So I REALLY wanted to go to the ArenaNet after party at gameworks. I read the guide and knew about having to get a ticket from their booth. However, for some reason, I got so excited over the fact that the exhibition hall was closing at 6 that i forgot all about this fact and ran to the Penny arcade merchandise table to get something for the memories and also got a Halo 3 messenger bag. When I got to gameworks (and discovered about 50 people lined up at the wrong freaking door), it came flooding back to me about the ticket. So here i am, joining the Guild Wars: Eye of the North, sneak peak event online from Faire, regretting my mistake, vowing to do better next year. Not a bad spot to be in for the evening but not what I was planning.
Day one was awesome.
Day two was... meh. Once you seen all the exhibits, grabbed all the swag, there's not much left to do but stand in line for panels, stand in line for a PC, or stand in line for a console (which I can't bring myself to do, because I'm flying solo, and it seems weird). Add in that DS Ni-Fi is a joke, and it's impossible to play anyone without communications errors, and there's nothing to do.
Day one was awesome.
Day two was... meh. Once you seen all the exhibits, grabbed all the swag, there's not much left to do but stand in line for panels, stand in line for a PC, or stand in line for a console (which I can't bring myself to do, because I'm flying solo, and it seems weird). Add in that DS Ni-Fi is a joke, and it's impossible to play anyone without communications errors, and there's nothing to do.
The only time I had comms errors was while I was standing in line to get in on day one. That makes sense - thouseands of game fans with DSs, and a big huge room with radio waves bouncing everywhere.
My theory is that, since the Ni-Fi protocol is a broadcast layer3 protocol, your DS will pick up packets sent from every other DS in range. It then has to waste CPU cycles reading the info to determine if it's relevant or not, then either apply it to the current game or remove it from memory.
Get a few hundred DS systems in Ni-Fi, and you'll be blowing all your system resources on analyzing packets. That's the theory, anyway.
I also got the same slowdowns/disconnects in the Handheld lounge.
You need to be able to go to a certain area (or just signs) to play a specific handheld game/genre at any time, not just have the option to go to any of the several lounges at certain times for certain games. I would like to be able to walk up to an Ouendan/EBA area and play whenever. Not ask around, whether face to face or PictoChat.
I regret not asking my question during the Hothead panel (as I figured it has been touched upon earlier with the "What platforms" Q which was like the 3rd question).
Damn you man in the Hat! Also, you guys sitting behind me who swarmed the table and almost managed to deprive me of my Otterspod (OtRSPoD) shirt, suck cocks. I think I got kidney punched, and I love my kidney!
I had no idea Wil Wheaton was doing the keynote or I would have made an effort to come Friday instead of yesterday. Oh well. I got to see him at his booth at least. on
I play Indoors | PAX's Attended: 07 08 09 10 12 13
I bought the BYOC ticket on Saturday *no shows*, set up my computer, turned it on... realized I had forgotten power adapter, and network cable. Me sucking for the lose.
My biggest regret was not going to the keynote on Friday. I'm not sure what I was doing, but it was no where near as awesome as getting to hear Wil Wheaton. Also not making a b-line for the nVidia booth when the doors opened.
So I REALLY wanted to go to the ArenaNet after party at gameworks. I read the guide and knew about having to get a ticket from their booth. However, for some reason, I got so excited over the fact that the exhibition hall was closing at 6 that i forgot all about this fact and ran to the Penny arcade merchandise table to get something for the memories and also got a Halo 3 messenger bag. When I got to gameworks (and discovered about 50 people lined up at the wrong freaking door), it came flooding back to me about the ticket. So here i am, joining the Guild Wars: Eye of the North, sneak peak event online from Faire, regretting my mistake, vowing to do better next year. Not a bad spot to be in for the evening but not what I was planning.
Submit your tales of woe.
Yeah you didn't need a ticket to get in. They had a huge capacity and just about everyone was able to get in eventually. I actually kind of regret doing BYOC because I was doing so much other stuff I hardly had a chance to use it. And I still had to lug it around.
RandomEngy on
Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
I regret being a dumbass and leaving a swag bag unattended during the concert because it kept getting stepped on. I took my DS thinking I had grabbed everything valuable, but remembered after it was gone to my chagrin that I in fact had an mp3 player and 7 DS games in there.
I regret being a dumbass and leaving a swag bag unattended during the concert because it kept getting stepped on. I took my DS thinking I had grabbed everything valuable, but remembered after it was gone to my chagrin that I in fact had an mp3 player and 7 DS games in there.
perrako: this morning, an Enforcer found your bag in the concert hall and took it to the info booth. I dunno if it's too late (I can ask around) but I know that, at the very least, Penny Arcade's got it...somewhere. I hope it gets back to you!
And my personal "d'oh" moment was during Family Feud when I answered the question "what would you do with a girl" as "bitchslap" (I couldn't help it :P)
There were plenty there. Most of them were just appeared to be attached to dudes.
*Sigh* Yep. But some of the Frag Dolls and girls trying out for the team were *hella* cool. Very nice. Especially Calyber; She was wicked! Only downside is there was a ring on her finger... shoulda asked her if that was because she's married, or if it's "guy" repellant so she can get some serious gaming done.
Wish I could've gotten an Nvidia shirt and a WoW TCG Cup.
