It's a: "this is a thread about pins, and that's off topic, if you want to talk about it further you should PM someone instead of further derailing the thread"
Here are the Pureval predictions I caught while listening to the podcast again.
10th anniversary Kemper with cake
Staff bodies
3rd party pin reuse from East
Strip Search wastebasket of broken dreams
Female assassin from Assassin's Creed
Simpsons Tapped Out
WotC Jace
Pureval is super close in one of his podcast predictions.
Prediction 1: Another company is going to try a “Leeroy Jenkins”-esque pin.
Prediction 2: One third party company will re-release East pins instead of coming up with new pins. (Spark, Behemoth, etc etc)
Prediction 3: EA will have a Simpsons Tapped Out pin.
Gonna be honest, you can PROOOOBABLY scratch out that last bit.
Whoa, what a minute I was (close) to be being right? Well now I am intrigued. No one tell my wife please.
If it is Simpsons you guys will never hear the end of it.
This is going to take a lot of work to collect them all again. There are some good looking pins in there. I am most excited about the Adventure Time pins. Those are unexpected.
skateboard - Erika
Orange Cat - Levin
Soccer - Brian
Fencing Foil - Mike F
1st Place - Kiko
Corgi - Jamie
Green Gummy Bear - Kenneth
Dollas - Khoooooooooo
Mountain - Dave
Camera - Dabe (new hire)
Football/12th man - Jeff
Tattoo - Kristin
Microphone - Josh
skateboard - Erika
Orange Cat - Levin
Soccer - Brian
Fencing Foil - Mike F
1st Place - Kiko
Corgi - Jamie
Green Gummy Bear - Kenneth
Dollas - Khoooooooooo
Mountain - Dave
Camera - Dabe (new hire)
Football/12th man - Jeff
Tattoo - Kristin
Microphone - Josh
Also Kiko not the camera or Soccer ball threw me. Shoulda realized Brian was soccer too.
Well... shit. This will be the first PAX Prime set that I will be buying. On top of that, I need to get the Blizzard ETC pin, the corgi pin, and two of the Supergiant Red pins (one for me and one for my wife, since she arguably loves Supergiant more than I do). I may need to seek out some of you veterans for how you deal with destroying your pin budgets each PAX :-(
Hingo on
Pins for trade!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Oh god you guys are killing me, so much cutting out pins!
If one of you PA graphics peeps happen to be around, can you pretty please email me individual pin graphics so I can work with them easier on the site? I will be very grateful! Maybe even put like a halo graphic around the team members staff pin and you can laude it over the others
Just saw new pins.
Also saw current credit card balance owing.
Collapsed on desk.
Colleagues concerned.
Until they noticed what was on my screen.
Then they sighed and turned away, and left me to spasm.
@grgemonkey, I have today off, I'll do it for you
So excited for this release, I think this prime set do going to be one of my favourites and I love that we're getting a pin of the cheat ^^
Is the tearaway pin the same one from East? Because that will make life one pin easier if it is :P
Is there a special badge for club PA members going to Prime or something?
If it's one of those "keep this on the down-low" things nod once.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Pinny Pals Lanyard
I can still hope for a Sunset Overdrive one. I WILL HAVE FAITH.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
10th anniversary Kemper with cake
Staff bodies
3rd party pin reuse from East
Strip Search wastebasket of broken dreams
Female assassin from Assassin's Creed
Simpsons Tapped Out
WotC Jace
3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
Prediction 1: Another company is going to try a “Leeroy Jenkins”-esque pin.
Prediction 2: One third party company will re-release East pins instead of coming up with new pins. (Spark, Behemoth, etc etc)
Prediction 3: EA will have a Simpsons Tapped Out pin.
Gonna be honest, you can PROOOOBABLY scratch out that last bit.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Whatever though, just show me what pins we're gonna get!
Trade me pins! -
Wotc is for sure the other half of the east pin (but evil) per info i got at SDCC. So cross that one off.
If it is Simpsons you guys will never hear the end of it.
This is going to take a lot of work to collect them all again. There are some good looking pins in there. I am most excited about the Adventure Time pins. Those are unexpected.
Prime Pins!
3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
skateboard - Erika
Orange Cat -
Soccer -
Fencing Foil - Mike F
1st Place - Josh?
Corgi - Jamie
Green Gummy Bear -
Dollas - Khoooooooooo
Mountain - Dave
Camera - Kiko
Football/12th man - Jeff
Tattoo - Kristin
Microphone -
Orange Cat - Levin
Soccer - Brian
Fencing Foil - Mike F
1st Place - Kiko
Corgi - Jamie
Green Gummy Bear - Kenneth
Dollas - Khoooooooooo
Mountain - Dave
Camera - Dabe (new hire)
Football/12th man - Jeff
Tattoo - Kristin
Microphone - Josh
Soccer is Ben
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Also Kiko not the camera or Soccer ball threw me. Shoulda realized Brian was soccer too.
That is all.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Glad I have an extra 10th anniversary to trade!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
That it is! I need to shoot more pictures over of my pup. I haven't posted any to twitter in a while(because I'm slacking
But look at his happy lil face!
All of the new pins are amazing. It's going to be an awesome Prime.
Updated my previous post.
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Trade me pins! -
I hate to be a grammar nazi, but you misspelled that word. It's not "lil", it's "widdle"
Ex. Awww, wook at his widdle face!
In other news, I will likely try and collect as many Corgi pins as possible, to nigh unhealthy levels.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
If one of you PA graphics peeps happen to be around, can you pretty please email me individual pin graphics so I can work with them easier on the site? - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
In Australia 'widdle' is slang for pee.
Ex. The dog widdled on the carpet
Your fun fact for the day, you're welcome :P
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Also saw current credit card balance owing.
Collapsed on desk.
Colleagues concerned.
Until they noticed what was on my screen.
Then they sighed and turned away, and left me to spasm.
@grgemonkey, I have today off, I'll do it for you
So excited for this release, I think this prime set do going to be one of my favourites and I love that we're getting a pin of the cheat ^^
Is the tearaway pin the same one from East? Because that will make life one pin easier if it is :P
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???