
What MMO Universe?



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    simsim Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Thanks to this thread I found http://fireflymmo.com/

    Sadly, as with every cool MMO idea they will screw it up.

    sim on
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    Lucky CynicLucky Cynic Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I really hope they expand the Elder Scrolls series for Multiplayer. Doesn't really have to be an MMO but multiplayer would be great.

    Also, I think a D&D MMO set up similiarly to NWN would be a big hit, except NWN doesn't have enough players around to really just pick up a group and go and DDO fucking sucks because Turbine decided it would be okay if they only added in 20 monsters, and 5 classes with 50 spells... :|

    EDIT: Also, GTA imo would be great fun. :^:

    Lucky Cynic on
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    WrenWren ninja_bird Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    50 spells or 100 spells, players would still only use one or two. the entire game is based around killing monsters and as such, people only ever use fireball and firewall (sometimes gambling with phantasmal killer for an instant kill). before web got nerfed, people used that a lot too.

    Wren on
    TF2 - Wren BF3: Wren-fu
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    BuchwaldBuchwald Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Blame! would be a fucking awesome MMORPG.

    Buchwald on
    "That theory is just the looniest of a whole bunch of complete nonsense that is spouted by Amanda Winn Lee and her cohorts in the Audio Commentary."
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    FerrusFerrus Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Warhammer 40K would be quite awesome too.

    I'm not talking about the whole "lol i'm a spaec marin" stuff tho. The Imperium has rogue traders and such which would be playable and, while still cool in their own right, wouldn't throw balance out of the window like Space Marines would. Set it up in a small solar system or so, mix in the Ruinious Powers, the Imperial Army, some Space Marines and so on as joinable factions (Maaaaaaybe even with the chance to become a Marine but looking at SWGs Jedis, that might not be a good idea), include a spaceship system and you're set.

    Ferrus on
    I would like to pause for a moment, to talk about my penis.
    My penis is like a toddler. A toddler—who is a perfectly normal size for his age—on a long road trip to what he thinks is Disney World. My penis is excited because he hasn’t been to Disney World in a long, long time, but remembers a time when he used to go every day. So now the penis toddler is constantly fidgeting, whining “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now? Now? How about... now?”
    And Disney World is nowhere in sight.
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    MorskittarMorskittar Lord Warlock Engineer SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Heavy Gear would be better than 40k, if only because you could actually play a character that'd last more than a few hours without breaking the setting's back.

    Morskittar on
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    KarnKarn Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Sami wrote: »
    Pokemon Online

    (3d graphics of course)

    WAKE UP, NINTENDO. This has been begging to happen for years. If Nintendo got the right developer on this, it could be the new WoW. It would pretty much be an MMO full of pet classes. I can only imagine how awesome it would be.

    "Hey, we're going to go raid the Elite Four dungeon, we need a tank, anyone in?"

    "Yeah, lemme go grab my Snorlax, and I'll bring along my Psyduck for CC. Meet you at the entrance in a couple, I'll fly over on my Golbat."

    Oh sweet Jesus, please make this happen...

    That sounds terrible! TERRIBLE! How is this anything other than WoW with Pokemon skins? emot-psyduck.gif I would love to play a Pokemon MMO too, but I want it to literally be a massively multiplayer Pokemon. With Leagues and wild pokemon and bikes and shit and good old turn based battles. None of this tanking/CC nonsense. Maybe the new games are like that, but I am basing my "wish" mostly on Red/Blue, and the little bit of Crystal that I played.

    Karn on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Also, I think a D&D MMO set up similiarly to NWN would be a big hit, except NWN doesn't have enough players around to really just pick up a group and go

    Man, have I fantasized about DnD multiplayer that offers more than NWN or DDO.

    Personally, I like DnD as a cooperative RPG, since that's what my experience at the table has been. Of course, recreating the "sandbox" feel of working in a game setting would be difficult... but there's plenty of storylines and content already out there to make a really good adventure path with plenty of sidequests in any setting (Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Eberron, whateva).

    Also, PVP quests that pit groups against each other would be cool (rather than just the, "wandering around, wtfpwned gnaked u noob1" thing, or fighting in Warsong Gulch over and over again without actually capturing it or fortifying it with more troops).

