[Halo Infinite/SplitGate] Halo Infinite available now! Closed Spoilers for story



  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Alternatively, making them easy take downs removes the whole decision process on going for them or not. Risk makes for more interesting choices.

  • OnTheLastCastleOnTheLastCastle let's keep it haimish for the peripatetic Registered User regular
    Warzone is so hilariously one sided every time I play it. But I did have an excellent time using the random vehicle card and rolling this like super ghost that fires slightly slower but they're basically mini rockets.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Warzone is so hilariously one sided every time I play it. But I did have an excellent time using the random vehicle card and rolling this like super ghost that fires slightly slower but they're basically mini rockets.

    My second Warzone match had my team winning with the enemy team scoring a grand total of 41 points.


    It was ridiculous.

    I've had quite a few fun close games though. One game my team lost by ~20 points or so.

  • DysDys how am I even using this gun Registered User regular
    So, I've seen it mentioned by other folks around the internet, but is anyone else having a big pile of trouble aiming in this game?

    At first I thought I wasn't used to the analog sticks, having just gotten an Xbox One, but I've since gotten more or less used to that in destiny.

    I am having a lot of trouble tracking people in Halo.

    I'm either way overshooting them movement-wise, or I can't move my reticle quickly enough trying to just nudge it.

  • BeltaineBeltaine BOO BOO DOO DE DOORegistered User regular
    Dys wrote: »
    So, I've seen it mentioned by other folks around the internet, but is anyone else having a big pile of trouble aiming in this game?

    At first I thought I wasn't used to the analog sticks, having just gotten an Xbox One, but I've since gotten more or less used to that in destiny.

    I am having a lot of trouble tracking people in Halo.

    I'm either way overshooting them movement-wise, or I can't move my reticle quickly enough trying to just nudge it.

    I'm in that camp. I turned the sensitivity down a notch and it was marginally better, but yeah, after hours upon hours of Destiny, Halo's aiming feel foreign.

    PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | Battle.net BadHaggis#1433
  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    It'd been found out that Halo 5 uses an aiming acceleration setting that's throwing off a lot of people aim.

  • DysDys how am I even using this gun Registered User regular
    It'd been found out that Halo 5 uses an aiming acceleration setting that's throwing off a lot of people aim.

    ...that would be a perfect explanation.

    For my aiming problems and why I am useless when it comes to melee fights.

    Flailing my sights all over the place unable to turn in place nicely.

  • Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Aim Accel was in earlier games though, albeit probably different. Here is the post from the official forums from the 343 pro Ghostayame:
    Hey, all!
    Saw Josh posting about the aiming in Halo 5 in response to some of your questions and figured it'd be a good time to lend some insight. That being said, yes, the aiming did change a little bit from Beta up until now. During the Beta, close-range gameplay felt fluid, mid-range felt decent, and long-range felt flat-out squirrelly. So, our Pro Team went through numerous tests over the course of a few months with our lead sandbox designer, Chris King, and the rest of his team in regards to how our how aim felt leading up to the release. There were some days where our entire team despised it, other days where our team had a split-decision, and finally one day where we all felt extremely comfortable with it.
    Now, to be fair, we've played this game for two years, so we do have a lot more time spent getting comfortable with the movement, as well as the weaponry. Nevertheless, like any other Halo player, we all know how good our shots are when it comes to a Halo utility weapon, and that day, we felt it. Thus, after careful tweaking, constant iteration, and daily discussion, we landed on our favorite fit. It gave players the perfect blend of sensitivity across all three ranges. Yes, close-range might feel a little bit harder to control at first, but in the long run, you will all learn to adjust to it for the better. Shooting the magnum in this game is very particular, seemingly like how Killer N or StK Tupac shot their pistols in Halo 1. At first, it's going to be tough, but it will get much better with practice. Even to this day, shooting a Halo 1 pistol up-close is extremely challenging though, right? ;)
    Furthermore, since the game is running at 60FPS, and the mobility is so fast in-game, I want to reiterate that everyone of us needs to adjust to how the aim-adhesion will feel for Halo 5. It's a bit tricky at first - using a single-shot weapon to essentially swipe over an enemy as you pull the trigger feels different than before. Also, in the Halo 5: Guardians Beta, a bug slipped through the cracks that had a delayed aim-assist problem. You could swipe your reticle over an opponent, and the game would display Red Reticle, but it was after a 5ms delay. Thankfully, we were able to address that issue and fix it before launch. So now, everything should feel very smooth. Nonetheless, we are actively listening to feedback, and we are always welcome to change. So, if players do feel this strongly about the aim after a few weeks, our teams will without a doubt revisit the sensitivity curves in Halo 5.
    Anyways, haven't had the chance to say it yet - hope everyone truly enjoys Halo 5 here! I know I haven't posted on these forums in quite some time, but I assure you that I'll be frequenting them much more now that the game has launched. So, as always, feel free to leave your unadulterated feedback below!

