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PAX East 2016 Cosplay Thread

InkRavenInkRaven Registered User regular
edited November 2015 in PAX East
With the purchase of badges, I'm sure many of us are starting to work on our cosplays, or at least start budgeting money for a new one after spending so much on tickets and hotel rooms.

This thread isn't just for announcing your cosplays, but also for discussion - maybe you need to find some images for your cosplay or need help with a prop, etc. We can all help each other and make EVEN BETTER COSPLAYS!

My personal plan at the moment is to tryyyy to finish my Leonardo Da Vinci (from AC2) and start&complete The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 in her white catsuit. I know it's going to be a challenge, but I have a lot of ideas on how to go about it. I'm also considering trying to roll my cosplay into something that can work as a gym leader for the PAX Pokemon League.

What are you guys up to?!

EDIT: Some cosplay tips from yours truly. I'll also add any other general advice people give on the thread to this first post so you don't have to got through the whole thread!

General tips for cosplaying at PAX East:
-If this is your first PAX East, first time cosplaying, or even your first con, I highly suggest cosplaying Saturday only!!! You WILL be walking about two miles a day in the convention hall alone, it is THAT BIG. So save yourself the burnout(and stress!) and cosplay only on Saturday.
-Water and snacks are important, especially if you don't want to pay the high prices on meh food(Their seafood is really good though so).
-If you're insane like me and want to cosplay all the days, still bring a change of regular clothes for each day. That way you can go back and change to relax. if you have to take a shuttle to your hotel, it might be worth it to bring something to store your cosplay it and check it in at bag check after changing at the convention (Unverified, I've never tried this before).
-For multiple cosplays, save your most comfortable one for last. In some cases, you can modify or omit pieces of a crazy cosplay to make it more casual (IE wearing an Asari headpiece and makeup but wearing an n7 hoodie)

InkRaven on


  • SiraRavenSiraRaven Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Didn't want to jinx it by planning costumes before I had tickets, but now, planning time!

    I only had one costume last year - Aqua from Kingdom Hearts - so I'd like to add at least one more this year for some variety. I ran out of time last year to make a keyblade, so I'd like to try my hand at that. (any suggestions on the best materials? I'd like to make Rainfell, but since the end doesn't maintain a straight line, I'm a bit concerned about structural integrity since I can run a straight support down the whole thing)

    For my new costume, I'm considering Irelia from League of Legends. I started playing the game about a month before PAX East this year so I only recognized a handful of the LoL costumes (and kept having to ask my brother what things were during the champion design panel), but I'm pretty addicted now. Want to cosplay as a female champion, and ideally one I actually play, so my short-list is Irelia, Sejuani (I'd have to sew a Bristle to carry around), and Lux. We'll see how ambitious I'm feeling once I finish Christmas crafts. :P

    Can't wait to see what everyone's plans are! This'll only be my second PAX and very much looking forward to it. :biggrin:

    SiraRaven on
  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    Keeping it simple for 2016 since I'm about 1.5 miles away. Joel from the Last of Us, and probably Mike from Until Dawn.

  • BigDumbHippyBigDumbHippy Registered User regular
    I'm working on the killer from until dawn. Gf (like most) is working on linkle

  • InkRavenInkRaven Registered User regular
    SiraRaven wrote: »
    Didn't want to jinx it by planning costumes before I had tickets, but now, planning time!

    I only had one costume last year - Aqua from Kingdom Hearts - so I'd like to add at least one more this year for some variety. I ran out of time last year to make a keyblade, so I'd like to try my hand at that. (any suggestions on the best materials? I'd like to make Rainfell, but since the end doesn't maintain a straight line, I'm a bit concerned about structural integrity since I can run a straight support down the whole thing)

    Here is a general tutorial for keyblades, hopefully this should help!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I was thinking about doing it this year, would be my first time. A lot of the costumes I see are so elaborate! I'm not prepared for or crafty enough to do anything like that so I may go with something simple as well.

  • LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular
    My cosplay group and I at Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays - L&MC will be attending all three days!
    We totally plan on bringing our Tales from the Borderlands (Fiona, Rhys and Vaughn), Bioshock (Little Sister, Big Sister, and Delta - Big Daddy ), and Borderlands 2 (Tiny Tina, Maya and Krieg) group!
    *if anyone wants to cosplay with us then feel free to join us! We are also more than happy to help with any cosplay questions anyone has!*

  • Jigglypuff510Jigglypuff510 Registered User regular
    I was thinking of wearing a suit and tie to PAX ? I am not a cosplayer but dressing up for at least one of the days I am going sounds interesting do you think I should go for it ?

