I've grown tired of the ground grind for the event, and I'm just grinding some of my golden eagle wagers to pay to unlock that pakwagen. I'm literally short by 1 golden eagle right now.
I did manage to snag this nice reversal here. Anyone else have any cool highlights to share from this event?
Matches where the teams are actually coordinating remain cool. I got to see a couple of actual Thatch Weaves performed in an RB just now by US pilots taking on Japanese ones. It's really neat seeing things like that in practice.
I've been working on fully spading each nation up to tier 3 and yeesh has Germany been rough, but each time you creep up a BR level it's like the planes are forcing you through a variety of elite training programs to make you git gud before you're finally allowed to enter the glorious realm of 3.7 when you get your first FW-190 and the 109-F4s. That said, their night fighter line is just absolutely hilarious and surprisingly maneuverable. You just point your nose "over thattaway," vomit cannon rounds everywhere, and collect your kills. Also, the BF-109 F2 ended up being a really fun plane once I started running it's armor piercing belts with the cermet cores. Those things wreck engines and snipe pilots with hilarious ease and baiting people into head-ons results in numerous engine kills.
EDIT: Holy shit I really need to rewrite the OP to this thread O_o
EDIT EDIT: I've been watching way too damn many Squire Flyer videos which resulted in me getting inspired to put together a War Thunder playlist on Youtube.
Also, I found this on the interwebs and it speaks to me on a spiritual level.
At Gamescom 2017 we will introduce the new major update 1.71 “New E.R.A”. The name was coined for several reasons - first, we are adding a 6th rank for tanks and invite you to test the vehicles of the Cold War and Vietnam war period. Ground vehicles in War Thunder will receive new armour types - composite and Explosive Reactive Armour. This new era in tank construction marked the switch to brand new technologies in protection against powerful HEAT rounds and missiles that could easily destroy any WW2 armour. New infantry support machines will join combat - we are ready to tell you about some of them in the next few days. Stay tuned!
And don’t forget about prizes! Do you know much about your favourite game? Give at least 7 correct answers for 10 questions in our War Thunder Mastermind Quiz dedicated to update 1.71 “New E.R.A.” and receive a unique title “War Thunder Mastermind” and a RP booster! The link to the quiz will be published at 14:00 GMT!
A New Era is coming - welcome to War Thunder update 1.71!
And regarding any worries about the grind getting even worse:
The progress for rank 6 will be similar to that of rank 5, not harder. Later when we have enough vehicles on rank 6 we plan to reduce RP and SL requirements for rank 5 or even earlier vehicles
I'll need to get caught up. The summer event burnt me out for awhile.
Looks like they added an extra crew to the pakwagen. Hopefully that's its missing second driver. I also hope that they get around to fixing its poor hill climbing ability.
From those notes, it sounds like the "bad steel" modifier is finally gone from the tiger II's. That will help Germany a bit at that point tier, but it does not address the core CAS problem.
The 109's are a favorite of mine. I mostly fly in arcade, but I know that there was a thing in realistic where the instructor would litterally fight against you attempting to roll the plane.
It's been about a month sine I last played. The summer event burnt me out. If it weren't for me catching up on my backlog, I'd probably be playing again. Especially since my beloved Bf109's got a little bit of love from what I hear.
I've mostly played arcade aircraft or RB ground as the germans. Although I also have a limited selection of american, british, and russian planes/tanks for events where Gaijin tries to pretend that Pz II's vs KV1's is a fair fight.
I've done a bit of flying with realistic mode, but I vastly prefer RB Enduring Confrontation over Realistic mode's nametags and one plane. It really sucks to die for whatever reason and then be stuck waiting forever while your friends in your group are still up. To bad RB Enduring Confrontation is almost never active.
This is probably one of the best patches to come back to tanks, because of the massive cas nerfs etc. And you can actually play the pak wagon now without haveing 700 planes trying to MG you to death!
8.0 is a bit eeeh if you are not a fan of atgms as everyone and their grandma is bringing them out to fight kpz/mbt 70 and T64.
