PC Games - Adore EA & Corruption 2029 out today!



  • DisruptedCapitalistDisruptedCapitalist I swear! Registered User regular
    QA is always the first thing to be dropped. Hell, some companies don't even have qa when they dann well should.

    "Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
  • Dee KaeDee Kae Registered User regular
    Welp, it seems almost no one agrees with it, and the blizzard subreddit is just a sea of negativity over it, squashed expectations, and plenty of refunds. The meta critic score is preeeeeeeeeetty dang low too.


    Oh and uh, there's this too.


    Honestly, it's sad to hear cause I was PUMPED to get into custom maps again.

  • NyysjanNyysjan FinlandRegistered User regular
    I like games having a challenge.
    Unfortunately lot of game devs seem to think challenge means lots of busywork and inflated healthbars.

  • SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    Dee Kae wrote: »
    Welp, it seems almost no one agrees with it, and the blizzard subreddit is just a sea of negativity over it, squashed expectations, and plenty of refunds. The meta critic score is preeeeeeeeeetty dang low too.


    Oh and uh, there's this too.


    Honestly, it's sad to hear cause I was PUMPED to get into custom maps again.

    Thank God Blizzard got this win after their China flap

    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
  • KarlKarl Registered User regular
    Nyysjan wrote: »
    I like games having a challenge.
    Unfortunately lot of game devs seem to think challenge means lots of busywork and inflated healthbars.

    My tolerance for "what is a challenge" has dropped significantly.

    Now in almost all single-player games, I'm a "normal is challenging enough" person. Notable exceptions were Witcher 1 (the combat system was just bad, I bumped that down to easy), Halo where I played on Heroic and Sekiro where I don't feel the challenging combat is unfair.

    TLDR: Your game better be fucking incredible for me to deal with it being difficult. Real-life is hard enough.

  • Mx. QuillMx. Quill I now prefer "Myr. Quill", actually... {They/Them}Registered User regular
    Karl wrote: »
    Aistan wrote: »
    Resident Evil 2 stopped being pretty good when I got to a point where there wasn't any ammo for guns I had and there were three giant unavoidable monsters between me and progression. Thanks for the four hundred smg ammo guys. I haven't got an smg nor do I have a usb dongle to unlock it.

    I just turned on infinite ammo and stopped caring.

    Then at the final boss I turned on infinite health too because fuck that.

    It was ok.

    The older I've got, the happier I am to play things on easy/cheat.

    I used to be one of those fuckwits who cared about gamer cred. WHY YOUNG KARL, THIS SHIT ISN'T IMPORTANT.

    I did this with Wolfenstein The New Colossus, just had a fun Nazi Murdering Time on Easy with those silly dual automatic shotguns.

    That game did the shitty thing of trying to insult the player for playing on Easy though, which can fuck right off

  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular

    Not For Broadcast is an immersive, narrative-driven propaganda sim that lets you set the agenda. Mix four camera feeds, choose the headlines, bleep the bad language - all under the pressure of a live broadcast. Will you censor the news and be rewarded, or expose the truth and live with the consequences?

    Not For Broadcast is heading into Early Access with three full chapters, and will work alongside the community to a full ten chapters, with varied consequences for your actions
    Jan 30 - not for broadcast EA (FMV, suspense, simulation, dystopian)

    You are the leader of a small resistance group in 1933’s Berlin, of ordinary people, from Jews to Catholics and Communists to Patriots who simply can’t stand aside. Your goal is to deal with small blows to the regime – dropping leaflets to spread awareness about what the Nazis are really up to among the people, painting messages on walls, sabotaging, gathering information and recruiting more followers. And all of that while staying undercover – if the regime’s forces learn about your group, the life of each member is in grave danger.
    Jan 30 - Through the Darkest of Times (narrative, historical, simulation, WWII)

  • PeasPeas Registered User regular
    Bloodborne Cut Content - The Blood Minister - Unused Dialogue and Character 10:59

  • never dienever die Registered User regular
    Brolo wrote: »
    Not For Broadcast is an immersive, narrative-driven propaganda sim that lets you set the agenda. Mix four camera feeds, choose the headlines, bleep the bad language - all under the pressure of a live broadcast. Will you censor the news and be rewarded, or expose the truth and live with the consequences?

    Not For Broadcast is heading into Early Access with three full chapters, and will work alongside the community to a full ten chapters, with varied consequences for your actions
    Jan 30 - not for broadcast EA (FMV, suspense, simulation, dystopian)

    You are the leader of a small resistance group in 1933’s Berlin, of ordinary people, from Jews to Catholics and Communists to Patriots who simply can’t stand aside. Your goal is to deal with small blows to the regime – dropping leaflets to spread awareness about what the Nazis are really up to among the people, painting messages on walls, sabotaging, gathering information and recruiting more followers. And all of that while staying undercover – if the regime’s forces learn about your group, the life of each member is in grave danger.
    Jan 30 - Through the Darkest of Times (narrative, historical, simulation, WWII)

    Oh man I remember hearing about that game, I hope it’s good cause I love the premise of playing as the ordinary folk fighting the Nazis.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    You could tell already that Blizzard knew WC3R was going to be a wet fart, because after hyping it up for so long during development, the last 6 months or so they went absolutely radio silent on it and then they just quietly released it with minimal fanfare.

