Overdrive is an open world, third-person shooter video game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios exclusively for the Xbox One. Set in the fictional open world metropolis Sunset City in 2027, players control a fully customizable FizzCo employee who fights the OD'd, humans transformed into monsters after consuming an energy drink. Players wall-run and use zip-lines and grind rails to swiftly navigate Sunset City, and have a large weapon arsenal to use in action.
I write about video games and stuff. It is fun. Sometimes.
Really excited for the movement/combo system.
The devs mentioned they'll be looking to introduce open world coop eventually, I really hope they do
Also, character customization yay.
Comics, Games, Booze
Is it bad I have playlists for each THPS, Crazy Taxi, and JSR ready on my phone for just this occasion?
Also I forsee myself saying "can you do a grindy thingy on that rail?" a lot.
Only thing missing from your list. :P
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Glad to see it's getting good reviews and isn't Fuse part 2. Let's hope it sells well...
It's an exclusive for the less popular of the two next gen consoles, compounded by the fact that Destiny and a barrage of other games have or will come out this season.
People were casually discussing it for a while in the Xbox Live thread.
Yeah. Most people are playing Destiny right now, or at least that would be the ones to post this thread...
One game that I'd love to see a giant artbook for.
Plus, I have to send my One in for that puts a bit of a damper on playing One exclusive games for a few weeks.
Shadow of Mordor
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Far Cry 4
Sunset Overdrive
All open-world games with likely an insane amount of content to each
That said, is there much of an overlap between the people who'd play say Shadow of Mordor and Sunset Overdrive? It seems like you're comparing Phallic Shotguns to Sword Magics there.
*raises hand*
And I completely forgot about Far Cry 4 and AS:U.
The open world genre is bloated as fuck right now, and I feel like Sunset is going to get shuffled because of it. I hope I'm wrong and it sells like hot cakes...but I'm not holding my breath when you have heavy hitters like GTA5, Far Cry and AssCreed in the same space.
As far as "open world" goes I think its a lot like "RPG" these days in that its more of a seasoning than a genre onto itself(except in the most pure cases).
So, as long as they're unique enough I feel like a lot of open world games can offer a very different experience.
Like Shadow of Mordor is different from Sunset Overdrive which is different than Dragon Age Inquisition.
edit: in response to your post below, Dragkonias, I'm not talking about your post. :P
This game has an aesthetic(the 90s punk rock vibe) that while I personally love it, I know its a unique taste.
So, I don't think the game is going to set the world on fire but I honestly hope it does well enough to inspire more. I think we need games is more varied styles than we've been getting lately.
I'm on the fence based on some of the videos I've seen. I'm a huge fan of open world games for sure, but I'm not sold on what I've read about setting/humor. The colorful aesthetic looks great however, so I'll probably end up giving in...
The whole Tank Girl art aesthetic plus the glowing reviews have definitely got my interest.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Yeah, I should have added the word "exclusively" to that post. As in, is there much overlap between the people who'd exclusively play SoM and SO?
It's not exactly doom and gloom, I hope it does well, but with most games it's pretty easy to get a good read on "how well will this succeed?" and "how hard will this fail?"
Bayonetta 2, for example, it's an awesome game, but anyone thinking that it's going to get some high sales is kidding themselves. It's a niche game on the most niche system at the moment. There's nothing wrong with talking about its sales or preparing yourself for the fact that such a great game might not do well commercially - it is just as valid a conversation point as anything about the game itself.
Sunset Overdrive is a hard one to judge, because while the Xbox One is only doing poorly in comparison to PS4, it's still doing pretty well in comparison to the Xbox 360 at this point in time, and a year in, they were having pretty good success with Dead Rising and Gears of War.
Oh I'm sorry, I guess pointing out that I think a game is releasing in to a saturated market is doom and glooming?
Sorry, I forgot that the standard PA pre-release "Hype only, opinions of reality not allowed here" disclaimer is in effect.
It just that the fall/winter season is honestly crowded.
You got your main stays like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed.
You got your highly anticipated titles like Dragon Age and Farcry.
And then you also got new stuff like SoM, Aliens, Evil Within.
Along with a bunch of other titles.
Like there are so many games coming out in what amounts to a 2 month period that the competition is gonna be real.
Sunset Overdrive does have that year 1 console cycle deal going for it. So hopefully that works in its favor.
Did you mean to include two non apologies in this post? Just seems off. You could have maybe combined those ideas or simply got rid of one of those lines? IDK.
Anyway, unless your definition of "doom and gloom" is different from mine, your first post states the game has a bunch of things working against it. Your second post has you "hoping you're wrong" about the game not doing well. The entirety of your "opinions of reality" put the game's future in a negative light before it's even been released; a duck is a duck.
That said, I never said you couldn't say what you (edit: or anyone else, this post is addressed to you in particular though) wanted. In fact, what I'm actually saying in my post is that if we're going to spend the first page doing this, then I'm just going to excuse myself from the conversation. It's not as though I need/want to be a part of that conversation, nor I am needed/wanted to be a part of that conversation, and seeding or attempting to redirect these conversations is a massive waste of time vs simply lurking until the conversation becomes meaningful to me, ergo
Of course, you'll get all the raid loot now that Destiny knows your heart wants to be somewhere else. :P