  • a fraking toastera fraking toaster W1TRK Registered User regular
    im goin as kruiger from archer and a friend is goin as pam...sure its not a game but that hasnt stopped others lol

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    im goin as kruiger from archer and a friend is goin as pam...sure its not a game but that hasnt stopped others lol

    Awesome! Original or clone?

  • a fraking toastera fraking toaster W1TRK Registered User regular
    original lol only prob is i cant grow a freakin beard if my life depended on it lol so im goin to have to make or order 1.

  • a fraking toastera fraking toaster W1TRK Registered User regular
    also arnt all the clones the same?

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    im goin to have to make or order 1.

    Problem solved.

    And yeah they are the same...but are they really?

    ClannMorgan on
  • a fraking toastera fraking toaster W1TRK Registered User regular
    maybe find out next season.also that beard could have fooled me lol

  • eilonwyeilonwy Registered User regular
    I'm doing some new Borderlands cosplays and am trying to decide what else I want to make. I would like to do big elaborate things since I have a little time at the moment, but I'm drawing a blank for cool things with big enough pockets or bags. I'm super into pockets.

  • ItaraItara Registered User regular
    I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to wear to PAX yet... I have a few cosplays that I've worn before that I want to wear again... And I have a few new ones in the works that I would like to wear. Needless to say this adds up to more than three. Realistically I'll probably only finish one of my WIP but I'm going to try and get them both done.

    Maybe you guys can help me decide! Here is my list:

    Worn before:

    Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn - Final Fantasy XIV
    Charazard - Pokémon
    Penny - RWBY

    New Works In Progress

    Hannah - Rat Queens
    MaxX- Netrunner

  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    That MaxX one looks interesting, Itara!

  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    I'm working on the killer from until dawn. Gf (like most) is working on linkle

    Let me know if you get the Killer done, I would love to get an UD group together.
    Itara wrote: »
    I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to wear to PAX yet... I have a few cosplays that I've worn before that I want to wear again... And I have a few new ones in the works that I would like to wear. Needless to say this adds up to more than three. Realistically I'll probably only finish one of my WIP but I'm going to try and get them both done.

    Maybe you guys can help me decide! Here is my list:

    Worn before:

    Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn - Final Fantasy XIV
    Charazard - Pokémon
    Penny - RWBY

    New Works In Progress

    Hannah - Rat Queens
    MaxX- Netrunner

    I love Hannah/RQ, but I don't think it will get as much love at PAX as it would at a comic con sadly. So I vote for Netrunner stuffs, Charazard and maybe FF14?

  • ClaimingRissaClaimingRissa Registered User new member
    Me and a group of friends are doing Secret Service Link and we have a Zelda that we will surrounded at all times, for safety reasons you know. We would love to get more Links involved for this!

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    I will be going as Deadpool. Not going to risk anything by bringing fake/nerf/wooden guns so i think i'm going to resort to using my fingers and saying "bang!"

    Also not satisfied with the shoes i'll be wearing, might just go with whatever i have that's comfortable

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • BlackLotus221BlackLotus221 Registered User new member
    This is going to be my second Pax East and after seeing how crowded it is, I've decied to bring American McGee's Hysteria Alice (With no body paint on the arms.) Might try and make gloves or something for the bloody arms, I'd feel horrible if I bumped into someone and got paint on them. :(

    I also want to bring Remor Prince of Darkness from Fran Bow :D And I kind of want to do either Alyssa or Rachel Amber from Life is Strange.

  • InkRavenInkRaven Registered User regular
    Just remember, if this is your first time at PAX, I suggest cosplaying Saturday ONLY. The con is huge, and if you try to wear a cosplay three days in a row it really wears on you (I miiiight know from experience). If you have a really comfy/simple costume though, go for it!

    My personal favorite hobby with my cosplay is going to the Just Dance stage and dancing in cosplay. Always interesting lol.

  • LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular
    This is going to be my second Pax East and after seeing how crowded it is, I've decied to bring American McGee's Hysteria Alice (With no body paint on the arms.) Might try and make gloves or something for the bloody arms, I'd feel horrible if I bumped into someone and got paint on them. :(

    I also want to bring Remor Prince of Darkness from Fran Bow :D And I kind of want to do either Alyssa or Rachel Amber from Life is Strange.

