Foregone is a fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Collect an arsenal of powerful weapons and unravel a compelling story of regret and conspiracy as you slice your way through hordes of enemies to save Calagan.
20210301 Foregone (Action, Side Scroller, Metroidvania, 2D)
Maquette is a first-person recursive puzzle game that takes you into a world where every building, plant, and object are simultaneously tiny and staggeringly huge
20210302 Maquette (adventure, puzzle, mystery, narrative, exploration)
In this fast paced twin-stick roguelite platformer, you play as an unnamed child ascending an ominous clocktower in pursuit of their lost memories. Harvest and sacrifice souls to grow your power in order to challenge procedural encounter rooms and intimidating bosses!
20210303 Revita EA (Action Roguelike, Dungeon Crawler)
Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is an oddball of a 3D platforming game with collect-a-thon spin! Become a reckless hero as you do missions, collect items and search for secrets rolling through various (inaccurate) historical events!
20210303 Bang On Balls (Action, Adventure3D, Platformer)
Scrapnaut is a top-down, base building survival game with steampunk elements. Explore an open world with different biomes, take care of oxygen, manage your farms, generate electricity, build your home and much more!
20210303 scrapnaut (Adventure, Adventure, Building, Exploration, Sandbox)
Sir Lovelot is on a quest to find the love of his life. Join him in this wacky tight platformer, where impressing cheeky damsels is harder than a heart of stone!
20210303 Sir Loveot (Precision Platformer, Platformer, Difficult)
Manage your airfield, create spare parts, send your pilots out on missions. Face your enemy and resist... UNTIL THE LAST PLANE.
20210304 until the last plane (Management, Strategy, World War II, Wargame)
The Lich has thrown the world into a timeless loop and plunged its inhabitants into never ending chaos. Wield an expanding deck of mystical cards to place enemies, buildings, and terrain along each unique expedition loop for the brave hero.
20210304 Loop Hero (RPG, strategy, adventure, card game)
An UNCONVENTIONAL ADVENTURE RPG that takes place in an inexpressible world filled with amusing musical battles and strange delightful encounters. To put it simply: You are in for a ride.
20210304 everhood (Great Soundtrack, Music, Story Rich, 2D, RPG, Undertale)
A narrative-driven RPG set in a gritty world where a person's Lot is determined at birth, while the gods are real and preside over the fates of men. Set out on a lifelong journey and carve out your own destiny. Will you become a judge, an inquisitor, or conspire against the old order? You decide!
20210304 The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (narrative, simulation, adventure, story, RPG) 20210305 Dungeon No Dungeon 20210312 Pascal's Wager 20210312 Crash Bandicoot 4 20210318 Minute of Islands 20210326 Spacebase Startopia 20210326 Kaze and the Wild Masks 20210326 Magic: Legends 20210327 Sizeable 20210330 Evil Genius 2 20210331 Binding of Isaac dlc 20210331 Narita Boy
even the total collapse of its original dev team under an abusive asshole followed by a takeover by the publisher of the mobile port can stop skullgirls, apparently
first character from the first season pass just dropped
! It’s a strategy with RPG elements and amazing pixel art, inspired by the legendary series.
Go check it out!
There are too many video games now!
i no rite he is the worst
The problem is that you're buying access to a skinner box with ever increasing grind. I guess it makes them money, but the 2K basketball games have been declining in fun factor since 2014.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Sure there might be some minor mechanics or mode changes, but the main thing you're buying is an updated roster list.
Oh no I distinctly remember hearing the release one year on one console had no roster update.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
that was due to the real world NBA League being on strike
More like, get rid o yo games
Steam ID - VeldrinD | SS Post | Wishlist
they've been stable but the amount of paid dlc. microtransactions, collector's editions and season passes is fricking loopy nowdays
me: noooo
early access on 16 March (missed opportunity, imo); full release hopefully later this year
That whole section was a ride.
So at that point, I see my choices, including the one for kicking him leading to the "Experience death at a young age" storylet.
And I think, well fuck this old man, and my dude becoming a hellspawn that knocks grandpa into the fireplace sounds like a bad-ass backstory so let's go with it.
So I was actually stunned to see him then beat me to death, get an interlude with the gods and wake up in a crypt.
And now I'm thinking, I'm some chosen avatar of the gods, and gonna get some sick revenge and shock the world with the miracle of my rebirth, only to have the game pull the rug out on me a second time when my parents come in tell me this a totally normal thing and hope I learned my lesson!
so... my original plan was to get a bunch of work done this week, and not actually touch talespire at all
but uh, my hand slipped, and I accidentally created a modular design system for housing interiors, with like a basement and interconnected sewer system. oops!
anyway might as well make a run-down docks / harbor area with them
and then I wanted try out some more vertical building, so I used some of the boulders/cliffs and some the desert tileset to make this alchemy lab/island ruins thing
High-ranking magistrates in the Empire have expressed relief that the alchemists and their creations are now far, far away from the mainland.
another cute farm-em-up, with an emphasis on slime taming/breeding
coming sometime in 2021
The zee called to me, as it does any urchin what's grown too tall. Me and a longshanks managed to get our grubby hands on a slightly-used, yet zeeworthy vessel which I've taken to calling Furious Lack of Courage, though the crew mostly calls her the Lackin. We obeyed the call of salt and water and put out for parts dark, my secret orders from the Admiralty to sail east from Fallen London and bring back news of any miserable spit of rock what warrants a name.
