
Neotoma Presents: The Last Gloss Standing



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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
    Copy in the advertising sense, actually.

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    It doesn’t take you long to piece together what these papers are.
    It’s a journal.

    You are able to piece them together amazingly fast considering Lily is just about to touch the rock.
    The First is dated at over a week ago

    The Spits don’t exactly talk, but they seem to understand well enough. You want booze, you need set fire to some things. Hope they understand that it’s not quite time yet.

    The second is dated to 5 days ago
    Apparently them Spits never learned their days. Had a few show up in my field today, scared the daylights out of some cattle. I motioned and hollered at em that it wasn’t time yet. Think they understood.

    Found a big ol’ rock in the basement after they left. One of the Spits left it must have left it, probably was rummaging around lookin for booze. Awful pretty lookin, think im gonna keep it. Sure beats the hell out of candles.

    2 days ago. You remember that there was rain on this day.

    The rock changed color with the sky today. It’s been nice and blue all week, but soon as the sky opened up so did it. The rock done wen’t grey, even leaked on my table a bit. Fancy that.


    I sure hope this isn’t just some Spit shit that I have on display.
    The rest of the papers are just records of transactions and crumpled up love letters.

    José takes a swig.
    It was piss
    It was obvious to everyone that the contents of the jar was piss.

    And then Lily touches the crystal
    Jeremiah can scream no all he wants. Ain’t no reaction time in the world that can stop a smith that has set her mind to somethin.

    The room fills with a bright blue light.
    And then it goes white.
    And then you remember

    And then they remembered their time before Knowhere
    They see images of a pale rider cloaked in white, standing above a conquered city.
    They see a man in black in a shootout, before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
    They see all manner of beasts emerging from a great fiery crevice.

    And then were standing together in the present before a grand masked figure in the room cloaked in light. The figure gestures to each of you in turn, judging your actions in a long forgotten language. But you understand enough. You are the Blessed. You are the Hallowed. And this world has a plan for you.

    Hold off on posting for now. I have some new rules to introduce.

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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    rock rock on

    Miss me? Find me on:

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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
    Also, [%] is now both for sale, and on sale.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    oh shit whaaaaaaat

    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    make me an attractive business link and I'll put it in my signature, @DE?AD

    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    and facebook

    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular

    Maybe this?


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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Have you advertised in the tabletop thread yet?

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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
    I have not, due to the no-self-promotion rule.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    I'm pretty thrilled that you're getting this going

    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
    Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
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    CheeselikerCheeseliker Registered User regular
    This is cool

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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
    I think so! I've still got some more stuff planned, but I need to finalize it. There's at least two other RPGs in the pipe.

    Also, I highly recommend Obligation Party. I've played it several times now and it's always a blast, provided you find forcing people to do silly accents funny (which you should).

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Fire Mechanics

    Whatever that Figure said to you made you realize you weren't living up to yer full potential. That ya had a little fire in ya.
    But the question is if this potential means you are Blessed, or Hallowed.

    The Blessed man walks the righteous path. Unworthy is the men to fall to his holy bullets.
    Yours is the power that aids others. Barriers, illusions, rays of light, expelling of foreign bodies, summoning female black bears to kill young children who curse your baldness, and gust of wind that can split the sea. But this great power comes at the cost of great sacrifice.

    The Hallowed man walks upon this beneath him. No other matters to his advance.
    Yours is the power to cause devastation. Fire, brimstone, smoke that blots out the dark, deception, and feats of strength that reject the abilites of the mortal man. However, one must remember that fire cares not for what it burns.

    Enough prose. You can decide to be either [Blessed] or [Hallowed].
    Actions performed using these traits will always succeed, and will be very successful. However these actions come at a cost.
    For every one of these action a counter will go up. These will have negative consequences down the road. Ex: Purge a man of demons. You now have [Blessed-1]
    You will also have a -4 hanging over your head from then on. These add up over time and I will take advantage of these to fuck you over.

    I will keep track of them but it would be really convenient if you kept it in your statline.

    Hey @DE?AD could you stick that under the Dust line in the OP?

    And for when you make a desicion, or no desicion, here is the next update.