    Anyway, this is what happens when your parent company fires 800 QA employees and doesn't replace them, because Activision don't give a single solitary fuck about making quality products.

    3cl1ps3 on
  • Der Waffle MousDer Waffle Mous Blame this on the misfortune of your birth. New Yark, New Yark.Registered User regular
    I didn't even know it came out until everyone started complaining about it.

    Steam PSN: DerWaffleMous Origin: DerWaffleMous Bnet: DerWaffle#1682
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    3clipse wrote: »
    You tell already that Blizzard knew WC3R was going to be a wet fart, because after hyping it up for so long during development, the last 6 months or so they went absolutely radio silent on it and then they just quietly released it with minimal fanfare.

    Anyway, this is what happens when your parent company fires 800 QA employees and doesn't replace them, because Activision don't give a single solitary fuck about making quality products.

    Yeah it's kinda amazing how badly they fumbled on this one.

    Like this should have been delayed at the very least, but as it is they managed to fuck over existing classic players as well by forcing everyone on to the new client and then breaking ladder matches across the board.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    It's like they scored an own-goal and then while jogging back to midfield their shorts fell down and everyone laughed at them and then a bird flew down and ate their dick.

  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    i mentioned this on twitter but it's hilarious how badly they fucked up the excitement of a new custom map scene. the success of auto chess last year created this building "Man, remember map mods? Those were the shit!" excitement among us older players (who are, you know, the AUDIENCE for a fuckin' remaster of warcraft 3). they couldn't have asked for a better lead-in.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Because Actvision is driving the bus, and Activision doesn't give a shit about making a good product, they just want people to buy it because it says Warcraft in the name.

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    That comparison video between the Blizzcon cutscene and the final product is RIDICULOUS


    Holy shit it is rare to so plainly see a game going WHOOPS, BUDGET GOT CUT

  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    Dee Kae wrote: »
    Welp, it seems almost no one agrees with it, and the blizzard subreddit is just a sea of negativity over it, squashed expectations, and plenty of refunds. The meta critic score is preeeeeeeeeetty dang low too.


    Oh and uh, there's this too.


    Honestly, it's sad to hear cause I was PUMPED to get into custom maps again.

    They announced Reforged was going to be of a much lower scope than when they originally showed it off. That's one of the reasons I canceled my preorder.

    I'm genuinely surprised this is catching people off guard.

    Undead Scottsman on
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    I haven't been following it with incredible scrutiny, but I must have missed that announcement

  • Der Waffle MousDer Waffle Mous Blame this on the misfortune of your birth. New Yark, New Yark.Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    WC3 with good ingame cutscenes was admittedly a product I was theoretically interested in.

    Der Waffle Mous on
    Steam PSN: DerWaffleMous Origin: DerWaffleMous Bnet: DerWaffle#1682
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    Yeah I was actually looking forward to Reforged prior to this, getting native widescreen and key bindings in war3 would have been nice.

    Not sure this is worth it.
    Maddoc wrote: »
    I haven't been following it with incredible scrutiny, but I must have missed that announcement

    the messaging on this was terrible, everybody saw the BlizzCon demo, I doubt that many saw the quiet retraction, and it's not like they're advertising the vastly reduced scope on the store page

    like it's legitimately misleading on what they said the product would be vs what you actually get when you buy it

  • PlatyPlaty Registered User regular
    I followed the game and the cutscene thing also caught me off guard

    They're still describing the cutscenes as modernized and improved

  • DeansDeans Registered User regular
    New cutscenes seem fine to me


  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular

    Is Reforged still the same price it was prior to their HEY SHIT IS GETTING CUT DOWN announcement

    I assume it is because Activision but boy saying Y'ALL THE GAME IS GONNA BE WORSE, WE ADMIT IT UPFRONT and charging the same price is


  • I ZimbraI Zimbra Worst song, played on ugliest guitar Registered User regular
    BlankZoe wrote: »

    Is Reforged still the same price it was prior to their HEY SHIT IS GETTING CUT DOWN announcement

    I assume it is because Activision but boy saying Y'ALL THE GAME IS GONNA BE WORSE, WE ADMIT IT UPFRONT and charging the same price is


    Yeah, it is still thirty goddamned dollars, which I thought was excessive even before the terrible reviews.

  • ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    I re-played original wc3 a couple years ago, while I was on an RTS kick

    I came away from it knowing that I wouldn't have any urge to revisit it for at least a decade

  • ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    So, is the WC3 Remaster the next in line for the No Man's Sky "Welcome to Jurassic Park" treatment?

  • KarozKaroz Registered User regular
    Elvenshae wrote: »
    So, is the WC3 Remaster the next in line for the No Man's Sky "Welcome to Jurassic Park" treatment?

    That or be delayed like everything else.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Karoz wrote: »
    Elvenshae wrote: »
    So, is the WC3 Remaster the next in line for the No Man's Sky "Welcome to Jurassic Park" treatment?

    That or be delayed like everything else.

    I think they meant this:


    which is still the best thing on youtube.

  • JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    the nicest thing I can say about WC3R is that it is a playable video game, which has nothing to do with any of the $40 I spent on it

    SOME of the graphics are alright, the performance is mediocre at best, and half the game is missing

    easily the worst release Blizzard has ever done

  • Mx. QuillMx. Quill I now prefer "Myr. Quill", actually... {They/Them}Registered User regular
    For what it's worth, NMS at least got better over time.

    Activision totally would not give Blizzard the go-ahead to spend time and resources to fix WC3R, not when they have whatever the hell OW2 is supposed to be and Diablo 4+Mobile to make and shove chock-full of microtransactions in.

  • ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    Remember when Blizzard releases represented exceptional quality and polish?

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Remember when Blizzard releases represented exceptional quality and polish?


  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    The polish thing is something I never got, honestly. Quality, yes, but my experience was always that the first few months of a Blizzard release could be very rough indeed, you just knew that over time it would be brought up to a very high level of polish.

    I think basically everyone employed at Blizzard really wants to make great games to the best of their ability, but Activision (aided and abetted by pathetic lickspittle J. Allen Brack) aren't letting them do that because Bobby Kotick is an idiot.

  • Beef AvengerBeef Avenger Registered User regular
    Blizzard's got enough internal rot at this point that I don't really feel the need to externalize their failings to Activision

    Steam ID
    PSN: Robo_Wizard1
  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    Blizzard's got enough internal rot at this point that I don't really feel the need to externalize their failings to Activision

    Agreed. It certainly didn't help tho.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Blizzard's got enough internal rot at this point that I don't really feel the need to externalize their failings to Activision

    It's not really externalization - Blizzard's 100% an in-house dev for Activision now, they barely even have the illusion of independence.

  • CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    Oh, hey, a Star Citizen roadmap change.

