
[Doctor Who] New Series Starts May 11th



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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    The Doctor must have replaced her kinetic bat. It was destroyed in Remembrance of the Daleks.

    Cibb's reign of terror is over! Back to better writing.

    Krathoon on
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    BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    I enjoyed all the stuff with the companions.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    Tegan being a dick was great. Good old Tegan.

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    RaynagaRaynaga Registered User regular
    What platform are folks using to watch it in the USA?

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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    Raynaga wrote: »
    What platform are folks using to watch it in the USA?

    It was on BBC America. They may show it again. It will probably be for sale on Amazon Prime tomorrow.

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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    On my viewing of Happiness Patrol, I noticed there is a really pointless scene with a really slow go cart. Ace and the Doctor make an absurdly slow getaway with it. Very low budget.

    Back to New Who. This whole thing with you know who is a really blatant attempt to get viewers back. It is shameless.

    Krathoon on
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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    It is a break glass in case of emergency sort of situation, same as RTD coming back.

    Oh brilliant
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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Gatwa's Doctor may be in Doctor limbo with the other Doctors.
    The next episode will air in November 2023. What the hell? Why so long? They were already filming it.
    It would have been hilarious if they canceled it after this episode.

    Krathoon on
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    RazielMortemRazielMortem Registered User regular
    Well I imagine they were filming the, er, current 'Doctor' episodes and then went straight into filming the Doctor episodes. And BBC probably thinks it's wise to let it all cool off for a bit.

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    CatalaseCatalase Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Ok so Chibnall's best written episode is his last apparently. To be clear; best he's written is a low bar. But overall it's a watchable episode.

    The Good:
    • Emotional payoff that wasn't quite as forced for once (like trying to make us care about Vinder's wife and child, or Doctor/Yas without any real prior buildup). We get more emotion out of things between the Doctor and Yas and we get the great scene with the old companions at the end
    • The Master was aloooot more tolerable in this for me. Actually seemed intelligent and cruel instead of bipolar and cartoonishly evil
    • Despite the number of plot threads, Chibnall actually managed to balance it all reasonably well. Potentially just due to how simple he kept things; Daleks had one thing they were doing. Cybermen had the one building they were located in. And their whole plan was just connected to the Master's.
    • The Master wearing the old Doctor clothes is perfect.
    • Really liked the last scene we got with 13; optimistic and upbeat. Kind of what they promised we'd get from her before they stuck her with all the unsatisfactory mystery and bad brooding
    • MCGANN! Look the old Doctors scene was brilliant overall. I really enjoyed seeing David Bradley. But, McGann! My introduction to him was Night of the Doctor and I've been keen for more ever since. Dude fits the character so well. And him hating on the robes was perfect
    • All the Doctors coming back was brilliantly handled in both its incarnations. I know next to nothing about the old companions but the scenes with Ace, Tegan and their Doctors was really well done.
    • Segun Akinola actually impressed me a little with his score this ep, but that might be because it seemed alot more like the old Murray Gold stuff, stylistically. Choral "ooo's" and whatnot for the Doctor

    The bad:
    • Why does this random person on the train know what regeneration energy is?
    • Dan's departure was abrupt and felt forced. Though for the best given how many people the episode had to juggle. The reasoning was extremely poor. You died HOW many times in the Dalek special, but this is what did it for you?
    • So we didn't address 80% of the universe being destroyed by the end of Flux but we did address Dan being homeless. Perfect.
    • It took me a while to remember Yas used to be a cop when she said she had weapons training. God she was a wasted companion.
    • Getting alot of George Lucas syndrome from some of this dialogue. Chibnall; take five minutes to read your script OUT LOUD and see what sounds absolutely stupid coming out of a person's mouth that might not seem so bad at a glance on a page, PLEASE.
    • I knew Smith and Capaldi wouldn't be making any appearance but I'm still sad about it
    • For the Doctor's last hour, she loses pretty spectacularly up until the very end. Companions doing stuff is absolutely what we want but the Doctor shouldn't seem useless for it to happen. Still feels like the Doctor I would be least relieved to see come save the day. This isn't the only Doctor story that's happened in; Last of the Time Lords is notably bad for this same reason. But given the lack of actual competence 13's shown in her tenure I'd have liked to see her being alot better at saving the day.
    • Lore screwup: wouldn't be Chibnall if we didn't get one of these. Haven't they established now on MULTIPLE occasions that after regeneration, Time Lords are actually much much LESS vulnerable since their body is still regenerating? Ten regrew his goddamn HAND. River survived a FIRING SQUAD. Little bit of Space Laser so close to regenerating TWICE, 13 should've walked it off.
    • Disappointed we didn't get a shot of Tennant in 13's clothes. But I suppose they want his reveal shot to be as iconic as possible.
    • While this does handle emotion better than past episodes, for a tenure that’s seen four companion departures (counting Yas) there sure is very little of a shit given overall.