    Jubal77 on
  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    Holy Cow that boss at the end of the Blue Team chapter can bite me. Had to reset to Easy for that one.

  • Big DookieBig Dookie Smells great! Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Fairchild wrote: »
    Holy Cow that boss at the end of the Blue Team chapter can bite me. Had to reset to Easy for that one.

    And which time are you talking about?

    (Because you fight the same boss over and over again in this game, you see!)

    Steam | Twitch
    Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
  • SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    If it's...
    The Warden, I got lucky both times fighting him on heroic. The first time, extremely so: my teammates stunned the hell out of him with the heavy weapons I'd ordered them to grab, and then I completely unintentionally grappled him while trying to bash him with the Spartan charge, and beat him on my first attempt in barely a minute. Second time was much longer, trying to replicate the same thing, and I got him eventually.

    Seriously, your teammates are so vastly more useful than they ever were in Reach it's embarrassing. And that's even considering they're not totally invulnerable and can get KO'ed.

  • DysDys how am I even using this gun Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Jubal77 wrote: »
    Aim Accel was in earlier games though, albeit probably different. Here is the post from the official forums from the 343 pro Ghostayame:
    Hey, all!
    Saw Josh posting about the aiming in Halo 5 in response to some of your questions and figured it'd be a good time to lend some insight. That being said, yes, the aiming did change a little bit from Beta up until now. During the Beta, close-range gameplay felt fluid, mid-range felt decent, and long-range felt flat-out squirrelly. So, our Pro Team went through numerous tests over the course of a few months with our lead sandbox designer, Chris King, and the rest of his team in regards to how our how aim felt leading up to the release. There were some days where our entire team despised it, other days where our team had a split-decision, and finally one day where we all felt extremely comfortable with it.
    Now, to be fair, we've played this game for two years, so we do have a lot more time spent getting comfortable with the movement, as well as the weaponry. Nevertheless, like any other Halo player, we all know how good our shots are when it comes to a Halo utility weapon, and that day, we felt it. Thus, after careful tweaking, constant iteration, and daily discussion, we landed on our favorite fit. It gave players the perfect blend of sensitivity across all three ranges. Yes, close-range might feel a little bit harder to control at first, but in the long run, you will all learn to adjust to it for the better. Shooting the magnum in this game is very particular, seemingly like how Killer N or StK Tupac shot their pistols in Halo 1. At first, it's going to be tough, but it will get much better with practice. Even to this day, shooting a Halo 1 pistol up-close is extremely challenging though, right? ;)
    Furthermore, since the game is running at 60FPS, and the mobility is so fast in-game, I want to reiterate that everyone of us needs to adjust to how the aim-adhesion will feel for Halo 5. It's a bit tricky at first - using a single-shot weapon to essentially swipe over an enemy as you pull the trigger feels different than before. Also, in the Halo 5: Guardians Beta, a bug slipped through the cracks that had a delayed aim-assist problem. You could swipe your reticle over an opponent, and the game would display Red Reticle, but it was after a 5ms delay. Thankfully, we were able to address that issue and fix it before launch. So now, everything should feel very smooth. Nonetheless, we are actively listening to feedback, and we are always welcome to change. So, if players do feel this strongly about the aim after a few weeks, our teams will without a doubt revisit the sensitivity curves in Halo 5.
    Anyways, haven't had the chance to say it yet - hope everyone truly enjoys Halo 5 here! I know I haven't posted on these forums in quite some time, but I assure you that I'll be frequenting them much more now that the game has launched. So, as always, feel free to leave your unadulterated feedback below!

