I had a question about the Enforcers application of 2015: how do I know if my application went through? I got the confirm screen on my phone but I didn't receive an e-mail or anything so I'm worried that it didn't go through.
I had a question about the Enforcers application of 2015: how do I know if my application went through? I got the confirm screen on my phone but I didn't receive an e-mail or anything so I'm worried that it didn't go through.
There is no email confirmation for those. If you got the confirm screen you should be fine, but if you want to double check you can email Kristin at klindsay@penny-arcade.com
Are attendees allowed to bring items to barter/sell within the venue?
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
Probably not. If we're talking about an item or two that's probably OK, but if you're talking about bringing your whole Etsy shop, not going to fly. Need to be an Exhibitor for that.
Probably not. If we're talking about an item or two that's probably OK, but if you're talking about bringing your whole Etsy shop, not going to fly. Need to be an Exhibitor for that.
I don't see it in the rules, but I can't imagine it is accepted (it also might literally be against the law). So if you get caught doing it, you might get kicked out or banned. Exhibitors pay well for the privilege and rightly expect that interlopers not be allowed to do the same for free.
Are attendees allowed to bring items to barter/sell within the venue?
Given that selling in Washington makes you subject to Washington state sales taxes and reporting (most booths just eat this as part of it), even if it wasn't against PAX I would advise against it.
(FTR I help run a Con that operates in WA, and see what dealers go through)
Yeah it's hard to tell based on how vague that request was. The general rule is that if you are not an exhibitor, you are not permitted to sell anything on the floor. I would point out one notable exception in that at PAX East in the past there have been used game dealers that would buy as well as sell on the floor.
Kirby4LifeSumYungGuyIn a cabin in the woodsRegistered Userregular
Will there be an advance notice for the 2nd wave of tickets like the "later this month" thing with the 1st wave?? Or will it just be a twitter post on the day??
Does anyone have the showclicks URL where you can see your badge order? The main showclicks URL doesn't seem to allow me to log in and last year I know it was a different one.
Does anyone have the showclicks URL where you can see your badge order? The main showclicks URL doesn't seem to allow me to log in and last year I know it was a different one.
I was wondering if the convention hall has a comfortable area for moms to breast feed their babies and if not what is their policy on breast feeding in the public areas. Thanks
ClixThis guy I knowSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
I was wondering if the convention hall has a comfortable area for moms to breast feed their babies and if not what is their policy on breast feeding in the public areas. Thanks
I can't speak for the Seattle Convention Center, but the First Aid/Nurses station was welcoming to my wife and daughter at the BCEC. My wife used it several times during PAX East as a quiet area to breastfeed. Maybe Prime had something similar?
BTW, it's state law that mothers are allowed to breastfeed in public spaces. We've gotten into jams before where you have no place to go and the kid needs to eat. I'd suggest a breastfeeding cover for mom, they help the baby feel safer and block any gawkers.
I have a question regarding the omegathon. In the past i think i remember being asked for a phone number to be contacted with if chosen for the omegathon but this year on showclix it did not ask me. I checked my showclix account and i dont see a place that my phone number is stored. Does anybody know how they will be contacting us if selected?
I was at work when tickets went on sale, my friend purchased them for me. He used his credit card, HE is not coming to PAX. My name is on the invoice however so the pick up slip/invoice has my name.
We're from Canada, So I generally don't risk tickets being sent out I always do Willcall. Just to calm down my anxiety about this, am I gonna have trouble picking up the tickets? I mean the last few times they've only ever asked for ID and the paper as proof.
My friend bought tickets, he ain't coming my name is on invoice, am I gonna have a bad time getting my tickets?
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
You'll need to get them transferred as the person who bought the tickets needs to be the one to pick them up.
How do we transfer tickets? I bought a registration and BYOC pass, but recently found out I won't be going, and have a friend who wants to buy my tickets from me, but neither of us have any idea how to get the ticket to be transferred.
BYOC ticket registration is done differently than the 4-day pass, look to the eventual BYOC thread for your answer. For general admission passes you just have to mail it to the person when they are shipped out. If you would like to transfer the ticket it's a little more involved. If you have or are buying tickets that must be picked up at will call, email pax_questions@paxsite.com
Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
I have a question regarding the omegathon. In the past i think i remember being asked for a phone number to be contacted with if chosen for the omegathon but this year on showclix it did not ask me. I checked my showclix account and i dont see a place that my phone number is stored. Does anybody know how they will be contacting us if selected?
Find the E-mail you received when you bought the tickets, the phone number you provided will be under your billing information.
I was at work when tickets went on sale, my friend purchased them for me. He used his credit card, HE is not coming to PAX. My name is on the invoice however so the pick up slip/invoice has my name.
We're from Canada, So I generally don't risk tickets being sent out I always do Willcall. Just to calm down my anxiety about this, am I gonna have trouble picking up the tickets? I mean the last few times they've only ever asked for ID and the paper as proof.
