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East 2015 Q&A Thread



  • Alex The GingerAlex The Ginger Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Previous years Thursday will call has been 2pm-8pm. I would expect similar, if not the same, hours. I haven't heard official times for this year though.

    Awesome, thanks for the reply! Similar question, when does the merch booth typically open? Pretty sure it was 9am at South, but I never saw it written down anywhere.

  • aleph0aleph0 Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Previous years Thursday will call has been 2pm-8pm. I would expect similar, if not the same, hours. I haven't heard official times for this year though.

    Awesome, thanks for the reply! Similar question, when does the merch booth typically open? Pretty sure it was 9am at South, but I never saw it written down anywhere.

    You can stand in line when the doors open. The Merch Booth will open once everything is up a running, usually before 10.

  • mooseonskatesmooseonskates Registered User new member
    Do we have any information on when the Will Call will be open? I won badges to East and I need to pick them up at the convention, and I've heard of it being open on Thursdays so people can pick badges up in advance of the show. Is that consistently true, and when should I swing by on Thursday to grab my badges? Thanks in advance!

    I e-mailed them and they said they'd be open between 1-7 PM on Thursday.

  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    I think I remember seeing a floor plan on the website before Pax 2 years ago, but I can't find any this years and I want to have a more of a plan than last year on what I want to visit booths wise. Is there any floor plan anywhere for this year?

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular

    Download the mobile app too.

  • miyomiyo Registered User regular
    So here is a question that just came to mind, mainly since it is going to be chilly it looks like: what do people do with their coats? I know my hotel is near one of the shuttle routes and want to be warm. Though having to carry my coat around all day inside sounds a little toasty. I doubt there is a coat check but figure I'll ask!

  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    miyo wrote: »
    So here is a question that just came to mind, mainly since it is going to be chilly it looks like: what do people do with their coats? I know my hotel is near one of the shuttle routes and want to be warm. Though having to carry my coat around all day inside sounds a little toasty. I doubt there is a coat check but figure I'll ask!

    There's a coat check available. It does cost money (I believe $2-3) it's in the lower level by where the busses come in/line up.

    GhostDan on
  • miyomiyo Registered User regular
    Ah cool, thank you much!

  • yolomcswaggytotsyolomcswaggytots Registered User regular
    It's a week before PAX starts and my friend hasn't gotten his passes yet. Just sent an email to pax questions. We checked the receipt and everything was correct. If he doesn't get his passes in the mail, is there anything we can do?

  • MalgarasMalgaras Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    It's a week before PAX starts and my friend hasn't gotten his passes yet. Just sent an email to pax questions. We checked the receipt and everything was correct. If he doesn't get his passes in the mail, is there anything we can do?

    Typical scenario here is that if the passes don't show up, you will get instructions to pick up a new set on site, as long as you have spoken with them first, which it sounds like you are already taking care of. Don't worry too much, I went through the process myself last year. It was quite painless, and I've never heard of somebody getting left out in the cold.

    Malgaras on
  • Getlucky12341Getlucky12341 Registered User new member
    edited March 2015
    Since daylight savings is during Pax, do we gain an hour or lose one?

    Getlucky12341 on
  • ABBQABBQ BostonRegistered User regular
    Since daylight savings is during Pax, do we gain an hour or lose one?

    You lose an hour of sleep, not PAX time. :)

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    ABBQ wrote: »
    Since daylight savings is during Pax, do we gain an hour or lose one?

    You lose an hour of sleep, not PAX time. :)

    No one looses an hour of sleep because no one sleeps at PAX :biggrin:

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    ABBQ wrote: »
    Since daylight savings is during Pax, do we gain an hour or lose one?

    You lose an hour of sleep, not PAX time. :)

    No one looses an hour of sleep because no one sleeps at PAX :biggrin:
    And that's how you get PAX Pox, lol

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • wartjr2373wartjr2373 Registered User regular
    How usable is the 2nd floor access from the Westin during PAX? Can I use it to get into PAX, or is it exit only?

  • antheremantherem Registered User regular
    wartjr2373 wrote: »
    How usable is the 2nd floor access from the Westin during PAX? Can I use it to get into PAX, or is it exit only?

    It's not open until after the morning rush, so 10:30 or so. Last year it had this weird tendency to get closed for no reason even after that.

  • karebear288karebear288 Registered User new member
    edited March 2015
    I remember last year bag check lines pretty much wrapped around the building all the way back to the bus drop off area. (Bag check meaning security search)

    Is there going to be a bag check this year?

    Will it be indoors or outdoors? (Given the weather, so we can plan accordingly for the potential hour long waits)

    karebear288 on
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    I remember last year bag check lines pretty much wrapped around the building all the way back to the bus drop off area. (Bag check meaning security search)

    Is there going to be a bag check this year?

