
[FFRK] I am free to pursue my real dreams: Hip Hop



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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Man, for the life of me I don't understand how to kill fast enough in the final phase of season 1 lab.

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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    So I've been diligently grinding labs, since I can do that with only a portion of attention/brain power, but I can't muster the motivation to play Final Fantasy Inventory Curator. I have a bunch of relic draw tickets I want to spend, but I don't want to spend the time to make room for it. Blargh.

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    FryFry Registered User regular
    I think literally all weapons can go in the chipper at this point. You'll have either a character artifact, or a realm artifact, or an element artifact.

    I cleaned accessories like a year ago down to White Armored Echoes, five of each status resist just in case that ever comes back, and +35 ATK or MAG. All new accessories go straight in the chipper

    Armors are the only thing that require thought; pretty much everything less than 7* goes in the chipper. Element artifact armor covers one character, and I've usually got three bracer/hats in most elements, so everything else can go away.

    Dump all your realm artifacts into the vault when you're not actively working on a Dragonking or something

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    I still have some 7* weapons that are better in realm fights than element artifacts

    But also I'm at the point where I don't need more element artifacts so I can probably pick up realm ones for people that don't have hero gear whenever I circle back to cardia fights.

    That reminds me I got phys ramuh down over the weekend.

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    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    I'm starting to wonder if it's time for me to take an extended break from this game.

    Ever since I picked up another mobile game (World Flipper), I've been spending less and less time on this one. The way that game handles some stuff this one still fails at doesn't help the comparison, for one (if you disconnect during a fight, it saves your place, even in multiplayer matches). It's been motnths since I took a serious crack at any new difficult fights; most days I just remember the game when I realize I've not done any fights for a daily mission, and race to shove a team through Orb Meadows 3 times. I have several Dreambreakers I've not done, but haven't felt the need to try. And Labyrinth? I've done 1 Labyrinth run, total, in the last quarter of a year. I just can't be assed to give the high-level fights a shot, when the implementation of Wait mode is so goddamn player-hostile. It's the only thing that makes the game not-stressful to play moment-to-moment, and they simply don't want us to have that option for anything relevant. I even let a couple weekly events lapse recently, and felt nothing for the materials lost.

    All of which makes me wonder why I'm even opening the game to do those daily missions. If I'm not trying any new content, building towards hard fights, or even anticipating the roulette wheel for new upgrades, what appeal does the game have anymore?

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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I feel like at some point they lost the grind to fun ratio. Inventory management, team building, resource managing, there is a lot to go into and while you can automate orb grinding or magicite there is a lot of content to grind that doesn't automate well. The system just grows a new layer of complexity and work to grind every few months but there isn't QOL changes to match.

    The match 3 mechanic of puzzles and dragons works a lot better on a touch screen phone then the Real time battle of FFT. They are both absurdly old games but I feel like Puzzles and Dragons is keeping it new. Might be that FFRK has really mined out most of the stories of their games and has a hard time coming up with interesting stories on their own. The original content with shadowsmith was interesting but they let it go. There is a tiny bit of story each fest but its usually pretty dumb.

    38thDoE on steam
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    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    edited February 2022

    Wait mode really does feel like a perfect QOL change to handle the absurd speeds the combat has reached at the highest end; it allows the player enough time to actually select the many options available (many of which weren't when the game first launched with this battle system), in a non-stressful time frame. But the team simply doesn't want you to be able to do that effectively in the hardest content where it's most needed, and so they throttle the speed-selection options for stuff like Labyrinth.

    That really feels like the team is shooting itself in the foot; they have a very good way to deal with some of the game's biggest issues, but are actively keeping it away from use.

    Not that Wait mode helps with inventory problems or sparse story, but it sure would help a lot with the core gameplay loop in combat.

    Enlong on
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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    It's the opposite a little bit. Labs doesn't have the new wait mode yet- it's just cardia, magicite, and Omega right now.

    Which also makes no sense. It's kind of absurd that they now have wait programmed in two different ways depending on what you're doing that meqns people have to jump into settings whenever they jump between content (unless it's trivial)

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    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    edited February 2022
    It does make sense, but in a bad-natured way.

    As far as I can tell, they want to keep whatever is the most "current" content away from Wait mode. Because in addition to making the game not stressful to play, it also noticeably improves one's damage, by making inputs "faster", and preventing you from losing time to human input speeds. This makes all characters more powerful, and limits how much you need newer and stronger soul breaks to clear fights.

    From a business standpoint, holding back the good Wait mode probably gets them more money from frustrated players.

    Enlong on
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Speaking of forgetting stuff, I think I forgot to do one of the events that just expired. I definitely didn't get enough nuts to get all the gil.


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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    Just noticed you can trade some teleport stones to get 10 more record markers in kite's shop. Is this relatively new or have I just never noticed it before?