My friend bought tickets, he ain't coming my name is on invoice, am I gonna have a bad time getting my tickets?
How do we transfer tickets? I bought a registration and BYOC pass, but recently found out I won't be going, and have a friend who wants to buy my tickets from me, but neither of us have any idea how to get the ticket to be transferred.
BYOC ticket registration is done differently than the 4-day pass, look to the eventual BYOC thread for your answer. For general admission passes you just have to mail it to the person when they are shipped out. If you would like to transfer the ticket it's a little more involved. If you have or are buying tickets that must be picked up at will call, email pax_questions@paxsite.com
Yeah usually it's tied to the person who paid for the passes, but if it gave you a place to fill in a different name you might be ok. At minimum, email pax_questions@paxsite.com and ask them what to do for sure.
I was at work when tickets went on sale, my friend purchased them for me. He used his credit card, HE is not coming to PAX. My name is on the invoice however so the pick up slip/invoice has my name.
We're from Canada, So I generally don't risk tickets being sent out I always do Willcall. Just to calm down my anxiety about this, am I gonna have trouble picking up the tickets? I mean the last few times they've only ever asked for ID and the paper as proof.
My friend bought tickets, he ain't coming my name is on invoice, am I gonna have a bad time getting my tickets?
How do we transfer tickets? I bought a registration and BYOC pass, but recently found out I won't be going, and have a friend who wants to buy my tickets from me, but neither of us have any idea how to get the ticket to be transferred.
BYOC ticket registration is done differently than the 4-day pass, look to the eventual BYOC thread for your answer. For general admission passes you just have to mail it to the person when they are shipped out. If you would like to transfer the ticket it's a little more involved. If you have or are buying tickets that must be picked up at will call, email pax_questions@paxsite.com
Yeah usually it's tied to the person who paid for the passes, but if it gave you a place to fill in a different name you might be ok. At minimum, email pax_questions@paxsite.com and ask them what to do for sure.
Thank you for the direction, I did just that...Now I play the waiting game
As someone who has never been to any gaming convention, how am I supposed to know about the events that are going to be happening? If this helps, I will only be going to Pax on Saturday. Any information helps!
As someone who has never been to any gaming convention, how am I supposed to know about the events that are going to be happening? If this helps, I will only be going to Pax on Saturday. Any information helps!
For official PAX events, there is a program which comes out early and can be read online. Following @OfficialPAX on Twitter is good for keeping abreast of changes.
For unofficial community run things, many of them are organized on this forum. Just look at all the topics. We have a city tour, pub crawls, brewery tour, board gaming, even an organized train ride up the coast.
For unofficial things relating specific developers and internet personalities/businesses (this includes most parties), those are usually announced via whatever forum or social media account is most relevant. So if you want one, go follow all the Twitter/Facebook sites you think apply.
There are also general advice threads here. All of it is useful. Just read as much as you can. Reddit has an active PAX forum too that is worth checking out.
Is there a PAX forum somewhere that is setup to help facilitate badge trading? Ran into a situation where I need to trade two Sundays for two Mondays and wanted to get a plan in place, but also don't want to create a thread somewhere and have it shutdown because I put it in the wrong place.
Is there a PAX forum somewhere that is setup to help facilitate badge trading? Ran into a situation where I need to trade two Sundays for two Mondays and wanted to get a plan in place, but also don't want to create a thread somewhere and have it shutdown because I put it in the wrong place.
Selling or trading badges in these forums is against the rules.
Not sure why trading is against the rules but glad I asked first.
Because a few silly geese make it so we can't have nice things. The forum being on the PA website made some people think those threads were an official resale area, but it was not. It was just a place for community members to get together.
When the inevitable happens, and people get scammed, this forum has no power to do anything for those people so they have chosen to stop the threads.
Is there a way to find out what kind of press coverage is happening this year at PAX? How and where can we find out which press is going to be attending and, if possible, who's writing about PAX?
Is there a way to find out what kind of press coverage is happening this year at PAX? How and where can we find out which press is going to be attending and, if possible, who's writing about PAX?
They don't really publicize a list of the people who got press badges. I would check with whichever media outlet you're interested in and ask them.
Is there a way to find out what kind of press coverage is happening this year at PAX? How and where can we find out which press is going to be attending and, if possible, who's writing about PAX?
They don't really publicize a list of the people who got press badges. I would check with whichever media outlet you're interested in and ask them.
I don't think any of the popular sites have trouble getting in. The major press outlets all get in smoothly to my knowledge. Just ask the ones you like on Twitter. I'm sure they will say if they are going.
So I ordered 2 sets of badges when they briefly reopened a few days ago, and I didn't notice that they defaulted to my old shipping address (from when I purchased my South badges). I went to showclix to change the address but it's already marked "shipped". Is this an error or are they already sending these out? I have a change of address set up with USPS already but that turnaround time can delay mail quite a bit and I don't want to have these arrive late. Anybody else run into this error? I sent a message to Showclix as well but I was hoping someone here might have some insight too.
