[Hiberno-Britannic Politics] Let’s Do The Lockdown Again



  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    Fucking idiots, Tories are constantly butt of the political jokes because Tories are constantly in power and setting the political agenda.

  • HerculePyroHerculePyro Lord Mayor's CroupierRegistered User regular
    SharpyVII wrote: »
    Have they even watched stuff like Have I Got News For You which relentlessly mocks everyone and has had the likes of Johnson and Reece-Mogg on as guests.

    I'd be willing to argue the only reason Johnson has attained high office is because of the likes of HIGNFY presenting him as a Wodehouseian lovable moron, and not the narcissistic, self-absorbed, dangerously incompetent goose that he is.

    And the idea of the political right in this country getting in a twist over the fact that the BBC gently pokes fun at them would itself be funny, if it wasn't so frustratingly pathetic.

  • Mc zanyMc zany Registered User regular
    SharpyVII wrote: »
    Have they even watched stuff like Have I Got News For You which relentlessly mocks everyone and has had the likes of Johnson and Reece-Mogg on as guests.

    I'd be willing to argue the only reason Johnson has attained high office is because of the likes of HIGNFY presenting him as a Wodehouseian lovable moron, and not the narcissistic, self-absorbed, dangerously incompetent goose that he is.

    And the idea of the political right in this country getting in a twist over the fact that the BBC gently pokes fun at them would itself be funny, if it wasn't so frustratingly pathetic.

    It feeds into the "BBC is biased" narritive that the government have been pushing for a while.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited September 2020
    I think he appeared twice on HIGNFY, total. I'm not going to argue that they shouldn't be presenting these fuckers as lovable jolly rogueish types, but he attained high office largely by running for it and getting votes. London voted him in as mayor twice, though partially this was down to Ken Livingstone not realising he should have gotten off the stage and made way for someone else, even saying he'd run as an independent if he didn't get the Labour nomination, thus splitting the vote and ensuring Johnson would get in again. He got the Labour nomination and lost, and is today to be found asking passersby you know who else lost?

    Probably more important in his rise to power was the fact that an entire paper acts as his personal propaganda machine, and the fact that his carefully tailored personality goes over very well with large segments of the voting public. That's an indictment of the voters as well as a supine media. More than once he's been skewered in public by someone not playing along (Eddie Mair, for instance, on the BBC), but it hasn't caused his downfall. Johnson's real face has been shown to the public many times, but while you can lead a horse to water you can't make the stupid fucker drink.

    Bogart on
  • SchadenfreudeSchadenfreude Mean Mister Mustard Registered User regular
    And in HIGNFY's defence on his first appearance Ian Hislop dragged him over the coals for conspiring with Darius Guppy to have a journalist beaten up. Shame the rest of the press were happy to gloss over that kind of behaviour.

    Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe
  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    He was on HIGNFY more often than that, and it led directly to a boost in his popularity. I think the showrunners have actually acknowledged that they have some responsibility for his rise, and feel incredibly guilty/angry about it.

    And yeah, the news panel shows tend to dunk on the tories most. Because the tories are the ones in charge, doing the newsworthy things (and generally making themselves easy to dunk on in the process). I don't think they were particularly lenient on Corbyn and Labour when they were screwing up.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Satire shows weren't particularly lenient (and nor should they have been) on Blair when Labour was actually in government.

  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    They certainly helped to make the Lib-dems look weak and ineffective while they were in the coalition. Which they were, but still.
    You make the jokes about the things that are happening that you can make jokes about.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    I definitely agree it wasn't what got him into office but it is galling that HIGNFY was then like "it's ridiculous to say we had anything to do with it" when his first exposure to the public was HIGNFY for many people

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    They definitely didn't have nothing to do with it, and Hislop taking umbrage at the mere suggestion was a low point of the show.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Especially from someone who is usually so aware of these things. I think he felt a bit guilty and got defensive

  • TastyfishTastyfish Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    Satire shows weren't particularly lenient (and nor should they have been) on Blair when Labour was actually in government.

    I mean they made The Thick of It!

  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    They definitely didn't have nothing to do with it, and Hislop taking umbrage at the mere suggestion was a low point of the show.

    Yeah, they were one of a million dominoes falling that allowed Bojo to get power but laying the whole thing at their door is a tad harsh.

  • Redcoat-13Redcoat-13 Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Bogart wrote: »
    They definitely didn't have nothing to do with it, and Hislop taking umbrage at the mere suggestion was a low point of the show.

    Yeah, they were one of a million dominoes falling that allowed Bojo to get power but laying the whole thing at their door is a tad harsh.

    What must have helped enormously was running against Ken Livingston for mayor of London when he was unpopular for a variety or reasons. He then inherited a bunch of stuff, the big one being the Olympics, which he took credit for. By the time Boris left, I want to say people were just starting to see beyond the curtain; the bikes, the buses, the bridge, changing the definition of affordable housing.

