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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    If you love April Fool's day your favorite movie is Religulous, you think Penn & Teller reveal a lot about "how dumb most people are," and you have all of the Etayyim prank videos on YouTube bookmarked

    This is my mental stereotype of you and your trilby

    desc this is so bs and you know it

    What about people who love April Fool's day because they love getting pranked?

    April Fool's day is the most fun day of the year!

    But most pranks are so dumb and bad

    Also most "pranks" on April fool's day are just inaccurate internet posts by companies which is the least funny thing ever

    Lame holiday

    I don't think I like you guys anymore :(.

    Finally, after all of this hard work and relationship building, our feelings are mutual!

    I think I'm gonna stop spending time here.

  • Options
    kedinikkedinik Captain of Industry Registered User regular
    Holy shit an actual gaming store is opening up in my city today, and its not an april fools joke.

    Do FLGS around you guys do stupid bullshit for wifi access? You would think if starbucks/any coffee shop can give it away, nerds could get it right.

    @cadlincwalk used to be the person who got called if the wifi was not working well in a North American Starbucks. Good wifi is a high priority for Starbucks, I gather.

    I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    I don't believe in God anymore, but it's hard for me not to have contempt for all the half-assed Christians in the US.

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    GooeyGooey (\/)┌¶─¶┐(\/) pinch pinchRegistered User regular
    again omg i fall for it every time skfm the king of pranks

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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    Belasco32 wrote: »
    Atomika wrote: »
    Belasco32 wrote: »
    Atomika wrote: »
    Belasco32 wrote: »
    I am a deep dark red, sorta crimson but with more burgundy

    ...also, why is spellcheck not working on this computer *panics*

    Belasco32 !!

    I wanna talk about easter and jesus and stuff

    I'm here for all of your jesus stuff needs

    I had the thought the other day that the two biggest celebrations of Christ (Christmas and Easter, obvs) are, while being obvious points in his life to celebrate, are odd in several respects.

    Christmas, for the fact that other than his birth, there's nothing exactly remarkable to celebrate. He was born. That's about it. No major events transpired or miracles occurred (other than his conception, of course), and it's arguably the biggest day on the Christian calendar. I've always been curious what the dogmatic obligations are w/r/t celebrating this date.

    Easter, on the other hand, is all about Superjesus; he was martyred, he went to heaven, he returned to earth, the promise is fulfilled. Big heady stuff, and some of the most important things in Christianity obviously, but am I weird in thinking that so much focus about this martyred rabbi is centered around him basically being a wizard who performs magic tricks? Is that why we are supposed to worship and revere him? Because he can fly and is hydrophobic and brings lots of booze to parties?

    What are your thoughts on mainstream Christianity (especially evangelicals) not spending much energy actually talking about Jesus' life and ministry?

    Lemme preface this with - I am not a scholar and my understanding of things is really pretty limited in a lot of ways.

    As for Christmas, aside from the virgin birth you've got the star that was part of other prophecies. And Jesus' birth gets the big deal status from a few directions. Firstly, dude, Jesus! The Son of God! Secondly, Christmas didn't start out Christmas, it's a pagan holiday that got hijacked. So, the celebratory bits were already in place, the church just re-branded it.

    Easter is cooler, in part because Jesus died and went to hell (where, depending on the translation and tradition, he preformed a huge cosmic jailbreak) then came back to chill with his homies and do some more teaching, then went on to be with God. And it's as much about the teachings leading up to the resurrection as it is the empty tomb, itself. (and there's a lot about the empty tomb that's important for the beliefs and traditions of that time as well as Jewish beliefs)

    As far as a lot of Christians ignoring all of the important bits in between, it does bother me. People seem to only want to point to the big events, in part, imo, because they're more socially acceptable. Saying, "I'm a Christian," isn't exactly a way to win friends these days. Also, it's human nature to want to be a part of something bigger than one's self, and few things in the Christian tradition have more of that kind of energy than Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. Plenty of "Christians" are chreasters (only attend on Christmas and Easter) - a whole lot of people deal with the guilt of not going on regular ol' Sundays by at least attending on the 2 big days. Consequently, churches try to keep those naturally big deal dates as awesome as they can in an effort to fill the pews in the "normal" season. Which, I think, sort of backfires...but that's just me.