I mainly play air arcade too. Climbing for 10 min only to get pilot sniped by a random shot from 2k away is not exaclty what floats my goat. Endless dog fighting in AB tho? Signe me up!
Edit: There is also an event atm to get the US xf5f, which is a xp50 verson. But not as good. Kill 50 planes in air battles with Tier 3+ usa.
LilleDjevel on
Grass Grows,
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
Awesome! Looks like that event just started too! It should be a piece of cake to rack up 50 kills. I have a few solid craft in that BR range. The hispano armed mustang, some p47's, the P38's, and last but certainly not least my beloved captured Bf109 F4.
A friend of mine that usually flies with me is decidedly lacking in american planes at that BR though. He struggled to find the will to push himself through the miasma of the BR 1 planes that are armed with 1-2 fifties and nothing else. I know he has at least one P47 from a bundle, and he's got a great kill record with the Hitlerbolt. He'll just have to make it count.
I used the bf109 and the P 51, I find 12.7s to be absolute garbage on most us planes, but that might just be default ammo being shait. But the 20mms are pritty good. So if I ever plan on getting past tier 3 usa, I'm gonna slap a talisman on the P51 and let those 20mms carry me to freedom!
As much as I like the bf109 f4, the armament on it is sooooo horrible, why would anyone put 1 20mm and 2 7.62s on a plane? Do 2 12.7 then at least! It's the same armament the Yak 1 has.... And the yak 1 is a tier 1 plane!
Befor this event I was just using the P-36 hawk as my gf rb fighter and a peashooter, solid planes. Your friend should be able to make it! =D
LilleDjevel on
Grass Grows,
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
As much as I like the bf109 f4, the armament on it is sooooo horrible, why would anyone put 1 20mm and 2 7.62s on a plane? Do 2 12.7 then at least! It's the same armament the Yak 1 has.... And the yak 1 is a tier 1 plane!
One word: Minengeschoss.
Those German rounds pack WAY more explosive filler than their peers. It's only the one cannon, but its central motorcannon mount and the extra explosive filler from the mine shells grants it firepower equivalent to multiple cannons on another plane. That and by only bringing the one cannon, you save a lot of weight. That light weight frame gives the 109 F4 a thrust/weight ratio and acceleration rate that is top tier amongst its peers and lets it shine at those energy vampire shenanigans. That said, with arcade's boosted flight models, you can often be better served by bringing the gunpods on the later 109 series to up your cannon count to 3 20mm mg151's or 3 mk108's. However with realistic flight models the cost of flight performance from drag and weight of the extra cannons isn't worth it.
The 7.62's aren't so great in arcade mode. If I could remove them in arcade mode to save weight, then I would. I recommend rebinding them so that you only fire the MG 151 cannon and no longer have the risk of a stray bullet snapping your prey back to their senses before a mine shells kills them. Within realistic battle mode, they're good at causing oil/water leaks and damaging control surfaces. That limits their ability to maneuver and makes it easier to outfly them to the point where you can conserve cannon ammo with one good burst.
I can't agree with you assessment of the american fifties though. Machineguns in general were buffed pretty hard when they introduced Itallians. American fifties are once again one of the best air superiority weapons. I've had luck with the stealth, ground, and tracer belts (plasma cannon belts). German and Itallian 12.7's aren't as good as american ones, but they are far more useful now that their explosive rounds are working again. They used to just cause sparks and were less deadly than the 7.62's.
Default belts on anything is pretty meh but whooo boy do those .50s pack a punch with the stealth or good API-T belts. I personally find tracer-only belts to be too distracting but they're extremely good at killing other fighters.
Ah yes the Minengeschoos! Great round, but to few of it! =P
I'm used to ussr 20/23mm belts with nothing but hef/hef-i/fi/api which normaly kills anything in one burst. Meaning that 1 20mm will always feel lackluster. Also helps that I have the russian fw190 D-9 with 2x 20mms!