    Will it be indoors or outdoors? (Given the weather, so we can plan accordingly for the potential hour long waits)
    Yes, there will be a bag check this year. I cannot find the article which explicitly mentioned the bag checks this year, so I just put a strikethrough on that, but I think it would be safe to assume that they will have them.

    A little tip about those crazy lines early in the morning: you may want to consider walking around the insanely long line of people who walked from South Station. For some reason, that line didn't bother taking advantage of all security bag check lines and amassed in that one giant blob near the bike racks. It isn't cutting, because there were personnel shouting for people to move down and fill up the other lines.

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • karebear288karebear288 Registered User new member
    Yeah I remember once they started splitting up the lines moves pretty quickly. I was also surprised that the Westin entrance seemed pretty empty. Are there other entrances aside from the main door that I should look into?

  • Sgt.MaysSgt.Mays Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Lines moved quite fast last year, never waited too long to get in.

    And i am sure with the cold they will have every door and as many bag checkers open as possable.

    Gaymer, Nerd and Fan of Freeman's Mind/Half-life/GTA/Red Vs Blue

    Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
    Attending West 2019
  • chenry888chenry888 Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    cky71321 wrote: »
    The MBTA announced today that 100% service will not be in place for at least 30 days - with that number becoming larger if the area is hit with another snowstorm. Should some restrictions be in place for PAX, it won't hinder downtown travel too much - but could be a major inconvenience for anyone staying a fair distance from the BCEC. Based on current conditions, this is how the subway system currently looks:

    Cheap MS Paint MBTA Map

    Anything with a black line through it is a stop that is currently out-of-service or being covered by shuttles. If there's something you want to see in those areas (examples include the Sam Adams Brewery, BC, BU, Assembly Row, etc.) and the subway is in a similar state during PAX - think twice before going. I have coworkers that have brutal subway commutes at the moment - up to three hours for what is normally a 30 minute trip. This has been the state of the system for the past few weeks, and with nowhere to put the snow, may not be better anytime soon. Many key locations are within the "safe zone", so to speak - the BCEC, Copley, Fanueil Hall, the North End, Fenway, the Commons, and downtown.

    On the plus side, anyone flying in should not be heavily impacted. Airport Station (Blue Line) has been fully open, and the Silver Line has no major issues (it has no tracks and remains underground for most of its trip). For anyone staying on those outlying points - have a backup plan in mind, such as Uber, Lyft, etc. The shuttles that replace the trains are very slow and tend to be very, very crowded - the addition of the PAX crowd will only slow things down more.

    Good idea on using ridesharing!

    I found out that Lyft is giving new users 4 free rides by signing up with code [mod edit: nope]

    Hey guys, Can't wait for you all to see how much snow there is here lol
    It's going to be a blast hanging out with you all.
    Have fun everyone!!

    ceres on
  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    I remember last year bag check lines pretty much wrapped around the building all the way back to the bus drop off area. (Bag check meaning security search)

    Is there going to be a bag check this year?

    Will it be indoors or outdoors? (Given the weather, so we can plan accordingly for the potential hour long waits)

    Dude when did that happen? Every time I looked it was a short line.

  • hitstunhitstun Columbus, Ohio, USARegistered User new member
    Hello, all! Last year I took 2nd place in Tetris DS and I'd like to know more about this year's Tetris tournament. The schedules on the PAX site and on Guidebook don't say what systems the games are on, and I'm not so sure about the game titles either.

    Which Tetris are we playing? If it's Game Boy Tetris, should I bring a Game Boy, a Game Boy Color, or a Game Boy Advance? They all use different link cables. Will this be decided at tournament time?

  • caerulean_bluecaerulean_blue Registered User regular
    Jackubee wrote: »
    This'll be a first in a few ways for me:

    -In past years I've always noticed QR codes on random PAX maps and such. Is it some sort of scavenger hunt?

    QR codes are for a scavenger hunt. Last year was finally able to get all of them. In a past years the prize had been neat little Pax XP key chain. Prize last year was a mini-rubix cube.

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    Jackubee wrote: »
    This'll be a first in a few ways for me:

    -In past years I've always noticed QR codes on random PAX maps and such. Is it some sort of scavenger hunt?

    QR codes are for a scavenger hunt. Last year was finally able to get all of them. In a past years the prize had been neat little Pax XP key chain. Prize last year was a mini-rubix cube.
    Despite having been said before, it should be mentioned again: this is for scavenger hunter sadomasochists, like myself. They take a long time to find them all and it's just for a small prize. If you are at PAX for only a day, you'd be best spending your time doing other things. All 3 days and enjoy misery? Hop on the train!