    So much of what the evangelicals latch onto as the Word, is post Jesus...particularly Timothy (which is supposedly written by Paul, but almost defiantly isn't). Taking the Bible literally drives me bonkers for a whole slue of reasons, and not just because these folks cherry-pick what they're going to weaponize out of a book that's meant to help spread love and acceptance. As soon as you make the Bible or the teachings of Christs about fear and judgement you've lost the entire point, as far as I'm concerned.

    TL;DR God loves you, and you, and you, and you, and you...and anyone who doesn't agree is missing the point of Christianity

    @Atomika did I answer your question or just get on my soapbox?


    Yeah, I remember my dad saying once that evangelicals need to stop calling themselves "Christians" and start calling themselves "the Church of Paul" or something.

    But yes, I understand where the significance of these dates come from in a historical context, I guess I'm just perplexed that modern Western Christianity (especially in the US) is still so heavily focused on the supernatural aspects of Jesus' life and ministry. Easter, in church, ends up being all about Awesome Zombie Jesus (and maybe rightly so), but we hardly ever hear about why exactly we should care about this guy on a personal and moral level.

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    spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Judaism is special because it is a culture, a community and a religion. Christianity doesn't seem to provide the first 2 unless you are actively religious.

    it's an ethnicity too. i find it weird that you left that out...

    Its actually a couple of distinct ethnic groups that don't really mesh together. That's why I left it out. Being Ashkenazi or Sephardic is an ethnicity. "Jewish" on its own isn't really though, anymore than "European" is.

  • Options
    override367override367 ALL minions Registered User regular
    a place where christians publicly get shit for being christian is alien to me

    in wisconsin outside of madison or milwaukee it's definitely not okay to have any belief other than christian unless you do everything in your power to keep it hidden

    wisconsin is like houses->church->bar->houses->church->bar for most of the state

  • Options
    Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »
    Judaism is special because it is a culture, a community and a religion. Christianity doesn't seem to provide the first 2 unless you are actively religious.

    i dunno, midwest lutheran goes both ways

    sometimes it's because you're super religious

    sometimes it's really about the shared german/middle-european heritage and the awesome food

    that's cuz elca is the tits

    and Missouri synod is the shits

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • Options
    a5ehrena5ehren AtlantaRegistered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »

    Did you see my post about rabbis?

    Also I have never heard Jesus described as a Rabbi since it has a lot of very specific thoughts in the Jewish religion. Both ancient Judaism and Rabbinical/Modern Judaism.

    Also again more historical Rabbis are more like itinerant imams than modern scholarly class they are today.

    In the modern English translations, the disciples call him "Rabbi" several times over the course of the Gospels. I haven't really seen anything disputing that as a period-accurate use of the term, but I'm not an expert, just an atheist that goes to church with my wife sometimes.

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    DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    I would never, ever directly give someone shit about their religion unless it was some sort of cult trying to take all their money.

    but you repeat yourself


  • Options
    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    Christian is the default to me. Like, I just assume everyone is a not very religious Christian until proven otherwise.

    also because if someone is a religious christian or any kind of jew they will let you know it right up front.

  • Options
    ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    i prefer the half-assed christians that are just like

    i identify with this culture and i guess i kinda believe in something, but it's not something i think about all the time and have to force in other people's faces

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
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    VanguardVanguard But now the dream is over. And the insect is awake.Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    judaism seems to be undergoing a transformation in the us where it is becoming more cultural than religious

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    LudiousLudious I just wanted a sandwich A temporally dislocated QuiznosRegistered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    If you love April Fool's day your favorite movie is Religulous, you think Penn & Teller reveal a lot about "how dumb most people are," and you have all of the Etayyim prank videos on YouTube bookmarked

    This is my mental stereotype of you and your trilby

    desc this is so bs and you know it

    What about people who love April Fool's day because they love getting pranked?