    London certainly knew what a waste of oxygen he was, the rest of the country just hadn't been paying attention.

    PSN Fleety2009
  • LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    Today I got to experience first hand just how fucked up the NHS' home testing system is.

    Call this morning for a test and the third party system they use says I just.... don't exist. Despite paying council tax, being registered to vote, lived at my address six months, providing an NHS number, an national insurance number - I do not exist.

    What are my options?

    "Try to book online?"
    Same issue

    "Use your previous address?"
    Same issue

    "Walk/cycle to the nearest test center"
    It's 8.8 miles away

    "Errr... Isolate for two weeks?"

    I mean seriously this is insane. It shouldn't matter if you've been in the country ten minutes, you should be able to get a test. My bfs flat which is in a divided Victorian house? Doesn't exist. I was debating cycling to the test centre with a cough, what if you're old or disabled or have it worse?

    (I managed to get one in the end after three hours and an NHS person overriding the system but Jesus).

  • Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Imagine how horrendous your experience would have been if the NHS funding hadn't been given to Europe for reasons?

    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.
  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    Redcoat-13 wrote: »
    By the time Boris left, I want to say people were just starting to see beyond the curtain; the bikes, the buses, the bridge, changing the definition of affordable housing.
    I think that's been the rule for every job he's had. I despise him to a degree unmeasurable by any technology we have, but I will credit him for knowing when consequences were about to hit him and jumping out.
    I just wonder if he's going to do it this time, or hold on for dear life because he can't fail any higher.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • Mc zanyMc zany Registered User regular
    klemming wrote: »
    Redcoat-13 wrote: »
    By the time Boris left, I want to say people were just starting to see beyond the curtain; the bikes, the buses, the bridge, changing the definition of affordable housing.
    I think that's been the rule for every job he's had. I despise him to a degree unmeasurable by any technology we have, but I will credit him for knowing when consequences were about to hit him and jumping out.
    I just wonder if he's going to do it this time, or hold on for dear life because he can't fail any higher.

    That is not strictly true when he was mayor. He was given a safe tory seat and could not stand for Mayor again.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    It’s not like he was forced into standing in a safe Tory seat. He wanted one, got one, and moved away from being Mayor before things blew up in his face.

  • [Expletive deleted][Expletive deleted] The mediocre doctor NorwayRegistered User regular
    Anyone can run something into the ground.

    But not everyone has the wherewithal to slink out the back while the mob is still trying to remember where they had put the pitchforks.

    And fewer still manage to repeat the feat.

    (None of the above should be taken as endorsement of Boris.)

    Sic transit gloria mundi.
  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    He has a Discworld Igor's sense of knowing when to disappear.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    edited September 2020
    klemming wrote: »
    He has a Discworld Igor's sense of knowing when to disappear.

    Discworld Igors have better ethics, are far more likable, and have the sense not to pick such a terrible coiffure.

    Santa Claustrophobia on
    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.
  • Kipling217Kipling217 Registered User regular
    klemming wrote: »
    He has a Discworld Igor's sense of knowing when to disappear.

    Discworld Igors have better ethics, are far more likable, and have the sense not to pick such a terrible coiffure.

    And are better looking!

    The sky was full of stars, every star an exploding ship. One of ours.
  • Red or AliveRed or Alive Registered User regular
    Boris will increase his speaking fees after leaving office and be earning millions within 5 years of overseeing Europe's worst response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    I'd put money on this prediction.

  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    Boris Johnson 'heartless' for not meeting bereaved families
    Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice said it wrote to Mr Johnson five times to request a meeting.

    Asked by reporters about the letters, the PM said he would "of course" meet anyone bereaved by Covid-19.

    But days later he wrote to the group to say he was "unable" to meet them.

    The group, which says it represents 1,600 families, said it was "devastated" to receive the letter, which it has made public.

    Jo Goodman, co-founder of Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, said: "The prime minister has done a 360 - dodging five letters, then agreeing on live TV to meet with us, and now quietly telling us he's too busy. It's heartless."

    "Of course we know the prime minister can't meet every bereaved person, but we really feel he should be meeting one of the largest groups of bereaved families in the country."

    Ms Goodman, who lost her father Stuart to the virus, added: "It feels like we're the wrong type of bereaved people - like the prime minister only wants to meet with people who will smile and not ask difficult questions."

    A Downing Street spokesperson said the PM remained committed to meeting people who have been bereaved as a result of Covid-19, and that he was "resolute in his determination to beat this virus" to prevent further "dreadful loss".
    Boris innovates again by doing an O-turn.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    He also looked a useless cunt at PMQs today, to the extent of getting his knuckles rapped by the Speaker for flagrantly ignoring a question to bark on about Starmer somehow being a supporter of the IRA or something.

