I wouldnt be surprised, the Infinity Stones have a way of showing up in the most ridiculous places. I'm pretty sure I remember them finding one at a yard sale once.
I wouldnt be surprised, the Infinity Stones have a way of showing up in the most ridiculous places. I'm pretty sure I remember them finding one at a yard sale once.
I thought I had, too, once. But it was just a crummy Arkenstone.
KageraImitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered Userregular
I wouldnt be surprised, the Infinity Stones have a way of showing up in the most ridiculous places. I'm pretty sure I remember them finding one at a yard sale once.
Not surprising. Cracker Jack was including them as toys for a while in the 60s. They still turn up on Antiques Roadshow from time to time. I've been using a Space Stone to keep my closet door from banging into the wall since we moved into our house.
Today's comic was good; today's newspost was great.
(Speaking as someone who once lost his cat, found that about a million other cats look extremely similar, then getting a call from a house one block over about 5 weeks after it was lost, saying that they thought they had my cat and they did.)
Today's comic was good; today's newspost was great.
(Speaking as someone who once lost his cat, found that about a million other cats look extremely similar, then getting a call from a house one block over about 5 weeks after it was lost, saying that they thought they had my cat and they did.)
As someone who is still missing his cat, albeit has come close to catching her again if not for a trap failing to set properly due to an abnormally late snowfall keeping the ground frozen, and has assisted others with what I've learned from the process (including once catching someone's lost dog while doing a tracking for my cat) I feel it is important to point out that there are tracking dogs and handlers that specialize in tracking down lost pets. It's an invaluable service available that most people are not aware of.
You know, in the Ultimate Marvel Universe one of the Infinity Gems was actually inside Tony Stark's brain. He thought it was a brain tumour. The Ultimate Infinity Gems had different rules, though, and they weren't ancient artefacts but things that spontaneously came into existence in places/moments of great significance.
I'm sorry, I must be confused. I thought PA was about teh vidyas, but apparently now we only report on Disney properties.
It's about geek stuff in general and has been since the first zombie comic in 1999, so I dont get why this is a shock to you.
Even more than that, they've said several times it's about whatever they are interested in/talking about right now. And it turns out people change over time.
I'm sorry, I must be confused. I thought PA was about teh vidyas, but apparently now we only report on Disney properties.
It's about geek stuff in general and has been since the first zombie comic in 1999, so I dont get why this is a shock to you.
Even more than that, they've said several times it's about whatever they are interested in/talking about right now. And it turns out people change over time.
When people are sufficiently worked up about an issue, rationality goes out the window. In this case it seems to be dislike about "Disney properties" causing disregard for the PA's history, both recent as Tofystedeth pointed out, and ancient as Sadgasm did, and memory loss of their own past perception as they didn't seem to have any issue over the past year with the other comics that weren't about "teh vidyas", though they may claim to now because we have pointed it out.
Thank goodness PA doesn't just focus on video games. The strip would get annoying after awhile plus we'd miss out on amazing stuff like Lookouts.
I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the non-PA stuff, but I'd rather they get some variety for themselves that way than get sick of doing the comic alltogether. I mean, they've been doing this for 20 years now, its gotta get stale for them on occasion
Thank goodness PA doesn't just focus on video games. The strip would get annoying after awhile plus we'd miss out on amazing stuff like Lookouts.
I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the non-PA stuff, but I'd rather they get some variety for themselves that way than get sick of doing the comic alltogether. I mean, they've been doing this for 20 years now, its gotta get stale for them on occasion
Yeah. I know some of the side stuff they do isn't for everyone and that's OK. I've enjoyed watching them grow as people, artist and writer. They've both provided me with a lot of inspiration and for that I'm grateful.
Speaking of grateful-I'm grateful they found their friend. Plus it's nice to know Jeremy's gotten over his fear of cats.
I want to assure you that everything I’m about to tell you is true.
Brenna advocated very hard to secure a farm cat. I said no. The last time she went this hard was when she told me we were having another baby. She didn’t mean she was pregnant: she meant that she was going to get pregnant. I said no; I also have a daughter now. I didn’t win that one. I was wrong this time, too; Hercule Poirot Holkins has reddish orange hair like everybody else in my family. I went through the trouble of making a little hollow in my life where this creature might live. So the fact that he’s been missing is unpleasant, but there’s something else. It makes me feel that I’ve failed, somehow, by letting him in.
Brenna has been walking the path she took when she last saw Herky every day, in the full knowledge that she will never see the cat again which is sheathed by a second knowledge that if she doesn’t undertake this profoundly useless ritual gesture she will feel as though she has failed him twice. I have tried on many occasions to tell her that we are talking about a cat. Not to minimize the suffering: to emphasize that we are discussing the whereabouts of a deeply mercurial species and that their barely contained chaos means that its behavior in no way accrues to her. It does not help.