    If they used a system similar to Guild Wars... where people aren't segregated by server and it's essentially a bunch of adventurers in the various towns (in the case of DnD probably "the tavern") and joining up there to go advance the storyline together ("Who shall brave the horrors of the Underdark with me?), go on a side quest (That wizard must be stopped!), delve into a dungeon ("Any of you man enough for Tomb of Horrors?"), pick a fight and set up a PvP battle("Stop looking at Grok funny, Dwarf. You want fight?")... that could work for me. Man, if they had something like GW with characters and combat built on DnD 3.5 rules I would be as addicted as all those people who still play WoW.

    It would also be cool if they tried a different variant of the guild system... where if you're a rogue, you join the Theives Guild if you pass a few tests. "See that smug looking Paladin PC over there? Pick his pocket and bring some of his gold back to me". You get some benefits and can and check the boards to see if any groups out there need a good trapfinder and sneak attacker for your next quest... or maybe someone who's willing to let them in and gather information... for a price of course. Individual players could set up their own little meeting halls and channels for communication, which would be an alternative to what we usually think of as "guilds" in vidjagames.

    Access to prestige classes could have special solo missions (Horizon Walker, eh? Good luck finding that Red Lodge all by yourself... and don't even try asking your friends: it's always in a different spot, you know.).... experienced players could set themselves up as "hirelings" (with a feedback system built in) rather than having just computer controlled henchmen.

    Even just a OGL d20-esque RPG like that would be a good start.

    And as long as I'm making crazy unrealizable wishes... World of Greyhawk please (a game based on the Age of Worms or Shackled City adventure path, for example could be really cool... with side content such as dungeons... Tomb of Horrors, Ruins of Greyhawk, that sorta thing). Frick, there's years of content for that setting that's already written... and I would have no problem essentially playing an updated version of it in video form. A DM function that allows another player to control the monsters. Unique weapons like Blackrazor (there'd only be one... which can be looted from your corpse in PVP). Oh, and mass combat here and there in a peristent world were the design team are constantly launching assaults against what the player base has built (Oh, so a buch of you adventurers got going en force and took back the Shield Lands despite the best efforts of the other PCs hired to stop you? Iuz is not pleased, and will be sending his army soon. Come meet your doom this weekend.)

    I'll stop daydreaming now and take solace in my little bag of dice.

    Horseshoe on
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    cr0wcr0w Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited May 2007
    World of Darkness. A White Wolf MMO would probably destroy my social life.

    cr0w on
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    3lwap03lwap0 Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    cr0w wrote: »
    World of Darkness. A White Wolf MMO would probably destroy my social life.

    They're working on one.

    3lwap0 on
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    WrenWren ninja_bird Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    personally I think too many companies get hung up on adding RPG to MMO. some things are just better without grinding levels.

    so I'm wary everytime I hear something is getting made into an MMO.

    Wren on
    TF2 - Wren BF3: Wren-fu
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Wren wrote: »
    personally I think too many companies get hung up on adding RPG to MMO. some things are just better without grinding levels.

    It's only grinding if you're in some "race to get to max level" thing.

    In the tabletop games I've played, you work your way through a storyline or interact with the world around you to achieve some goal... and leveling just happens as you play along.

    I wish more MMO-RPG games worked like this... so many times it just seems like killing monsters just for the sake of killing mosters, which in most cases does little to add to the "roleplaying" element of the game.

    Horseshoe on
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    AkinosAkinos Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Evil_Pig wrote: »
    Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)

    This is what I was going to say, but I'm only half way through the second book so I stopped reading your post in case of spoilers..

    And even though I'm not even half way through the series I can see lots of potential for fantasy MMO goodness.

    Akinos on
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    WallhitterWallhitter Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I'd love to see a steampunk aerial combat MMO. You know, start out with a little dirigible or glider armed with a tiny gun, and work your way up to like a giant metal zeppllin or flying fortress covered in gatling guns and rockets and even able to serve as a base for the "guilds" in the game.

    Also, the craft should be really customizable. Just...be able to pin all sorts of crazy shit to them.

    That'd be awesome.

    Wallhitter on
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    SamiSami Registered User regular
    edited June 2007

    mother fucking



    fucking needs to happen

    Sami on
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    AxenAxen My avatar is Excalibur. Yes, the sword.Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Bendery wrote: »
    I'd love a battle tech/mech warrior MMO as long as they had death penalties.

    Your mech gets destroyed, by having it's legs taken out, 20% chance your character dies.

    Your mech gets destroyed by having it's cockpit blasted to space. 99% chance your character is dead.

    Have it more based on your piloting skills, so stats don't count.

    When you level up you gain money, which if you die you lose 90% of it, the remaining 10% is given to your next character. The higher level you get the more money is transfered to your next character.