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    Maytag wrote: »
    Just noticed you can trade some teleport stones to get 10 more record markers in kite's shop. Is this relatively new or have I just never noticed it before?

    Started with season 3. Resets on the 1st.

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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    I've been busy trying to finish platinum NEO TWEWY before Triangle Strategy comes out, so I haven't been playing this much.

    But! I threw my back out and had to lay flat in my bed yesterday, so I made time to catch up with some events and cleared the FF12 Lab boss on both difficulties with basically just my Dragonking team.

    Finally motivated to spend some tickets, even if I'm waffling on doing the 15 Mythril draws.

    Devotion ticket:
    Yuffie AASB2. Sure! My 2nd BDL for her.

    Realm tickets (FF9, basically just fishing for Quina SASB)
    1st - Beatrix LMR dupe. Bad start!
    2nd - Amarant LMR. Still bad!
    3rd - Kuja USB dupe. Ridiculous!
    4th - Quina G+ (Regenga). Starting to get upset here.
    5th - Freya BSB dupe. Siigh
    6th - Vivi USB4, Amarant USB1, Quina G+2. Still massively in the hole/behind on EV.
    7th - Steiner LMR, Eiko USB (Regenga + QC2)
    8th - Steiner USB2 dupe. Mmhmm.

    Once again gacha shows it exists to remind us that we're not supposed to be happy ever.

    Even if my real want was a longshot, there's other good and useful stuff in the realm, and I got none of it 8 pulls. Eff you, Gacha!

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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I hope your back feels better soon. Sorry your pulls didn't go well.

    38thDoE on steam
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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I hope your back feels better soon. Sorry your pulls didn't go well.

    In a good way, it doesn't actually bother me that much, and my mood is fine. I guess I'm not as invested in this game as I was previously; I'm just sort of down on gacha as a mechanic in general. I platinumed Tales of Arise and NEO TWEWY this year, and it was super satisfying in a way gacha games rarely are (though there's been some big moments defeating bosses against all odds).

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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Yeah, its a crappy mechanic that exploits our brains to get you to play it. There is certainly some satisfaction in beating the super hard bosses, but if I compare cranky time and happy time, I am feeling great a lot more playing Celeste than this.

    38thDoE on steam
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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    Just letting it go and engaging with the game on my terms has made it a lot more fun to me, even if the result is just a lot less game time.

    Daily draw yesterday proved to never stop dreaming either, actually got Cait sith aasb that I was sorely missing! I'll be icing some lab bosses today with this baby.

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Gotta admit, if I were still putting money into this game, these wonderous relic draws look pretty nice.

    Still pretty damn steep, though.

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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    Maytag wrote: »
    Just letting it go and engaging with the game on my terms has made it a lot more fun to me, even if the result is just a lot less game time.

    Daily draw yesterday proved to never stop dreaming either, actually got Cait sith aasb that I was sorely missing! I'll be icing some lab bosses today with this baby.

    Finally actually did this and beat Anima in 2 tries. The combo is crazy, you don't even miss a healer.

    Also did RoP on FFT0 and core and got tyro dyad and machina daasb, 10 mythril well spent.

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    So I'm leaning no to spending 15 Mythril on the refreshed draws, sad as that sounds, but I have enough tickets to try all the draws and see how it could have gone. So, here goes:

    1 - Oflight USB dupe
    2 - Guy USB, Emperor G+ dupe, Josef G+
    3 - Ingus AASB2, OK Sync Wind
    4 - Edward BSB dupe, Tellah AOSB, Porom Sync
    5 - Gogo LMR+, Faris Sync, Bartz Fire Dyad
    6 - Celes AASB dupe
    7 - Cid USB dupe
    8 - Rinoa Ice Sync2
    9 - Quina BSB dupe, Eiko USB dupe
    10 - Paine Dyad
    11 - Curilla rCSB, Zeid Sync!
    12 - Fran BSB dupe, Vaan OSB dupe, Larsa USB dupe, Reks LMR+, Reks AASB
    12 (2nd) - Got distracted and pulled again because I'm a garbage person and pulled Gabranth BSB dupe to punish me for my failure
    13 - Snow LMR, Hope OSB, Serah G+ dupe, Vanille AASB!
    14 - Alphi LMR dupe
    15 - Noct BSB dupe
    FFT - Delita G+ dupe
    Type-0 - Ace USB
    Core - Elarra Glint, Biggs AASB

    Fire - Locke LMR dupe
    Ice - Eight USB, Edea G+
    Wind - Zidane LMR dupe, Freya LMR, OK Wind G+, Luneth AOSB dupe, Barbi LBO
    Earth - Rinoa LMR dupe, Cid 14 Sync
    Lit - Queen LMR dupe
    Water - Trey USB, Rydia AASB dupe
    Holy - Oflight LBG, Exdeath Sync
    Dark - Decil LMR, Ulti AOSB, Vayne AASB

    On the whole, definitely some hits, but given the number of hits, I'm wondering if that's worth almost 400 Mythril? (I spent 27 tickets instead).