    It doesn't just feel unfamiliar, it feels bad.

    That's just my opinion, though. Grain of salt there and all.

    Dys on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Hmm... yeah, your teammates are pretty helpful most of the time.

    As for that boss...
    Sometimes he outright kills them with an attack on Legendary.

    The first time I fought him on Legendary it was kinda rough, I had power weapons and he pretty much deflected them. But then I switched to the Light Rifle and grabbed the incineration cannon on the top and he went down.

    The second time it was a breeze. The terrain made all the difference. also more light rifles and incineration cannons were around.

    I didn't even know you could do that though.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    the Warden
    . I wrote that post after the first time I fought him, when he was two-shotting me on Hardcore. Had better luck with fighting him the second time because the terrain was more wide open, giving me room to maneuver and I was able to pin him in a corner and dump fire onto his big dumb head until he dropped.

  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    It seemed like Buck got ran over every 20 minutes in my game. If something there could run him over it did.

  • JohnnyToxxicJohnnyToxxic Registered User regular
    So I always look for easter eggs and here's one that I haven't seen anyone else talk about:
    Inside of Meridian Station there is a huge screen that has the following text:

    System error

    system offline reboot atteempt initiated ....

    attempt reboot .....

    \\ 2% complete

    \\ 11% complete

    \\ 13% complete

    \\ 19% complete

    \\ 23 complete

    \\ system error please report the following code:


    If you clean it up and translate it that error code says :
    CTN+0452-9 My apologies e# the crude manner of the transmission# it is ung

    Yeah, not like some sort of game changing thing but I thought it was pretty cool. :)

    Friend Safari Code: 0189-8920-9235
  • joshgotrojoshgotro Deviled Egg The Land of REAL CHILIRegistered User regular
    What cypher?

  • JohnnyToxxicJohnnyToxxic Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    It was just hex. The cleaned up version looks like this:
    43 54 4E 20 30 34 35 32 2D 39 4d 79 20 61 70 6f 6c 6f 67 69
    65 73 20 65 L 20 74 68 65 20 63 72 75 64 65 20 6D 61 6E 6E
    65 72 20 6F 66 20 74 68 65 20 74 72 61 6E 73 6D 69 73 73 69
    6F 6E 2C 20 69 74 20 69 73 20 75 6E 67

    Added some 6s, removed the random L, etc.

    JohnnyToxxic on
    Friend Safari Code: 0189-8920-9235
  • BritishDavidBritishDavid Registered User regular
    Halo 5 Warzone?

    no reason to kill players.
    no reason to take bases
    just wait for the npcs and land the killing blow.
    random nonsense.
    I'm really not a fan... back to destiny & ill wait for a patch.

    Xbox | x Dredgen Yor x |
  • ShamusShamus Registered User regular
    Feel like more than half the responses to this game so far, from what I've read lurking, is this game isn't Destiny.

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    I'm actually digging Warzone. It's just stupid fun.

  • MechanicalMechanical Registered User regular
    I'd like to see a variant on it with more AI enemies, maybe fewer actual players. Something more like Firefight? Also wish they had a 5v5 variant on a few of the arena playlists as well, though I feel like I'm doing better with this than a lot of other PvP-based games. Slayer kinda just clicked for me with this one, maybe it's the movement changes?