    The game being more about money then stats, so no grinding.

    Hostile zones, clans, orbital battles.

    oh man that'd be SO AWESOME.

    I would imagine it to be much like EVE except when it comes to combat. Then I would want it to play more like the PC games.

    Axen on
    A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
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    KarnKarn Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Sami wrote: »

    mother fucking



    fucking needs to happen

    Please, why would we get an MMO that would actually make so much sense?!

    Karn on
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    jothkijothki Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    A bit more obscure, but Exile/Avernum. Heck, the first game's world and plot could probably be directly translated into a MMORPG with very little tweaking.

    jothki on
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    SamiSami Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Karn wrote: »
    Sami wrote: »

    mother fucking



    fucking needs to happen

    Please, why would we get an MMO that would actually make so much sense?!

    Seriously. It could be a 360/PC MMO- Microsoft's answer to FFXI

    It would kick so much ass.

    PvP is easy: When you kill other people you get money for it, and the more you kill other people, the more you're worth. So while you keep getting money and upgrades the challenge gets harder because more and more people will come after you for your big bounty. The playstyle of Armored Core would make for the best PvP out of any MMO on the fucking market, bar none.

    PvE is easy too: The game is about being a fucking mercenary. There's all the backstory and incentive you need for quests. There could be dynamic zones of enemy corporation forces, independent terrorist controlled zones, police held areas. Can you imagine how fun it would be to be in a party of 5 different mechs all working towards the same goal with the dynamic movement and combat of AC? Can you?!

    Factions are the easiest: The AC games have always revolved around the conflict between two super-corporations. There you go. Pick a corp and you now have bases, allies, and enemies ready-made.

    I'm chalking it up to god hating me as to why this hasn't been made yet.

    Sami on
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    HarshLanguageHarshLanguage Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Sami wrote: »
    Karn wrote: »
    Sami wrote: »

    mother fucking



    fucking needs to happen

    Please, why would we get an MMO that would actually make so much sense?!

    Seriously. It could be a 360/PC MMO- Microsoft's answer to FFXI

    It would kick so much ass

    Wasn't MS's answer to FFXI... FFXI? :P

    On topic... I also would say BattleTech -- what's now called "Classic BattleTech", that is. Same as that cancelled 3025 game, but widen the "timeline" include the Project Phoenix redesigns and other pre-clan tech readout mechs, even old Star League/Lostech designs. None of this MW: DA stuff. No harsh death penalties, because I like fun, but immerse the players in that hardscrabble, scrounging tech, always-at-war feel of the House and merc MechWarriors. A good economy would be key, maintaining a personal selection of mechs and salvaged/purchased parts and trading with others, buying jumpship passage to other planets (or having to sign up with a unit of some sort to do so). Like EVE's ship and market system, but not like EVE's mandatory PVP with its haha-i-killed-you jerks.

    Set it before the clans arrive with the warring Houses, or set it after the clan invasion but with players limited to Inner Sphere mechs and units fighting against AI-controlled clanners. In any event, the game must let me play my favorite mech, the Flashman, or it just won't cut it. :lol:

    HarshLanguage on
    > turn on light

    Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
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    CorvusCorvus . VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Here's one that hasn't been mentioned, Rifts.

    Corvus on
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    nefffffffffffnefffffffffff Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    oh man. i've already posted in this thread, but i think i may post again. are you serious? the Mars Trilogy is seriously like the greatest series of books i've ever read.

    the idea behind MMO games is that it's people working together for whateverthefuck cause -- be it level grinding or quests or whatever. why not have it be about fucking colonizing mars. sounds pretty boss to me.

    like it says in the wiki about the author:
    It is an extended work of hard science fiction dealing with the first settlement of Mars by a group of scientists and engineers. Its three volumes are Red Mars, Green Mars, and Blue Mars, the titles of which mark the changes which the planet undergoes over the course of the story. The tale begins with the first colonists leaving Earth for Mars in 2027, and covers the next 200 years of future history. By the conclusion of the story Mars is heavily populated and terraformed, with a flourishing and complex political and social dimension.


    so i'm thinking like you could be a colonist and show up in the early years and meet the main characters and shit, and then expansions would come out that would advance the timeline a bit. There is so much going on in this story that I don't see how you couldn't put it into an MMO.

    you could even expand it past the story line -- after all the first hundred are dead -- and let people do their own fucking thing. Let them make their own free mars.

    nefffffffffff on
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    FerrusFerrus Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    cr0w wrote: »
    World of Darkness. A White Wolf MMO would probably destroy my social life.