    The following cards have been added to the Roadmap under the Alpha 3.9 Column:
    • High Speed Combat: Ship systems will suffer the consequences of traveling at high speed, restricting some of the options that players will have at maximum velocity creating a vulnerability that will push players into engagement at lower speeds.
    • New Targeting Methodology: Fundamental changes to how targets are tracked on and off your screen with UI updates to improve the visibility of locked, tracked and the return of pinned targets.
    • Law System v2: Surrender: In order to allow players to be arrested without losing their life, we will allow them to surrender by coming to a halt and powering down their ships when ordered to by security. Security will halt their attack and arrest criminal players aboard the ship, impounding the ship if owned by a criminal.
    • Player Interaction System Improvements: Continued development of the interaction system that lets the player select dialogue options, interact with props in the environment, and generally interact with the game. Some of the tasks included in this work will include providing player feedback for when items can’t be used, adjusting UI elements to scale/place correctly with geometry, and bind commonly used actions to hotkeys.
    • Ship AI: 3D Pathfinding – Planet Side: Building the fundamental technology to allow AI controlled Ships to navigate in atmosphere using information from physics and the planetary tech. The path search will use data from the elevation map of the planet and the physical information about the additional object present in the map (buildings, rocks and so on) to return an obstacle free path. This will be built on top of the current new approach for the 3D Pathfinding that will allow an entity to not only find a path in space, but building over time to optimize calculation and scale using all the engine functionalities as streaming.
    • Ship AI: 3D Navigation – Collision Avoidance: Building a first pass for the system to correctly handle collision avoidance between moving entities. The idea is to provide a system that can allow AI entities to reciprocally avoid each other while at the same time avoid collisions with the environment. The system considers the projection in time of the position of the agents, their size and their target velocity and provides a steering command that is as close as possible to the original intention of each agent.
    • Weather Locomotion: The player and other characters will show improvements in locomotion when moving in inclement weather.
    The following cards have been added to the Roadmap under the Alpha 4.0 Column:
    • Body Dragging: Implementing the initial functionality for the player to move an incapacitated or dead NPC by dragging the body around an environment.
    • Ship HUD Rework: As we adapt all our in-game UI to use the new building blocks UI system, we’ve taken the opportunity to re-design the ship HUD and make many much needed improvements.
    The following cards have moved or been removed from the Star Citizen Roadmap.
    • Gemini C54 Ballistic SMG: In order to allow downstream teams time to fully complete their implementations, this card has been moved to 4.0.
    • Lightning Bolt Co. Yubarev Electron Pistol: In order to allow downstream teams time to fully complete their implementations, this card has been moved to 4.0.
    • Repair/Refuel/Restock Kiosk: After re-evaluating priorities, the decision was made to temporarily remove this card from the roadmap until a target date is decided on.
    • Klaus & Werner Sledge Mass Driver Revision: In order to allow downstream teams time to fully complete their implementations, this card has been moved to 4.0.
    • Lightning Bolt Co. Atzkav Electron Sniper Rifle: In order to allow downstream teams time to fully complete their implementations, this card has been moved to 4.0.
    • Death Animation Improvements: Priorities have changed following Director discussion resulting in this card moving to 4.0.
    • GP-33 Grenade Launcher: After re-evaluating priorities, this card lands beyond the 4.0 Column, resulting in it not being visible until additional columns are added.
    • Commodity Transfer Timers: Following discussions, the decision was made to temporarily remove this card from the Roadmap until a new target date is decided upon.
    • Accounting App: Following discussions, the decision was made to temporarily remove this card from the Roadmap until a new target date is decided upon.
    • Economy Display Terminal: Following discussions, the decision was made to temporarily remove this card from the Roadmap until a new target date is decided upon.
    • Dynamic Missions System: Economy Generated Missions: Work on this card has been transferred to a different team, resulting in the removal from the roadmap until the team determines where it will best fit in their priorities and a new target date is decided upon.
    • Dynamic Mission System: Mission Generation along QT Routes: Work on this card has been transferred to a different team, resulting in the removal from the roadmap until the team determines where it will best fit in their priorities and a new target date is decided upon.
    • FPS Combat: Weapon Types: Feedback and review revealed that more work was required to bring this card up to our standards. To allow the team to continue iterating on these tasks, we’ve shifted this card to the Alpha 4.0 column.
    • FPS: Cover Usage v1: Following discussions and review, additional work will be added to this card. This card has been shifted to the Alpha 4.0 column to allow the team more time to complete the new tasks.
    • NPC Improvements: Civilian: Following discussions, the decision was made to temporarily remove this card from the Roadmap until a new target date is decided upon.
    • Esperia Prowler: The Prowler was planned to release in a 3.8.X patch in the latter half of March. After evaluating this timeline, we’ve come to determine that doing a 3.8.X patch in the latter half of March would not be ideal, since we’ll very likely be in the middle of the PTU phase for Alpha 3.9. Due to this logic, it made sense to simply move the Prowler release into the 3.9.0 release, which still allows the Prowler debut to take place around the same time without disrupting the publishing process.
    • Cutlass Blue: There are ongoing discussions about when the gameplay functionality associated with the Cutlass Blue will come online, resulting in our decision to temporarily remove this card from the roadmap until discussions conclude.
    • Multicrew – Expanded Pilot Role: This task-set (epic) is outdated and does not accurately represent the work the team will need to complete, so we’ve removed it from the roadmap for the time being. You can expect a more accurate version of this card to reappear when the team has completed reevaluating the work needed.
    • Multicrew – Expanded Turret Gunner Role: This task-set (epic) is outdated and does not accurately represent the work the team will need to complete, so we’ve removed it from the roadmap for the time being. You can expect a more accurate version of this card to reappear when the team has completed reevaluating the work needed.
    • Door System Improvements: This card has been de-prioritized in favor of other work, resulting in this card being temporarily removed from the roadmap until a new target date is set.
    • Atmospheric Combat: This card has been de-prioritized in favor of other work, resulting in this card being temporarily removed from the roadmap until a new target date is set.
    • Zero-G Push & Pull: Following Director discussions, priorities have changed and this card has been removed from the Roadmap temporarily.
    • NPC Healing: Following Director discussions, priorities have changed and this card has been removed from the Roadmap temporarily.
    • FPS: Combat Improvements and Polishing: As this is a final step towards a more completed Combat AI experience, this card has been temporarily removed from the Roadmap to allow proper planning to take place on when it will fit in due to other Combat AI tasks moving.
    • Flight AI: Improvements and Polishing: Tasks expected to be placed into this card have found their home being better suited in different cards. That means this card is redundant and has been removed from the roadmap.

    The comments to the forum post are pretty salty.

    Couscous on
  • Crippl3Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular
    Fuck that stupid baby Warcraft shit, are you ready for a game for TRUE GAMERS? With MASSIVE amounts of content and no missing features?

    (next week is Carcassone, Pandemic, and Ticket To Ride which I am very excited for)

This discussion has been closed.