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    Frankly if they just turned Warzone into a 12 vs 12 'moba' then would be a very happy man.

  • ArteenArteen Adept ValeRegistered User regular
    Shamus wrote: »
    Feel like more than half the responses to this game so far, from what I've read lurking, is this game isn't Destiny.

    No Big Team Battle makes me wonder if this game is even Halo.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Halo 5 Warzone?

    no reason to kill players.
    no reason to take bases
    just wait for the npcs and land the killing blow.
    random nonsense.
    I'm really not a fan... back to destiny & ill wait for a patch.

    Nah. OGST and I won a game last night because the opposing team didn't take any bases and instead just went after NPCs. We won another game where the opponent was just spamming Scorpion Tanks over and over.

    I've got an 80% win rate in that mode. It's all about balancing killing the opposing team with the other objectives.

    I don't get the complaints about the game mode except for being able to snipe Bosses out from under teams. That needs to go.

  • ShamusShamus Registered User regular
    Arteen wrote: »
    Shamus wrote: »
    Feel like more than half the responses to this game so far, from what I've read lurking, is this game isn't Destiny.

    No Big Team Battle makes me wonder if this game is even Halo.

    Not gonna lie, BTB kind of sucked. I preferred Team Slayer and Warzone is a much needed improvement over BTB.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Frankly if they just turned Warzone into a 12 vs 12 'moba' then would be a very happy man.

    Someone just needs to remake Classic Monday Night Comabt

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Frankly if they just turned Warzone into a 12 vs 12 'moba' then would be a very happy man.

    Someone just needs to remake Classic Monday Night Comabt

    Oh Super Monday Night Combat how I miss thee. A game so far ahead of the curve.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Frankly if they just turned Warzone into a 12 vs 12 'moba' then would be a very happy man.

    Someone just needs to remake Classic Monday Night Comabt

    Oh Super Monday Night Combat how I miss thee. A game so far ahead of the curve.

    Not SMNC, the one that was on the 360 arcade. Sooo good.

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    Man I was so late to the party for MNC that there wasn't a single soul playing it.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Man I was so late to the party for MNC that there wasn't a single soul playing it.

    That's a bummer. I think it was way better than SMNC. Surprised someone hasn't copied either of those yet, though.

  • ArteenArteen Adept ValeRegistered User regular
    Shamus wrote: »
    Arteen wrote: »
    Shamus wrote: »
    Feel like more than half the responses to this game so far, from what I've read lurking, is this game isn't Destiny.

    No Big Team Battle makes me wonder if this game is even Halo.

    Not gonna lie, BTB kind of sucked. I preferred Team Slayer and Warzone is a much needed improvement over BTB.

    Big Team Battle has been my go-to playlist in every Halo game, and even back in the Halo PC and Custom Edition days, it was all about 8v8 CTF. Sooo much 8v8 CTF. Slayer is boring in anything but small doses.

  • dinoarusdinoarus Registered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Frankly if they just turned Warzone into a 12 vs 12 'moba' then would be a very happy man.

    Someone just needs to remake Classic Monday Night Comabt

    Agree with this super hard. Think it's still my favourite MOBA-like game, and there hasn't been anything similar (and as good) since.

    Steam/XBL: OGSTudbone
  • ShamusShamus Registered User regular
    Arteen wrote: »
    Shamus wrote: »
    Arteen wrote: »
    Shamus wrote: »
    Feel like more than half the responses to this game so far, from what I've read lurking, is this game isn't Destiny.

    No Big Team Battle makes me wonder if this game is even Halo.

    Not gonna lie, BTB kind of sucked. I preferred Team Slayer and Warzone is a much needed improvement over BTB.

    Big Team Battle has been my go-to playlist in every Halo game, and even back in the Halo PC and Custom Edition days, it was all about 8v8 CTF. Sooo much 8v8 CTF. Slayer is boring in anything but small doses.