7.62s in arcade are indeed useless, can't even kill pilots due to armor glass and vitality upgrades. In RB they are something else, as damaging a plane actually matters! I have a bad habbit of bringing biplanes to high tier RB because it's super comical crippeling high tier spits with a br 2.0 chaika with 4x7.62s.
I think my main problem with fifties is arcade dmg modell. And not being used to them at all. Only plane I use a lot that has them is the yak 3, and well eeer ussr 12.7s suck. But I haven't propperly sat down with them, I just power grinded my way past tier 2 murica to get to the P51 so I could do the event and get a new shiny rare plane!
If only there was a mode with arcane respawns, but rb rules! >.<
Grass Grows,
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
The closest to arcade respawns with RB rules is enduring confrontation, but it's only ever available rarely and for limited periods of time. You can basically respawn as much as you want, however you need to take off from a ground start and there are no enemy nametags (IMO, a good thing).
The new thread title hurts me since 109's were never "terrible. "
The late war 109's are wholly outclassed and they still are even after this small flight model tweak. But that's not really an issue with 109's since basically every late war German prop is outclassed. Tier 4 is simply a bad place for Germany because you're always fighting swarms of planes with post war performance improvements, many of which have flight performance capable of going toe-to-toe with the early jets but for some reason have matchmaking values lower than those early jets. The griffon spacefires being far and away the biggest offenders.
Drop down a few brs below the matchmaking range of the griffon spits, and suddenly bf 109's are some of the most deadly planes on the field with the G2 and F4 being Allstars. The F4 is so good at its BR that you can make some arguments that they need a BR increase.
Well that was obnoxious. I activated Gaijin's USAF event code, logged into war thunder, racked up 50 kills, and then saw that their stupid code didn't actually activate.
I'm not sure exactly when this ends, but I think I have one more evening to do it. I just don't have the time tonight to get 50 kills again.
If anyone wants to be overpowered in arcade mode to quickly get those 50 kills, I found a line up of the two P47 D's at br 3.0 and the captured Bf-109 F4 at 3.7 to be devastating. The lineup rounds down to a BR of 3.3, and you enjoy significant advantages over most anything at that BR. I'm pretty sure that only the P38 rivals the P47's speed at that matchmaking bracket, and I don't think anything matches the F4's climbing or acceleration rates.
I usually start with a p47 to make some high speed attacks through the initial furball and then swap to the 109 once something takes me down.
It's not quite war crime tier like setting up a lineup to round the Hitlerbolt down to 2.3 so that you can club biplanes, but it's close.
In air arcade. I think that the algorithm is something like (((A+B)/2) +C)/2, where A is your highest BR plane, B is your second highest, and C is your third highest. However it is also limited to at most decrease your lineup's BR by one BR step (ex: 5.0 to 4.7, 4.7 to 4.3, or 4.3 to 4.0).
P47 D's are IMO the most criminally undertiered planes in the game, coming in at BR 3.0. I'd feel comfortable taking them into BR 5.0 matches. The Hitlerbolt premium p47 lacks any ordinance options whatsoever, so gaijin gave it a BR that's one step lower as compensation for not being able to simultaneously mount 2x 1000 lb bombs, 1x 500 lb bomb, and a whole bunch of rockets. With the a lineup of rank 1 planes, a lineup containing the Hitlerbolt has a br of 2.3. When fully downtiered you can find yourself fighting BR 1.3 planes.
Granted everybody else can do the same and fight tier 1.7 planes with P47s on a full downtier. You're just a bit less likely to be clubbing biplanes when you're matched up against 1.7 lineups.
It's most entertaining to take something like the Me 262 Narwhal into a rounded down list. It's nowhere near as lethal as the regular 262 due to the the low volume of fire from its single 50mm gun, but at a BR of 6.3, you can round it down to a 6.0 list. In that BR territory you normally stick around the same spot or get uptiered. But the wailing and gnashing of teeth is so delightful when you do get downtiered fully into a 5.0 game. It does not really matter that your weapon is bad for hunting anything smaller than a bomber, they freak out the moment that they hear the whine of your jets.
