Right now it's PC only - i would love to know where that EGM dude got his info though. Ah well.
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited August 2007
I just read that article too and was upset by it (I don't own an X-box and was planning on getting it on the PC)
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Touche! However, the number of threads you'll find of people troubleshooting their PCs to get a single game working greatly exceeds the number of people who can't play it on their 360; I can count on just shoving the disc in and playin' on my 360, can't really do that with my PC.
On the other hand, the vast majority of PC problems are caused by the person screwing something up. My PC, for example, has crashed once on me since I built it, and specific games have crashed 3 times total. A 360, however, dies without you doing a thing. If that happens to a PC, which is rare, you can always just RMA the part.
I can assume with relative assurance that when it comes to this game, my P3 500MHz with 384MB RAM and a 16MB Ati Rage II won't cut it, but my brand new 360 Elite should run the game just fine. And I'll be able to play it on my comfortable chair as well, instead of my slightly less comfortable desk chair.
This is good for me, because I wouldn't be able to play the game if it was PC only.
And I guess it'll be nice for the people who like achievements, too.
Achievement: "The Tube is civilization!" - Successfully bludgeon 20 enemies to death wielding the Cardboard Tube to unlock this achievement.
Just to Clarify this is not a game you can buy on a disc for the 360.It is an Xbox live game you have to download.The PC is a disc.;-)
Umm, where'd you hear that? I thought all versions were going to be downloadable? I guess it would work, but the retail model doesn't make as much sense as digital distro would for a game like this...
Both the PC and Xbox versions will be downloadable.
HH Joel on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited September 2007
Digital Distro ftw. I was initially going to get it for PC, but I recently bought a 360 (PAX sealed the deal for me on this one) and I'll more than likely be picking this one up on XBLA.
Look I'm cool with Digital Distro and all that but I'm also one of these guys who likes to have a disc in hand. I just feel better about my purchase that way.
Personally I think anything that is digitally distributed should give the option to pay a little more (like $5) and you can get it on a disc as well.
Sorry just my gripe. I'm still looking forward to the game.
I'll second this. I have a crappy connection (EVDO) and it has a 5 gig limit a month and even if it didn't it still takes forever to DL/UL anything. I'm talking upwards of 20 minutes for a 5meg file.
I'll take my comp to a friends house to DL if I have to because I really really want this game, but I'd still prefer a CD. Maybe they could make a few to sell in thier store?
Welcome to 2007 , if you can't afford DSL but you can afford the data rate and the internet laptop card for your cell phone, then something is wrong with your money management.
Digital Distro is the now thing in all entertainment platforms. PC digital distro is great . Example, I can download and install any game from my EA Link or Steam account that I have previously purchased on any PC I am at , and play the game online instantly. It's so simple its genius.
I would be happy to see a digital distro release of both PC and Console. It would probably be better for the developers in the long run with cheaper publishing rights that rape independent game developers.
randomguy you've got to understand that some people like having a physical copy of a game in their hands, or their location might not allow for high speed interenet access.
Sorta like how you've got to understand what a crumpet is, to understand cricket.
Welcome to 2007 , if you can't afford DSL but you can afford the data rate and the internet laptop card for your cell phone, then something is wrong with your money management.
Digital Distro is the now thing in all entertainment platforms. PC digital distro is great . Example, I can download and install any game from my EA Link or Steam account that I have previously purchased on any PC I am at , and play the game online instantly. It's so simple its genius.
I would be happy to see a digital distro release of both PC and Console. It would probably be better for the developers in the long run with cheaper publishing rights that rape independent game developers.
Welcome to 2007, the interwebs are STILL not available everywhere.
randomguy you've got to understand that some people like having a physical copy of a game in their hands, or their location might not allow for high speed interenet access.
Sorta like how you've got to understand what a crumpet is, to understand cricket.
I understand that, but I am saying they need to let that addiction go. There are many things that some people like having but it doesn't mean that holding back development in an industry is a wise decision. Digital distribution of entertainment will eventually crush the physical counterpart.
The cost alone to compete with a physical counterpart nowadays is incredible. The amount of advertisement and publishing cost is about the same but the difference in profit in comparison to digital distribution is a big difference. I feel it would be a wise decision to go digital distribution over a retail unit. If it makes you feel any better , think of all the trees and clean air you are saving by not creating a paper manual or plastic dvd disc and case.
