I've asked this in another thread but haven't gotten traction. How are RPGs and GMs organised for PAX Australia? How would I submit to run an official game?
If this cannot be done I would like to run this game I have prepared unofficially anyway:
Scarlet Pimpernel:
In 1793 following the French revolution Robespierre enacted a Reign of Terror to persecute all accused of being enemies of the people. Joint the League of the Pimpernel to outwit the Committee of Public Safety and smuggle the unjustly persecuted out from under the blade of Madame la Guillotine.
Then when there, you can talk to the Table Top HQ people about how you might be able to do it differently next year. But the answer might be do what you did again next time. We generally only run sign ups for Official tournaments. Exhibitors sometimes run play sessions, but their process would be up to them.
There was quote a long list last year (https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/207713/roleplaying-game-events-at-pax-aus-2016) or were these not 'official'?
In particular there were lists for people to sign up, I could commit to running sessions if there was a system to do so. Are there not going to be any listed games this year (excluding D&D)? Participation here is pretty small, without a sign up section I think organising a group would be particularly hard.
As above, I don't know. I would allow 2.5 hours. If there isn't a sign up capability and we have to fight for tables I can Friday morning if I have players organised in advance, or otherwise maybe late Friday if I can get players during the day somehow. I can run additional days if there is more interest or that is when people are available.
I am very keen to see what other RPGs might be going down also.
I didn't realize there were so many sign ups last year, interesting, thanks for sharing it. "official" is an interesting term, I'm not sure if those sessions were organized by the Table Top enforcers, or if they were organized by others, and TT HQ just hosted sign ups for them, which they do for many community\sponsored events as it keeps them central. Regardless, this late starting the organization here is probably your best bet, and then checking with the TT HQ Enforcers on site would be the best answer.
I do have some slots free in the schedule, so I'll PM you my details to get in touch.
[E] Delwyn
TT RPG wrangler
I have already started brainstorming for next year, if anyone has suggestions for a setting they would like to see let me know.