  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    Why would anyone want to meet Boris? If I'd lost a loved one being shoved in a room with Bojo is just about the last thing that would make me feel better. Even if you're just doing it because you want to say "why did you fuck up so bad that lots of people died unneccisarily?", what exactly do you expect to happen? An honest answer? Accountability? A good faith attempt to do better? Do you think you might make Boris feel shame?

    You may as well ask for a unicorn while you're at it. He'll bluster some confidence man bullshit, claim that they're already doing a great job and that they're going to be even better in the future, then nothing will happen. These people are completely and totally unaccountable for anything while they're in office.

  • Red or AliveRed or Alive Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    He also looked a useless cunt at PMQs today, to the extent of getting his knuckles rapped by the Speaker for flagrantly ignoring a question to bark on about Starmer somehow being a supporter of the IRA or something.


    Fuck's sake, Boris. This was a dire performance, even by your dismal standards.

  • HerculePyroHerculePyro Lord Mayor's CroupierRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Why would anyone want to meet Boris? If I'd lost a loved one being shoved in a room with Bojo is just about the last thing that would make me feel better.

    Some times, you just want to look them in the eye and really see if there's an actual human being in there, or just a fathomless abyss.

  • Alistair HuttonAlistair Hutton Dr EdinburghRegistered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    He also looked a useless cunt at PMQs today, to the extent of getting his knuckles rapped by the Speaker for flagrantly ignoring a question to bark on about Starmer somehow being a supporter of the IRA or something.

    Which allowed labour to bring up Claire Fox's peerage.

    Absolutely astonishing misplay by Johnson.

    I have a thoughtful and infrequently updated blog about games http://whatithinkaboutwhenithinkaboutgames.wordpress.com/

    I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.

    Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
  • Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    He also looked a useless cunt at PMQs today, to the extent of getting his knuckles rapped by the Speaker for flagrantly ignoring a question to bark on about Starmer somehow being a supporter of the IRA or something.


    Fuck's sake, Boris. This was a dire performance, even by your dismal standards.

    Perhaps next time he could save us all some time and just stick with 'no u'?

    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.
  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    He also looked a useless cunt at PMQs today, to the extent of getting his knuckles rapped by the Speaker for flagrantly ignoring a question to bark on about Starmer somehow being a supporter of the IRA or something.


    Fuck's sake, Boris. This was a dire performance, even by your dismal standards.

    Perhaps next time he could save us all some time and just stick with 'no u'?

    Change it to 'No EU', and that's probably right.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    klemming wrote: »
    Bogart wrote: »
    He also looked a useless cunt at PMQs today, to the extent of getting his knuckles rapped by the Speaker for flagrantly ignoring a question to bark on about Starmer somehow being a supporter of the IRA or something.


    Fuck's sake, Boris. This was a dire performance, even by your dismal standards.

    Perhaps next time he could save us all some time and just stick with 'no u'?

    Change it to 'No EU', and that's probably right.

    That's too French!

    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.
  • SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    edited September 2020

    I'm sure this won't apply to nutters like Andrew Neil who tows the government's line.

    Jim is the media editor for The Guardian.

    SharpyVII on
  • altidaltid Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    Time Davie seems like nothing more than a tory stooge - which is hardly surprising considering he literally stood for council for the tories and was deputy chairman of the Hammersmith and Fulham conservative party in the 90's. Everything he has done so far certainly indicates he's going to bend over backwards for them. The talk of 'impartiality' seems to be exactly in line with the right wing 'complaints' about the BBC. For example, targeting comedy where impartiality wasn't a requirement for good reason. The comments on social media come across as targetting the likes of Gary Lineker rather than any part of their woeful news and politics team. There's also the mysterious 'capitulation' to the right wing nuts over the proms - a compeltely manufactured controversy that barely warranted a response, except they decided to publically do a u-turn mere days after Davie took up his post.

    Perhaps he'll prove me wrong, but certainly looks like a useless tory stooge and nothing more.

    altid on
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    It's pretty likely the license fee (and the BBC as it exists) will be done by the end of this Tory term

    like at least 50-50

  • Alistair HuttonAlistair Hutton Dr EdinburghRegistered User regular
    SharpyVII wrote: »

    I'm sure this won't apply to nutters like Andrew Neil who tows the government's line.

    Jim is the media editor for The Guardian.

    So does this mean Laura K will have to stop repeating everything that comes from Doms mouth? Sorry, unnamed senior government source?

    I have a thoughtful and infrequently updated blog about games http://whatithinkaboutwhenithinkaboutgames.wordpress.com/

    I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.

    Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
  • -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    I would like to wholeheartedly apologise to all of you for Tony Abbott.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    I hear he's a trade expert.

    They keep saying this but like, is he?

    He doesn't seem to have any particular trade expertise, beyond having been in power at a time when a couple if significant Australian deals were struck

    By all accounts he doesn't seem to have been particularly involved in their negotiation

This discussion has been closed.