
The Phantom Pain



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    KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    That sure looks like del Toro, Norman Reedus, Kojima, and Mads Mikkelsen

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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    Dad was such a drag.

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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
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    WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular

    konami confirms that the Survive team is comprised of people from the TPP team

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    WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular

    This looks like it could actually be a blast with a group

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    Speed RacerSpeed Racer Scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratchRegistered User regular
    i'm open to the idea of MGSS being a good game but i'm also not giving it the benefit of the doubt

    definitely curious though

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    WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    see once I just told myself "oh they made a left 4 dead game" it all clicked in to place and I got very excited

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    i'm open to the idea of MGS being a good game but i'm also not giving it the benefit of the doubt

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    Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    My main questions are kinda:

    1) I really hope there's more/weirder enemies than just zombies. Otherwise I'd have prefered just a co-op modern day game.

    2) Super curious how the crafting economy works out and how specializing and so on might work.

    3) Wondering how the various missions will reward stealth and how much variety there is there.

    So I guess I'm optimistic and a little curious to see more? Nothing in the gameplay actually looked bad.

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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    That gameplay video actually made me more irritated

    They're not just reusing some assets, they're reusing all of them. I recognize that exact base from Afghanistan, they barely changed a thing about it, and damn near all of the things they crafted or found were straight out of MGSV too--they didn't even try to distinguish them or dress them up at all. About the only new things were the enemies, the melee weapons, the bow and some clothes. If they were gonna do that, why not just release a co-op game set in the same period as the last game? It'd be way more interesting to sneak past actual humans than some dumb zombies!

    And the most frustrating thing of all is, as someone who loved that gameplay and enjoyed the online a fair bit, it still looks like it might scratch that itch

    Christ, they could have just made one more big hub area and released a bunch of new single-player missions for it and that would have been enough. Don't even record VO, don't have a story, just give me a new place to sneak and some new objectives and that would have been enough to guarantee a purchase from me. It would have been so easy. Though I guess not as easy as this...

    I dunno. It's all such a bummer for me

    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    Isn't it releasing for less than AAA price?

    The whole point of it is to be a cheap to produce asset flip so they can make money off of the giant black hole that was producing MGSV.

    I'd have preferred if it was just a co-op style modern day thing to zombies but this is still fine.

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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    this is in competition with ghost recon wildlands

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    Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    Honestly what I've seen of Wild Lands puts this way in the lead.

    Which is really saying something when Wild Lands looked aimed at me for stuff I like in games.

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    DaypigeonDaypigeon Registered User regular
    removing the helicopters means there's no squabbling over the radio


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    HobnailHobnail Registered User regular
    I think at this point Konami more than deserves the benefit of the do-hahahaha

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    KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    So death stranding is definitely a game with a budget that will come out in the next four years

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    KetBra wrote: »
    that will come out in the next four years

    oh we'll see about that

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    AshcroftAshcroft LOL The PayloadRegistered User regular
    I won't be buying Survive. I'd rather the series just ended rather than continue on without Kojima. I was fine with the odd spin-off like Rising, but now that he has zero input on the story or its themes I'm just not interested. It's like when they hired that guy to write a new Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy book.

    I'm sure Konami will try a few things that involve as little spending as possible before they finally let it rest though.

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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    this is in competition with ghost recon wildlands


    It's hard for me to decide which offends me more

    (it's Wildlands, I mean it's got to be Wildlands)

    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    KetBra wrote: »
    that will come out in the next four years

    oh we'll see about that

    Kojima has never taken longer than 4 years to make a video game

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    Speed RacerSpeed Racer Scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratchRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    KetBra wrote: »
    that will come out in the next four years

    oh we'll see about that

    Kojima has never taken longer than 4 years to make a video game

    MGSV was in development for a pretty damn long time

    then again a lot of that was devoted to building the FOX Engine so I guess it depends how you count that

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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    KetBra wrote: »
    that will come out in the next four years

    oh we'll see about that

    Kojima has never taken longer than 4 years to make a video game

    MGSV was in development for a pretty damn long time

    then again a lot of that was devoted to building the FOX Engine so I guess it depends how you count that

    Mgsv proper didn't get going until early 2012

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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Metal Gear Survive having localized damage is rad, MGSV could have used that over regenerating health, then maybe enemies would have been a threat.

    I wish survive was fighting anything other than zombies though.

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    PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    I think that MGSurvive gameplay looks good, but I hope it also has sections with regular humans and that it's not just all zombies.

    It helps that I was already wishing for some sort of co-op MGSV.

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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    I think what they're going for is for a human base to be a big deal and something you would approach much more carefully than the zombie mooks

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    PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    Yeah that makes sense.

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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    I think what they're going for is for a human base to be a big deal and something you would approach much more carefully than the zombie mooks

    I envy your optimism

    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    Darth_MogsDarth_Mogs Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    KetBra wrote: »
    that will come out in the next four years

    oh we'll see about that

    Kojima has never taken longer than 4 years to make a video game

    MGSV was in development for a pretty damn long time

    then again a lot of that was devoted to building the FOX Engine so I guess it depends how you count that

    Plus, he was working on Zone of the Enders: The Third Runner before Konami told him to shut it down he decided to cancel it.

    Kupowered - It's my Blog!
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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    I mean it's not like a bunch of children are making this game

    There are still plenty of talented people from the Phantom Pain team that didn't jump ship

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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    Mr. G wrote: »
    I mean it's not like a bunch of children are making this game

    There are still plenty of talented people from the Phantom Pain team that didn't jump ship

    It's more that I don't believe they'll have the time or money to do anything truly meaningful

    This recent trailer only cemented that belief

    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    SLyMSLyM Registered User regular
    I can't imagine that anyone would try to sell this with mindless zombies as the only enemies.

    Shit, actually I totally can imagine it. I don't want to imagine it though so I won't.

    Please don't release this with mindless zombies as the only enemies.

    My friend is working on a roguelike game you can play if you want to. (It has free demo)
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    KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    I'm sure the parasite unit will make an appearance

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    TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    Personally, I see things I like in that Survive trailer.

    Then I see the new animations that have no love in them.

    The Bow looks janky as hell. The Machete is a 3 swing canned animation loop

    And the spear...well....yeah, you can see the theme.

    I mean, Metal Gear has never been great at melee weapon animation, but SurVive is kind of highlighting it.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Olivaw wrote: »
    Mr. G wrote: »
    I mean it's not like a bunch of children are making this game

    There are still plenty of talented people from the Phantom Pain team that didn't jump ship

    It's more that I don't believe they'll have the time or money to do anything truly meaningful

    This recent trailer only cemented that belief

    i mean you can turn a lot around when you no longer have to make an engine, controls, or graphics assets

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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Olivaw wrote: »
    Mr. G wrote: »
    I mean it's not like a bunch of children are making this game

    There are still plenty of talented people from the Phantom Pain team that didn't jump ship

    It's more that I don't believe they'll have the time or money to do anything truly meaningful

    This recent trailer only cemented that belief

    I mean, they already have the AI for grunts with guns.

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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    The melee animations look goofy, and the bow looks terrible and awkward.

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    VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular
    I wonder what MGR combat would look like in the FOX engine

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    AshcroftAshcroft LOL The PayloadRegistered User regular
    Hearing that Garbage song again really makes me wish I could play MGSV for the first time again.

    Even though I was disappointed by the back third of the game, that opening sequence and the open world, and sweeping places of every living soul to come work on my sweet base and stealing all their jeeps, it was all just so good. But I don't really feel an urge to just go back and play a mission, you know? I liked playing all of that in service to progressing the game, not just for its own sake.

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