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
I highly doubt badges are shipping out now, since people don't get them until about 2 weeks before the show.
I don't see a stand alone BYOC thread this year? So i'll ask here. Does anyone (BigRed?) know if there will be monitors available again this year?
Red hasn't run BYOC for a couple of years now. There is a thread though for BYOC registration, but nobody has taken ownership of BYOC Q&A just yet.
Anyhow, if there are monitors available I am sure that they will get announced as soon as anyone knows about it. It seems to always be a bit of a last minute thing.
I don't see a stand alone BYOC thread this year? So i'll ask here. Does anyone (BigRed?) know if there will be monitors available again this year?
There were not monitors at South or East this year so I would guess not. The person at BenQ I talked to about this didn't seem enthusiastic about continuing the program.
I haven't been to a PAX since 2010. I did buttoneering that year. Does anyone know if there will be buttoneering this year at pax prime? I haven't seen a thread for it yet but maybe I missed it.
I haven't been to a PAX since 2010. I did buttoneering that year. Does anyone know if there will be buttoneering this year at pax prime? I haven't seen a thread for it yet but maybe I missed it.
Yup! There should be a thread on the PAX Prime forums about it. There's also one on the PAX subreddit as well I believe. Have fun!
I haven't been to a PAX since 2010. I did buttoneering that year. Does anyone know if there will be buttoneering this year at pax prime? I haven't seen a thread for it yet but maybe I missed it.
Yup! There should be a thread on the PAX Prime forums about it. There's also one on the PAX subreddit as well I believe. Have fun!
"Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"
I don't see it in the rules, but I can't imagine it is accepted (it also might literally be against the law). So if you get caught doing it, you might get kicked out or banned. Exhibitors pay well for the privilege and rightly expect that interlopers not be allowed to do the same for free.
(FTR I help run a Con that operates in WA, and see what dealers go through)
I can't speak for the Seattle Convention Center, but the First Aid/Nurses station was welcoming to my wife and daughter at the BCEC. My wife used it several times during PAX East as a quiet area to breastfeed. Maybe Prime had something similar?
BTW, it's state law that mothers are allowed to breastfeed in public spaces. We've gotten into jams before where you have no place to go and the kid needs to eat. I'd suggest a breastfeeding cover for mom, they help the baby feel safer and block any gawkers.
(No, really, stay tuned. The thread should be going live soon. We're getting things sorted.)
I was at work when tickets went on sale, my friend purchased them for me. He used his credit card, HE is not coming to PAX. My name is on the invoice however so the pick up slip/invoice has my name.
We're from Canada, So I generally don't risk tickets being sent out I always do Willcall. Just to calm down my anxiety about this, am I gonna have trouble picking up the tickets? I mean the last few times they've only ever asked for ID and the paper as proof.
My friend bought tickets, he ain't coming my name is on invoice, am I gonna have a bad time getting my tickets?
Find the E-mail you received when you bought the tickets, the phone number you provided will be under your billing information.
Yeah usually it's tied to the person who paid for the passes, but if it gave you a place to fill in a different name you might be ok. At minimum, email pax_questions@paxsite.com and ask them what to do for sure.
Thank you for the direction, I did just that...Now I play the waiting game
For official PAX events, there is a program which comes out early and can be read online. Following @OfficialPAX on Twitter is good for keeping abreast of changes.
For unofficial community run things, many of them are organized on this forum. Just look at all the topics. We have a city tour, pub crawls, brewery tour, board gaming, even an organized train ride up the coast.
For unofficial things relating specific developers and internet personalities/businesses (this includes most parties), those are usually announced via whatever forum or social media account is most relevant. So if you want one, go follow all the Twitter/Facebook sites you think apply.
There are also general advice threads here. All of it is useful. Just read as much as you can. Reddit has an active PAX forum too that is worth checking out.
Selling or trading badges in these forums is against the rules.
Reddit has a trade/sell thread for that.
Not sure why trading is against the rules but glad I asked first.
Because a few silly geese make it so we can't have nice things. The forum being on the PA website made some people think those threads were an official resale area, but it was not. It was just a place for community members to get together.
When the inevitable happens, and people get scammed, this forum has no power to do anything for those people so they have chosen to stop the threads.
They don't really publicize a list of the people who got press badges. I would check with whichever media outlet you're interested in and ask them.
PAX. PAX. PAX. Boom.
I don't think any of the popular sites have trouble getting in. The major press outlets all get in smoothly to my knowledge. Just ask the ones you like on Twitter. I'm sure they will say if they are going.
Anyhow, if there are monitors available I am sure that they will get announced as soon as anyone knows about it. It seems to always be a bit of a last minute thing.
There were not monitors at South or East this year so I would guess not. The person at BenQ I talked to about this didn't seem enthusiastic about continuing the program.
Yup! There should be a thread on the PAX Prime forums about it. There's also one on the PAX subreddit as well I believe. Have fun!
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!