Aye, the tour voting will be coming soon. Remember if there's somewhere in the area that you want to go, give me the details (or at least a link that'll get me the details) so I can make it part of the voting before it's too late.
Also, I was looking at the current locations... there's only like 4 of them that are outside of the downtown area. What if we did some of the downtown locations wednesday too? That way we'd have less to tackle on the half-day Tuesday.
Oh, did you mean the cupcake place and the Fremont troll? lol, in truth I was meaning to add them and completely forgot! Though I don't know where either of them are. =(
If you were interested in going seriously maybe, let me know where I could find more info so I can post it on the map! But if you were just joking, that's cool too.
i wasnt serious.....
if you want to add them...
trophy cupcakes and party:
1815 N 45th St Ste 209
Seattle, WA 98103
fremont troll
N 36th St, Seattle, WA
Under the Aurora Ave. Bridge -- sometimes called the George Washington Bridge -- at N. 36th Street. Despite the troll's name, it is not under the nearby Fremont bridge.
We could add them if you're up for it! I mean, would you want to go to 'em? I've never heard of either besides what you said, so I have no idea if it'd be worth going or not... but I can definitely add them!
sure, add them....i like both, and they are both by each other, and if we end up taking the way of bus (i dont know what we have decided on yet) it is 1 easy bus to that area.... most places are 1 bus if your start is downtown
If there are people interested in seeing the Jimi Hendrix memorial, maybe people would also like to take a trip to Bruce Lee's gravesite? It's very close to the Asian Art Museum, and it looks really nice. Brandon Lee is buried there too.
Are you including time for lunch/dinner? There are some incredible restaurants in Seattle!
ooh! And, we could make a stop at Uwajimaya, it's a great place to get some snacks and check out the International District. AND Pink Godzilla is just a couple blocks away! Pink Godzilla is a small-ish but incredibly packed videogame store with the most games from the most consoles you have ever seen in one place!
Also, it took me forever to find this (and the website is shitty), but apparently the Columbia Tower observation deck costs $5 cash to access. http://seattle.citysearch.com/profile/11346756
Ah, someone brought up a good point earlier on that Bruce Lee's grave might not be the best place to go as a tour group. I'm inclined to agree with him, if for nothing else than that going to a gravesite might be a bit macabre for a tour. =( But that does bring up a good point...
I'm under the impression that the Jimi Hendrix memorial is like a museum. Is it, or is it like a gravesite? I would prefer to avoid gravesites for tourism, at least in this situation.
ooh! And, we could make a stop at Uwajimaya, it's a great place to get some snacks and check out the International District. AND Pink Godzilla is just a couple blocks away! Pink Godzilla is a small-ish but incredibly packed videogame store with the most games from the most consoles you have ever seen in one place!
Pink Godzilla has a both at PAX and I think someone said they close during PAX.
Oh, I totally thought it was a museum or something. Suckfest. =( Hmm. Is there anything there other than that?
I guess this new information does bring back the question of if it's okay with everyone if we go to Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee's sites then. Maybe I should add Bruce Lee back in and let the people decide... because I know there were some interested particularly in Hendrix, and if that's just a grave-type site it'd be hypocritical of me not to let us vote for Lee as well.
Yeah, I'll put Lee back in the list tomorrow given this information. If they get under the vote threshold (i.e. a majority of people don't vote for it) we won't go to it.
ooh! And, we could make a stop at Uwajimaya, it's a great place to get some snacks and check out the International District. AND Pink Godzilla is just a couple blocks away! Pink Godzilla is a small-ish but incredibly packed videogame store with the most games from the most consoles you have ever seen in one place!
Pink Godzilla has a both at PAX and I think someone said they close during PAX.
They move most of the store to their booth at the Expo hall. Really, the booth isn't much smaller than the store, but at the store they have vintage games and little merchandisey crap hanging from the walls and ceilings because they have so much stuff. Still, might as well just say hi to them at PAX than make a trek to the store.
ooh! And, we could make a stop at Uwajimaya, it's a great place to get some snacks and check out the International District. AND Pink Godzilla is just a couple blocks away! Pink Godzilla is a small-ish but incredibly packed videogame store with the most games from the most consoles you have ever seen in one place!
Pink Godzilla has a both at PAX and I think someone said they close during PAX.
They move most of the store to their booth at the Expo hall. Really, the booth isn't much smaller than the store, but at the store they have vintage games and little merchandisey crap hanging from the walls and ceilings because they have so much stuff. Still, might as well just say hi to them at PAX than make a trek to the store.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about getting to Pink Godzilla. It's cool, but tiny. Uwajimaya is awesome, though, and Pink Godzilla is only two blocks away from it.
EDIT: Minor change to how the voting will be done. We can only have 10 options at a time on the poll, and you can't be limited to the # of options you can vote for... so vote for as many as you want to go to when it comes up and we'll work with that!
For the first vote, the locations will be "locations outside of the central Pike Place area". It seems most of the locations are centered around the Pike Place Market location... but I picked the 10 that were furthest away from it to start with. The winners of these that we can fit into the schedule will be the locations for our "out of town" day (even though some are technically "in town").
The ones you'll have to choose from are:
* Boeing Museum of Flight
* Boeing Factory Tour
* The Digipen campus
* Jimi Hendrix Memorial
* Trophy Cupcakes
* Freemont Troll
* Seattle Asian Art Museum
* Experience Music Project/Sci Fi Museum (this one's one option because they're apparently in the same building)
* Space Needle
* Pacific Science Center
Once this one ends, we'll either have to start a new thread for the new poll or we'll have to scrap this one... I'm finding out from Moe which we'll have to do, but I'll let you know where to go in this thread if we have to spin off a new one.
