Girls' Frontline [GFL]: Longitudinal Strain Story event is live



  • chrono_travellerchrono_traveller Registered User regular
    The new campaign mode is live! Lots of materials given out, which a lot of it I blew on heavy production, got KSG (5* shotgun who seems to be good) and another armor fairy, which ... meh.

    Got my first x5 linked unit last night (TAR-21) and been building up OTs-14 (lvl 50), so my main echelon for cube 1-4 is doing pretty well, I can clear the map with minimal damage (a little worse when I run into those big machines) and I demoted FNC (lvl 82) to echelon 2 (that stays home and guards the first helipad in my 1-4 runs). Up to about 80 attempts with no Five-seveN (but 2 each of the 4* drops!). :(

    I've gotten 2 T91 (5* AR night specialist) so I think I'll start building her up long term to pair her up with OTs-14 for a good night team, but with Cube ending relatively soon, I don't think its worth spending much on her now?

    Currently crafting SMGs to get another good main tank (currently C-MS and UMP9 are my main 2), and something better than Skorpion for an offtank (Vector seems to be the best one out there?). Then, I'll probably try to focus on rifles.

    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Well, still no Welrod/Makarov. But I got M950A from my shotgun craft using all the resources we got this morning.

    Also, cleared E1-2. So, yay!?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I'm not 100% positive, but if you're farming for shotguns before you've cleared E1-4 that's drastically different from the way I've been progressing. I haven't even started shotgun farming or really any heavy, and I'm still trying to beat E2-1.

    What is this I don't even.
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    I'm not 100% positive, but if you're farming for shotguns before you've cleared E1-4 that's drastically different from the way I've been progressing. I haven't even started shotgun farming or really any heavy, and I'm still trying to beat E2-1.

    Eh, just one craft a week, except just now when we got a huge dump of resources.

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited July 2019
    I think I have 4 Echelon's planned out fairly well, my two AR options, plus a RF/HG with SMG tank (eventually Makarov/Welrod), and a MG/HG with eventually a SG tank. All I need are the tanks, and to get them all leveled up. I've got my A team at ~75 (will eventually level someone up to replace FNC), team B is all ~60 iirc, and my MG/RF teams are mostly somewhere between 30 and 50.

    Now I just need more echelon's so I can do stuff with them and also run 4 logistics teams.

    Brody on
    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    edited July 2019
    General_Armchair on
    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • RanlinRanlin Oh gosh Registered User regular
    Huh, I've gone back a few times a day to try and get a Gr G28 but just ended up getting a second Five Seven.

  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2019
    Ranlin wrote: »
    Huh, I've gone back a few times a day to try and get a Gr G28 but just ended up getting a second Five Seven.

    keep and raise a 2nd 5-7 because it might come in handy

    Orphane on
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    If I have a single, primary complaint it's doll space. I've raised the cap twice and tried to dismantle anything I won't use really soon or that isn't good and it's a pain in the ass having to feed after every single battle.

    What is this I don't even.
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    edited July 2019
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    If I have a single, primary complaint it's doll space. I've raised the cap twice and tried to dismantle anything I won't use really soon or that isn't good and it's a pain in the ass having to feed after every single battle.

    That gets a bit better once you finish unlocking your dorms. Then there's not much to spend gems on aside from expanding inventory, tokens, or the occasional shop bundle. I'm up to 250 slots right now and feeling the bind still since I like keeping a copy of all of my girls.

    General_Armchair on
    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    If I have a single, primary complaint it's doll space. I've raised the cap twice and tried to dismantle anything I won't use really soon or that isn't good and it's a pain in the ass having to feed after every single battle.

    That gets a bit better once you finish unlocking your dorms. Then there's not much to spend gems on aside from expanding inventory, tokens, or the occasional shop bundle. I'm up to 250 slots right now and feeling the bind still since I like keeping a copy of all of my girls.

    Does unlocking dorms have a benefit on cap space or gem earnings?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    No, I think he just meant you'll finally be able to add space. I still am unlocking echelons. After that is dorm space. After that is more girl space I guess.

    What is this I don't even.
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    Brody wrote: »
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    If I have a single, primary complaint it's doll space. I've raised the cap twice and tried to dismantle anything I won't use really soon or that isn't good and it's a pain in the ass having to feed after every single battle.

    That gets a bit better once you finish unlocking your dorms. Then there's not much to spend gems on aside from expanding inventory, tokens, or the occasional shop bundle. I'm up to 250 slots right now and feeling the bind still since I like keeping a copy of all of my girls.

    Does unlocking dorms have a benefit on cap space or gem earnings?

    I simply meant that once you finish unlocking the dorms, then suddenly you're free to spend gems on luxury purchases like expanding inventory space or buying tokens to roll on the furniture gacha. Prior to that your gems are most efficiently spent on unlocking additional echelons to improve your combat capabilities, and unlocking additional dorms to increase battery income.

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • chrono_travellerchrono_traveller Registered User regular
    Ranlin wrote: »
    Huh, I've gone back a few times a day to try and get a Gr G28 but just ended up getting a second Five Seven.