    The random:
    • I await the inevitable Liz Truss regenerating back into Boris Johnson memes
    • So Chibnall needs the longest episode ever in order to have enough time to write a single story premise coherently. Maybe if we’d doubled flux it would’ve been better
    Need to stew on it a little while to see if I think of anything else but so far that's it.

    Also there's a bunch of David Tennant stuff on sale on Big Finish for the next week-ish for anyone interested

    Catalase on
    "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited October 2022
    One of Chibnall's flaws is unnecessary complication where things should be clear.
    What was the point of the Dalek betraying his own kind? Minutes of exposition to get the Doctor to point A that could have been achieved by her just finding out about a mysterious energy source or something and going there anyway. Instead it's a subplot with no resolution beyond oh well that didn't matter anyway, and yet again the Doctor is reacting rather than being pro-active.

    Oh well. The Cyber-Masters are gone now, which is good, because they were kind of a crap idea. And no mention of the Cybermen and the Daleks being supposedly wiped out at the end of Flux of course, or the universe being mostly gone, even though that was literally the last episode before this one.

    Also what was the point if Vin being back. His contribution was, I think, to shoot the Master in the shoulder and nothing else. Cheers?

    I think the best bits were the focus on companions, and the final scenes with them were very well done.
    Ian Chesterton! Bless his cotton socks.

    Bogart on
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    CatalaseCatalase Registered User regular
    His other big flaw is jumping between one location to another to another to another and 700 characters rather than service a core cast and main plot.
    To your first point
    Dude also completely forgot Rusty the Dalek as the first Dalek to betray his species. Literally in the episode that Jodie first appears. And yes the Daleks and Cybermen and 80% of the known universe were destroyed and no mention of that is ever made about anything getting destroyed by Flux ever again EXCEPT Dan's house.

    "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."
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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Earth's orbit should be out of wack. The missing moon should be causing tidal waves.

    Maybe the embodiment of Time reset things.

    Krathoon on
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    CatalaseCatalase Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Except they didn’t reset anything nor even allude to having done so.

    Oh wait you mean after this ep. I’m still hung up on flux

    Catalase on
    "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."
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    OldSlackerOldSlacker Registered User regular
    I'm glad I don't really care about spoilers for the latest episode because around 30% of my YouTube thumbnails are showing the big surprise, including the official channels.

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    RazielMortemRazielMortem Registered User regular
    Yeah I heard it on Radio bloody 4 (I was not sipping tea with my little finger raised, but had I done so I would have spat it out). But it was annoying. However, ironically, now I probably will watch the episode as I had little interest in Whittaker's Doctor because (and this is not a slight on Jodie - she did her best with dreck) the writing for this Doctor's personality was just bad - also WAAAAYY too many companions, did they learn nothing from the 5th Doctor?! Maybe it got better but I jumped after the silly Timelord episode. But now I know Chibnall is gone and the emergency break has been pulled, I am interested again.

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    BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Oh yeah
    Yaz: I've had weapons training
    Also Yaz: fingers right on the trigger in all four shots.

    And Vinder's monologue explaining how and why he's arriving - to himself, a problem that a lot of Chib characters have - was actively painful to watch. He seems to be in the story purely that so Yaz can get one over on the Master.

    There are a lot of minor nitpicks to be made honestly, as well as some huge clunkers that we've just come to accept as part of this run, so I won't go over them.

    Gotta hope RTD is up to the task again.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
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    ThawmusThawmus +Jackface Registered User regular
    Excited to see what they do with the show....over a year from now?!?

    Fucking hell if I wasn't subbed to this thread I wouldn't know the show existed anymore.