Hum, neat I will remember that for when I start grinding out a new tree! If i understod it right, it will bring my 4.0 La 7 to 3.7 so it can be down tierd to 2.7 instead of 3.0?
Right now I'm busy spading all my russian tanks from t1 and up. And MAN there is a lot of horrible tanks there! =p
LilleDjevel on
Grass Grows,
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
ElldrenIs a woman dammitceterum censeoRegistered Userregular
P47Ds just erase planes on passes in arcade it's fun.
I have the Horton and it's very good, but I haven't flown it much myself because it was a bit of a quantum leap in BR compared to the rest of my air forces lineup, and I don't have ground tanks high enough to use it as CAS. I like to fly planes mostly similar in performance and matchmaking rank, and for the longest time my closest peer to it was the Bf 109 K4 which IMO doesn't even begin to warrant its 6.0 BR in arcade. It has twin Mk 103's which get my vote for best gun in the game, however gaijin has nerfed 103's a lot over the past two years. They're less accurate these days, the HVAP rounds are worse at killing planes than they used to be, and they're MUCH worse at killing NPC tanks in the air forces modes. The plane's acceleration is poor, but it pairs a very high top speed with an insanely tight turn radius at low speeds. In a way, at low speed, it is the Zero of jets. You generally want to preserve that speed, but occasionally you'll find an idiot that will want to turn with you. Be careful with its elevator at high speeds since it you can easily rip its wings in realistic mode and it is the only plane where I've managed to rip its wings under Arcade flight models, which is something that I didn't think was possible. That said, the ripping took place after basically climbing to my flight ceiling, divining straight down in an attempt to break Mach I, and then pulling full up at the last minute.
It's probably the best German CAS plane since it combines the ability to kill multiple tanks per sortie while also having the flight characteristics where you're not just completely screwed if a single engine fighter gets on your tail. It's nowhere near as good at killing ground targets as the likes of Allied CAS planes like the Wyvern or P47 and their barrels and barrels of ordinance. The advantage that you do have over most allied CAS planes is that you are more generally more capable of flipping the tables on a hostile enemy fighter than they are. Outright killing blows against tanks only happen with the Mk 103 if you spray the crew compartment and luck out into an ammo explosion or kill off the whole crew. However after the Mk 103 accuracy nerfs, it's significantly less practical to deliberately hit ammo bins. The most consistent way to get ground kills and conserve your ammo for multiple kills is to hit the engine compartment from above three separate times to exhaust their fire suppression and burn them down. The engine compartment is MUCH easier to hit, usually less defended, and the Mk103 ignites it reliably. The only drawback to this is that it's time consuming and takes three passes to kill one target, compared to a Wvyern nuking a tank in one pass.
It's also worth mentioning that it's yaw performance is terrible because it lacks a true rudder and instead uses a pair of mini-airbrakes to slow one side of the plane down. This also means that there is a dramatic decrease in your yaw capabilities as your speed drops, so keep that in mind when lining up your attacks or coming in to land.
Overall I'd summarize it as:
High top speed
Strong elevators provide INSANE turn radius
Twin Mk103's and good ammo supply
Relatively small plane compared to alternatives that carry twin Mk 103's
Easy to rip wings
Guns are wing mounted rather than nose mounted
Poor yaw performance
large target silhouette when pulling up
Every time I watch someone else's highlight reel, I get jealous of the enemies you're facing.
Like, I would kill to be able to dive through a furball and have the entire enemy team essentially ignore me. Whenever I try to pull that off, I instead end up being the only guy on my team at 10k feet while the entire rest of my team plays in the moshpit at ground level, leaving me to go 4-v-1 against the part of the enemy team that climbed like I did. Or I dive on a group of two enemy planes dogfighting a friendly, shoot one, and zoom away, only for the guy who was originally 5k feet below me to stop his pursuit, turn on me, and catch up before killing me.
