Just to be clear, this isn't a tour of Boeing. This is a flight museum sponsored by Boeing. There are lots of Boeing plans, but there are also lots of other planes. Also, check out the area about female pilots of WW2, called the Wasps. One of the jobs they did was to pull targets for the men to shoot live ammo at...
Just to be double clear, this is probably one of the best air museums on the west coast. You can easily spend a day in it. I used to love it when I was a kid.
seraphex on
If I had talent, I wouldn't need all this money.
Twitter - @papapwnsPAX
Hm. I may take an extra day off before PAX and go if this looks like it'll be organised.
Note that it's a fair distance away from where the conference is, and I'm not sure what transport is like to it. (It's about halfway between seattle CBD and the airport.)
Oh, and sobjw, I'm not sure of a day/time yet... I'm not even sure if there's enough people interested for it to be worthwhile... but it'd likely be sometime during the few days before PAX (aka somewhere between the Sunday before PAX and the day PAX begins).
I'm completely open to suggestions on when we should do this shindig, if people actually want to do it of course.
I'd be interested in going as well. My original plan was to come in on the Wednesday afternoon before PAX but if there's a lot of support for this, I could try to come in on Tuesday. I know that's not really a lot of time but it's hard to renegotiate the end date to your COOP work term and hard to come up with the extra money for the lengthened hotel stay.
I'd recommend just walking the two blocks to Pike's Place for lunch and/or dinner during the convention rather than making a special trip beforehand. Last year I had a few good meals there. Kell's Restaurant & Pub was a hit with the 8 people I went there with.
Having done two contract jobs in the Boeing Everett factory, I can say that the tour is most likely worth it. Even working there every night for months it was still impressive. It's the largest single enclosed space in the world, capable of fitting 12 Empire State Buildings inside. It makes the 747s, 767s, 777s, and 787s assembled there look tiny, though not when they are being hauled over your head by cranes... then they look big again...
I've also been to Bruce (and Brandon) Lee's grave, which I wouldn't recommend for a tour group. I actually cared about his philosophy (his interest in Jiddu Krishnamurti sparked my own) and his life's work, but I don't think you'd get much out of it if you're just the sort who thinks "he was a good kung fu actor" and nothing else. There's just not enough connection or meaning.
Having done two contract jobs in the Boeing Everett factory, I can say that the tour is most likely worth it. Even working there every night for months it was still impressive. It's the largest single enclosed space in the world, capable of fitting 12 Empire State Buildings inside. It makes the 747s, 767s, 777s, and 787s assembled there look tiny, though not when they are being hauled over your head by cranes... then they look big again...
I've also been to Bruce (and Brandon) Lee's grave, which I wouldn't recommend for a tour group. I actually cared about his philosophy (his interest in Jiddu Krishnamurti sparked my own) and his life's work, but I don't think you'd get much out of it if you're just the sort who thinks "he was a good kung fu actor" and nothing else. There's just not enough connection or meaning.
Aye, I feel the same way (about it maybe not being a great spot to go to as a group that is... though I've heard about some of what you're talking about in passing, I know little to nothing about it). I've always felt a little iffy about grave spots in general as tourist locations. Back when I lived in New Hampshire, I walked the Freedom Trail in Boston... and though it was interesting to see the gravesites of some of our forefathers (for example), I always felt a little sketchy going there as a tourist.
But for those who might want to go there on their own, it's good to know that it's there. I don't think I'll put it on the list of possible locations for the pseudo-official tourist group after considering the good point you made there.
But the Boeing Factory tour is ON, like Donkey Kong.
Okay, I've removed the Bruce Lee gravesite from the list, and formatted everything to make it a little more official.
PM me if you want to be added to the list of people interested in going on the tourist group. Include whether or not you have a car that you'd be willing to use in the carpool, and how many people you can seat. If you won't have a car with you, be sure to tell me that too.
EDIT: We need a title for our tourist group get together. What do you guys think of the "Nerdcore Grand Tour"?
Also, the EMP (Experience Music Project) is next to the Space Needle. - http://www.empsfm.org/
Seattle Aquarium - http://www.seattleaquarium.org - Just remodeled. I haven't been since they've finished. If you're hitting Pike Place Market, the Aquarium is just down the hill on the water front.