    Hey, I get that. Everyone's Halo experience is different.

    My original statement, about going back to Destiny, was more leaning like if I popped up in a Call of Duty thread and said "I don't like this, headed back to Destiny."

    Halo and Destiny are two completely different games, with the only connection being that Bungie created both originally. So for other posters to just keep saying "I don't like this about the game, headed back to Destiny while I wait for a patch", they probably shouldn't wait for a patch. They found the game they want to play already.

  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Shamus wrote: »
    Arteen wrote: »
    Shamus wrote: »
    Arteen wrote: »
    Shamus wrote: »
    Feel like more than half the responses to this game so far, from what I've read lurking, is this game isn't Destiny.

    No Big Team Battle makes me wonder if this game is even Halo.

    Not gonna lie, BTB kind of sucked. I preferred Team Slayer and Warzone is a much needed improvement over BTB.

    Big Team Battle has been my go-to playlist in every Halo game, and even back in the Halo PC and Custom Edition days, it was all about 8v8 CTF. Sooo much 8v8 CTF. Slayer is boring in anything but small doses.

    Hey, I get that. Everyone's Halo experience is different.

    My original statement, about going back to Destiny, was more leaning like if I popped up in a Call of Duty thread and said "I don't like this, headed back to Destiny."

    Halo and Destiny are two completely different games, with the only connection being that Bungie created both originally. So for other posters to just keep saying "I don't like this about the game, headed back to Destiny while I wait for a patch", they probably shouldn't wait for a patch. They found the game they want to play already.

    I got into co-op campaign last night, it was fun. However, the lack of campaign scoring and the shitty way collectible intelligence is handled (despite the CONTENT in it being interesting) hurt the game quite a bit.

  • ShamusShamus Registered User regular
    I'll agree, the lack of campaign scoring is weird. I liked seeing how well I was doing, especially against my friends.

    The Intel..eh. I've been playing single player thus far, work schedules inhibit my group, I grab it and go. I'll listen to them at my leisure, when I'm not looking forward to what's over the next hill.

  • ArteenArteen Adept ValeRegistered User regular
    The campaign not tying into commendations or credits is a baffling decision.

  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Shamus wrote: »
    I'll agree, the lack of campaign scoring is weird. I liked seeing how well I was doing, especially against my friends.

    The Intel..eh. I've been playing single player thus far, work schedules inhibit my group, I grab it and go. I'll listen to them at my leisure, when I'm not looking forward to what's over the next hill.

    Lack of campaign scoring and the way intel only plays locally (at a SHORT distance) both show that 343 is confused and shitty sometimes. You made a fun silly co-op shooter, but removed the pre-existing way to make that competitive? You included neat lore hidden in the corners of the map but then made it so that all the players who didn't find it can't hear about it?

    I'm also really unimpressed with the campaign buddies AI. If reviving you would involve climbing something or walking around a corner and up a staircase, they aren't gonna do it. And yet, commands pathetically worse than Republic Commando or R6 Vegas.

  • ShamusShamus Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Then don't die? I don't know what else to say. I don't remember any previous Halo title, unless I'm mistaken, giving you a chance to come back, squad or no squad in single player.

    Shamus on
  • ArteenArteen Adept ValeRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    The problem is that Halo 5 is tuned for four players and revivals... and often not tuned very well for checkpoints. When the AI is off being useless, some encounters tend to be more stacked against the player, or at least longer and more tedious, than encounters in previous games. There's also the compromise with making the AI squad vulnerable in this game compared to the invincible ODSTs and Spartans in the last two Halo games.

    I noticed pretty consistent behaviour in my AI squad:
    • Buck, being an ODST, will usually rush in and go down in a terrible position.
    • Vale secretly went to the Red vs Blue school of combat. She always carries around a plasma pistol because she is 1) a pacifist and 2) a terrible medic.
    • Tanaka wants nothing better than to watch me slowly bleed out.

    Arteen on
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