You're absolutely right. That was pure seal clubbing. The primary purpose of that video was to defend the honor of the MG 151 motor-cannon's killing power. The secondary purpose was that I wanted to play around with a video editing suite that was new to me. I still need to tweak some settings since something is introducing some audio popping and crackling.
I picked my lineup specifically to club seals to complete that USAF birthday event quickly. If you pay close attention to the targets, they're all low tier planes. As I mentioned earlier, you can make an argument for raising the BR of the Bf 109 F4. It may not be the most egregiously under tiered plane in the game, but I enjoyed a significant performance advantage over pretty much every plane that I shot down. I think one of the strongest planes that I shot down was a Spitfire Mk I, not exactly intimidating. Combined with a lot of the pilots at that tier being inexperienced, and it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
The pz II DAK is probably the stronger of the two vehicles. I've had it unlocked for awhile now and it is pretty good at its tier. It also has some use at higher BR's against US teams at right about the BR where they go full Hellcat.
I don't see the requirement for 50 kills, so this looks even easier than the USAF event.
Sweet Jesus what the hell did they do to the Mk 103's HVAP rounds in arcade battles? It takes like 20 rounds from above/sides to kill an AI medium tank now.
I did manage to snag this nice reversal here. Anyone else have any cool highlights to share from this event?
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
This may be my favorite War Thunder YouTube channel. War Thunder videos done in the vein of a 1940s Black Adderish British officer.
EDIT: Holy shit I really need to rewrite the OP to this thread O_o
EDIT EDIT: I've been watching way too damn many Squire Flyer videos which resulted in me getting inspired to put together a War Thunder playlist on Youtube.
Also, I found this on the interwebs and it speaks to me on a spiritual level.
And regarding any worries about the grind getting even worse:
PhlyDaily interviewing Gaijin's CEO about upcoming features and showing off some of the upcoming new toys:
Patch notes are so long they don't fit in a single post o_o
Looks like they added an extra crew to the pakwagen. Hopefully that's its missing second driver. I also hope that they get around to fixing its poor hill climbing ability.
From those notes, it sounds like the "bad steel" modifier is finally gone from the tiger II's. That will help Germany a bit at that point tier, but it does not address the core CAS problem.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z88bJm6S6Zg (Actual Play)
109 F/G/K models all got a fix to something involving their fuel loadout and apparently they're not awful anymore!
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Been playing on and off since 2013, and been looking for more people to play with now lately. Mostly play tank RB on ussr cause russian bias!
Edit: Also applied for the squadron. Ing DrPyro.
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
I've mostly played arcade aircraft or RB ground as the germans. Although I also have a limited selection of american, british, and russian planes/tanks for events where Gaijin tries to pretend that Pz II's vs KV1's is a fair fight.
I've done a bit of flying with realistic mode, but I vastly prefer RB Enduring Confrontation over Realistic mode's nametags and one plane. It really sucks to die for whatever reason and then be stuck waiting forever while your friends in your group are still up. To bad RB Enduring Confrontation is almost never active.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
This is probably one of the best patches to come back to tanks, because of the massive cas nerfs etc. And you can actually play the pak wagon now without haveing 700 planes trying to MG you to death!
8.0 is a bit eeeh if you are not a fan of atgms as everyone and their grandma is bringing them out to fight kpz/mbt 70 and T64.
I mainly play air arcade too. Climbing for 10 min only to get pilot sniped by a random shot from 2k away is not exaclty what floats my goat. Endless dog fighting in AB tho? Signe me up!
Edit: There is also an event atm to get the US xf5f, which is a xp50 verson. But not as good. Kill 50 planes in air battles with Tier 3+ usa.
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
A friend of mine that usually flies with me is decidedly lacking in american planes at that BR though. He struggled to find the will to push himself through the miasma of the BR 1 planes that are armed with 1-2 fifties and nothing else. I know he has at least one P47 from a bundle, and he's got a great kill record with the Hitlerbolt. He'll just have to make it count.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
As much as I like the bf109 f4, the armament on it is sooooo horrible, why would anyone put 1 20mm and 2 7.62s on a plane? Do 2 12.7 then at least! It's the same armament the Yak 1 has.... And the yak 1 is a tier 1 plane!
