



  • Options
    DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    Avengers 4 idea
    What I might pitch would be a movie where we skip forward ten years, and everything has gone to shit in the wake of half the galaxy dying at once. The opening act is a group of surviving heroes plus some of those left behind, (like Shuri and Scott's daughter), finally descending upon Thanos, after searching for him for a decade, and over the course of the fight, Thanos is forced to reckon with the fact that his grand plan to save the universe has brought it to the brink of destruction, and then the rest of the movie is the Avengers + the New Avengers and Thanos skipping through the past present and future trying to find a way to undo the damage

    I don't think they will do anything like this, but traveling back in time to prevent a horrific comic book dystopia is a beat the MCU hasn't hit yet, and it would be a fun way to close the book on the first decade of the MCU

  • Options
    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    A bunch of people in my theater gasped at the revelation and I was going, "Wait, who is this asshole? What am I missing? Do I have to turn in my nerd card???"

    (The answer is yes since I also didn't catch the significance of the stinger either.)
    He's pretty explicit about it, with lines like 'I held a stone in my hand once, and am now doomed to guard another, guiding others to a treasure I can never possess'

    But if you've never seen First Avenger, you'd literally have no way of knowing who it was.
    having not seen it, I felt like his character still worked. Like "ok. Tormented lost soul who sought a stone forever ago and is now trapped by one. Acts as a warning to those who seek the stones. Got it." Which works in context since Thanos doesn't know who this asshole is either.
    Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if the role was written, and even acted, without Red Skull in mind, and he was just added later. It didn't even sound like Hugo Weaving, so it wouldn't be weird if they just CGId the Red Skull face in post-hoc after someone had the idea of putting him in.

  • Options
    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    A bunch of people in my theater gasped at the revelation and I was going, "Wait, who is this asshole? What am I missing? Do I have to turn in my nerd card???"

    (The answer is yes since I also didn't catch the significance of the stinger either.)
    He's pretty explicit about it, with lines like 'I held a stone in my hand once, and am now doomed to guard another, guiding others to a treasure I can never possess'

    But if you've never seen First Avenger, you'd literally have no way of knowing who it was.
    I mean, yeah, I've seen it, and all I remember is Hugo Weaving eating it in some magic portal and that was that. For all I knew that grim reaper mofo on Vormir is some generic ancient guardian kinda dude and not some deep cut from a seven year old film which I haven't really seen since.

  • Options
    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Aistan wrote: »
    For the first time I think i'm just kind of done with the idea of more movies in this universe.

    Not because i'm burnt out, I still like the characters, but what's the point when no matter what it's still a setting where with the ending
    Half of everyone is dead, or was dead before they were brought back.

    Let's go see Ant-Man and the Wasp with fun ol' Paul Rudd that'll be great! Except no not really because everyone dies when it catches up to Infinity War. So who cares what happens?

    Down the road when Spider-Man Vacationcoming comes out yeah i'm all ready for a lighthearted romp with this kid and the adventures he goes on. But remember when he meaninglessly died away from all his friends and family stranded on a planet on the other side of the universe?

    There's no coming back from this. The setting is forever tainted by one of the most depressing events i've ever seen in a fictional property. The Marvel universe is now darker than the DC one. Sure it was handled better, but I don't know if i'm interested in seeing stories where this is now a historical event.

    I'm done with the "plot" movies, yeah.

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    Enlong wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    A bunch of people in my theater gasped at the revelation and I was going, "Wait, who is this asshole? What am I missing? Do I have to turn in my nerd card???"

    (The answer is yes since I also didn't catch the significance of the stinger either.)
    He's pretty explicit about it, with lines like 'I held a stone in my hand once, and am now doomed to guard another, guiding others to a treasure I can never possess'

    But if you've never seen First Avenger, you'd literally have no way of knowing who it was.
    having not seen it, I felt like his character still worked. Like "ok. Tormented lost soul who sought a stone forever ago and is now trapped by one. Acts as a warning to those who seek the stones. Got it." Which works in context since Thanos doesn't know who this asshole is either.
    Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if the role was written, and even acted, without Red Skull in mind, and he was just added later. It didn't even sound like Hugo Weaving, so it wouldn't be weird if they just CGId the Red Skull face in post-hoc after someone had the idea of putting him in.
    I'd put my money on them very specifically wanting it to be the Red Skull as they hired a guy who does celebrity impressions for the part.

