



  • Options
    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    Honestly the ending being what it is doesn't bug me all that much in a vacuum, if you have something like the Infinity Gauntlet in your story it's pretty inevitable that you do something like this

    It's the execution and the path to it that leave me cold on the whole thing

    What I'm saying, in regards to that is,
    the characters on Earth don't know what they're getting into when his army lands in Wakanda

    They don't understand Thanos, or his power, or the scale of the conflict until it's too late

    They think they're fighting a horde of monsters and a few officers with cool but relatable weapons

    They don't know about the wheel tank things, they don't know what's going on with Thanos, or understand his power

    Thor and Bruce saw a boarding party and some officers, and got his ass handed to him by Thanos

    The other characters haven't seen that much

  • Options
    MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    saw it, liked it, very happy to hear Rubberband Man

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    LalaboxLalabox Registered User regular
    Honestly the ending being what it is doesn't bug me all that much in a vacuum, if you have something like the Infinity Gauntlet in your story it's pretty inevitable that you do something like this

    It's the execution and the path to it that leave me cold on the whole thing

    What I'm saying, in regards to that is,
    the characters on Earth don't know what they're getting into when his army lands in Wakanda

    They don't understand Thanos, or his power, or the scale of the conflict until it's too late

    They think they're fighting a horde of monsters and a few officers with cool but relatable weapons

    They don't know about the wheel tank things, they don't know what's going on with Thanos, or understand his power

    Thor and Bruce saw a boarding party and some officers, and got his ass handed to him by Thanos

    The other characters haven't seen that much
    I enjoyed black panther's iconic line

    "Engage some of the defence but not all of them because it's probably not that important"

    But in all seriousness, they could have still lost just as badly. The actual battle isn't as important, it just felt really budget. It was a chance to show off Wakandas might, the power that they have that would be enough to establish themselves as the dominant force on earth, but have kept under wraps because they don't want to be colonialists.

    They get to utilise their power not as colonialists, but to defend thr universe from genocide. They can still lose to tge raw power of the near completed infinity gauntlet.

    Instead it's just a bunch of disposable bodies with swords.

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    Man that third act fight would've been way cooler if it was just the Black Order, no pile of goons

    The Russos are good at shooting fights where small numbers of people fight each other

    Not when 400 people fight 400 other people

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    LalaboxLalabox Registered User regular
    In a film that was mostly about getting characters to do cool stuff together, i wish the wakandans had had a chance to do some cool stuff

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    PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    Saw it
    Thought it was okay. A lot of it seemed kinda forgettable, in that I saw it an hour ago and feel like I forgot a bunch of it, and feel like it had too many characters.

    I feel like thor, iron man, strange, spider man, gamora, vision and scarlet witch were actually characters, while the others were pretty much just henchmen wearing the skin of established, pretty fully fleshed out characters.
    Steve rogers is an established character, but all you see from him in this movie is he shows up and occasionally punches stuff. Same with black widow. Keeping cutting back to banner unable to become hulk was just annoying.

    I like that stormbreaked was actually a weapon capable of killing thanos, but that they didn't cop out and actually let it.

    I'd probably range it between B- and B.

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    VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular
    Lalabox wrote: »
    In a film that was mostly about getting characters to do cool stuff together, i wish the wakandans had had a chance to do some cool stuff
    When I saw Okoye and Natasha start to team up, I was getting super excited to see some extremely cool close combat stuff.

    And then Okoye just... fell over a bunch

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    LalaboxLalabox Registered User regular
    Goddamn doctor strange tho

    What an absolute great part he has. The film made me way more excited to see more of him in the future if he's gonna go all in on the inventive wizard bullshit.

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    Bloods EndBloods End Blade of Tyshalle Punch dimensionRegistered User regular
    Have we seen a better way to do large scale fights since the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
    Wakanda battle royal just felt like so much cgi hitting cgi

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Where do people rank You Me & Dupree among the Russos' other films

    Mr. G on
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    Bloods EndBloods End Blade of Tyshalle Punch dimensionRegistered User regular
    The best of them.

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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    it's their only good one


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    HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    Bloods End wrote: »
    Have we seen a better way to do large scale fights since the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
    Wakanda battle royal just felt like so much cgi hitting cgi
    Most of the big battles in LotR were CGI-enhanced as well

  • Options
    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Hacksaw wrote: »
    Bloods End wrote: »
    Have we seen a better way to do large scale fights since the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
    Wakanda battle royal just felt like so much cgi hitting cgi
    Most of the big battles in LotR were CGI-enhanced as well

    Right, but they looked good.