Befor this event I was just using the P-36 hawk as my gf rb fighter and a peashooter, solid planes. Your friend should be able to make it! =D
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
Those German rounds pack WAY more explosive filler than their peers. It's only the one cannon, but its central motorcannon mount and the extra explosive filler from the mine shells grants it firepower equivalent to multiple cannons on another plane. That and by only bringing the one cannon, you save a lot of weight. That light weight frame gives the 109 F4 a thrust/weight ratio and acceleration rate that is top tier amongst its peers and lets it shine at those energy vampire shenanigans. That said, with arcade's boosted flight models, you can often be better served by bringing the gunpods on the later 109 series to up your cannon count to 3 20mm mg151's or 3 mk108's. However with realistic flight models the cost of flight performance from drag and weight of the extra cannons isn't worth it.
The 7.62's aren't so great in arcade mode. If I could remove them in arcade mode to save weight, then I would. I recommend rebinding them so that you only fire the MG 151 cannon and no longer have the risk of a stray bullet snapping your prey back to their senses before a mine shells kills them. Within realistic battle mode, they're good at causing oil/water leaks and damaging control surfaces. That limits their ability to maneuver and makes it easier to outfly them to the point where you can conserve cannon ammo with one good burst.
I can't agree with you assessment of the american fifties though. Machineguns in general were buffed pretty hard when they introduced Itallians. American fifties are once again one of the best air superiority weapons. I've had luck with the stealth, ground, and tracer belts (plasma cannon belts). German and Itallian 12.7's aren't as good as american ones, but they are far more useful now that their explosive rounds are working again. They used to just cause sparks and were less deadly than the 7.62's.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I'm used to ussr 20/23mm belts with nothing but hef/hef-i/fi/api which normaly kills anything in one burst. Meaning that 1 20mm will always feel lackluster. Also helps that I have the russian fw190 D-9 with 2x 20mms!
7.62s in arcade are indeed useless, can't even kill pilots due to armor glass and vitality upgrades. In RB they are something else, as damaging a plane actually matters! I have a bad habbit of bringing biplanes to high tier RB because it's super comical crippeling high tier spits with a br 2.0 chaika with 4x7.62s.
I think my main problem with fifties is arcade dmg modell. And not being used to them at all. Only plane I use a lot that has them is the yak 3, and well eeer ussr 12.7s suck. But I haven't propperly sat down with them, I just power grinded my way past tier 2 murica to get to the P51 so I could do the event and get a new shiny rare plane!
If only there was a mode with arcane respawns, but rb rules! >.<
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Totaly unrelated: Germans have new spaced armor... Pak armor! https://clips.twitch.tv/EnticingVivaciousPieDoggo
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
The late war 109's are wholly outclassed and they still are even after this small flight model tweak. But that's not really an issue with 109's since basically every late war German prop is outclassed. Tier 4 is simply a bad place for Germany because you're always fighting swarms of planes with post war performance improvements, many of which have flight performance capable of going toe-to-toe with the early jets but for some reason have matchmaking values lower than those early jets. The griffon spacefires being far and away the biggest offenders.
Drop down a few brs below the matchmaking range of the griffon spits, and suddenly bf 109's are some of the most deadly planes on the field with the G2 and F4 being Allstars. The F4 is so good at its BR that you can make some arguments that they need a BR increase.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I'm not sure exactly when this ends, but I think I have one more evening to do it. I just don't have the time tonight to get 50 kills again.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Rip those codes tho, I had to activate mine 3 times befor it showed up...
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
I usually start with a p47 to make some high speed attacks through the initial furball and then swap to the 109 once something takes me down.
