After watching: Hmm... they seem to have gone the Final Fantasy "make the player run a lot so that they don't finish the game too fast" route. It's not gameplay if I'm just moving to the next fun part, guys.
Yes!! the gods have spoken (and when I mean gods, I mean Gabe and Tycho)!!
This is looking freaking beautiful!! Although the animation for the cartoon video segments looks a little weird in the animating dept. I'm just going on thats the style they want it to be, and leaving it at that. Otherwise it reminds me of some of my favorite RPG's **cough** Final Fantasy **cough**. Uh had something in my throat .
These new videos are a hundred times better than the last ones released, and show what we can expect when playing. I'm super serial..'ly hyped now !! Must buy f'ing game!! Now the next question is,.. when is it going to be done?
After watching: Hmm... they seem to have gone the Final Fantasy "make the player run a lot so that they don't finish the game too fast" route. It's not gameplay if I'm just moving to the next fun part, guys.
...I rather liked FF 6,7,&10. BTW...
What other way could it be done? Or rather, what way did you want it to go?
After thinking about it, I think they chose the better route for this game. I'd hate it if the game was over too soon.
Oh.. on a side note... I rented "The Simpson's Hit and Run" last week (hopefully I have the right developer). LOL, man have you guys (ie. Hot head) come a long way!!! Hopefully Gabe and Tycho don't say the same thing over and over and over again every five seconds. The world doesn't feel dead and boring. And mini-games that make you want to hit your head into a wall till you go into a coma !
They've said many, many times that they wanted to do an adventure game, and the type of combat that they chose to tack on to it was FF-style turn-based party combat. So if you were expecting something else, well, it's your own fault.
I will admit that my sole interest in this game is the fact that Ron Gilbert is involved, but it looks like it's coming along nicely. Here's hoping the adventure aspect is not forgotten, and the episodic releases come at regular intervals.
Looks beautifully inspired from Gabe's art, I only hope that some of Tycho's writing shows up in there somewhere too. Animation looks gorgeous, combat looks like it's going to be good old turn based fun. I can't wait to make my own character to fight along Gabe and Tycho.
Looks beautifully inspired from Gabe's art, I only hope that some of Tycho's writing shows up in there somewhere too. Animation looks gorgeous, combat looks like it's going to be good old turn based fun. I can't wait to make my own character to fight along Gabe and Tycho.
Bought on day of release, of course.
Tycho is writing every line of dialog in the game.
I love the dialogue so far and the feel of the game (or at least the way the feel looks). Can't wait to see some of the adventure part of the gameplay!
Looking great guys. The effort you've gone to in order to get it even this far is amazing. I've been casually dabbling into video game design and graphics and I'm freaking luck to get "Hellow World" to apepar in 3D. the textures of the whole thing is great. The look and feel, fantastic lighting, and the adaption of your nomal 2D comic drawings into 3D art is probabally some of the best i've seen thus far. As long as you guys keep up the normal humour along with the already fantastic creative originality, this will be a great game. Nice to see some people doing it for the love of games, not just money (of which I'm sure you'll recieve from such a huge Fan base). I just wish we could be more involved in seeing this kind of stuff being presented.
Im guessing the lack of boob jokes bums you out? It's humor that you have to use your brain and figure things out. Yeah, if you read too many like I did brain make head hurt.
And about the game. Meh, it looks pretty cool. I''ll try it, might get it for a friend who loves this comic.
Shiekahn_boy on
"your a moron you know that wolves have packs wich they rely on nd they could ever here of lone wolves? you an idiot and your gay, wolves have packs and are smart with tactics" - Youtube Wolf Enthusiast.
Rpegbear at picnic tableSeattleRegistered Userregular
edited August 2007
"slow and boring?" it's an Adventure game, right? Like, with a focus on atmosphere, dialogue, and puzzle solving? I don't see how anyone could be upset with what we've seen, really. This looks fucking awesome.
edit: okay, it's an RPG now, but they've evidently been inspired by the point-and-click adventure genre. (which makes me very happy.)
It's an adventure game, with RPG combat, I believe. They wanted to make an adventure game, and then they wanted to fit combat in to it, and they decided on Final Fantasy-style combat because it worked for them.
It's an adventure game, with RPG combat, I believe. They wanted to make an adventure game, and then they wanted to fit combat in to it, and they decided on Final Fantasy-style combat because it worked for them.
Yep, what he said. And I think it's a fucking terriffic idea!
strike_the_trip on
mentok1982I could never leave you PAX baby.BaltimoreRegistered Userregular
edited August 2007
Some of the attack names are mini-jokes all by themselves.
After watching: Hmm... they seem to have gone the Final Fantasy "make the player run a lot so that they don't finish the game too fast" route. It's not gameplay if I'm just moving to the next fun part, guys.
This is looking freaking beautiful!! Although the animation for the cartoon video segments looks a little weird in the animating dept. I'm just going on thats the style they want it to be, and leaving it at that. Otherwise it reminds me of some of my favorite RPG's **cough** Final Fantasy **cough**. Uh had something in my throat
These new videos are a hundred times better than the last ones released, and show what we can expect when playing. I'm super serial..'ly hyped now
P.S. Thanks, Legacy, for the find!!
...I rather liked FF 6,7,&10. BTW...
What other way could it be done? Or rather, what way did you want it to go?
After thinking about it, I think they chose the better route for this game. I'd hate it if the game was over too soon.
Oh.. on a side note... I rented "The Simpson's Hit and Run" last week (hopefully I have the right developer). LOL, man have you guys (ie. Hot head) come a long way!!! Hopefully Gabe and Tycho don't say the same thing over and over and over again every five seconds. The world doesn't feel dead and boring. And mini-games that make you want to hit your head into a wall till you go into a coma
Azulan Saul Tigh
Bought on day of release, of course. Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Tycho is writing every line of dialog in the game.
Hey, wait...
(Maybe once someone outside of the dev studio has played the game longer than it takes to cross the screen we can talk about how nothing happens, eh?)
And about the game. Meh, it looks pretty cool. I''ll try it, might get it for a friend who loves this comic.
edit: okay, it's an RPG now, but they've evidently been inspired by the point-and-click adventure genre. (which makes me very happy.)
Yep, what he said. And I think it's a fucking terriffic idea!
I remember "Down on my luck".
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Can't wait for the game ^__^
Harry Potter much?
(I don't)
With money.
Money I get from mugging old people in the park.