    We had to do the same thing with our Little Sister cosplay.
    We just used We Love Colors tights... turned them inside out... traced in the fingers... sewed up and down the fingers before cutting them out and sealing the edges with glue to prevent fraying... then finally did all the fake blood stuff!

  • ItaraItara Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    AnarCHris wrote: »
    I love Hannah/RQ, but I don't think it will get as much love at PAX as it would at a comic con sadly.
    That is my thoughts as well. It wouldn't even be on my list for pax except I have a friend who possibly going who wants to cosplay Violet. Normally I save comic book stuff for comic cons, and game stuff for game cons.

    InkRaven wrote: »
    Just remember, if this is your first time at PAX, I suggest cosplaying Saturday ONLY. The con is huge, and if you try to wear a cosplay three days in a row it really wears on you (I miiiight know from experience). If you have a really comfy/simple costume though, go for it!

    Fantastic advice! I wish someone had given it to me last year. (Pax East 2015 was my 1st con cosplaying... and my 1st pax) I went in fully expecting to cosplay all 3 days... but I just couldn't bring myself to do it on the 3rd day.

    Itara on
  • LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    InkRaven wrote: »
    Just remember, if this is your first time at PAX, I suggest cosplaying Saturday ONLY. The con is huge, and if you try to wear a cosplay three days in a row it really wears on you (I miiiight know from experience). If you have a really comfy/simple costume though, go for it!

    My personal favorite hobby with my cosplay is going to the Just Dance stage and dancing in cosplay. Always interesting lol.

    Uh oh.... my group and I have cosplays planned for all 3 days. Thankfully we have a few comfier cosplays.. kinda.. maybe... gonna be interesting *things we do for cosplay*

    LMcosplays on
  • GeekyPanda404GeekyPanda404 The Geeky Panda ConnecticutRegistered User regular
    Got a few cosplays in mine for PAX East but I am leaning towards,

    Glaz - Rainbow Six: Siege
    Sgt. Baker - Brothers in Arms: Series
    And a 3rd one which idk yet lol.

  • TurQTurQ New York CityRegistered User regular
    I'll probably go as a Vault Dweller. I'm trying for Street Fighter 5 M. Bison, but not sure if I can do it.

    Also, is there official or unofficial things that cosplayers do every year? I want to join in on the fun :hydra:

  • VGguy49VGguy49 Registered User regular
    I want to start but I doubt I would be able to this time

    Wishes he could change his username
  • ksmurfksmurf Technical Training Specialist Boston, MARegistered User regular
    If I have time after making my Anime Boston and Katsucon cosplays, I'll be going as a Skull from the Disgaea series.

    All Cosplay, All the Time.
    Except for: Warmachine, Super Dungeon and proudly watching my husband play games since 2006.
    Final Fantasy. Persona. Assassin's Greed. Disgaea.
  • InkRavenInkRaven Registered User regular
    TurQ wrote: »
    I'll probably go as a Vault Dweller. I'm trying for Street Fighter 5 M. Bison, but not sure if I can do it.

    Also, is there official or unofficial things that cosplayers do every year? I want to join in on the fun :hydra:

    Sometimes various companies host cosplay contests, though there is no official con-wide contest so don't loo, for it. There are two stages with just dance and rock band respectively - my current plan is to gather up MGS cosplayers like a katamari and then have all of us play some songs in Rockband together - I've always wanted to do that because it would be both hilarious and awesome! Riot games also had a cosplay lounge last year, so that would be something to look into as well. They had cosplay repair stuff, I'm guessing they will be there again this year as well.

  • hoodieehoodiee Registered User new member
    Looking to get a cosplay group together for eevee bunny evolutions! Already have a sylveon and flareon. Message me or email if you are interested! :)

  • MaiuMaiu Registered User regular
    This year I'm doing a Ghost Pokemon trainer. I've done some material testing and am pretty psyched to make some Pokemon with basic electronics to bring them to life. I'll also get to wear more normal clothes, which is nice.

  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    This is my 5th PAX, but my first time doing cosplay at PAX. I'm doing a crossplay of Johanna from Heroes of the Storm, assuming I can figure out how to construct the shield in such a way to transport it without costing all of my money. I don't have a ton of progress shots, but I'm about 40% done with the main costume already. I'm doing her black/red color scheme. My doge walked into a few of the shots, so sorry in advance for him proudly displaying his bojangles. Lots of paint and paint cleanup to do still, and I just started on the flail.

