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East 2014 Schedule!



  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I'm sure it's not 100% final, but it's probably pretty close :)

  • danielofthekingsdanielofthekings Silver Spring, MarylandRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    I'm sure it's not 100% final, but it's probably pretty close :)
    Yea I noticed the Storytime even though announced isn't up there.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Excellent! It feels so much closer now :smiley:

  • Rose_TylerRose_Tyler Ocean Township, NJRegistered User regular
    Anyone know if they're doing the panel where the two of them draw the comic live? It's always been my favorite one to go to, but I'm either skimming right past it, or it's not there.

    Nurse Joy - team Red Gold 2012 - team Yellow Gold 2013 and 2014
    Pokecrawl planning committee 2014
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2014
    Rose_Tyler wrote: »
    Anyone know if they're doing the panel where the two of them draw the comic live? It's always been my favorite one to go to, but I'm either skimming right past it, or it's not there.
    It's not on the schedule yet. I would be willing to bet money that it will be back during its normal time from 1030-1200 on saturdays.

    zerzhul on
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    There's a few errors too that I'm sure will be addressed:

    The Aquisitions Inc Live game is on Sunday at 1PM-3PM, while the Autograph session and the Pinny Arcade trading sessions are supposed to be in those timeframes too.. (well the Pinny one is at 3, but still)

  • KnightmareKnightmare PittsburghRegistered User regular
    There are some really strong panels on here that I'm pretty excited for- the Game Art and Positivity in the Game Industry panels to be exact.

    I was really looking forward to the Q&A/Make a Strip, hopefully those make their way to the schedule soon...

    And, I missed the Scott and Kris panel last year- holding out hope that they do it against his year!

  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Eeeeeeeeeee....Acquisitions Inc!

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Eeeeeeeeeee....Acquisitions Inc!
    First time for east :-) I am excited!

  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    I caught their first one at Prime in '10- it was GLORIOUS. I want to repeat this.

    Edit- also, dumb question- for the first time, there's a tourney I wanna take part in- do you need to line up for those, or are signups ahead of time?

    LoonyEclipse on
    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I caught their first one at Prime in '10- it was GLORIOUS. I want to repeat this.

    Edit- also, dumb question- for the first time, there's a tourney I wanna take part in- do you need to line up for those, or are signups ahead of time?
    usually signups start first thing when pax opens day of the tournament. check in with the enforcers in the area to find out for certain.

  • SwordnStoneSwordnStone Registered User regular
    I am excited for Acquisitions Inc like nothing else. I am super thrilled they're bringing it to East!!

    Quit now and cake will be served immediately.
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Merci beaucoup, monsieur!

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • UNHMANUNHMAN [E] Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    "The Giant Bomb PAX Taipei 2016 Panel Preview Show!"?

    EDIT: Saturday 9PM Albatross

    UNHMAN on
  • schimmdogschimmdog Registered User regular
    Noticed that there is a Mike/Jerry signing on Friday, and that is amazing! Hope I can make it because I plan to hit up the merch booth after keynote/(possible)Q&A.

  • EscoBladesEscoBlades Product Marketing Manager at Ubisoft Registered User regular
    Woot, i can see my panel!

    Product Marketing Manager on Watch Dogs: Legion
    Youtube | Twitter
  • spiderz13spiderz13 Registered User regular
    This is amazing that the schedule is out!! Question tho, am I correct in deducing that there will be no Q/A session because they will be at the signing locations in the Queue room?

  • Sgt.MaysSgt.Mays Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Rooster teeth panel almost right off the bat, awesome :). Missed them at Fan Expo last year as they did no go that year, can not wait to see em.

    Gaymer, Nerd and Fan of Freeman's Mind/Half-life/GTA/Red Vs Blue

    Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
    Attending West 2019
  • RayzeRayze Registered User regular
    Nerds, Pitch a Game is at 4 PM Sunday and I'll be volunteering at a booth. First time I'll ever miss it

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    spiderz13 wrote: »
    This is amazing that the schedule is out!! Question tho, am I correct in deducing that there will be no Q/A session because they will be at the signing locations in the Queue room?
    I believe that is correct.