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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    There's some nice stuff in there, but also a lot of dupes.

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    Killed the MAG weak Lab Blue Dragon with my two Moogles team. More or less the same as Kraken last season; maybe a little easier?

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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    edited March 2022
    Killed the MAG weak Lab Blue Dragon with my two Moogles team. More or less the same as Kraken last season; maybe a little easier?

    Nice! Isn't there a mission coming up for this one as well though?

    Maytag on
    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    Maytag wrote: »
    Killed the MAG weak Lab Blue Dragon with my two Moogles team. More or less the same as Kraken last season; maybe a little easier?

    Nice! Isn't there a mission coming up for this one as well though?

    There's a Magicite + Cardia campaign along with fest, and I think a Lab campaign in the last 2 weeks of Season 3?

    Anywho, PHY AASB draw: Seph AASB dupe. Pain.

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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    Maytag wrote: »
    Killed the MAG weak Lab Blue Dragon with my two Moogles team. More or less the same as Kraken last season; maybe a little easier?

    Nice! Isn't there a mission coming up for this one as well though?

    There's a Magicite + Cardia campaign along with fest, and I think a Lab campaign in the last 2 weeks of Season 3?

    Anywho, PHY AASB draw: Seph AASB dupe. Pain.

    I guess we'll see, I've been holding off on lab bosses because of that upcoming lab campaign at least.

    I did the lucky too, Reno dupe and Ursula AASB. It's actually a good AASB, such an obscure character though.

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Lucky got me curilla dupe and a setzer aasb.

    Daily draw has been pretty nice so far. Disco every day, and today was luneth wind chain

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Rubicante and dupe quistis.

    Also aw man I kinda want that garnet outfit but COME ON

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Tickets: setzer aosb, yuffie Earth sync; dupe yuffie bsb, Leo sync; hope aasb -> lv3

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    oh whoops i missed the first lucky draw. well i got new AASBs for desch, vivi, shantoto, and tellah. Vivi and shantoto were both usable already so more can only help

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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    Just did Odin again with the holy magic team, 22 seconds from my previous 42 seconds. This was actually pretty fun, wait mode helps too.

    Crazy how fast you can merc him if you can just get rid of achromatic aegis.

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    MAG AASB draw got me Lulu and Desch AASB2s. My 2nd for Desch, who is also a Chain holder, so great success.

    Tons of stuff to do, including:
    Fest (Music, Cactuar, Magic Pots, Weapons, Unlimited SB)
    2 different Dragonkings
    2 different WOdins
    D580 Lab bosses

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Ticket draw today got me Leo glint and dagger sync. Only dupes for the other stuff but hooray sync select for once the other draws dry up

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Second Odin ticket got trey AOSB -> rank 3, and Gilgamesh sync, which is a great get because he's my gen 2 fire chain and I didn't have a BDL.

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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    My free draw which was Aranea LMR+, which is new and fine but also disappointing despite being free.

    For the selection it's going to be for someone I already have an AASB for, so leaning Maria or Pecil.

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Okay, lab 580s feel so much more reasonable.

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Sync draw: 1/11 Josef dupe.


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    MaytagMaytag Registered User regular
    Sync draw 3/11 rem dupe (5/5 honed now) Cait Sith and Arc. Cait Sith sasb seems worse than the aasb somehow? I guess it can extend for 45 sec now though.

    3DS: 1392 - 5070 - 7853
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Yeah, I've never been able to get Cait Sith sync to work well.

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    Are there any standout candidates for the selects?

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    silence1186silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
    edited March 2022
    Sync draw: Greg dupe, Queen dupe, Terra Wind. Perfectly fine, I suppose. Little disappointed.

    LotRoP rollercoaster round up:
    Core: Elarra AASB dupe
    Type-0: Trey AOSB
    FFT: Malach AASB dupe
    15: Aranea OSB dupe
    14: Papa USB dupe
    13: Vanille LMR
    12: Gabranth AOSB
    11: Aphmau USB dupe
    10: Jecht LBO
    9: Steiner OSB dupe
    8: Quistis AASB
    7: Cloud AOSB2 dupe
    6: Kefka Sync dupe
    5: Bartz Water BSB
    4: Golbez AOSB dupe
    3: Luneth OSB dupe
    2: Scott AASB
    1: Sarah Sync

    Oof. 10/18 dupes. New: 1 LBO, 2 AASBs, 1 healer Sync.

    Gacha continues to consistently dispense despair, along with a few other trinkets. Nothing game-changing.

    silence1186 on
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