  • InkRavenInkRaven Registered User regular
    Maiu wrote: »
    This year I'm doing a Ghost Pokemon trainer. I've done some material testing and am pretty psyched to make some Pokemon with basic electronics to bring them to life. I'll also get to wear more normal clothes, which is nice.

    Have you considered joining the Pax Pokemon league? It sounds like something you'd be interested in. Check out the thread on the forums if you wanna be a gym leader and battle tons of people c: I've been a casual level gym leader and I still had tons of fun.

  • MelSnyMelSny New JerseyRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    I just want to make one has heard of any new rules for Cosplays this year at PAX East? If my husband and I get it together we are going to do a Witcher III Cosplay. Some cons do not allow chain mail and I don't want to put all the work into making it and my husband not be able to wear it.

    Yes, the weather in Boston varies incredibly. Also something to think about when cosplaying is actually getting INTO the con. The Enforcers try their best to get everyone in as quickly and safely as possible but sometime situations like Saturday of last year happen...and if you are dressed up as Milla Maxwell from Tales it can be very cold. (Last year there was some issue with the BCEC and getting people inside so anyone getting off the shuttles had to walk from the center basically all the way back into town to get to the end of the line of people waiting to get in.) My fault for not being prepared but it's something to think about.

    MelSny on

    "You want to kill me? You couldn't even kill my boredom" - Roronoa Zoro (One Piece).

    Attending PAX East since 2011.
  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Only in planning stages right now but I'm thinking I'm going to do the Hotline Miami 2 version of Biker. Anyone have experience with bleaching/dying facial hair? Not at all sure what to expect.

    Mock up from the Kickstarter figure

    TopherRocks on
  • GeekyPanda404GeekyPanda404 The Geeky Panda ConnecticutRegistered User regular
    MelSny wrote: »
    I just want to make one has heard of any new rules for Cosplays this year at PAX East? If my husband and I get it together we are going to do a Witcher III Cosplay. Some cons do not allow chain mail and I don't want to put all the work into making it and my husband not be able to wear it.

    Yes, the weather in Boston varies incredibly. Also something to think about when cosplaying is actually getting INTO the con. The Enforcers try their best to get everyone in as quickly and safely as possible but sometime situations like Saturday of last year happen...and if you are dressed up as Milla Maxwell from Tales it can be very cold. (Last year there was some issue with the BCEC and getting people inside so anyone getting off the shuttles had to walk from the center basically all the way back into town to get to the end of the line of people waiting to get in.) My fault for not being prepared but it's something to think about.

    Hopefully it won't be a late Winter since the Convention will be taking place in April, but always best to keep an eye out for what the temperature will be during the con.

  • InkRavenInkRaven Registered User regular
    MelSny wrote: »
    I just want to make one has heard of any new rules for Cosplays this year at PAX East? If my husband and I get it together we are going to do a Witcher III Cosplay. Some cons do not allow chain mail and I don't want to put all the work into making it and my husband not be able to wear it.

    I have NEVER heard of a con prohibiting chainmail! That's nuts! Either way, I've never seen it in the rules and I saw plenty wearing it last year. So I wouldn't imagine it being a problem. Real SWORDS, on the other hand... Those are a big no-no!

  • SutibunRiSutibunRi Montreal, Quebec, CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    I'm planning to bring my Mr. Foster costume which made its debut at Prime, and won me a video card worth half its build cost. (Due to a severe lack of Killing Floor cosplayers at the Killing Floor panel)

    My Captain N outfit won't make a return this year, though, gleefully, there were at least 4 of us last year.

    I have a Mega Buster and my Mega Man helmet should be arriving by new years if capcom is to be believed. So that might be another cosplay option if I'm not too lazy to make the rest of the costume.

    SutibunRi on
  • nernerrynnnernerrynn Queen of Buttskirts PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Last year I was Hyrule Warriors Zelda with a huge group on Saturday, and the Fem!Luigi on Friday with the Smash Bros group. c:

    This year I'm doing more three costumes with any luck. c:

    I'll be Yang Xiao Long Friday with a Neo, bringing a secret personal project Majora's Mask themed costume Saturday and Sunday I'm hoping to have Viper from Street Fighter and Capcom vs. Marvel done to be apart of a tiny Street Fighter gang. c:

  • Canderson1989Canderson1989 Registered User regular
    I don't cosplay myself, but seeing them are one of my favorite things about going to conventions. Looking forward to seeing and taking pictures of everyone's cosplay this year.

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