  • shepdshepd Registered User regular
    Yay, schedule! Only found one am/pm issue, I think... Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament - Part 2 probably ends at 12:00am , not 12:00pm. Unless it's just that epic!

    Yeah, I did compile my own ugmo spreadsheet from the data. :)

  • RyosukeRyosuke Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »

    Thanks for the heads up on the schedule, 29 days left and this schedule looks very promising.

  • JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D Tattoo Registered User regular
    And thus the Omegarounds are known, and thus I begin my training...

  • Hangover_GloryHangover_Glory Registered User regular
    I most definitely will be partaking in the Android: Netrunner tournament and potentially hitting up the X-Wing Miniatures one as well.

  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Sweet, the tournaments look really interesting this year.

    Also I burst out laughing when I saw that the Omegathon 1st Round is Perfection.

    Lazorz on
  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
  • iltailta Registered User regular

  • pilferkpilferk Master of Unlocking CTRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    And now getting a 503 error. :'( I hope it's back up soon...I missed it!

    Oh...and just like that, it's back. Though the link in the OP doesn't appear to resolve can get to it from the main page.

    pilferk on
  • ArcadiaExeterArcadiaExeter Boston MARegistered User regular
    i'm kind of bummed that it looks like there will be no Q&A this year but they do Q&A during the make-a-strip panel anyway so i guess that will have to do. I am SUPER HYPED about the live D&D though. 3 d&d panels this year is great. i been praying they would bring Acquisitions inc to East ever since it started.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    so much stuff I want to do falls at the same time ...darnit ...

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Really psyched for the Mass Effect cosplay ... my favorite game ... awesome

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    Wow up pretty early this year. Unlike Anime Boston which is a week away and still nothing.

  • RevGutterRevGutter Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Awesome to see there' are more panels based on designing board games, usually it's more tabletop/pen & paper stuff. That was actually one of the things I put in last years survey.

    RevGutter on
  • xenardxenard Registered User regular
    There's quite a few panels and tournaments that I have my eyes on

    3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
  • JayeEmmJayeEmm New HampShireRegistered User regular
    Acquistions Inc. was my gateway into the entire PA universe so I can't even express how excited I am to see it live for the first time. Yay! Wonder who the 4th member will be this time?

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    Is there any good way to view events by date added? I see events are still popping up, and it would be good if there was a way to just see the newest stuff and not miss anything.

  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    The lack of PA Q&A is disappointing. Also maybe they're all TBA, but there seems to be a lack of Triple AAA game panels. Really though we'd get a Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite ( :< Irrrational) based retrospect panel.

  • KeroanKeroan Chicago, IllinoisRegistered User regular
    I know Mike and Jerry want to eventually detach themselves from being the PAX hosts and just be guys at a con, but I will definitely miss the Q&A panels. Last year I got some of my non pa fan friends to come with me and they fell in LOVE with Mike and Jerry. Now they are the ones who want to see everything Penny Arcade, including Stripsearch.

    But the schedule is still a bit odd. The Omegathon stuff is happening at the same time as the make a strip? So I guess Mike and Jerry won't be hosting the omegathon second round. And Mike and Jerry's Second signing is happening at the same time in the same room as the Mass Effect signing? I wonder how that's going to work.

    But I am really looking forward to seeing the Acquisitions Inc. You guys are going to make me regret I didn't pick up the pin set :P

  • blAAAm!!!blAAAm!!! Cleveland, OhioRegistered User regular
    so it looks like all the MTG tourneys/events have been replaced with MLP events....

  • revengeancefulrevengeanceful Registered User regular
    Not sure if you're joking or not, but no, that's not the case. The MTG events just haven't been added to the schedule yet.

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