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    ya personally last year i got there right around 10 or 1030 every day and never had to wait more then 5 or 10 min to get inside because of the bag check

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    hitstun wrote: »
    Hello, all! Last year I took 2nd place in Tetris DS and I'd like to know more about this year's Tetris tournament. The schedules on the PAX site and on Guidebook don't say what systems the games are on, and I'm not so sure about the game titles either.

    Which Tetris are we playing? If it's Game Boy Tetris, should I bring a Game Boy, a Game Boy Color, or a Game Boy Advance? They all use different link cables. Will this be decided at tournament time?

    It's on the DS again.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • VGguy49VGguy49 Registered User regular
    So when is the earliest you can get into the actual convention center?

    Wishes he could change his username
  • BinaryPieBinaryPie Registered User regular
    VGguy49 wrote: »
    So when is the earliest you can get into the actual convention center?

    8am. Says on the letter that came with your badge(s). You can line up for the floor in the queue room (opens at 10) or line up for panels (first ones are 10:30) then.

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    rtm416 wrote: »
    Schmulki wrote: »
    I see a posting for a pre-pax board game night, how about a post-pax one? There was one last year and it was great.

    Sorry, I haven't been reading the FAQs! You are welcome to go and play, but the turnout last year was not enough to be worth it for the hotel to host it formally. Also this year they have an event Monday morning, so the tables will be taken down *sometime* Sunday Night.

    No prob, thanks for the answer!

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    so if u wanna be in the queue line how do u get there cause the front doors do not bring u near them just wondering cause may be doing that on sunday were my 1st panel i want to go to starts at 1030

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    You'll be snaked through the building to get to the Queue Room, however if you're lining up for a theater, you'll want to go directly there to get in that line.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • monkoshmonkosh NYCRegistered User regular
    Do anyone know if the Steel Battalion room will be here again? I wanted to play it last year but was unable.

  • BlitherPantsBlitherPants Registered User regular
    In the FAQ under "What do I bring?", it says I need to bring my "pre-reg" packet as well as my badge. What is this and how do I get it?

    The only thing that came with my badge was a single piece of paper basically thanking me for my order and reiterating the six rules of PAX. Is this one sheet the pre-reg packet?

    -Black Doom
  • caerulean_bluecaerulean_blue Registered User regular
    In the FAQ under "What do I bring?", it says I need to bring my "pre-reg" packet as well as my badge. What is this and how do I get it?

    The only thing that came with my badge was a single piece of paper basically thanking me for my order and reiterating the six rules of PAX. Is this one sheet the pre-reg packet?

    If I am not mistaken it is the letter that came with your badge. I never actually needed for any reason it but it does have some helpful information.

  • Zer0Zer0 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I ended up with some surplus badges this year. Is there somewhere I can post details and ask if anyone is interested in them?

  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    Zer0 wrote: »
    I ended up with some surplus badges this year. Is there somewhere I can post details and ask if anyone is interested in them?

    Yes but not on this forum. Penny arcade does not endorse the selling/giving away of badges but don't stop you from doing it elsewhere.

  • Zer0Zer0 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    koolaroo wrote: »
    Yes but not on this forum. Penny arcade does not endorse the selling/giving away of badges but don't stop you from doing it elsewhere.
    Okay. I also heard from a mod with essentially the same answer. Thanks for the reply. =)

  • RyvvnRyvvn Syracuse, NYRegistered User regular
    Hi all, I figure this is where I should post this: I'm wondering if anyone has ever hosted or even just been to a panel in the Cuttlefish theater at prior PAX East events? I'm hosting a panel there this Friday evening, and I'm trying to find even just one picture of it to see what the panel setting looks like, but my google abilities are failing because I can't seem to find even just one! Can anyone help me out?

    I don't post or check here often, so a PM would be most helpful since I'd probably get an email alert for that. Also, please let me know if you just think I'd get a better answer in another (possibly overlooked) thread; thanks!

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Ryvvn wrote: »
    Hi all, I figure this is where I should post this: I'm wondering if anyone has ever hosted or even just been to a panel in the Cuttlefish theater at prior PAX East events? I'm hosting a panel there this Friday evening, and I'm trying to find even just one picture of it to see what the panel setting looks like, but my google abilities are failing because I can't seem to find even just one! Can anyone help me out?

    I don't post or check here often, so a PM would be most helpful since I'd probably get an email alert for that. Also, please let me know if you just think I'd get a better answer in another (possibly overlooked) thread; thanks!
    I attended the Case Modders panel last year in the Cuttlefish. While most theaters are narrow in width and lengthy in depth, the Cuttlefish is the exact opposite, unless they change the way it was setup from last year. When you look at the map, imagine the stage where the curtains icon is and the crowd sitting where "Cuttlefish Theatre" is written.


    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
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