    And then you wake up.

    The stone is still there.

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    This makes me miss Tommy

    A doggy raining brimstone and fire down on the population would be amazing

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    NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    blue what is the power level for our blessed/hallowed powers?

    Can i get/have infamous 2 smoke powers

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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Jeremiah Candlebrough[Smith+1][Mechanic+1]
    I: Wrench


    Geth roll 1d4-1d4+1 for READ THE MANUAL
    Looking for anything that might have been missed before in the rushed reading, with the bonus from Mechanic applying to any technical documentation / general reading ability.

    1d4-1d4+1 4 [1d4=4] [1d4=1]

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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    Chances are I wasted that roll <_<

    Still, Jerry's looking around to try and figure how that thing worked. If he can't find answers in the papers he's gonna stare real hard at it.

    discrider on
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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    NeoToma wrote: »
    blue what is the power level for our blessed/hallowed powers?

    Can i get/have infamous 2 smoke powers

    You can shoot bouts of flame, and you would be able to turn into smoke yeah

    Just going to have to get used to the backlash

    Basically you are just below the spits level. Shooting fire is a pretty big deal, but you aren't going to be creating infernos or blotting out the sun

    Bluedude152 on
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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    So I'd really like to hop into one of these, cause they seem really cool.

    What would I need to look at/read into in order to get a good how idea they work?

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    You are welcome to join Dust, my cowboy fantasy game if you wish


    This should explain the mechanics, but I found it easier to understand when I just have someone tell me how it works

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    How would I go about creating a character?

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    For dust, its extremely simple

    [Character Name] [concept][concept]

    Concepts are ideas that define your character. They also effect how your rolls go. You can 2 point you can put into traits, and you can decide to have one stronger concept or two diverse concepts.

    So cheeselikers character has [old gunslinger+2] as his sole concept. That means he only get bonuses when he is doing a action that relates to that trait, but he gets a +2 to those rolls.

    Discrider has [Smith+1][Mechanic+1]. So his character get bonuses to any actions that relate to being a Smith or a mechanic, he only gets +1 to those actions, but they apply to more situations

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    For dust, its extremely simple

    [Character Name] [concept][concept]

    Concepts are ideas that define your character. They also effect how your rolls go. You can 2 point you can put into traits, and you can decide to have one stronger concept or two diverse concepts.

    So cheeselikers character has [old gunslinger+2] as his sole concept. That means he only get bonuses when he is doing a action that relates to that trait, but he gets a +2 to those rolls.

    Discrider has [Smith+1][Mechanic+1]. So his character get bonuses to any actions that relate to being a Smith or a mechanic, he only gets +1 to those actions, but they apply to more situations

    So would this work?

    [Rust Diamond] [shadowy+1][knowledgeable+1]

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    I think there was also something about how your character came to town and what've they been doing with themselves since then. but that may have just been a starting thing, depends on blue.

    Caulk Bite 6 on
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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    I feel like Stealthy would be a better word.

    Here let me dig up the dust intro for you
    In the West it takes a lot for a man to earn his way to heaven. Whether it be acting as the valiant hero and saving the town, or just standing for a woman in distress, the pathway to heaven is paved with the footsteps of the folk heroes before you.
    Sadly these people don’t exist where you’re goin.
    Dust Lands

    You started just like everybody else, wanderin the Prairie for god knows how long. You weren’t going anywhere fast.
    That is, until you stumbled on Knowhere.
    A ramshack town far from society, filled with the various kinds of people who stumbled upon it in kind. This town is among few others that are the only bastion of civilization in this monster filled wastes. It is here people built a new life, by working the earth with their hands or living by the gun.
    After awhile, it wasn’t just Humans that showed up. The Flies and Amanita walked in from the prairies. They weren’t exactly human, but they were close enough that it didn’t matter.
    From then on, it’s been nothing but makin a living and fighting bandits.
    And stuff.
    You have been here for (x) years doing whatever.
    Welcome to the Dust Lands
    Character Creation
    [ Name ] [ Description ]
    Example: [Bob Willis] [Farmer]
    I: 2x4 slab of wood
    Give me the synopsis of your character. How long have you been here? What do you do? Why should I care?