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    Hacksaw wrote: »
    Bloods End wrote: »
    Have we seen a better way to do large scale fights since the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
    Wakanda battle royal just felt like so much cgi hitting cgi
    Most of the big battles in LotR were CGI-enhanced as well


    Not mostly CGI

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    I didn't think the CGI battle in this was especially bad. It was kind of... standard. There wasn't so much of it that I got bored.

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    LalaboxLalabox Registered User regular
    I feel like the alien creatures could have been a bunch of dudes in makeup and while it might have been technically more impressive it still would have been the same strategy-less "lets all just mosh together with much thought"

    It wasn't the cgi so much as it wasn't doing much to tell a battle narrative. It felt a bit unimaginative to me, and i would have liked for it to instead be compelling.

  • Options
    LalaboxLalabox Registered User regular
    I don't wanna just get into comparing things, especially because lotr was a series all about big armies clashing and telling interesting stories in that, and infinity war is a story about these specific superheroes and not about wars and battles.

    It just would have been neat to see them do more with the big final fight.

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    HobnailHobnail Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    LotR had big cartoon armies smashing into eachother a lot but also lots of real life huge snarly men in lovely artisanal costumes, that latter is such a massive effort production wise but lord it makes a difference

    I especially think of that one bit at the beginning of Helm's Deep where it's just a great big crowd of large men in big metal costumes getting water dumped on them, snarling and stomping and breathing big puffs of steam, can't do that with a cartoon

    Hobnail on
    Broke as fuck and the bills past due, all amounts assist and are kindly received.

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    masterofmetroidmasterofmetroid Have you ever looked at a world and seen it as a kind of challenge?Registered User regular
    Helm's Deep is p good

    ...But the Troll fight in Moria is better

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    A Dabble Of TheloniusA Dabble Of Thelonius It has been a doozy of a dayRegistered User regular
    Saw this again. Still great

    Steam - Talon Valdez :Blizz - Talonious#1860 : Xbox Live & LoL - Talonious Monk @TaloniousMonk Hail Satan
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    PlatyPlaty Registered User regular
    I disliked the creatures' design because it felt so unimaginative and it kinda took me out of the movie a bit, considering how top-notch all the other designs are

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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Lalabox wrote: »
    Honestly the ending being what it is doesn't bug me all that much in a vacuum, if you have something like the Infinity Gauntlet in your story it's pretty inevitable that you do something like this

    It's the execution and the path to it that leave me cold on the whole thing

    What I'm saying, in regards to that is,
    the characters on Earth don't know what they're getting into when his army lands in Wakanda

    They don't understand Thanos, or his power, or the scale of the conflict until it's too late

    They think they're fighting a horde of monsters and a few officers with cool but relatable weapons

    They don't know about the wheel tank things, they don't know what's going on with Thanos, or understand his power

    Thor and Bruce saw a boarding party and some officers, and got his ass handed to him by Thanos

    The other characters haven't seen that much
    I enjoyed black panther's iconic line

    "Engage some of the defence but not all of them because it's probably not that important"

    But in all seriousness, they could have still lost just as badly. The actual battle isn't as important, it just felt really budget. It was a chance to show off Wakandas might, the power that they have that would be enough to establish themselves as the dominant force on earth, but have kept under wraps because they don't want to be colonialists.

    They get to utilise their power not as colonialists, but to defend thr universe from genocide. They can still lose to tge raw power of the near completed infinity gauntlet.

    Instead it's just a bunch of disposable bodies with swords.

    They might have a way around this with some dialogue
    Okoye mentions "what's left of the Border Tribe"

    I think they were implying the ruckus at the end of Black Panther wiped out a lot of their cool shit, or T'Challa might have disarmed some of them in the aftermath. Considering how fast Wakanda went from isolation to full on invaders when Killmonger took over, and that they were 'opening up' to the world, maybe a bunch of their cool toys went in the trash and they stuck with purely defensive tech like the shield.

    Oh brilliant
  • Options
    AistanAistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    Well that was a waste of 10 years' story investment.

