Doom: Eternal came out today and I’ve played for a half hour or so and can say, without hyperbole, that this is the best fucking shooter I’ve ever played.
It’s everything amazing about Doom 2016 ratcheted up a notch with faster loading times.
The soundtrack gets you so pumped up the game needs to come with a warning for people with heart conditions.
Why is no one talking about this?
It's pretty good so far.
The intro is not as good as DOOM (2016)'s intro but the murder is super good and so far, the platforming is totally fine.
The Doot Revenant!
Nintendo Switch friend code: SW-4012-4821-3053
I often forgot about it in the first game. Definitely can’t do that here.
I actually have to because my hands sweat so much while playing. I should clean my keyboard and mouse, I'm sure they're fuckin gross now
"have a shotgun. do you want it to be full auto? yes of course you do"
I love how cheesy the whole thing is.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
I don’t remember any of the first game being scary so I’m assuming I’m the wrong person to ask
like I'm the biggest wiener kid when it comes to spooky games and I spent most of doom cackling my way through hell and gore
Only the first time though
It feels so fucking good doing it too.
I'm constantly forgetting to set dudes on fire or throw grenades because there is just so much going on.
It's pretty funny to me that this is all about being spiderman with a gun, when in the OG Doom you can't even look up.
My only (relatively minor) complaint is that it's a lot more... Look, I liked how in 2016 Doom the various Doom bullshit was translated into a more 'plausible' thing - like your keycards were found on corpses, etc. I realize they're trying to make it more like OG Doom in that respect, but I kind of liked the attempts to make it seem... plausible, I guess?
Anyway the game is very fun and I am enjoying the stupid lore bullshit
just came here to say this is the best room in the game
1. I don't love a lot of the platforming
2. what's up with fast travel? the second mission tells you that once you're right at the end of a level you can fast travel around to pick up secrets, and that... hasn't seemed to be available at all since that tip popped up
They really made Doom Eternal a viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiideo game.
You should just pull up your map and there's some options. It'll be like general area and then specific points in that area and you just hit the button and ate like immediately warped there, it's great.
no I was wrong it's actually the doom slayer's man cave