the years. While I understand that he is not running this pokecrawl, I think respecting that tradition is worthwhile.

    Part of why it took so long to do non-forum registration was exactly that reason, because it was intended to be for people who are members of this forum, to meet each other. The demand just got so high that he had to go to a different registration method.

    I personally don't think that, if posted elsewhere, people will respect the team caps, and that people will just show up, which will hurt the overall experience for those who did take the time to participate in the community and sign up for the event.

    zerzhul on
  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    I was unaware that the pokecrawl was a forum exclusive event - if the event's creator asks me to do so, I will happily remove the event from my listing.

    If my two cents are worth anything, I think that the folks reading my thread on reddit are perfectly capable of respecting the instructions published on the event's page ("don't come to the published bar list if you are not registered"). Practical matters aside (overcrowding/gatecrashing), I don't think "exclusive" events are in the spirit of PAX. Anyone who has gone through the effort to secure a badge is someone who I would like to share a drink with... but that's just me.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    You realize your avatar is a dude holding a bottle of liquor, right?

    Irony. ^^'

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2014
    Yeah I wasn't trying to call you out specifically, I was just mentioning it since it was brought up. I don't read reddit for the most part, so I wouldn't know if it were on your list or not.

    As far as being "exclusive" goes, it doesn't take much effort to register for this forum, as far as when the signups used to be handled on this forum. They're not anymore though, so it's not like there's some gate to pass. I think widening the audience will simply create more demand that can't be met.

    zerzhul on
  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    MMMig wrote: »
    You realize your avatar is a dude holding a bottle of liquor, right? Irony. ^^'

    I am well aware as to who Lionel Hutz is. The irony of my previous statement and its relation to my avatar is lost on me however.
    zerzhul wrote: »
    I think widening the audience will simply create more demand that can't be met.

    "Welcome to PAX" he says as he feverishly refreshes his OnPeak page trying to get a hotel within walking distance.

    I have included a specific note in my reddit post asking folks to be mindful of the published rules for the event and explicitly mentioned the rule prohibiting those who have not registered from attending. As I mentioned previously, if the event's creator wishes me to do so I will remove my advertisement.

    What is ironic is that I initially jumped into this thread complaining about all of the side-chatter diluting its usefulness and now look at me ;)!

    My intention isn't to ruffle any feathers, I am simply hoping to make everyone's PAX as enjoyable as possible. I know that in 2011 I was pretty bummed to have been clueless and miss out on a lot of these events. If I can make one person's PAX a little bit better then I will be pretty pleased with myself.

    EDIT: I have been contacted by the pokecrawls coordinators, who have kindly asked me not to link directly to the eventbrite page but have permitted me to link to the forum post. I have obliged them in that regard so that settles that.

    imnotalawyer on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Welcome to PAX ;)
    As if that is a thing I do not understand.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Bitches love being welcomed.

    But yeah, party thread woo!

    @angrymonkeyfight - Don't forget to check craigslist and backpage PAX parties!!!!

    MMMig on
    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • scottyb1218scottyb1218 BostonRegistered User regular
    ASUS & PC GAMER present the Republic of Gamers PAX East Afterparty on Saturday, April 12th at The Estate. Details here:

  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    ASUS & PC GAMER present the Republic of Gamers PAX East Afterparty on Saturday, April 12th at The Estate. Details here:

    This...this could be interesting!

    Edit: I assume this is an all ages event? Looking all over the site but not seeing any age restrictions.

    miker525 on
    Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
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  • JayDfromMAJayDfromMA MARegistered User regular
    I believe it is a club so I am guessing 21+ but we would have to get confirmation from the venue on that.

  • DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Oh Fk... The Crystal Method... that might be worth going to...

  • RufeRufe Chesapeake, VARegistered User regular
    miker525 wrote: »
    ASUS & PC GAMER present the Republic of Gamers PAX East Afterparty on Saturday, April 12th at The Estate. Details here:

    This...this could be interesting!

    Edit: I assume this is an all ages event? Looking all over the site but not seeing any age restrictions.
    JayDfromMA wrote: »
    I believe it is a club so I am guessing 21+ but we would have to get confirmation from the venue on that.

    The ticket page has it listed as a 21+ event. If you clicked the link Scottyb posted, not sure how you missed it.

    PAX East 2018 Checklist:[X] Plane Ticket [X] Hotel [X] 4 One Day Passes [X] Badge arrival [X] Game packaging
  • Veive257Veive257 Registered User regular
    Cloud Imperium will be have a Pre-PAX East event on Thursday from 8pm - 12am for Star Citizen. You must be a backer for the game to attend. Should be fun for anyone backing!

    7pm entry for Concierge & Subscribers :)

  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    Rufe wrote: »
    miker525 wrote: »
    ASUS & PC GAMER present the Republic of Gamers PAX East Afterparty on Saturday, April 12th at The Estate. Details here:

    This...this could be interesting!

    Edit: I assume this is an all ages event? Looking all over the site but not seeing any age restrictions.
    JayDfromMA wrote: »
    I believe it is a club so I am guessing 21+ but we would have to get confirmation from the venue on that.

    The ticket page has it listed as a 21+ event. If you clicked the link Scottyb posted, not sure how you missed it.

    Thank's. Yeah after looking again it was right there. I need to stop browsing the internet past my bedtime :neutral_face:

    Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
    Websites - Gamerations -
    Pinny Pals - Miker525
  • DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Anyone else not receiving an email after RSVPing for that PC gamer party?

  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    I received an email with a PDF ticket after RSVPing to the ASUS/PC Gamer event yesterday.

  • grayfawkesgrayfawkes Registered User regular
    I received an email with a PDF ticket after RSVPing to the ASUS/PC Gamer event yesterday.

    Same here, got the email like 5 minutes after RVSPing

    PAX East 2015:
    3 Single Day Passes [x]
    Hotel [x]
    Flights [x]
    Packed []
    PAX East 12'
    PAX East 13'
    PAX East 14'
    PAX East 15'
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