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    LalaboxLalabox Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Lalabox wrote: »
    Honestly the ending being what it is doesn't bug me all that much in a vacuum, if you have something like the Infinity Gauntlet in your story it's pretty inevitable that you do something like this

    It's the execution and the path to it that leave me cold on the whole thing

    What I'm saying, in regards to that is,
    the characters on Earth don't know what they're getting into when his army lands in Wakanda

    They don't understand Thanos, or his power, or the scale of the conflict until it's too late

    They think they're fighting a horde of monsters and a few officers with cool but relatable weapons

    They don't know about the wheel tank things, they don't know what's going on with Thanos, or understand his power

    Thor and Bruce saw a boarding party and some officers, and got his ass handed to him by Thanos

    The other characters haven't seen that much
    I enjoyed black panther's iconic line

    "Engage some of the defence but not all of them because it's probably not that important"

    But in all seriousness, they could have still lost just as badly. The actual battle isn't as important, it just felt really budget. It was a chance to show off Wakandas might, the power that they have that would be enough to establish themselves as the dominant force on earth, but have kept under wraps because they don't want to be colonialists.

    They get to utilise their power not as colonialists, but to defend thr universe from genocide. They can still lose to tge raw power of the near completed infinity gauntlet.

    Instead it's just a bunch of disposable bodies with swords.

    They might have a way around this with some dialogue
    Okoye mentions "what's left of the Border Tribe"

    I think they were implying the ruckus at the end of Black Panther wiped out a lot of their cool shit, or T'Challa might have disarmed some of them in the aftermath. Considering how fast Wakanda went from isolation to full on invaders when Killmonger took over, and that they were 'opening up' to the world, maybe a bunch of their cool toys went in the trash and they stuck with purely defensive tech like the shield.
    there's all sorts of ways to justify it in universe, but it would have been better that they had instead just actually shown the cool stuff instead of finding reasons to not show the cool stuff.

    Lalabox on
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    ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    generally all I want from the fight scenes in marvel movies is a few moments where I go "wow that was pretty fuckin' sick"

    and this movie had more than I generally expect, so, great

  • Options
    AistanAistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    So after all that i'm supposed to get excited about seeing Captain Marvel's uniform on a beeper? Really? What's she gonna do about any of this?

    I sure am excited to see that wacky Ant-Man's adventures now!

    I wonder what other adventures will be had in this universe from now on! Except no I don't because why should I care about any of this.
    They either pull a fix out of their ass in which case what's the point in me being invested in anything if they can just reverse it, or they keep this as the status quo which fuuuuuuuuuuck that i'm not watching a miserable-ass setting where half of everyone is dead. Except I know they won't keep it as the status quo because most of the people who died have their own movies slated to come out down the road.

    Dumb fix to reverse it all it is!


    Maybe i'll feel better about it all in the morning. I doubt it though.

    E: Oh, Infinity War Part 2 is coming next summer. Well that answers that. Maybe i'll actually care by that point.

    Aistan on
  • Options
    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Why you should care
    the dumb fix for all this is coming... and maybe Vision can be repaired, becoming the all white emotionless version. And they might even save Gamora too, as she seems to be in the Soul Stone!

    It is no coincidence that all the dusted people are the 'safe' ones who have movies coming, and all the living characters are at the ends of their contracts. The surviving Avengers are not gonna be making it through A4. The point isn't the tension of if the dusted people come back, it's what is gonna have to be sacrificed to do it. It's not crazy to think all 6 of the original team could bite it...

    Oh brilliant
  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    It's funny how many people are reacting negatively to the ending, while
    I would have felt a bit robbed if they didn't do the "half of all people gone, we need to somehow get the Gauntlet back from a man who is basically GOD in order to reverse this." story.

    It's like a classic part of the biggest Thanos story of all time. It's basically on the level of "Why bother to do Thanos at all if you're not going to do that" for me.

    Undead Scottsman on
  • Options
    AistanAistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    It's funny how many people are reacting negatively to the ending, while
    I would have felt a bit robbed if they didn't do the "half of all people gone, we need to somehow get the Gauntlet back from a man who is basically GOD in order to reverse this." story.

    It's like a classic part of the biggest Thanos story of all time. It's basically on the level of "Why bother to do Thanos at all if you're not going to do that" for me.

    Well, yeah. If they are gonna adapt a story they need to tell the story.

    But I didn't know the story ahead of time like you did.

  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Aistan wrote: »
    It's funny how many people are reacting negatively to the ending, while
    I would have felt a bit robbed if they didn't do the "half of all people gone, we need to somehow get the Gauntlet back from a man who is basically GOD in order to reverse this." story.

    It's like a classic part of the biggest Thanos story of all time. It's basically on the level of "Why bother to do Thanos at all if you're not going to do that" for me.

    Well, yeah. If they are gonna adapt a story they need to tell the story.

    But I didn't know the story ahead of time like you did.