The Seattle Art Meuseum, which is downtown, has a display right now of Roman Art from the Louvre. They might have a schedule of what will be on display in August. - http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/
There really are quite a few things to do out here, both within walking distance and a short ride from downtown.
Fantastic, those all sound good too! I'll add them to the potential list.
Also, on a side note, my wife mentioned if we come up with a name for this thing, she might make shirts for everyone who goes on the tour so we can complete the whole "tourist group" experience.
Hmmmm . . . it might be better for all of us to share a hotel room from the start of the tourist activities until the end of PAX to cut down on costs. We'd have to wait until we can determine the start of the tourist group stuff though before we could even plan for that.
Sadly I couldn't participate in that. I've got the wife with me, and we'll need our own housing for the trip. =( But if others in the tour want to go for that, you're more than welcome to do so!
I wouldn't be surprised if the quantity of people made sharing a room (and even carpooling) difficult to manage at best and crammed to the rafters at worst . Plus, I'm not going to be staying in a hotel at all, I'll be in my nice apartment in Redmond. I may have to leave at 5:30 to beat traffic on friday morning, and it will probably cost me a fortune to park, and may well mean I have to avoid alcohol, but I'm betting it'll cost me less than a hotel, what with conference-prices on
It'd suck if people didn't get to go places because of limited numbers of cars, but that said, hiring buses costs money and needs a good idea of numbers. Plenty of time to work out if that's necessary. (5 months and 19 days, according to the countdown gadget i've got here )
Aye... I don't think hiring a bus will be necessary hopefully. If we can do this with carpooling, that'd be great. Ideally, the only things I want people to have to pay for (which they can do on their own, or shared if it's carpooled) is their gas and the price of admission to whatever places we go that charge for such things.
Honestly, we can use the bus system for most of the trip. The bus system is just as good if not better OUTSIDE of downtown Seattle. All it takes is a few printouts of bus schedules and pickup locations, once we know which places we will be visiting. Its also not all that expensive, relatively speaking of course.
Honestly, we can use the bus system for most of the trip. The bus system is just as good if not better OUTSIDE of downtown Seattle. All it takes is a few printouts of bus schedules and pickup locations, once we know which places we will be visiting. Its also not all that expensive, relatively speaking of course.
Cool! Could we get all the way out to the Boeing museum and such on the bus lines? I'll start looking into this more.
If you want to head up to Boeing in Everett ( Snohomish County ), you'd use, I believe, Community Transit: http://www.commtrans.org/
Going South, such as to Tacoma ( Pierce County ), you'd use Pierce Transit: http://www.piercetransit.org/
The Sound Transit buses cross county lines and go to several places the other buses also go. They tend to be more comfortable, but more expensive. The other bus lines also have cross county buses, for example, there are Community Transit buses that run from Seattle to Everett.
Later tonight when I've got some more time, or tomorrow depending, I'll try to map out a few of the locations, bus routes, that sort of thing. I'll let you guys know. And if anyone wants to trump me and map them out before I do, I won't be offended :P
Awesome, that'd be great! Post your results here, and I'll add them to the first post over there.
Maybe I should make a website for this thing. I still don't know if enough people want to go that it'd be worth doing (currently there's 4 of us planning on going, which doesn't make for enough people for a website to really be necessary ), but if a lot more people seem up for it as it goes along, it could be useful.
Well, here's a start. Its all the locations mapped out in Google maps. Minus the Underground, Wizards, and Boeing factory tour. Mainly because I couldn't find enough solid info on those three to map them.
The map is a bit spare right now, just the basic locations marked down. Kinda lets one see the range of the tour, and what is feasible. Any input is encouraged, and appreciated!
I would suggest someone call Boeing and Wizards about the possibility of a tour. As well as whoever you would contact about the underground.
By the way, the link for the Jimi Hendrix Memorial is broken. So is the one Google came up with, so its not anyone here's fault. Just letting ya know.
I'm currently working 10 hour days, 7 days a week at work, just started this week. So I won't have lots of free time where I'm not sleeping, to work on the map much. I'll try to add things people want added ASAP though. Let me know!