  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    I do enjoy that the actors seem to be having fun doing this

    It's very interesting as Cumberbatch seemed to be the most apprehensive about signing up for these movies, and now he's apparently having a ball.

  • Options
    AnzekayAnzekay Registered User regular
    I do enjoy that the actors seem to be having fun doing this

    It's very interesting as Cumberbatch seemed to be the most apprehensive about signing up for these movies, and now he's apparently having a ball.

    yeah I love this so much

    I also love that his character has a similar arc! goes from being disbelieving and dismissive, to confident out of necessity,

    and then
    after his film his character is supremely confident and capable, inventive and determined. it's great!

  • Options
    ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    Dr. Strange
    like everyone else, I'm shocked at how much I liked him in this movie, after being....pretty lukewarm on his debut

    his standoff with thanos was a high point of that whole sequence, and he really seems like a wizard now

  • Options
    SaraLunaSaraLuna Registered User regular
    Aistan wrote: »
    For the first time I think i'm just kind of done with the idea of more movies in this universe.

    Not because i'm burnt out, I still like the characters, but what's the point when no matter what it's still a setting where with the ending
    Half of everyone is dead, or was dead before they were brought back.

    Let's go see Ant-Man and the Wasp with fun ol' Paul Rudd that'll be great! Except no not really because everyone dies when it catches up to Infinity War. So who cares what happens?

    Down the road when Spider-Man Vacationcoming comes out yeah i'm all ready for a lighthearted romp with this kid and the adventures he goes on. But remember when he meaninglessly died away from all his friends and family stranded on a planet on the other side of the universe?

    There's no coming back from this. The setting is forever tainted by one of the most depressing events i've ever seen in a fictional property. The Marvel universe is now darker than the DC one. Sure it was handled better, but I don't know if i'm interested in seeing stories where this is now a historical event.

    Don’t worry,
    The next movie will almost certainly retcon it such that the only people who remember it even happening are the 4-8 avengers who fix it

  • Options
    El FantasticoEl Fantastico Toronto, ONRegistered User regular
    Those wizard special effects ain't cheap, you know?

    For every MCU movie containing at least 50% CGI and special effects, I wish they could budget in a full wizard spell war. The "world warping" effects that the Supreme One and the Dormammu cult crew did in Dr. Strange was pretty cool.
    I really just want an extended battle of Dr. Strange vs. Ebony Maw, or Thanos, just duking it out with spell/counterspell.

    PSN: TheArcadeBear
    Steam: TheArcadeBear

  • Options
    KarlKarl Registered User regular
    Aistan wrote: »
    For the first time I think i'm just kind of done with the idea of more movies in this universe.

    Not because i'm burnt out, I still like the characters, but what's the point when no matter what it's still a setting where with the ending
    Half of everyone is dead, or was dead before they were brought back.

    Let's go see Ant-Man and the Wasp with fun ol' Paul Rudd that'll be great! Except no not really because everyone dies when it catches up to Infinity War. So who cares what happens?

    Down the road when Spider-Man Vacationcoming comes out yeah i'm all ready for a lighthearted romp with this kid and the adventures he goes on. But remember when he meaninglessly died away from all his friends and family stranded on a planet on the other side of the universe?

    There's no coming back from this. The setting is forever tainted by one of the most depressing events i've ever seen in a fictional property. The Marvel universe is now darker than the DC one. Sure it was handled better, but I don't know if i'm interested in seeing stories where this is now a historical event.

    I'm done with the "plot" movies, yeah.

    You don't have anything to worry about because
    they're bringing most of the characters back. It's a story involving the infinity stones. Cosmic roll backs are a thing. And the third Gotg and second spider man film are set after infinity war.

    Hyper mega spoiler for avengers 4 (IE the avengers film after avengers infinity war part 2
    lots of characters currently dead are listed as cast. Chris Evans even signed on for one last film

  • Options
    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Karl wrote: »
    Aistan wrote: »
    For the first time I think i'm just kind of done with the idea of more movies in this universe.