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to single you out. You are very much not alone in your dislike of the ending. :)

  • Options
    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    Bloods End wrote: »
    Have we seen a better way to do large scale fights since the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
    Wakanda battle royal just felt like so much cgi hitting cgi

    The first Narnia film had actual tactics (learned from the Blitz) used within the story of the big battle

    It was pretty minor, but at least added depth to the cgi scrum

    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
  • Options
    KarlKarl Registered User regular
    I am sad that
    They just mentioned Xandar getting fucked over. I am almost certainly the only person who cares about this

  • Options
    AistanAistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    I also didn't like how
    It immediately shit all over the ending to Ragnarok

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    nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    Odin wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Really got on my fucking nerves this film, especially how he was all 'oh no we can't sacrifice anyone, even if it means saving tons of other people!' even after Vision fucking destroyed his position by pointing out 'dude, you mean like exactly what you fucking did by intentionally crashing the plane you were on, and resigning yourself to death?
    Like, I get it, Captain America is Captain America precisely because he displayed amazing self-sacrifice when other people around him wouldn't, so for him to shun the idea when it's someone elses turn is hypocritical and stupid. Of all the Avengers, he's probably the one most out of his depth, because he refuses to admit that there might not be some things you can gut it out
    Sacrificing yourself and sacrificing someone else by killing them are two very different things. I think the suggestion that it’s what the heroes should have done is pretty gross.

    That said, it wasn’t Cap’s call to make and it wouldn’t have accomplished anything anyway.

    Aistan wrote: »
    I also didn't like how
    It immediately shit all over the ending to Ragnarok

    Not as badly as you might think.
    The movie is unclear but half of the asgardians did get away and it seems the remaining main characters are with them.

  • Options
    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Karl wrote: »
    I am sad that
    They just mentioned Xandar getting fucked over. I am almost certainly the only person who cares about this

    You are not alone in this!
    I felt kinda robbed that we didn't see that, but I don't know how they could have opened on that, then also shown him getting the Space Stone. Feels kinda redundant, and the cold open on the wrecked Asgardian ship was effective.

    Would have made for an incredible 5 minute short before the movie came out though. Maybe a One Shot on the Thor Ragnarok DVD.

    If they ever do a Nova movie, I can imagine it'd open on this scene too.

    Oh brilliant
  • Options
    honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Regarding Holland and Cumbebatch on press tour:


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    SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    Aistan wrote: »
    So after all that i'm supposed to get excited about seeing Captain Marvel's uniform on a beeper? Really? What's she gonna do about any of this?

    Post credits
    From what I understand, depending on who writes her, she's like Marvel's answer to Superman. If she's Fury's ultimate "Oh Shit" contingency I think it's fair to assume she's at the Thor-with-Stormbreaker level of strong.

  • Options
    KarlKarl Registered User regular
    In my ideal marvel fan boy situation
    The universe reacts to half it's population being snapped out of existence with a White event. Then Starbrand turns up to give Thanos a smack

    Karl wrote: »
    I am sad that
    They just mentioned Xandar getting fucked over. I am almost certainly the only person who cares about this

    You are not alone in this!
    I felt kinda robbed that we didn't see that, but I don't know how they could have opened on that, then also shown him getting the Space Stone. Feels kinda redundant, and the cold open on the wrecked Asgardian ship was effective.

    Would have made for an incredible 5 minute short before the movie came out though. Maybe a One Shot on the Thor Ragnarok DVD.

    If they ever do a Nova movie, I can imagine it'd open on this scene too.

    Yeah, that would be a great intro if they ever do a Nova movie (which is apparently in the works). There are rumours that Phase 3 is going to more cosmic

  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Skeith wrote: »
    Aistan wrote: »
    So after all that i'm supposed to get excited about seeing Captain Marvel's uniform on a beeper? Really? What's she gonna do about any of this?

    Post credits
    From what I understand, depending on who writes her, she's like Marvel's answer to Superman. If she's Fury's ultimate "Oh Shit" contingency I think it's fair to assume she's at the Thor-with-Stormbreaker level of strong.
    Not quite Superman. On her best day day she's at Thor's power level in the comics. The biggest exception is when she was powered by a white hole and became Binary, in which case she was stupid levels of powerful, what with getting her strength from a stellar body on par of a black hole.

    As far as the movie goes, I don't think you're supposed to go "Oh hey, Captain Marvel is going to save the day now!" It's more of "Hey, keep an eye out for this symbol, there's an upcoming movie to watch out for." like with seeing Thor's hammer at the end of Iron Man 2.

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