    And everyone will be some kind of emo-goth vampire or a furry werewolf. Heh. :P

    Ferrus on
    I would like to pause for a moment, to talk about my penis.
    My penis is like a toddler. A toddler—who is a perfectly normal size for his age—on a long road trip to what he thinks is Disney World. My penis is excited because he hasn’t been to Disney World in a long, long time, but remembers a time when he used to go every day. So now the penis toddler is constantly fidgeting, whining “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now? Now? How about... now?”
    And Disney World is nowhere in sight.
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    SpongeCakeSpongeCake Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    White Wolf have already teamed up with CCP, the guys who made EVE: Online to create a bunch of MMO-style content.

    Here's the press release.

    White Wolf will leverage CCP's industry-leading technologies to bring its offline role-playing titles online. Conceptualization and early development has begun to bring White Wolf's World of Darkness, one of the world's strongest gaming properties, into the online world.

    Edit: Apparently someone beat me to it.

    SpongeCake on
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    Oddjob187Oddjob187 Pew TorontoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    KingsHand wrote: »


    I am still saddened by the death of the Dune RTS MMO. It was looking like much fun. I think that is really the only way to make a good dune MMO would be via RTS.

    Oddjob187 on
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    ScooterScooter Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    oh man. i've already posted in this thread, but i think i may post again. are you serious? the Mars Trilogy is seriously like the greatest series of books i've ever read.

    the idea behind MMO games is that it's people working together for whateverthefuck cause -- be it level grinding or quests or whatever. why not have it be about fucking colonizing mars. sounds pretty boss to me.

    like it says in the wiki about the author:
    It is an extended work of hard science fiction dealing with the first settlement of Mars by a group of scientists and engineers. Its three volumes are Red Mars, Green Mars, and Blue Mars, the titles of which mark the changes which the planet undergoes over the course of the story. The tale begins with the first colonists leaving Earth for Mars in 2027, and covers the next 200 years of future history. By the conclusion of the story Mars is heavily populated and terraformed, with a flourishing and complex political and social dimension.


    so i'm thinking like you could be a colonist and show up in the early years and meet the main characters and shit, and then expansions would come out that would advance the timeline a bit. There is so much going on in this story that I don't see how you couldn't put it into an MMO.

    you could even expand it past the story line -- after all the first hundred are dead -- and let people do their own fucking thing. Let them make their own free mars.

    I loved those books back when I read them, and they were awesome, but I'm not sure if it has enough action to keep things interesting.

    Scooter on
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    padmeamandapadmeamanda Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I'd say Pern... as in Anne Mc Cafferey's Dragonriders of Pern series (books).

    It's like a whole world that was colonized and has some remnants of technology left, but for the most part it's a medieval/pre-industrial society.

    I'm not sure what you could do with PVP though... the game would probably be more of a virtual world/Sims game... unless you make it like a "future Pern" where people split into factions and there are two factions against eachother... maybe the Northern Continent vs. Southern Continent.

    I'd see three categories of classes:

    1. Crafters
    - separated by type of craft and allied to a given Hold: Harpers, Smiths, Weavers, Tanners, etc.
    - craft ranks are: Student, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master
    - ability to cross-class, but only up to Journeyman in each

    2. Holders
    - separated by jobs and allied to a given Hold: Merchant, Cook, Landowner, Soldier, etc.
    - ranks are by Knots (1-Knot, 2-Knot, etc)... gained by questing to increase your rep

    3. Dragonriders
    - start as a Crafter or Holder and at a certain high level you can complete quests to become a Dragonrider. Your dragon's color is random chance and also based on your character's sex. (female = green/gold, male = bronze/brown/blue/green)
    - level up your dragon through PVE by fighting Thread attacks

    This would be a pretty hard MMO to do though, especially since Ms. McCafferey is very protective of her intellectual property.

    padmeamanda on
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    Mutant IllusionMutant Illusion Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    *looks around*

    So am I the only one who thought "Vampire: The Masquerade"?

    Anyone, anyone at all? Then I have two words for you.

    Come ooooonnnnnnn!

    Mutant Illusion on
    Oooooh a sig! Quick! Someone say something witty!
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    TraumaTrauma Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Someone here said Dark Tower, and I endorse that shit whole-fucking-heartedly.