I was wasting time today after work, and came up with this:
What do you think? It's not quite up to CCST or WCST's snazzy logos, but I'm pretty bad at image manipulation/creation. If anyone's better at it, or knows how to do it... go for it! Or if anyone can volunteer a better name for the tour as well...
hey, if you guys want any help with Seattle, i am a local...and i know the bus system pretty well! i can help you guys around town and what not....if not a little fyi
its pike place market not park's place (the only reason why i say anything is one of my best friends owns a shop there
Well, we're planning on visiting the places listed on the OP. Not sure if we'll hit all of them, but probably as many as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated!
will do definably put me on the list if ya can....i didn't really realize what seattle is about until i tough of all the places we can go and the places i never go.... like i have never been to the top of the space needle.....
so yep, if stuff comes up around that time and can drop a line to add to the adventures.....but parking downtown 1st is a bitch 2nd is pricey and if anyone is renting cars i have a discount because someone in my family works for a car rental place, so if you need a hook-up (discount) i got ya!
Twitter - @papapwnsPAX
Note that it's a fair distance away from where the conference is, and I'm not sure what transport is like to it. (It's about halfway between seattle CBD and the airport.)
Current "still sounding like fun" possibilities:
We could hit that aviation museum, it sounds awesome.
We could also go and hit up Wizards of the Coast.
The Space Needle/Pike's Place/other traditional tourist spots.
The Digipen campus (Someone mentioned it... is it worth checking out?)
The Sci-Fi Museum
So, given that line-up, would anyone be interested?
EDIT: I've begun editing the first post to include possibilities that are still desirable/possible, along with resource links.
1) its right next to nintendo
2) meh, its a college, not worth exploring really. They have one building, nothing exciting.
Oh, and sobjw, I'm not sure of a day/time yet... I'm not even sure if there's enough people interested for it to be worthwhile... but it'd likely be sometime during the few days before PAX (aka somewhere between the Sunday before PAX and the day PAX begins).
I'm completely open to suggestions on when we should do this shindig, if people actually want to do it of course.
I also toured Digipen it was interesting if your into game programming.
The microsoft museum was pretty cool. Its worth it if your in the area, but I would not drive from downtown seattle just to go see it.
You might want to consider Jimi Hendrix memorial just outside of Renton.
And Bruce Lees grave in Capitol Hill
Ooh, great list! I would never have known those things. I'd love to go to all of them!
... though the list of non-standard spots is growing to enough of a size that we may not need to hit the stereotypical locales.
It's up to what everyone wants in the end. Should I start making a list of the people who are interested on the first post? I'll do that.
Having done two contract jobs in the Boeing Everett factory, I can say that the tour is most likely worth it. Even working there every night for months it was still impressive. It's the largest single enclosed space in the world, capable of fitting 12 Empire State Buildings inside. It makes the 747s, 767s, 777s, and 787s assembled there look tiny, though not when they are being hauled over your head by cranes... then they look big again...
I was actually working there while they filmed these for NBC:
I've also been to Bruce (and Brandon) Lee's grave, which I wouldn't recommend for a tour group. I actually cared about his philosophy (his interest in Jiddu Krishnamurti sparked my own) and his life's work, but I don't think you'd get much out of it if you're just the sort who thinks "he was a good kung fu actor" and nothing else. There's just not enough connection or meaning.
Holy crap, awesome! That sounds even cooler than I thought it'd be. I definitely want to see it now. That'll have a definite spot in the tour list.
Aye, I feel the same way (about it maybe not being a great spot to go to as a group that is... though I've heard about some of what you're talking about in passing, I know little to nothing about it). I've always felt a little iffy about grave spots in general as tourist locations. Back when I lived in New Hampshire, I walked the Freedom Trail in Boston... and though it was interesting to see the gravesites of some of our forefathers (for example), I always felt a little sketchy going there as a tourist.
But for those who might want to go there on their own, it's good to know that it's there. I don't think I'll put it on the list of possible locations for the pseudo-official tourist group after considering the good point you made there.
But the Boeing Factory tour is ON, like Donkey Kong.
PM me if you want to be added to the list of people interested in going on the tourist group. Include whether or not you have a car that you'd be willing to use in the carpool, and how many people you can seat. If you won't have a car with you, be sure to tell me that too.