Otherwise, I'm pretty happy about what I did. I got to meet a lot of cool people and have some great conversations with a lot of the musicians attending this year.
Oh, I do regret not asking to trade pants after getting half naked (trading my shirt) for a Mega64 shirt. I mean, if you're gonna lose dignity, why not lose it all? New pants are always fun, as well.
I also regret not Volunteering this year, definitely going to next year.
I wish I had more time to have seen the Panels. Over the past 3 years of attending PAX, I've seem to perfected the gathering of swag, and being part of the concerts, but I've yet to see a god damn panel.
PAX, can't wait till next year! (For I will be the panel master!)
I regret not talking to the cute goth girl behind me on the escalator saturday night who was talking to her friend about how she thought I was hot. o_o i got shy.
1. Not having a longer pillowfight with the girls that were in my room. I pillowfights.
2. Not bringing awesome enough shoes. Showing people how to play TDL in line for 2 hours, working the hall for 8, and then meetings and foods afterwards killed my feet from Friday onwards.
Scotasianglish on
The original chinese-welsh-scotsman with a japanese last name.
I regret not pushing my game pitch harder. I almost regret not being a dick about others behind me in line sniping off my buzzwords & concepts. Maybe I should have had my wife pitch my game idea.
I agree somewhat... It was hilarious to hear people come up to the mic just to tell him to go fuck himself.... but the ranting of a self-aggrandizing blowhard gets tired very quickly. I got up and left after the "Postal" clip. When he tried to defend himself by defining "satire", I was very tempted to go and chew him out because he was completely wrong (film student, wooo!).
also my very biggest regret of the whole con was not going to get Coulton swag before it all sold out.
strangemusic on
"Always be wary of people who use quotes... I don't know who said that" - Murdoc Nicalls.
Day one was awesome.
Day two was... meh. Once you seen all the exhibits, grabbed all the swag, there's not much left to do but stand in line for panels, stand in line for a PC, or stand in line for a console (which I can't bring myself to do, because I'm flying solo, and it seems weird). Add in that DS Ni-Fi is a joke, and it's impossible to play anyone without communications errors, and there's nothing to do.
The only time I had comms errors was while I was standing in line to get in on day one. That makes sense - thouseands of game fans with DSs, and a big huge room with radio waves bouncing everywhere.
Get a few hundred DS systems in Ni-Fi, and you'll be blowing all your system resources on analyzing packets. That's the theory, anyway.
I also got the same slowdowns/disconnects in the Handheld lounge.
I also missed the Assassins Creed Demo
Also, my buddy managed to get some Playstation boxers, but they were out by the time I got to the booth, sucks! :-(
I was going to ask him to have my babies!
Damn you man in the Hat! Also, you guys sitting behind me who swarmed the table and almost managed to deprive me of my Otterspod (OtRSPoD) shirt, suck cocks. I think I got kidney punched, and I love my kidney!
- Don't add me, I'm at/near the friend limit
Steam: JC_Rooks
I work on this:
Oh, and actually trusting PAXnet to work.
Yeah you didn't need a ticket to get in. They had a huge capacity and just about everyone was able to get in eventually. I actually kind of regret doing BYOC because I was doing so much other stuff I hardly had a chance to use it. And I still had to lug it around.
Also not getting a picture with my three favorite enforcers :[
Otherwise, it all rocked
*shakes fist*
At least I have mario kart.
Aww I'm actually really sorry for you =[
And my personal "d'oh" moment was during Family Feud when I answered the question "what would you do with a girl" as "bitchslap" (I couldn't help it :P)
But at least I was able to issue the challenge publicly without getting booed out of the convention center.
There were plenty there. Most of them were just appeared to be attached to dudes.
I regret not trying hard to get more free swag.
*Sigh* Yep. But some of the Frag Dolls and girls trying out for the team were *hella* cool. Very nice. Especially Calyber; She was wicked! Only downside is there was a ring on her finger... shoulda asked her if that was because she's married, or if it's "guy" repellant so she can get some serious gaming done.
Wish I could've gotten an Nvidia shirt and a WoW TCG Cup.
Otherwise, I'm pretty happy about what I did. I got to meet a lot of cool people and have some great conversations with a lot of the musicians attending this year.
Oh, I do regret not asking to trade pants after getting half naked (trading my shirt) for a Mega64 shirt. I mean, if you're gonna lose dignity, why not lose it all? New pants are always fun, as well.
I also regret not Volunteering this year, definitely going to next year.
First, I accidentally setup my computer in the wrong spot. I came back later to find people waiting for me. I felt like such a dick.
Second, forgetting a network cable. Eventually walked 3 or 4 blocks to Office Max.
2. Not bringing awesome enough shoes. Showing people how to play TDL in line for 2 hours, working the hall for 8, and then meetings and foods afterwards killed my feet from Friday onwards.
I agree somewhat... It was hilarious to hear people come up to the mic just to tell him to go fuck himself.... but the ranting of a self-aggrandizing blowhard gets tired very quickly. I got up and left after the "Postal" clip. When he tried to defend himself by defining "satire", I was very tempted to go and chew him out because he was completely wrong (film student, wooo!).
also my very biggest regret of the whole con was not going to get Coulton swag before it all sold out.