    Groups of Gunslingers joining in Ka-Tet parties, and fighting Crimson King forces, some encounters and fights like in Lud, a little magic and some character classes having the touch or skillsets that allow them to be more specialized.... fighting vampires like Pere Callahan fought, or the Wolves of the Calla... Sweet Monkey Jesus, save me from the black hole my life would become if this shit came out.

    Trauma on
    DHS wrote: »
    If someone creates a miracle foolproof medicine that is a cure for the common cold, cancer and loneliness but it has the minor side effects of explosive diarrhea, uncontrollable bleeding from the eyes and murder-fugues, that's not a total 'resounding' success.

    White FC: 0218 0574 8285
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    Operative21Operative21 Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I've always thought an MMO based on White Wolf's Exalted game would be pretty nifty.

    Operative21 on
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    skwanchskwanch Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Any of you ever read Heroes Die or Blade of Tyshalle?
    You should, cause I can't help but imagine that those could make an entertaining MMO game.

    Oh god yes . . . that would rock.

    ESP when you reach endgame and have to fight the BOG on Earth . . .

    (ps - Has MWS written anything else besides those two? They're both incredible - two of my fave books.)

    skwanch on
    LFG ST, Mara . . . oh nevermind
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    ReynoldsReynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Man, something Pern-related done right would be incredible.

    Reynolds on
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    HallowedFaithHallowedFaith Call me Cloud. Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Yeah but... universe aside - what would it accomplish? Every MMO is essentially a grind-fest with fetch quests. I know there are a few games out there they break away from the "norm" of MMO standards, but they are far and few between.

    I'm more interested in taking these universe settings and figuring a way to actually accomplish something MORE than just "click lvl up lolz."

    Maybe I should just keep dreaming.

    HallowedFaith on
    I'm making video games. DesignBy.Cloud
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    MorskittarMorskittar Lord Warlock Engineer SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I always thought the point was to explore a new setting, in first/third person. That contains other real people.

    Morskittar on
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    HallowedFaithHallowedFaith Call me Cloud. Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Morskittar wrote: »
    I always thought the point was to explore a new setting, in first/third person. That contains other real people.

    And that is exactly why I dislike "grinding" on a whole. It tends to remove you from the surreal setting of the game and you're immersed in numbers and details over actually being involved and effecting the world that you're playing in. I'm not asking for an alternative reality or anything, but the idea of an MMO is interactivity and nearly every game breaks out of that concept with severe limitations.

    All I'm saying is we need more originality for a deeper immersion into the potential an MMO can have.

    HallowedFaith on
    I'm making video games. DesignBy.Cloud
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    MorskittarMorskittar Lord Warlock Engineer SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Morskittar wrote: »
    I always thought the point was to explore a new setting, in first/third person. That contains other real people.

    And that is exactly why I dislike "grinding" on a whole. It tends to remove you from the surreal setting of the game and you're immersed in numbers and details over actually being involved and effecting the world that you're playing in. I'm not asking for an alternative reality or anything, but the idea of an MMO is interactivity and nearly every game breaks out of that concept with severe limitations.

    All I'm saying is we need more originality for a deeper immersion into the potential an MMO can have.

    I agree, actually, though I'm a big fan of classic "static" RPG style gameplay. Despite that, better applications than using your attack value and hit points to "collect ten bear asses" would be nice.

    Morskittar on
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    GoodOmensGoodOmens Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Ferrus wrote: »
    cr0w wrote: »
    World of Darkness. A White Wolf MMO would probably destroy my social life.

    And everyone will be some kind of emo-goth vampire or a furry werewolf. Heh. :P

    Hells no. I'm going Mage. Though I can't imagine any possible way that they could implement Paradox into a computer game.

    GoodOmens on
    IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
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    PaperPlatePaperPlate Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    A Fallout MMO would be neat but it wouldn't really fit since the whole point of a MMO is to be massive, something I don't think Fallout should be. I mean the world was destroyed sans people in vaults, mutities, ghouls, etc. Would be hard to work out but would be hot.

    I second a Zombie MMO.

    PaperPlate on
    Minecraft: PAPRPL8
    League of Legends (your friendly neighborhood support): PAPRPL8
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    WallhitterWallhitter Registered User regular
    edited June 2007

    just because whoever could actually make one would pretty much ascend divinely for accomplishing such a stupid, and yet impossible task.

    Wallhitter on
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    MartinXMartinX Registered User new member
    edited June 2007
    Dance Dance Revolution ... Online.

    MartinX on
    What would Batman do?
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