    April Fool's day is the most fun day of the year!

    But most pranks are so dumb and bad

    Also most "pranks" on April fool's day are just inaccurate internet posts by companies which is the least funny thing ever

    Lame holiday

    I don't think I like you guys anymore :(.

    Finally, after all of this hard work and relationship building, our feelings are mutual!

    I think I'm gonna stop spending time here.

    Could we start a Patreon to help with that or....

  • Options
    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    I would never, ever directly give someone shit about their religion unless it was some sort of cult trying to take all their money.

    hail xenu

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    GooeyGooey (\/)┌¶─¶┐(\/) pinch pinchRegistered User regular
    I would never, ever directly give someone shit about their religion unless it was some sort of cult trying to take all their money.

    so like

    every religion?


  • Options
    DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    edited April 2015
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I wish it were July so I could demand a raise like that onion video

    My boss is a little woman but I suspect she fights a demon if necessary

    my recently departed coworker was offered $20,000 when she put in her two weeks notice. We had the same job title and I am being told daily by linkedin that i should apply for her open position that i currently have.

    I would also like $20,000, but i am too much of a pussy to just demand it, so i am looking for other jobs. When I get an offer, I will happily accept the counter.

    just say you got a job and are leaving so they counter

    do it deebs

    stare into the abyss and take a single step

    do itttttttttttt

    not like you have a babby yet

    too scurred. i got a sweet deal as it is and i really dont bring much to the table.

    Deebaser on
  • Options
    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    Drez wrote: »
    how did people beat bloodborne in 30 hours! so much to explore!

    I barely beat my first boss in 30 hours.

    plz to be april fools

    It felt like 30 hours. Despite having played Demons' Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls II extensively. I played for at least 4-5 hours with zero progress at the beginning of the game.

    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • Options
    wazillawazilla Having a late dinner Registered User regular
    I shudder to think what would happen if I wore a thing around my neck that somehow identified me as an atheist.

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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Belasco32 wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    Belasco32 wrote: »
    Saying, "I'm a Christian," isn't exactly a way to win friends these days.

    i dunno, bel. it's still the vast majority of the country. 83%

    Christian = ignorant bigot for a lot of people

    My personal field research bears this out, painfully

    My favorite so far was, "oh, I thought you were actually intelligent" in a disappointed tone

    That's unfair, but typically people that make it a point of introducing the spiritual element of their identity into the conversation or using it reasoning for their position on things are usually making the conversation a bit more insufferable.

    This is my mom.

    She has some really awful views on feminism and gender codes and family values that when pressed always resorts to the "as a Christian," defense.

  • Options
    OnTheLastCastleOnTheLastCastle let's keep it haimish for the peripatetic Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Christian is the default to me. Like, I just assume everyone is a not very religious Christian until proven otherwise.

    also because if someone is a religious christian or any kind of jew they will let you know it right up front.

    i like the jewish guys with the big bushy beards because they look friendly

  • Options
    MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Judaism is special because it is a culture, a community and a religion. Christianity doesn't seem to provide the first 2 unless you are actively religious.

    I can see the ehs and such appearing.

    Judaism has a disinct culture that does transcend the religion. My office we have 3 Jews. An orthodox, a liberal and me the secular Jew. No matter what we do have an underlying culture that connects us very much automatically. We have an understanding of rights and similar stories across generations. A lot of what is "being Jewish" isn't from the Tanak or the temple but more from Jews living for a thousand or so years in isolated groups and ghettos due to persecution and legal requirements throughout much of Europe.

    And top it off there are subsets to that. German and Russian Jews are not the same. A lot of US Jews are more German in how they act but there are Russian underpinnings in some places like NYC or Denver.