    Twitch: Thawmus83
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    RazielMortemRazielMortem Registered User regular
    There has got to have been a conversation at the Beeb over just cancelling it again, then they realised their store of relevant dramas was diminishing, especially as Netflix has started doing the Jane Austen-esque type dramas. So it's probably been given one more shot, with a reduced budget to see if it can recoup some viewers and relevance. The new 'doctor' is part of that plan but I'm excited to see what Gatwa brings to the role.

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    RazielMortemRazielMortem Registered User regular
    Part of the delay is that next year is the 60th anniversary so they're holding back for that.

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    StraygatsbyStraygatsby Registered User regular
    Streamed this through the AMC+ snap-in on Amazon Prime last night.

    Happy to close this book - it's been a sloppy few years of Who. The promise of an upbeat, colorful, tinker/engineer Doctor in Whittaker sold me when it they launched, and I've had buyer's remorse since.

    I love the Tennant Doctor and Donna, but this is some bald-faced re-arranging of deck chairs coated in Fan Service while they rebuild and rebrand the franchise internally, and I just ain't hooked. I'll check back when 15 goes live.

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    Zilla360Zilla360 21st Century. |She/Her| Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered User regular
    Bethryn wrote: »
    And Vinder's monologue explaining how and why he's arriving - to himself, a problem that a lot of Chib characters have - was actively painful to watch. He seems to be in the story purely that so Yaz can get one over on the Master.

    There are a lot of minor nitpicks to be made honestly, as well as some huge clunkers that we've just come to accept as part of this run, so I won't go over them.

    Gotta hope RTD is up to the task again.
    Yeah he really didn't really seem to need to be in this episode at all. The whole thing was so over-stuffed with returning characters that it felt like a hastily scribbled down fever dream.
    Graham is back! And somehow conveniently made his own way from Sheffield to a volcano in Italy...
    Why did the master need to be posing as Rasputin in 1916? Why was that a necessary part of his plan at all? Other than to give us an amusing music/dance routine?
    Everything involving that 'sentient energy' creature... The Quincunx I think? A deus ex machina with a noun attached. Just what.

    Among so many other plot holes... Too many for me to be bothered to list. Some good scenes in isolation, but by the end, none of it feels cohesive.

    It makes me wonder if Chibs sometimes writes scripts whilst high on cocaine or some other substance.
    Only two episodes of Doctor Who in a year, after the Flux story-line, and this is what we get? Rather disappointing, TBH. :|

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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    One thing that's surprised me, our new Doctor is indeed being referred to officially as Fourteen. Thought for sure he'd be another lost number like John Hurt. Nope!

    Oh brilliant
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    klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    Had the surprise spoiled by the radio when I got up this morning, so thanks for that BBC.
    Imagined the regeneration scene in my head before I saw it, and I was 90% right!
    Immediate reaction: check the teeth. Check.
    Final lines: "What? What?! No, seriously, what?!"
    So apart from some embellishment, I think I've got this down.

    As for him being officially the fourteenth Doctor, I'm assuming that's going to be the big mystery plot for his three episodes (if I were writing it and I could get them, I'd have him regenerate into Smith and Capaldi in the subsequent episodes, then into Whitaker again before doing it right, making Ncuti Gatwa the Eighteenth Doctor. If Moffat were involved I'd believe it, as that feels like his sense of humour).

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
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    CatalaseCatalase Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Zilla360 wrote: »
    It makes me wonder if Chibs sometimes writes scripts whilst high on cocaine or some other substance.
    I think that if he gets an idea he just has to use it.

    Doesn’t matter if it fits or not.

    Doesn’t matter if it’s bad or not.

    He thought of something and it’s going in even if he has to write a fifth of the episode around his dumb Rasputin dance idea.

    Or his Timeless Child idea.

    Catalase on
    "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."
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    SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    Just finished the ep and I am pleasantly surprised. Maybe the bar is low from the other eps but it was properly touching and exciting and the
    master was good and scary at the right times. Getting right in Yaz's face and yelling was a great intense scene I thought.

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    TraceTrace GNU Terry Pratchett; GNU Gus; GNU Carrie Fisher; GNU Adam We Registered User regular
    Streamed this through the AMC+ snap-in on Amazon Prime last night.

    Happy to close this book - it's been a sloppy few years of Who. The promise of an upbeat, colorful, tinker/engineer Doctor in Whittaker sold me when it they launched, and I've had buyer's remorse since.