    I'll trade you a G28 for a Five-seveN! ;)

    My SMG production is not going so well, I have gotten two 5* ones, but one is rated as niche (Suomi) and I've gotten her twice at that, and one at not recommended (100 Shiki). Just did get UMP45, which does get me another main tank to eventually replace Ingram, but no luck on the offtank role. :(

    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular

    come on and slam
    and welcome to the jam

  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Well, I hit enough resources that shotgun craft would leave me with 20k of everything but parts, and now I have Ks-23. Not my favorite visually, but I'll take it.

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    Ranlin wrote: »
    Huh, I've gone back a few times a day to try and get a Gr G28 but just ended up getting a second Five Seven.

    I'll trade you a G28 for a Five-seveN! ;)

    My SMG production is not going so well, I have gotten two 5* ones, but one is rated as niche (Suomi) and I've gotten her twice at that, and one at not recommended (100 Shiki). Just did get UMP45, which does get me another main tank to eventually replace Ingram, but no luck on the offtank role. :(

    For what it's worth, Suomi's time to shine is coming this fall with Singularity. She's the preferred tank for the boss fight against Agent.

    Have you found copies of Skorpion or pps43? They're serviceable in the offtank role and are fairly common.

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • chrono_travellerchrono_traveller Registered User regular
    edited July 2019
    Woo! After a whopping (?) 97 attempts (dunno what the drop rate is, whether this is unlucky or just expected), finally got Five-seveN!

    So, about making a rifle team for night (or at least anti-armor)? Since I don't think any of my rifles can equip the night equipment (can any?), how do you go about making an anti-armor team for night? For the cube event, I've just kinda been just overpowering them with my strongest AR units, and it was good that C-MS can equip AP rounds, which was a big boost when she hit lvl 80. But for things like the defense simulation rounds at night, or just the night chapter maps, that doesn't seem to work nearly as well. Do you just try to boost their accuracy with HG buffs?

    Ranlin wrote: »
    Huh, I've gone back a few times a day to try and get a Gr G28 but just ended up getting a second Five Seven.

    I'll trade you a G28 for a Five-seveN! ;)

    My SMG production is not going so well, I have gotten two 5* ones, but one is rated as niche (Suomi) and I've gotten her twice at that, and one at not recommended (100 Shiki). Just did get UMP45, which does get me another main tank to eventually replace Ingram, but no luck on the offtank role. :(

    For what it's worth, Suomi's time to shine is coming this fall with Singularity. She's the preferred tank for the boss fight against Agent.

    Have you found copies of Skorpion or pps43? They're serviceable in the offtank role and are fairly common.

    Alright, well I'll have to put Suomi on my list of units to start leveling. I have been using Skorpion for offtanking, and I didn't realize this, but the 3* SMG is apparently better than than Skorpion, and I got her during one of those 97 runs, so it seems I'll put her on the leveling list too.

    chrono_traveller on
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular

    The thing about night time anti-armor teams is that most armored units have zero evasion. So due to how the chance to hit formula works out, it doesn't matter that your rifles are blind as a bat because they can't miss.

    Manticores tend to have evasion though, but the stat spread of Manticores actually fluctuates wildly depending on the mission in question. They anti-armor solution will vary between using rifles despite the accuracy penalty, to using assault rifles with damage boosting skills.

    Regarding Suomi: the Agent fight may be where she shines, but RO635 can work too. RO635 is all around better for general combat, so level up RO first. If you don't have RO yet, then progress a bit further in the campaign since she's a story reward. IIRC she's given to you in chapter 7.

    IMO the benefit to using Suomi will mostly be confined to the leaderboard ranking map for players who are trying to compete for the highest tiers of scores. Min-maxing boss fight performance to minimize field repairs is serious business when you're competing for top 100 or the top few percentages, but far less important when just shooting for top 40%.

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
    I imagine C-MS will also do just fine against agent- her buff isn't as high but it's passive so it's on 100% of the time and C-MS's base evade is much better than Suomi's (75 vs 56)

  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    Orphane wrote: »
    I imagine C-MS will also do just fine against agent- her buff isn't as high but it's passive so it's on 100% of the time and C-MS's base evade is much better than Suomi's (75 vs 56)
    CMS will probably work for the fight, if not as well as Suomi. The baseline evasion gap isn't as wide as it looks since they'll both be benefiting from the flat +45 evasion from their +10 gold T-Exo and +10 gold suppressor. So it's more like 120 vs 101. What lets Suomi pull ahead in long drawn out fights is the combination of the very high uptime on her skill, the massive 150% multiplier providing tons of leverage from any other boosts, and the fact that Suomi has a monstrous health pool.

    I overlooked that Chrono has CMS though. She's one of those dolls that is practically unicorn rare. RO635 is the go-to main tank for me to recommend since she's a simple story reward and still ranks as one of the top units for general fights. I think that the top 3 general purpose main tanks right now are CMS, RO, and UMP45.