    Now this does exist in some ways for Christian groups in the US. Especially the more historically insular communities such as Mormons, some Methodist and traditionally Catholics though that is changing some. The church is a central part of life outside of life culturally. But you could argue the church is only a section of an overall culture identity tied to location or family history.

  • Options
    BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    If you love April Fool's day your favorite movie is Religulous, you think Penn & Teller reveal a lot about "how dumb most people are," and you have all of the Etayyim prank videos on YouTube bookmarked

    This is my mental stereotype of you and your trilby

    desc this is so bs and you know it

    What about people who love April Fool's day because they love getting pranked?

    April Fool's day is the most fun day of the year!

    But most pranks are so dumb and bad

    Also most "pranks" on April fool's day are just inaccurate internet posts by companies which is the least funny thing ever

    Lame holiday

    I don't think I like you guys anymore :(.

    Finally, after all of this hard work and relationship building, our feelings are mutual!

    I think I'm gonna stop spending time here.

    Most pranks are dumb and poorly-executed though, Winky.

    Like, there's no way I can possibly know that that is true, so I really shouldn't make that claim, but I'm willing to be unscientific in this regard.

    Most people don't do pranks well, because they require subtlety, and we are not a subtle creature.

  • Options
    Element BrianElement Brian Peanut Butter Shill Registered User regular
    I would never, ever directly give someone shit about their religion unless it was some sort of cult trying to take all their money.

    what if it's only 10%* of your income and they tell you that it's going to help poor people and totally not being used to pay for campaigns against gay marriage

    ps: did you guys know that we had end of year audits where they printed out a total of how much we had paid in tithes that year and asked us if it was an accurate reflection of our income?

    Switch FC code:SW-2130-4285-0059

  • Options
    YoshisummonsYoshisummons You have to let the dead vote, otherwise you'd just kill people you disagree with!Registered User regular
    I would never, ever directly give someone shit about their religion unless it was some sort of cult trying to take all their money.
    Or pushing their religion onto me when I'm somewhere where there is no escape.

  • Options
    Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »

    MS-DOS for Mobile is wonderful tho. It launches Windows 3.1!!!

    @RiemannLives well done Microsoft.

    Windows 3.1 raised me when my dad wasn't around

    I'd throw the ball to it, and catch it after it bounced off the monitor

    It taught me about sex, about the female body, about how to hide your porn searches...

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • Options
    kedinikkedinik Captain of Industry Registered User regular
    wazilla wrote: »
    I shudder to think what would happen if I wore a thing around my neck that somehow identified me as an atheist.


    "I'll pray for you."

    I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
  • Options
    Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    I was gonna eat a salad today but I forgot it was free pizza lunch meeting day

    So much for healthy eating


  • Options
    a5ehrena5ehren AtlantaRegistered User regular
    a place where christians publicly get shit for being christian is alien to me

    in wisconsin outside of madison or milwaukee it's definitely not okay to have any belief other than christian unless you do everything in your power to keep it hidden

    wisconsin is like houses->church->bar->houses->church->bar for most of the state

    Honestly, if you take out some of the bars, this is basically the description of anywhere in Rural America or the suburban midwest/south.

  • Options
    Belasco32Belasco32 Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »

    Did you see my post about rabbis?

    Also I have never heard Jesus described as a Rabbi since it has a lot of very specific thoughts in the Jewish religion. Both ancient Judaism and Rabbinical/Modern Judaism.

    Also again more historical Rabbis are more like itinerant imams than modern scholarly class they are today.

    nodnod, I saw it, and I don't have anything handy to point to (all of my books are at home, I'm in a hotel avoiding at home). He's referred to as Rabbi fairly often in Biblical text, at least in the translation the Episcopal church tends to use, BUT that's almost entirely interchangeable with "teacher". I'd have to dig up a passage in a book I can't remember the name of or link you to a sermon to get into any of the history of it, which I'm not going to do right now 'cause it's too much trouble while I'm on pseudo-vacation.

    I know I've listened to sermons and lectures that refer to Jesus as "educated" but that doesn't mean literate. It's an interesting question that I'll poke at more later.