EDIT: We need a title for our tourist group get together. What do you guys think of the "Nerdcore Grand Tour"?
Pacific Science Center - http://pacificsciencecenter.org/ - right next door to the space needle. You can take the Monorail - http://www.seattlemonorail.com - from WestlakeCenter (a few blocks from PAX) to it. - Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!
Also, the EMP (Experience Music Project) is next to the Space Needle. - http://www.empsfm.org/
Seattle Aquarium - http://www.seattleaquarium.org - Just remodeled. I haven't been since they've finished. If you're hitting Pike Place Market, the Aquarium is just down the hill on the water front.
The Seattle Art Meuseum, which is downtown, has a display right now of Roman Art from the Louvre. They might have a schedule of what will be on display in August. - http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/
There really are quite a few things to do out here, both within walking distance and a short ride from downtown.
No prob, sorry you can't make it! =(
Fantastic, those all sound good too! I'll add them to the potential list.
Also, on a side note, my wife mentioned if we come up with a name for this thing, she might make shirts for everyone who goes on the tour so we can complete the whole "tourist group" experience.
It'd suck if people didn't get to go places because of limited numbers of cars, but that said, hiring buses costs money and needs a good idea of numbers. Plenty of time to work out if that's necessary. (5 months and 19 days, according to the countdown gadget i've got here
Cool! Could we get all the way out to the Boeing museum and such on the bus lines? I'll start looking into this more.
These are the two bus services I use ( I also live in Redmond :P ).
The main King County bus web site: http://transit.metrokc.gov/
Some other express buses that tend to cross county lines: http://www.soundtransit.org/
Other public bus transportation:
If you want to head up to Boeing in Everett ( Snohomish County ), you'd use, I believe, Community Transit: http://www.commtrans.org/
Going South, such as to Tacoma ( Pierce County ), you'd use Pierce Transit: http://www.piercetransit.org/
The Sound Transit buses cross county lines and go to several places the other buses also go. They tend to be more comfortable, but more expensive. The other bus lines also have cross county buses, for example, there are Community Transit buses that run from Seattle to Everett.
Maybe I should make a website for this thing. I still don't know if enough people want to go that it'd be worth doing (currently there's 4 of us planning on going, which doesn't make for enough people for a website to really be necessary
I'll see if I can put something up this weekend.
The map is a bit spare right now, just the basic locations marked down. Kinda lets one see the range of the tour, and what is feasible. Any input is encouraged, and appreciated!
I would suggest someone call Boeing and Wizards about the possibility of a tour. As well as whoever you would contact about the underground.
By the way, the link for the Jimi Hendrix Memorial is broken. So is the one Google came up with, so its not anyone here's fault. Just letting ya know.
I'm currently working 10 hour days, 7 days a week at work, just started this week. So I won't have lots of free time where I'm not sleeping, to work on the map much. I'll try to add things people want added ASAP though. Let me know!
1600 Lind Ave. SW, Ste. 400
Renton, WA 98055
Here's the Boeing Factory tour's web site:
and address:
8415 Paine Field Blvd.
Mukilteo, WA 98275
Seattle Underground Tour's website:
and address plus phone number:
608 First Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Awesome, thanks!
What do you think? It's not quite up to CCST or WCST's snazzy logos, but I'm pretty bad at image manipulation/creation. If anyone's better at it, or knows how to do it... go for it! Or if anyone can volunteer a better name for the tour as well...
Some other versions I was doodling with:
its pike place market not park's place (the only reason why i say anything is one of my best friends owns a shop there
I didn't even notice the typo, my bad.
EDIT: Ah, I can't find where I typed "Park's" instead of "Pike's". Where's it at?
they recently raised bus prices 1.75 for adults and by summer .75 for minors...like i said i know the bus syetem and i can navigate
what are all the placs you guys have in mind of visiting?
wanna ride the S.L.U.T.?
Well, we're planning on visiting the places listed on the OP. Not sure if we'll hit all of them, but probably as many as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated!
so yep, if stuff comes up around that time and can drop a line to add to the adventures.....but parking downtown 1st is a bitch 2nd is pricey and if anyone is renting cars i have a discount because someone in my family works for a car rental place, so if you need a hook-up (discount) i got ya!