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular

    i need to work on parts more if i want to stockpile enough for Singularity

    but va11 hall-A collab should take up most of August and then a few weeks in between that and Singularity should see me in good shape to blow a billion contracts for AK-12/AN-94

  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Are people planning on spamming a lot of build orders?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    Brody wrote: »
    Are people planning on spamming a lot of build orders?

    YES. For AK-12/AN-94.

    My resources are critically low atm since I keep rolling for fairies but another illumination fairy won't come home. I've literally rolled 20+ sniper fairies. By all indications I am fated for her to be my first 5* fairy. I had to double check that I'm rolling the right recipe for illumination fairies (I am).

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • chrono_travellerchrono_traveller Registered User regular
    Man, I think I'm playing a different game than you guys. ;-) I've been crafting as much as I can while not limiting my ability to play, so my ammo and parts are constantly hovering around the 1-5k range!

    Also, the illumination fairy I have has its random proc ability as evasion 2, which seems... not the best. Would that make it worth calibrating (I think thats the way to change its skill, right?)?

    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    Man, I think I'm playing a different game than you guys. ;-) I've been crafting as much as I can while not limiting my ability to play, so my ammo and parts are constantly hovering around the 1-5k range!

    Illumination fairy is one of those fairies where the talent doesn't matter so much. While an upgraded one does provide potent damage boosts at night, the real reason why you field them in the first place is to boost vision range. I'm seriously regretting enhancing my "good one" with my excess spares since I thought that it wouldn't be a big deal to roll another one with the cheap recipe later if I wanted a B team illumination fairy. 20 SNIPER FAIRIES LATER...

    Resources aren't that hard to boost back up if you have good logistics. My main problem is that I can't use the best ones because I can't log in at all during the day because my workplace has no wifi and mobile data is usually best measured in bits/second because the cell towers are over-saturated to hell and back.

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2019
    huh, interesting

    looks like Sunborn is putting out a remake of Bakery Girl, which is a precursor of Girls Frontline but in-universe happens after the events of GFL

    edit: also, speaking of parts, you may have noticed that you get the least of those from quest rewards/logistics/passive gain

    one thing that adds up in the long run while it may not seem like much is to not use 2* MGs as enhance fodder and disassemble them instead - they're the only 2* tdolls that when disassembled, give parts

    Orphane on
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
    Dev stream showed a bunch of new stuff in the works and coming out alongside the summer story event in CN/TW/KR

    A lot of it will be spoilers because of new enemy units and the like but get hyped for new digimind mods with the first 6* mod on the horizon

  • General_ArmchairGeneral_Armchair Registered User regular
    I'm gonna be disappointed with the commander avatar if they don't let us be a Dinergate wearing a G&K beret. I'm quite fond of the "shikikan is a dinergate" meme.

    3DS Friend Code:
    Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Well, I beat 4-4E to unlock chapter 0 and also sacrificed a friend group and all the health on my two tanks, but I also cleared Dreamer in 7-6, so yay! I also pulled Contender this morning.

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    For things that money could be spent on, would the auto-battle card be worth it? It seems like it might be the obviously good thing, but it also might not be worth anything.

    What is this I don't even.
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    If I'm not corpse dragging, just trying to clear it for cores, whats the minimum that I should have for clearing 0-2?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • RanlinRanlin Oh gosh Registered User regular
    I bet stronger line ups could do well sooner but man my first squad got roughed up way too much before I got them x5 in 0-2.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I'm currently running it with a x5 damage, a x5 tank, and a x4 offtank. They get pretty beat up, though, so I have to rotate the tank and offtank after every run through while the last go has repairs.

    What is this I don't even.
  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Ranlin wrote: »
    I bet stronger line ups could do well sooner but man my first squad got roughed up way too much before I got them x5 in 0-2.

    Yeah, I just managed to clear it with a team around 77. I'll give it a couple more levels before I try again.

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • RanlinRanlin Oh gosh Registered User regular
    Honestly with a second squad to drop on one of the heliports so you get 6 movement, 5-2E yields pretty good cores while leveling to 90. Just make sure to snag an extra 3* dropping enemy by their command post.

  • BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Ranlin wrote: »
    Honestly with a second squad to drop on one of the heliports so you get 6 movement, 5-2E yields pretty good cores while leveling to 90. Just make sure to snag an extra 3* dropping enemy by their command post.

    How do you know which enemies can drop 3*?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
  • OrphaneOrphane rivers of red that run to seaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2019
    Brody wrote: »
    Ranlin wrote: »
    Honestly with a second squad to drop on one of the heliports so you get 6 movement, 5-2E yields pretty good cores while leveling to 90. Just make sure to snag an extra 3* dropping enemy by their command post.

    How do you know which enemies can drop 3*?

    if you tap and hold enemies it will display both the kinds of enemies in that particular echelon and the highest rarity potential drops in a bar at the top

    alternately if you click the Combat Summary button, then go to the Reward list tab of that popup menu you can click individual rewards to see what enemies visible on the map drop them

    Orphane on
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