  • Options
    VanguardVanguard But now the dream is over. And the insect is awake.Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    most people in the us are culturally christian today, too

    this is what i mean by the above comment on judaism

  • Options
    Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    desc wrote: »
    If you love April Fool's day your favorite movie is Religulous, you think Penn & Teller reveal a lot about "how dumb most people are," and you have all of the Etayyim prank videos on YouTube bookmarked

    This is my mental stereotype of you and your trilby

    desc this is so bs and you know it

    What about people who love April Fool's day because they love getting pranked?

    April Fool's day is the most fun day of the year!

    But most pranks are so dumb and bad

    Also most "pranks" on April fool's day are just inaccurate internet posts by companies which is the least funny thing ever

    Lame holiday

    I don't think I like you guys anymore :(.

    Finally, after all of this hard work and relationship building, our feelings are mutual!

    I think I'm gonna stop spending time here.

    is this another one of your lame april fools jokes?

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • Options
    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    Vanguard wrote: »
    judaism seems to be undergoing a transformation in the us where it is becoming more cultural than religious

    this seems to have been under way for a while. of all the self-identifying jews i've met, only a small fraction were actually religious or observant

    the same thing is happening for (white) catholics in the northeast

  • Options
    OnTheLastCastleOnTheLastCastle let's keep it haimish for the peripatetic Registered User regular
    Drez wrote: »
    Drez wrote: »
    how did people beat bloodborne in 30 hours! so much to explore!

    I barely beat my first boss in 30 hours.

    plz to be april fools

    It felt like 30 hours. Despite having played Demons' Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls II extensively. I played for at least 4-5 hours with zero progress at the beginning of the game.

    i explored for a really long time but when i fought father gasc whatever his name is

    it was definitely really hard. i was like yeah i'm doing it! at one point and then he transformed and my butt was an all you can eat buffet for him

  • Options
    ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    I was gonna eat a salad today but I forgot it was free pizza lunch meeting day

    So much for healthy eating


    put salad dressing on your pizza basically the same thing

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • Options
    override367override367 ALL minions Registered User regular

    a5ehren wrote: »
    a place where christians publicly get shit for being christian is alien to me

    in wisconsin outside of madison or milwaukee it's definitely not okay to have any belief other than christian unless you do everything in your power to keep it hidden

    wisconsin is like houses->church->bar->houses->church->bar for most of the state

    Honestly, if you take out some of the bars, this is basically the description of anywhere in Rural America or the suburban midwest/south.


    yeah the only difference between rural wisconsin and rural anywhere else is there's more alcoholism (being the last state to make drunk driving illegal and still law enforcement doesn't take it seriously)

  • Options
    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    spool32 wrote: »

    MS-DOS for Mobile is wonderful tho. It launches Windows 3.1!!!

    @RiemannLives well done Microsoft.

    Windows 3.1 raised me when my dad wasn't around

    I'd throw the ball to it, and catch it after it bounced off the monitor

    It taught me about sex, about the female body, about how to hide your porn searches...


  • Options
    Donkey KongDonkey Kong Putting Nintendo out of business with AI nips Registered User regular
    Like jokes about all religions being money-syphoning cults aside, I had a friend fall for scientology and I spent a lot of time and effort getting him out. It was not an enjoyable experience and I still get contacted by the church sometimes.

    Thousands of hot, local singles are waiting to play at bubbulon.com.
  • Options
    GooeyGooey (\/)┌¶─¶┐(\/) pinch pinchRegistered User regular
    seriously though how could anyone not be christian christmas is an awesome holiday just fake it bros and get gifts and eat food

  • Options
    21stCentury21stCentury Call me Pixel, or Pix for short! [They/Them]Registered User regular
    Like jokes about all religions being money-syphoning cults aside, I had a friend fall for scientology and I spent a lot of time and effort getting him out. It was not an enjoyable experience and I still get contacted by the church sometimes.

    wait, why do they contact you?

This discussion has been closed.