    Not because i'm burnt out, I still like the characters, but what's the point when no matter what it's still a setting where with the ending
    Half of everyone is dead, or was dead before they were brought back.

    Let's go see Ant-Man and the Wasp with fun ol' Paul Rudd that'll be great! Except no not really because everyone dies when it catches up to Infinity War. So who cares what happens?

    Down the road when Spider-Man Vacationcoming comes out yeah i'm all ready for a lighthearted romp with this kid and the adventures he goes on. But remember when he meaninglessly died away from all his friends and family stranded on a planet on the other side of the universe?

    There's no coming back from this. The setting is forever tainted by one of the most depressing events i've ever seen in a fictional property. The Marvel universe is now darker than the DC one. Sure it was handled better, but I don't know if i'm interested in seeing stories where this is now a historical event.

    I'm done with the "plot" movies, yeah.

    You don't have anything to worry about because
    they're bringing most of the characters back. It's a story involving the infinity stones. Cosmic roll backs are a thing. And the third Gotg and second spider man film are set after infinity war.

    Hyper mega spoiler for avengers 4 (IE the avengers film after avengers infinity war part 2
    lots of characters currently dead are listed as cast. Chris Evans even signed on for one last film
    The next film is Avengers 4. We do not know the title yet

    Fencingsax on
  • Options
    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Avengers 4 is what Infinity War 2 would be, though? They dropped the "part 1/part 2" name scheme. So we have Avengers 1, Avengers 2 (Age of Ultron), Avengers 3 (Infinity War), and Avengers 4 (????)

    Enlong on
  • Options
    KarlKarl Registered User regular
    Ah my mistake

    I stand by cosmic roll back theory

  • Options
    jungleroomxjungleroomx It's never too many graves, it's always not enough shovels Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all
    Nor I. Then again, I never saw the Captain America movies.

    I'm very far behind on the films. Basically only saw Thor, Avengers, Spider-Man Homecoming, and Thor Ragnarok before this.

    I suppose those last two were the ones to see to get recent context, though.

    The Captain America movies are top 5. All of them.

    You should see them!

  • Options
    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    IW spoiler
    People say this, and I don't get it

    Did you not see First Avenger? It would definitely be confusing then, but otherwise the dude had a skull face, and it was red

    What I want to know is, is that directly where he teleported to from the end of First Avenger? How has he survived this whole time?

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
  • Options
    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    IW spoiler
    People say this, and I don't get it

    Did you not see First Avenger? It would definitely be confusing then, but otherwise the dude had a skull face, and it was red

    What I want to know is, is that directly where he teleported to from the end of First Avenger? How has he survived this whole time?
    He didn’t .

    He couldn’t sacrifice anything to the soul stone so it cursed him.

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • Options
    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    i wish that it wasn't so,

    IW midpoint
    but a good chunk of my excitement at seeing red skull was blunted by the recasting

  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    i wish that it wasn't so,

    IW midpoint
    but a good chunk of my excitement at seeing red skull was blunted by the recasting
    It always sounded like Hugo Weaving had zero desire to return to the role and if there is anybody in the MCU you can get away with recasting, it's the guy in full makeup with a heavy accent.

  • Options
    JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    i wish that it wasn't so,

    IW midpoint
    but a good chunk of my excitement at seeing red skull was blunted by the recasting
    I honestly couldn't tell at the time and forgot to check on it in the credits so it didn't impact me a whole lot.

    Steam | SW-0844-0908-6004 and my Switch code
  • Options
    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    i wish that it wasn't so,

    IW midpoint
    but a good chunk of my excitement at seeing red skull was blunted by the recasting
    It always sounded like Hugo Weaving had zero desire to return to the role and if there is anybody in the MCU you can get away with recasting, it's the guy in full makeup with a heavy accent.

    for sure,
    I read the reasons why he wasn't likely to from way back. but it's not about getting away with it or not, the same way I wouldn't give a shit if like, an all-CG blonksy showed up years later and tim roth wasn't involved. who cares? I'm excited cause it's hugo weaving's portrayal of red skull!

  • Options
    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    I legit didn't know it wasn't
    Hugo Weaving until I saw an article on it after the fact.