It's not quite war crime tier like setting up a lineup to round the Hitlerbolt down to 2.3 so that you can club biplanes, but it's close.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
P47 D's are IMO the most criminally undertiered planes in the game, coming in at BR 3.0. I'd feel comfortable taking them into BR 5.0 matches. The Hitlerbolt premium p47 lacks any ordinance options whatsoever, so gaijin gave it a BR that's one step lower as compensation for not being able to simultaneously mount 2x 1000 lb bombs, 1x 500 lb bomb, and a whole bunch of rockets. With the a lineup of rank 1 planes, a lineup containing the Hitlerbolt has a br of 2.3. When fully downtiered you can find yourself fighting BR 1.3 planes.
Granted everybody else can do the same and fight tier 1.7 planes with P47s on a full downtier. You're just a bit less likely to be clubbing biplanes when you're matched up against 1.7 lineups.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Right now I'm busy spading all my russian tanks from t1 and up. And MAN there is a lot of horrible tanks there! =p
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
But atleast now I might get started on getting spits too!
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I see it shredding tanks all over the place in ground froces so I kinda want it for the day I get kpz 70 too! =p
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
It's probably the best German CAS plane since it combines the ability to kill multiple tanks per sortie while also having the flight characteristics where you're not just completely screwed if a single engine fighter gets on your tail. It's nowhere near as good at killing ground targets as the likes of Allied CAS planes like the Wyvern or P47 and their barrels and barrels of ordinance. The advantage that you do have over most allied CAS planes is that you are more generally more capable of flipping the tables on a hostile enemy fighter than they are. Outright killing blows against tanks only happen with the Mk 103 if you spray the crew compartment and luck out into an ammo explosion or kill off the whole crew. However after the Mk 103 accuracy nerfs, it's significantly less practical to deliberately hit ammo bins. The most consistent way to get ground kills and conserve your ammo for multiple kills is to hit the engine compartment from above three separate times to exhaust their fire suppression and burn them down. The engine compartment is MUCH easier to hit, usually less defended, and the Mk103 ignites it reliably. The only drawback to this is that it's time consuming and takes three passes to kill one target, compared to a Wvyern nuking a tank in one pass.
It's also worth mentioning that it's yaw performance is terrible because it lacks a true rudder and instead uses a pair of mini-airbrakes to slow one side of the plane down. This also means that there is a dramatic decrease in your yaw capabilities as your speed drops, so keep that in mind when lining up your attacks or coming in to land.
Overall I'd summarize it as:
High top speed
Strong elevators provide INSANE turn radius
Twin Mk103's and good ammo supply
Relatively small plane compared to alternatives that carry twin Mk 103's
Easy to rip wings
Guns are wing mounted rather than nose mounted
Poor yaw performance
large target silhouette when pulling up
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Like, I would kill to be able to dive through a furball and have the entire enemy team essentially ignore me. Whenever I try to pull that off, I instead end up being the only guy on my team at 10k feet while the entire rest of my team plays in the moshpit at ground level, leaving me to go 4-v-1 against the part of the enemy team that climbed like I did. Or I dive on a group of two enemy planes dogfighting a friendly, shoot one, and zoom away, only for the guy who was originally 5k feet below me to stop his pursuit, turn on me, and catch up before killing me.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
I picked my lineup specifically to club seals to complete that USAF birthday event quickly. If you pay close attention to the targets, they're all low tier planes. As I mentioned earlier, you can make an argument for raising the BR of the Bf 109 F4. It may not be the most egregiously under tiered plane in the game, but I enjoyed a significant performance advantage over pretty much every plane that I shot down. I think one of the strongest planes that I shot down was a Spitfire Mk I, not exactly intimidating. Combined with a lot of the pilots at that tier being inexperienced, and it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Woop woop! New event for free german stuff this time!
Same as the usa event, 5 wins with 60%+ participation. You can get a bf 109A or pz.II DAK.
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...
I don't see the requirement for 50 kills, so this looks even easier than the USAF event.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
French incoming!
I have no clue about their aircrafts. But this means we might get the likes of amx 50 and the amx13 75/90 in ground forces.
That might open up for the american T69,T54e1 and the T57 heavy. Gonna be interesting!
Birds Fly,
'til there's Fire in the Sky...