It's time for NUMBERS! (Staff Pins are being lumped in with the event they debuted at)
.:PAX East 2013:.
East 2013 Set: 4
Partner Pins: 1
BOSS Pins: 2
Total: 7 Pins
.:PAX AUS 2013:.
AUS 2013 Set: 4
Partner Pins: 1
Total: 5 Pins
.:PAX Prime 2013:.
Prime 2013 Set: 4
Staff Set: 12
Partner Pins: 19
Total: 35 Pins
.:PAX East 2014:.
East 2014 Set: 4
10th Anniversary Pin (East): 1
Partner Pins: 15
BOSS Pins: 2
Total: 22 Pins
.:PAX Prime 2014:.
Prime 2014 Set: 4
10th Anniversary Pin (Prime): 1
Staff Set: 13
Partner Pins: 24
Total: 41
As of PAX Prime 2014, there will be 149 different Pinny Arcade pins in circulation! This doesn't include year variants or pins that are revealed but aren't yet released (Automata). Nearly one third of the total available pins will be dropping at PAX Prime 2014, and over two thirds of the total available pins will have been available exclusively at PAX events. Wow!
Edit: Whoops, forgot to add the BOSS pins for each year. Applied them to East 2013 and 2014.
@Duckie Most kind The specs is centre the pin in a 205x205 transparent png, usually with decent padding around the sides unless the pin loses too much detail. No huge rush, Prime is still 22 days away
@Duckie Most kind The specs is centre the pin in a 205x205 transparent png, usually with decent padding around the sides unless the pin loses too much detail. No huge rush, Prime is still 22 days away
Grge are you able to make a downloads area where we download the individual graphics en masse? Want to print some out for my display.
Aaaah i remember him in acq inc. never read his stuff so it didn't click... Maybe hes making a return this year?
I'm still waiting for them to finish the story arc with morgan webb they did at PAX East this year, but I would much rather see Patrick than her(nothing against her, I just prefer Patrick's character with the group).
Definitely love the 80's Gabe and Tycho pins, so badass! Staff set is also great, better than another set of faces imo. Favourite 3rd party is by far Transistor's Red. Katie Rice, Adventure time and Sunset overdrive get honorable mentions. All in all a really strong collection, couple i couldve done without or changed, like what exactly is that Ubisoft X from? And yeah, blizzard ones are ok, not as good as leeroy/hearthstone
Hipster Tohmas is awesome, as are G&T with their gloves. Makes me want to watch The Wizard all over again! Love the Tiamet pin.
Thought that PRD would have had the SHIELD/Hydra logo, but I guess the tatt also works :P
As much as I love them, I think its a bit of overkill, they are pushing the full sets further and further out of the reach of the average consumer. Less is more imo.
Agreed, i think the more the better from a trading standpoint. People trading different pins with each other is a great way to get the community talking and working together to help each other out with their own collections. Its the 'hardcore' that go for full sets. Eventually, I believe there will be too many for any one person to rationally obtain. Until that day comes though....the squirrels call the shots, and if they tell us we NEED every pin...then im afraid we have no choice....
Isn't there now a time during PAX where all the staff line up in a room together so we can trade? Or do we need to still find them all?
At East they did a pin trading event, where they did just that. It was amazing and super conveinient. It also seemed quite popular, so I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless they hated pins...and they don't...hate they?
Isn't there now a time during PAX where all the staff line up in a room together so we can trade? Or do we need to still find them all?
At East they did a pin trading event, where they did just that. It was amazing and super conveinient. It also seemed quite popular, so I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless they hated pins...and they don't...hate they?
Yea, it was extremely organized and not even jam packed like I thought it would be (I showed up a little later). I would be surprised if this didn't happen at all PAXs (until it the crowd gets way too big for it).
I believe that they're actually going to push most of the staff trading to the event only for all upcoming and future PAX's, because some of the staff are soooo busy that they won't even be carrying their pins to discourage getting stopped while enroute to their next event.
I'd expect some staff to still be available to trade in normal circumstances, because they're in a more visible role.
I believe that they're actually going to push most of the staff trading to the event only for all upcoming and future PAX's, because some of the staff are soooo busy that they won't even be carrying their pins to discourage getting stopped while enroute to their next event.
While I can see where you are coming from, I will tell you that while busy, all the staff that I talked to said they loved trading pins…so busy or not I'm guessing the majority of them will be carrying pins around the normal show. You never know though I guess!
I believe that they're actually going to push most of the staff trading to the event only for all upcoming and future PAX's, because some of the staff are soooo busy that they won't even be carrying their pins to discourage getting stopped while enroute to their next event.
While I can see where you are coming from, I will tell you that while busy, all the staff that I talked to said they loved trading pins…so busy or not I'm guessing the majority of them will be carrying pins around the normal show. You never know though I guess!
Agreed. The only time I was told to come back later was when Brian was setting up the merch booth before the first day. Which is completely understandable given the general craziness at the time.
I believe that they're actually going to push most of the staff trading to the event only for all upcoming and future PAX's, because some of the staff are soooo busy that they won't even be carrying their pins to discourage getting stopped while enroute to their next event.
While I can see where you are coming from, I will tell you that while busy, all the staff that I talked to said they loved trading pins…so busy or not I'm guessing the majority of them will be carrying pins around the normal show. You never know though I guess!
Yep. And they know to remove their lanyard if they really can't be distracted.
I don't know if this was mentioned anywhere, but Straub released a non-pinny arcade pin of "Cthulu Natural 47" at East 2012-2013. Unless I'm not noticing a huge difference, it's like the same pin. Might be a problem for people buying eBay pins! Make sure you make sure it's Pinny Official! Pictured below is my pin.