  • Options
    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    I legit didn't know it wasn't
    Hugo Weaving until I saw an article on it after the fact.

    yeah i wasn't 100% until afterward but i was pretty sure, fella's got a pretty distinct voice. too distinct, it turns out!

  • Options
    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    IW spoiler
    People say this, and I don't get it

    Did you not see First Avenger? It would definitely be confusing then, but otherwise the dude had a skull face, and it was red

    What I want to know is, is that directly where he teleported to from the end of First Avenger? How has he survived this whole time?
    He didn’t .

    He couldn’t sacrifice anything to the soul stone so it cursed him.
    What I mean is, he's survived in some capacity to be able to show up. So is he like trapped in the Soul Stone, and it projected him out to visitors? Did the stone give him the power to live forever without sustenance, but trapped him to that mountain? How did he get there? Was he directly teleported to that mountain by the Space Stone?

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
  • Options
    EtchwartsEtchwarts Eyes Up Registered User regular
    Surprise Coulson
    Blankzilla wrote: »

    Yeah hey what's up with this bad list


    Quicksilver has the worst one? That's insane. That's just objectively untrue.

  • Options
    rhylithrhylith Death Rabbits HoustonRegistered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    I legit didn't know it wasn't
    Hugo Weaving until I saw an article on it after the fact.
    Was it that article about how it was a dude from the walking dead and he didn’t even tell Danai Gurira he was in the movie?

  • Options
    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    I swear I've heard that voice in tons of video games/animated stuff before. It was super familiar.

  • Options
    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    IW spoiler
    People say this, and I don't get it

    Did you not see First Avenger? It would definitely be confusing then, but otherwise the dude had a skull face, and it was red

    What I want to know is, is that directly where he teleported to from the end of First Avenger? How has he survived this whole time?
    He didn’t .

    He couldn’t sacrifice anything to the soul stone so it cursed him.
    What I mean is, he's survived in some capacity to be able to show up. So is he like trapped in the Soul Stone, and it projected him out to visitors? Did the stone give him the power to live forever without sustenance, but trapped him to that mountain? How did he get there? Was he directly teleported to that mountain by the Space Stone?
    He was “cursed by the stone”, that’s really all you need to know .

    And yeah, the space stone just seemed to teleport him to that mountain I guess.

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • Options
    GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    I read as far as Quicksilver and Avengers 1 Captain America and I agreed with the list so hard that I stopped reading it as I didn't want to read further for fear of being disappointed.

    Av1Cap & Quicksilver are the worst.

  • Options
    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    IW spoiler
    People say this, and I don't get it

    Did you not see First Avenger? It would definitely be confusing then, but otherwise the dude had a skull face, and it was red

    What I want to know is, is that directly where he teleported to from the end of First Avenger? How has he survived this whole time?
    He didn’t .

    He couldn’t sacrifice anything to the soul stone so it cursed him.
    What I mean is, he's survived in some capacity to be able to show up. So is he like trapped in the Soul Stone, and it projected him out to visitors? Did the stone give him the power to live forever without sustenance, but trapped him to that mountain? How did he get there? Was he directly teleported to that mountain by the Space Stone?
    He was “cursed by the stone”, that’s really all you need to know .

    And yeah, the space stone just seemed to teleport him to that mountain I guess.
    So do the stones “talk”? Because that couldn’t be a coincidence

    “Yo, Space, let’s screw around with this loser, teleport him to me, I got this sweet curse I want to try out.”

    “Oh yeah, no doubt Soul, incoming!”

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
  • Options
    EtchwartsEtchwarts Eyes Up Registered User regular
    Surprise Coulson
    Gvzbgul wrote: »
    I read as far as Quicksilver and Avengers 1 Captain America and I agreed with the list so hard that I stopped reading it as I didn't want to read further for fear of being disappointed.

    Av1Cap & Quicksilver are the worst.

    I'll give you Cap, no question

    But I think movie Quicksilver is the only good costume he's ever had (that I've seen)

    I actually ended up agreeing with the top 5, if not necessarily agreeing with where to put them

  • Options
    CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    Surprise Coulson
    If Feige ever snaps and decides to George Lucas older Marvel movies, I hope he at least CGs in a new costume for Cap in Avengers 1.