    I love the Tennant Doctor and Donna, but this is some bald-faced re-arranging of deck chairs coated in Fan Service while they rebuild and rebrand the franchise internally, and I just ain't hooked. I'll check back when 15 goes live.

    I have a pretty big suspicion that we'll be getting a lot of classic Doctor cameos if this plot line is going to go the way I think it is.

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    Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    I didn't get the
    forced regeneration bit at all

    So The Master got to be The Doctor, but still looked like The Master, and his plan was to make everybody fear The Doctor by going around fucking shit up and introducing himself as The Doctor? Why not just go around doing that anyway? He would have already had a TARDIS if he hadn't plugged it into the conversion planet

    I was hoping that it would result in Jodie acting as The Master for a bit - at least that way she'd have got some decent dialogue

    I liked seeing all the past Doctors, though, even though my first was Tennant

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    You people need to stop thinking about the episode. It was not unenjoyable, which frankly makes it the best Chibnall has delivered by a wide margin. The more you think about it though, the worst it sounds, as every piece of nonsensical plot and poor writing emerges. The guy is the Liz Truss of Doctor Who producers, and we should accept his first completely accidental partial and weak success of a final episode rather than tear it apart with the lightest breeze of thinking.

    Richy on
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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    I didn't get the
    forced regeneration bit at all

    So The Master got to be The Doctor, but still looked like The Master, and his plan was to make everybody fear The Doctor by going around fucking shit up and introducing himself as The Doctor? Why not just go around doing that anyway? He would have already had a TARDIS if he hadn't plugged it into the conversion planet

    I was hoping that it would result in Jodie acting as The Master for a bit - at least that way she'd have got some decent dialogue

    I liked seeing all the past Doctors, though, even though my first was Tennant

    Yeah, motive wise that didn't make a whole lotta sense
    this incarnation of the Master went nuts and destroyed Gallifrey because he learned he had some Doctor DNA in him. He hates the idea that he's special because of a tiny part of the Doctor... so his ultimate plan is to become the Doctor? That's a lot more DNA my guy!

    Was also hoping we'd just get a face swap, so Jodie plays the Master, Sasha plays the Doctor for a few scenes. Woulda been fun.

    Oh brilliant
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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    The Master has always been jealous of the Doctor. So, he got what he wanted. He became the Doctor.

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    skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    edited October 2022
    skeldare on
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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Yeah. Good old Disney+. It is becoming a really great streaming service. I wonder if it is also going to have old Doctor Who too.

    Krathoon on
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    Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    Krathoon wrote: »
    The Master has always been jealous of the Doctor. So, he got what he wanted. He became the Doctor.
    But he kept his face and personality, so he actually got The Doctor's... wardrobe?

    Nothing that he couldn't have got by just nicking her TARDIS or going to a tailor / greengrocer

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited October 2022
    Krathoon wrote: »
    The Master has always been jealous of the Doctor. So, he got what he wanted. He became the Doctor.
    But he kept his face and personality, so he actually got The Doctor's... wardrobe?

    Nothing that he couldn't have got by just nicking her TARDIS or going to a tailor / greengrocer
    He highjacked the Doctor's body. He got all her memories. That was why he was playing the flute the Second doctor had. He was the Doctor.
    He is not really being rational here. It was more of a personal thing. People would know it is not really the Doctor if they looked closer.

    Krathoon on
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    ThawmusThawmus +Jackface Registered User regular
    Glad it'll be easier to watch, certainly, with it being on Disney+, but I still really hate to see more shit getting gobbled up by the mouse.

    Twitch: Thawmus83
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    RazielMortemRazielMortem Registered User regular
    BBC desperately needs the money. I guess I can cancel my Britbox sub if they have the classic Who too (I suspect it's modern only).

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    skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    BBC desperately needs the money. I guess I can cancel my Britbox sub if they have the classic Who too (I suspect it's modern only).

    Apparently it's only the new episodes. Everything else from modern Who is on HBO Max at least in the US.

    Nintendo Console Codes
    Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Oh they've redecorated the logo! I don't like it.

    (Just kidding, it's very nice. Lil' dubious calling it "new" though, eh?)

    Oh brilliant
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    Zilla360Zilla360 21st Century. |She/Her| Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered User regular
This discussion has been closed.