I understand that, but I am saying they need to let that addiction go. There are many things that some people like having but it doesn't mean that holding back development in an industry is a wise decision. Digital distribution of entertainment will eventually crush the physical counterpart.
The cost alone to compete with a physical counterpart nowadays is incredible. The amount of advertisement and publishing cost is about the same but the difference in profit in comparison to digital distribution is a big difference. I feel it would be a wise decision to go digital distribution over a retail unit. If it makes you feel any better , think of all the trees and clean air you are saving by not creating a paper manual or plastic dvd disc and case.
You're mistaking "Physical distribution" with "Get it in a Wal-Mart." It's entirely possible to press a small amount of CDs to supplement online distribution, for those who are stuck out in the cold dark grip of The Backwoods.
HitScan on
Unstable like the isotope that resolves the fate of the theoretical cat in the hypothetical crate.
I understand that, but I am saying they need to let that addiction go. There are many things that some people like having but it doesn't mean that holding back development in an industry is a wise decision. Digital distribution of entertainment will eventually crush the physical counterpart.
The cost alone to compete with a physical counterpart nowadays is incredible. The amount of advertisement and publishing cost is about the same but the difference in profit in comparison to digital distribution is a big difference. I feel it would be a wise decision to go digital distribution over a retail unit. If it makes you feel any better , think of all the trees and clean air you are saving by not creating a paper manual or plastic dvd disc and case.
You're mistaking "Physical distribution" with "Get it in a Wal-Mart." It's entirely possible to press a small amount of CDs to supplement online distribution, for those who are stuck out in the cold dark grip of The Backwoods.
Haha , I will agree that physical distribution does not have to be limited to retail store. That is a good suggestion and would be useful.
I thought it was only on PC sorry.
Well, you could always play the Mac version....
Or buy a real computer.
Whenever I have a choice between console and computer, I choose console simply for the convenience of not having to deal with any hardware problems.
hotlinking, cool
I can assume with relative assurance that when it comes to this game, my P3 500MHz with 384MB RAM and a 16MB Ati Rage II won't cut it, but my brand new 360 Elite should run the game just fine. And I'll be able to play it on my comfortable chair as well, instead of my slightly less comfortable desk chair.
This is good for me, because I wouldn't be able to play the game if it was PC only.
And I guess it'll be nice for the people who like achievements, too.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Umm, where'd you hear that? I thought all versions were going to be downloadable? I guess it would work, but the retail model doesn't make as much sense as digital distro would for a game like this...
Look I'm cool with Digital Distro and all that but I'm also one of these guys who likes to have a disc in hand. I just feel better about my purchase that way.
Personally I think anything that is digitally distributed should give the option to pay a little more (like $5) and you can get it on a disc as well.
Sorry just my gripe. I'm still looking forward to the game.
I'll take my comp to a friends house to DL if I have to because I really really want this game, but I'd still prefer a CD. Maybe they could make a few to sell in thier store?
Digital Distro is the now thing in all entertainment platforms. PC digital distro is great . Example, I can download and install any game from my EA Link or Steam account that I have previously purchased on any PC I am at , and play the game online instantly. It's so simple its genius.
I would be happy to see a digital distro release of both PC and Console. It would probably be better for the developers in the long run with cheaper publishing rights that rape independent game developers.
Sorta like how you've got to understand what a crumpet is, to understand cricket.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Welcome to 2007, the interwebs are STILL not available everywhere.
I understand that, but I am saying they need to let that addiction go. There are many things that some people like having but it doesn't mean that holding back development in an industry is a wise decision. Digital distribution of entertainment will eventually crush the physical counterpart.
The cost alone to compete with a physical counterpart nowadays is incredible. The amount of advertisement and publishing cost is about the same but the difference in profit in comparison to digital distribution is a big difference. I feel it would be a wise decision to go digital distribution over a retail unit. If it makes you feel any better , think of all the trees and clean air you are saving by not creating a paper manual or plastic dvd disc and case.
Haha , I will agree that physical distribution does not have to be limited to retail store. That is a good suggestion and would be useful.