Four days at zee and we encounter a monstrous crab, and my longshanks gunner makes short work of it. Just in time too, as I've woefully misjudged the amount of supplies and fuel necessary for a voyage. The crew feasts upon crab flesh, and I try not to think about why the thing glowed to begin with, or why it stops glowing as it's cooked. Fortunately I find an island willing to part with food and fuel. I listen to some rumors and learn a secret.
Day seven brings us an encounter with another crab, which damages the Lackin enough that I decide to head back to the shadowy towers of home. While eating ships' biscuit I chance upon an odd diamond, a precious find even if it cost me some of a tooth. The crew convinces me to toss it into the zee to appease Stone. Seems a waste, but who am I do draw the ire of the gods? Afterward, during a quiet moment on deck, I almost feel as if something has thought of me in the merest way possible. I take no comfort from this.
Day nine and I can see the hint of the lights of London on the horizon. We stop at an odd island with naught but a single house built upon its crown. Under the inescapable gloom I make my way near the well-lit windows and overhear part of a conversation between three sisters. They stop abruptly, perhaps noticing my presence. I decide that there's no chance they haven't noticed the Lackin's arrival, so I present myself in my best captain outfit. The sisters are an odd mixture of ambivalent and enthusiastic to see me. I take a luncheon with the eldest, and learn a secret. I say my goodbyes and get the ship ready to make the final voyage home.
The crew is glad to see the lights of Fallen Londen, the ends of her jetties outstretched as if a lover awaiting their beloved. We put in, I report my stupendous lack of interesting knowledge to the Admiralty, earning me the meagerest morsel of approval, and some much-needed echoes. Time yet to set the carpenters at their labor to repair the hull of my ship, allow the crew to recover from the long dark, and perhaps attend to my affairs at my apartment.
Right now, Rune II is a very good chain burger.
yeah that's borderlands 3 for me
like it's not actually nutritious or good for you in any way
but man you don't have to put any thought into ordering a big mac and stuffing it in your face
Oh, heroes of might and magic 3 was a game I played a decent amount of back in the day
I'll have to keep an eye on this
So this game is very much a choose-your-own-adventure, in the style of the games from Choice of Games. If you've played one of those, you've got a pretty good reference for the type of game this is. Most of you are probably most familiar with their big hit from last year, Vampire the Masquerade: Night Road, so I feel I have to warn that sadly, nothing I've seen so far has really hit the high notes of Night Road in regards to writing or reactivity to player choice.
So, with the warning that it doesn't quite compete with the best Choice of Games has to offer out of the way, what do I actually like about the game? Just about everything else!
First, it's got art! And sound! Like I've said, I love the stuff from CoG, but they are just so drab. A page of text, no matter how well it's written, does not make for the most engaging of gameplay. The Darkest Dungeon inspired characters look great and the music sets the mood well, but it's the smaller things that really sell it for me. The sight and sound of the pages turning, or the bookmarks all around the screen to flip you to the different menus. It ironically feels a lot more like reading a book than CoG games do. They pride themselves on being text only, but end up feeling more like reading something straight from a word processor.
Oh, and the musical stings it plays at the end of a storylet remind me of Obra Dinn!
Another aspect I'm liking, is the transparency in the choices. Every choice in the game, it tells you what locked or unlocked the choice for you, and exactly how it will immediately effect your stats. My biggest complaint in Night Road, was that while it told me what stats each choice was based on, it never gave me any indication of my chances of success, which led to a lot of blindly picking whichever one I had the most stat points in. Here, every choice lets you weigh what is most important to you, either narratively or mechanically. Is it worth losing a relationship point with your brother to increase your mental stats? Is improving your family's reputation worth using up energy stats now? And even better, at the start of each chapter, the game gives you a list of possible story events and what you need to trigger them. Now, with a goal in mind, you can go back and answer those questions better. I want those mental stats to trigger a prophetic vision. I'll need the energy stats to learn to sword fight. They also give you a pretty clear indicator of how much time you have left in a chapter, so you can plan what you want to do more effectively. In Night Road, I'd be saving up money, but had no real frame of reference to know when to spend it. I'll finally give in and buy something at the shop, only to kick myself two pages later when I can't afford something much more interesting. This feels a lot more like collaborative storytelling, where the game tells me what is possible, and I can decide which options I want to pursue.
And if all that sounds bad and you'd prefer some mystery and surprises, good news! It's all optional and can be turned on and off at will!
The story so far hasn't blown me away, but it's interesting enough and open enough that I could see it going a lot of different ways. It's set in a vaguely 1800's~ish fantasy empire, with a religiously enforced class system that looks like it's about to face civil war both from new religious movements challenging old scriptures, and class struggle from commoners trying to wrest power from the nobility. Your family reminds me a lot of Dragon Age 2, where you came from power, but are now on the outs after your father married a commoner. Your parents and siblings have all got different outlooks on the world and there's lots of possibility for where there stories could go.
It also looks like each chapter is adding more complexity and stats to balance. It starts off with just a mental and a physical stat, and your relations with your immediate family. It then starts adding more people. More personal stats. Your family's stats. Your city's stats.
I'll be checking out the full game, and hopefully it lives up to the first two chapters.
Definitely feels very "adapted tabletop game" in a really good and interesting way.
It helps that i really like stompy mechs (well, some of these designs kinda suck, but i can still appreciate them as designs that suck)
Steam // Secret Satan
Steam // Secret Satan