    When we started everyone was gathered around in a bar waiting for their shot at the Amanita harvest. They are 10 foot tall fungal humanoids that can have a way with the crops, and grow them unnaturally quick.

    Then the players noticed that the field was on fire, some alcoholic fire spirits got into some booze and decided to burn down the field. Duke 2.0 managed to have some incredibly unlucky roles and got his arm burned off before they were drove away.

    Turns out the spits didnt just happen upon the booze. The sheriff, Morse, figured out that a farmer named Mcvey had bought a recent stockpile of the booze the Spit had been given. The players went and found him, he turned himself in without incident, they touched a weird stone in his basement, and the above crazy shit happened.

    You are now caught up on Dust

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    blue, I can't stay quiet anymore...

    It's "rolls" for dice, not "roles".

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    See, my brain knows that

    But my fingers just do not care

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    Cool cool.

    I just identify with the character Johnny T (the toad puppet), in this video.

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    DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
    I'd say Shadowy is a more interesting word - it implies character as well as skill. See also: sneaky.

    @Oghulk Silver is also accepting players, if you're interested. I'll go into character creation once I'm home.

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    edited April 2014
    I'll go for Dust, but thanks for the offer de?ad!

    and I really like shadowy

    [Rust Diamond] [Archivist]
    [Shadowy+1][Well Read+1]
    I: Magnifying Glass
    Rust stumbled into town overnight. He's searching the prairies for his Professor's tome, which he lost and now has to return to his old mentor. A coward by nature, Rust sticks to the shadows and tries to avoid people as much as possible, but the fires in the field (your discretion here obviously) revealed him to the group at the tavern. They, without any warning, wrapped him up in their fight with the spirits.

    I do good?

    Oghulk on
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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Yeah that works

    You won't get any benefits for Archivist but more descriptive words never hurt

    Might as well throw a weapon in your inventory as well.

    Now to decide if you were there all along but just never said anything or if Morse is going to introduce you to the gang as another person who helped fight the spits.

    Also, the Fire Mechanics up the page also apply to you, but they won't really make sense till someone describes how the combat works, and I got to study

    I'll write up a post on that latter if someone else doesn't

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular

    So rolls

    Lets say you want to punch a dude, that would be 1d4-1d4

    So you say Geth roll 1d4-1d4

    If its positive, you succeed! If not, I punch your face off

    Lets say you have a roll that is relative to traits

    So you roll to see if you known something, you would get +1 for [well read]

    Geth roll 1d4-1d4+1

    There is also these rules, which I think explain themselves pretty well

    Hold: You may, before an action, opt to one or more positive effect. You may specify how much you wish to hold, and under which circumstances you will hold them. For instance, you could say “Hold 1 on +3” or “Hold all.” Be warned: The Narrator can Hold as well, and negative effects you don’t see now might come back to bite you later. Held positives and negatives retain the color of the shard in which they were rolled.

    Play: You may opt to Play the cancelled pairs and suffer both the negatives and the positive effects. For instance, if you rolled a +2 and a -3 (-1) you could opt to play the one or both of the cancelled pairs. You’d suffer more negative effects than if you’d just let the roll lie, but you also manage to accomplish something. You may hold benefits gained in a Play. Plays may turn stand-stills into trade-offs. You may declare how many cancelled pairs you’d like to play before your roll. For instance, you could say “Play 1,” “Play All,” or “Play 1 on Stand-still.”

    1d4-1d4+1 1 [1d4=4] [1d4=4]

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    Cool. Yeah it's pretty clear and makes sense. How should I say which Fire trait I wish to take?

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Just stick it in your characters statline. Try to pick the one that most matches your character

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    I'm still trying to think of which way I want to go, for Lily.

    Is there any precedent for swinging both ways, Fire-wise?

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Not really

    I mean I thought about it but I couldn't figure it out story wise

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    I was mostly kidding.

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    I'll take hallowed.

    [Rust Diamond] [Archivist] [Hallowed]
    [Shadowy+1][Well Read+1]
    I: Magnifying Glass
    I: Pistol

    when can I start participating?

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