There are differences, but they're very minor. An extra visible wing here, some spots on the head there. I'd wager there are probably fewer of the original pin in circulation, so it might not be that big of an issue, but it's still kind of disappointing.
I remember them saying there were only 1000 of them at East, but does that mean they printed more for Prime, or are they just leftovers?
Trade me pins! -
I will add it to the Questions list.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
And LBP3 is out in November. PAX Australia is before its release. I would look for possible LBP3 pins then.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
.:PAX East 2013:.
East 2013 Set: 4
Partner Pins: 1
BOSS Pins: 2
Total: 7 Pins
.:PAX AUS 2013:.
AUS 2013 Set: 4
Partner Pins: 1
Total: 5 Pins
.:PAX Prime 2013:.
Prime 2013 Set: 4
Staff Set: 12
Partner Pins: 19
Total: 35 Pins
.:PAX East 2014:.
East 2014 Set: 4
10th Anniversary Pin (East): 1
Partner Pins: 15
BOSS Pins: 2
Total: 22 Pins
.:PAX Prime 2014:.
Prime 2014 Set: 4
10th Anniversary Pin (Prime): 1
Staff Set: 13
Partner Pins: 24
Total: 41
As of PAX Prime 2014, there will be 149 different Pinny Arcade pins in circulation! This doesn't include year variants or pins that are revealed but aren't yet released (Automata). Nearly one third of the total available pins will be dropping at PAX Prime 2014, and over two thirds of the total available pins will have been available exclusively at PAX events. Wow!
Edit: Whoops, forgot to add the BOSS pins for each year. Applied them to East 2013 and 2014.
They did say if it was limited they won't re print it. But with the other pins they're free game. I'm thinking that might be the case.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Gonna be creating a list like I did last year with all the pins and their corresponding booth numbers. Best to stay organized.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
But I'm sure they'd much prefer getting their 54226781621th Lookout pin instead! - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Grge are you able to make a downloads area where we download the individual graphics en masse? Want to print some out for my display.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
PAX Prime 2014 Set ($30)
• PAX14 Logo
• Settle Thomas
• 80's Gabe
• 80's Tycho
Limited Editions ($15)
• PAX Prime 10th Anniversary
Staff Pins 2.0 ($78 worth of Trades)
• Skateboard (Erika)
• Orange Cat (Levin)
• Soccer (Brian)
• Fencing Foil (Mike)
• 1st Place (Kiko)
• Corgi (Jamie)
• Green Gummy Bear (Kenneth)
• Dollas (Khoo)
• Mountain (Dave)
• Camera - (Dabe the new guy)
• Football/12th man (Jeff)
• Tattoo (Kristin)
• Microphone (Josh)
Purchase pins ($80)
• Cupcake (Behemoth) - $10
• Honeyhug (Behemoth) - $10
• Cthulhu Natural 47 (Kris Straub) - $15
• Cats (Katie Rice) - $15
• ??? (LRR) - $15
• Panda Espresso (Scott Kurtz) - $15
Free pins!
• Elite Tauren Chieften (Blizzard)
• Iron Horde (Blizzard)
• D&D Tiamat (WotC)
• Corrupted Garuuk (WotC)
• Age of Empires (Microsoft)
• Sunset Overdrive (Microsoft)
• Order 1886 (Sony)
• Iota (Sony)**
• Next Level (Ubisoft)
• Don’t Starve(Klei Ent.)
• Transistor (Supergiant)
• Triple Town Bear (Spry Fox)
• Moonrise (Undead Labs)
• Eolian Talent Pipes (Pat Rothfuss)
• Jake (We Love Fine)
• Fynn (We Love Fine)
• BMO (We Love Fine)
• I floop the pig! (We Love Fine)
• Catbug (We Love Fine)
** Returning pin from PAX East
List looks good except Sony's Order pin, think it needs to head to the unknown right now (They did sell Ellie) unless I missed something somewhere.
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
I'm still waiting for them to finish the story arc with morgan webb they did at PAX East this year, but I would much rather see Patrick than her(nothing against her, I just prefer Patrick's character with the group).
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I may be in search of a roommate if my friend bails.
Trade me pins! -
- Staff pins are awesome
- 80's Gabe and Tycho are both sporting Nintendo Powergloves!
- "Strategic Advantage" Fynn + Floop the Pig pins
My only real disappointment is with the Blizzard pins. The last two were so epic, I guess I just had higher expectations for them.
Thought that PRD would have had the SHIELD/Hydra logo, but I guess the tatt also works :P
As much as I love them, I think its a bit of overkill, they are pushing the full sets further and further out of the reach of the average consumer. Less is more imo.
Please be a set, I can't afford to gamble away my money
If the machines were anything like the Behemoth ones, there will be plenty of people there willing to trade in real time.
Always looking to trade.
Your pin will be the first one I snag.... and it's not just because we all know exactly where you'll be all weekend, honest ... >.>
She will be in the pinfobooth all weekend.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
At East they did a pin trading event, where they did just that. It was amazing and super conveinient. It also seemed quite popular, so I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless they hated pins...and they don't...hate they?
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Yea, it was extremely organized and not even jam packed like I thought it would be (I showed up a little later). I would be surprised if this didn't happen at all PAXs (until it the crowd gets way too big for it).
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I'd expect some staff to still be available to trade in normal circumstances, because they're in a more visible role.
While I can see where you are coming from, I will tell you that while busy, all the staff that I talked to said they loved trading pins…so busy or not I'm guessing the majority of them will be carrying pins around the normal show. You never know though I guess!
Agreed. The only time I was told to come back later was when Brian was setting up the merch booth before the first day. Which is completely understandable given the general craziness at the time.
3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
Yep. And they know to remove their lanyard if they really can't be distracted.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Verbosity is my charm point.