  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Narbus wrote: »
    Apparently the weird ghost thing on Vormir was supposed to be Red Skull? I did not pick that up at all

    IW spoiler
    People say this, and I don't get it

    Did you not see First Avenger? It would definitely be confusing then, but otherwise the dude had a skull face, and it was red

    What I want to know is, is that directly where he teleported to from the end of First Avenger? How has he survived this whole time?
    He didn’t .

    He couldn’t sacrifice anything to the soul stone so it cursed him.
    What I mean is, he's survived in some capacity to be able to show up. So is he like trapped in the Soul Stone, and it projected him out to visitors? Did the stone give him the power to live forever without sustenance, but trapped him to that mountain? How did he get there? Was he directly teleported to that mountain by the Space Stone?
    He was “cursed by the stone”, that’s really all you need to know .

    And yeah, the space stone just seemed to teleport him to that mountain I guess.
    Tesseract likely felt his desire to find Infinity Stones and teleported him to one because of it. Or maybe it just locked onto a random stone as it shorted out.

  • Options
    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    I'm glad short hair Thor is so far down the list

  • Options
    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Karl wrote: »
    Aistan wrote: »
    For the first time I think i'm just kind of done with the idea of more movies in this universe.

    Not because i'm burnt out, I still like the characters, but what's the point when no matter what it's still a setting where with the ending
    Half of everyone is dead, or was dead before they were brought back.

    Let's go see Ant-Man and the Wasp with fun ol' Paul Rudd that'll be great! Except no not really because everyone dies when it catches up to Infinity War. So who cares what happens?

    Down the road when Spider-Man Vacationcoming comes out yeah i'm all ready for a lighthearted romp with this kid and the adventures he goes on. But remember when he meaninglessly died away from all his friends and family stranded on a planet on the other side of the universe?

    There's no coming back from this. The setting is forever tainted by one of the most depressing events i've ever seen in a fictional property. The Marvel universe is now darker than the DC one. Sure it was handled better, but I don't know if i'm interested in seeing stories where this is now a historical event.

    I'm done with the "plot" movies, yeah.

    You don't have anything to worry about because
    they're bringing most of the characters back. It's a story involving the infinity stones. Cosmic roll backs are a thing. And the third Gotg and second spider man film are set after infinity war.

    Hyper mega spoiler for avengers 4 (IE the avengers film after avengers infinity war part 2
    lots of characters currently dead are listed as cast. Chris Evans even signed on for one last film

    This does not solve my issues with the film

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Ceno wrote: »
    If Feige ever snaps and decides to George Lucas older Marvel movies, I hope he at least CGs in a new costume for Cap in Avengers 1.

    I have a morbid desire to see Incredible Hulk with Ruffalo inserted over Norton.

    Undead Scottsman on
  • Options
    EtchwartsEtchwarts Eyes Up Registered User regular
    Surprise Coulson
    Ceno wrote: »
    If Feige ever snaps and decides to George Lucas older Marvel movies, I hope he at least CGs in a new costume for Cap in Avengers 1.

    I have a morbid desite to see Incredible Hulk with Ruffalo inserted over Norton.

    On man, that'd be such a bad idea that I want them to do very badly

  • Options
    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    IW box office sales should hit 1B by this weekend, most likely.

  • Options
    SnicketysnickSnicketysnick The Greatest Hype Man in WesterosRegistered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    If Feige ever snaps and decides to George Lucas older Marvel movies, I hope he at least CGs in a new costume for Cap in Avengers 1.

    I have a morbid desite to see Incredible Hulk with Ruffalo inserted over Norton.

    On man, that'd be such a bad idea that I want them to do very badly

    Just his face though, don't re-dub any dialogue

    D3 Steam #TeamTangent STO
  • Options
    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    If Feige ever snaps and decides to George Lucas older Marvel movies, I hope he at least CGs in a new costume for Cap in Avengers 1.

    I have a morbid desire to see Incredible Hulk with Ruffalo inserted over Norton.

    On man, that'd be such a bad idea that I want them to do very badly

    Pretty much exactly that. It'd be a pointless waste of money and would benefit noone.... but I still want to see it.

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