She is walking this path again, but at least there is a young crow keeping her company. He’s making a weird sound, it’s not all caws with these fellows, it’s closer to something like a long chirp or a kitten’s meow. It’s always flying a little ahead of her. When she passes the mouth of an alley, it didn’t fly forward anymore; it just waits there. She heads into the alley and it resumes their previous game, flying forward to the next invisible waypoint along some ley line only cool crows know. About halfway through it, she notices a couple small bowls in a driveway. They were clearly somebody’s regular dishes. The kind you’d put out if you, yourself, did not own a cat and yet wished to sustain one. The dog avails itself of the water dish, and seeing these bowls Brenna begins to call for Herky.
A guy comes out onto his porch overlooking the alley. “Hey,” he says. “Did you lose an orange cat?” He’d been feeding one. Brenna gave him her number, and he said he’d call if the cat returned.
When I got home from work yesterday, Brenna wanted to go on a walk as a family, but I had a sense I knew where this walk was headed. We went to the alley she had told me about, and described her encounter with the crow. I indicated that I have a strict no mystical horseshit policy, but that it was very interesting that she has tattoos of Huginn and Muninn and that was a novel overlap. She showed me the bowls, now empty. In the next backyard of the very next house, we saw an orange cat. It was not Herky. Nor was the second cat we saw. There were two orange cats next door to a man who had been feeding an orange cat. In a very, very brief span of time the world had gone from one extreme to another.
We were now much less excited about a man calling us about his neighbor cats. So when he called, we didn’t even bring the kids; we just walked the couple blocks up the hill and around the fence. Herky was in the front yard, surrounded by four or five neighbor kids. They’d all taken turns feeding him and playing with him and in many ways he had become theirs and might have remained so.
You live in a world where a magic crows help people find their cats. The end.
(CW)TB out.
Edith Upwards on
Golden YakBurnished BovineThe sunny beaches of CanadaRegistered Userregular
Tony Stark got a brain tumor once. They opened up his skull; turns out it was actually an Infinity Stone.
Tony Stark got a brain tumor once. They opened up his skull; turns out it was actually an Infinity Stone.
That isn't a joke. Comics are weird.
As others have noted, that was the Ultimate Comics Universe. The Ultimate line in general was decidedly a mixed bag. There is some very good stuff (the introduction of Miles Morales). And some bad stuff (A version of the Fantastic Four so reviled they could only salvage it by turning Reed into a Super Villain.)
If the Ultimate Infinity Stones just showed up at areas of historical significance like the Ruins in Civilization V, then I think the events of this comic are perfectly reasonable.
P.S.: If this is true, I would also surmise that an Infinity Stone would *not* appear at the release of Halo Online.
P.P.S.: I am ashamed that my phone wants to suggest the word Scarf, capitalized, every time I type Infinity.
Thanks for quoting that it was a good read. Glad they found their cat. I've lost pets more times than I can count so I know the feeling.
I thought I had, too, once. But it was just a crummy Arkenstone.
Could be stuck in the DC Dark Cinematic Universe!
Not surprising. Cracker Jack was including them as toys for a while in the 60s. They still turn up on Antiques Roadshow from time to time. I've been using a Space Stone to keep my closet door from banging into the wall since we moved into our house.
(Speaking as someone who once lost his cat, found that about a million other cats look extremely similar, then getting a call from a house one block over about 5 weeks after it was lost, saying that they thought they had my cat and they did.)
As someone who is still missing his cat, albeit has come close to catching her again if not for a trap failing to set properly due to an abnormally late snowfall keeping the ground frozen, and has assisted others with what I've learned from the process (including once catching someone's lost dog while doing a tracking for my cat) I feel it is important to point out that there are tracking dogs and handlers that specialize in tracking down lost pets. It's an invaluable service available that most people are not aware of.
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3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
The 5 prior comics were about non-Disney video games.
It's about geek stuff in general and has been since the first zombie comic in 1999, so I dont get why this is a shock to you.
Even more than that, they've said several times it's about whatever they are interested in/talking about right now. And it turns out people change over time.
I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the non-PA stuff, but I'd rather they get some variety for themselves that way than get sick of doing the comic alltogether. I mean, they've been doing this for 20 years now, its gotta get stale for them on occasion
Yeah. I know some of the side stuff they do isn't for everyone and that's OK. I've enjoyed watching them grow as people, artist and writer. They've both provided me with a lot of inspiration and for that I'm grateful.
Speaking of grateful-I'm grateful they found their friend. Plus it's nice to know Jeremy's gotten over his fear of cats.
That isn't a joke. Comics are weird.
As others have noted, that was the Ultimate Comics Universe. The Ultimate line in general was decidedly a mixed bag. There is some very good stuff (the introduction of Miles Morales). And some bad stuff (A version of the Fantastic Four so reviled they could only salvage it by turning Reed into a Super Villain.)
P.S.: If this is true, I would also surmise that an Infinity Stone would *not* appear at the release of Halo Online.
P.P.S.: I am ashamed that my phone wants to suggest the word Scarf, capitalized, every time I type Infinity.
Thanks for quoting that it was a good read. Glad they found their cat. I've lost pets more times than I can count so I know the feeling.