We can have an "extended tour" day on Tuesday for those who want to hit the less popular ones that can't be crammed in if desired... personally, I want to hit them all anyways, so even if we have informal days on Monday and Tuesday to hit the less popular ones, you're welcome to join me on it.
But that's the buzz. Vote on! (Well, almost on )
VThornheart on
3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited May 2008
Okay people, the poll is up and will remain open for the next two weeks. Make your selections wisely, as you won't be able to change them.
This tour looks like fun, I should think about going on it. However, I just wanted to point out that the majority of the exhibits in the Pacific Science Center are orientated toward children. If you guys still want to go to it though, I'll ask my friend who works there about possible group discounts.
I'm never adverse to child-oriented science centers personally! My wife and I have a membership at the Exploratorium over in San Francisco (another kid-oriented science center), and we try to get there at least twice a year. I promise if there's a large enough group of us it won't feel awkward. Safety in numbers!
Yeah, and definitely if you could ask about group discounts that'd be awesome! Woot! Thanks!
hrm. I just noticed, the Seattle Aquarium isn't in the list of votable places (Not that I'd be voting for it, since I'm going there tonight for a massive party)
Did we take that out of the list for a particular reason?
Nay, it's close enough to Pike Place that I'm having it go in the "near Pike Place" round of voting that'll be coming up after this (the "downtown" half day will be centered around Pike Place, because that's where the highest concentration of locations that we've come up with are... so for our purposes, "Downtown" day will be "everything around Pike Place" day.
So don't worry, voting for the aquarium's coming up as soon as this one's done!
Nay, it's close enough to Pike Place that I'm having it go in the "near Pike Place" round of voting that'll be coming up after this (the "downtown" half day will be centered around Pike Place, because that's where the highest concentration of locations that we've come up with are... so for our purposes, "Downtown" day will be "everything around Pike Place" day.
So don't worry, voting for the aquarium's coming up as soon as this one's done!
The factory tour doesn't seem to be getting the love it deserves considering it's one of the most unique attractions in the area. Perhaps I need to remind people of my previous post.
Hey, just stumbled onto this thread and it sounds like fun. Has any decision been reached about when we will be doing this?
General consensus has been the wednesday and most of thursday preceeding the event. Wednesday being a generally longer distance trek, and thursday being CBD-oriented stuff.
There has been a few mentions of people wishing to do post-PAX stuff, but I'm pretty sure we're not really considering that at this stage.
Really sorry if anyone was waiting on my reply (doubt it), but I was really busy with homework this weekend. I finally got the chance to ask my friend, but she didn't know anything about group discounts for the Pacific Science Center. I'm sure you could get one though if you called the main management or whatever and asked about it, they're really friendly. But, um, I did find out that in August they should be having an exhibit with Lucy, you know, that really old fossil they found in Africa? So I guess if you guys are interested you should check that out.
Aye, if anyone wants to do Post-PAX tours, I won't be able to help much with that... I've got to get back to town that monday. =(
Whoa, they'll have Lucy over there? Neat! That definitely gives it some brownie points in my book.
Also, though I've not seen the Boeing Factory I've heard it's quite a sight. Don't know if that's kosher for me to post my personal bias in here as the organizer, but unless everything I've been told is wrong, it's pretty cool even for non-airplane enthusiasts.
Ah... maybe next year! Hopefully this'll become an annual thing, in which case people who want to do it can plan in advance to come earlier to join our crusade
I'm hoping that I'll still be able to go... I think my company is taking a turn for the worst. Well, either that or I'm just starting to realize the turn it had been taking for a long time. I'll keep everyone posted... but if I need the PAX money I've been saving to instead survive between jobs, I may have to cut out of PAX. =( If that does come to pass... would someone be willing to take over the Pre-PAX tour project?
I'm going to try everything I can to make sure it doesn't come to that point, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up in advance just in case and see if there was anyone who wouldn't mind taking the reins if poo hits fan. =(
It's funny, I've been talking/reminiscing about it over in the H/A thread when it came at a breaking point for me today... and after typing out the history I've had with the company, I don't think I'll mind leaving. I've been thinking about it so fondly, but I've really spent the past four years going out of my mind. The most ideal situation to me is either:
A) Buckets of funding money rain on our company, and we can hire more people/stay afloat.
I find some way to leave tastefully, get a better job, and they agree to let me take time off for PAX.
I don't know what the odds are realistically at getting time off for PAX if (B) comes to pass though... so here's hoping for the buckets of money.
I strongly adivise against the Space Needle. My experience in '02 was a tall pointy overpriced gift shop with a $20 cover charge and crappy overpriced restaurant.
Stand outside and take pictures, but dont bother going in.
I strongly adivise against the Space Needle. My experience in '02 was a tall pointy overpriced gift shop with a $20 cover charge and crappy overpriced restaurant.
Stand outside and take pictures, but dont bother going in.
Agreed. The theme park around it is grody as well.
So far it looks like it's one of the more popular choices, so I can't veto it... but I imagine actually going up it (and thus paying the dough) will be purely optional for tour-goers if that helps.
Also, I was looking at the current locations... there's only like 4 of them that are outside of the downtown area. What if we did some of the downtown locations wednesday too? That way we'd have less to tackle on the half-day Tuesday.
i wasnt serious.....
if you want to add them...
trophy cupcakes and party:
1815 N 45th St Ste 209
Seattle, WA 98103
fremont troll
N 36th St, Seattle, WA
Under the Aurora Ave. Bridge -- sometimes called the George Washington Bridge -- at N. 36th Street. Despite the troll's name, it is not under the nearby Fremont bridge.
Also, I posted up your location ideas to the map!
EDIT: How many people you bringing with you?
Are you including time for lunch/dinner? There are some incredible restaurants in Seattle!
ooh! And, we could make a stop at Uwajimaya, it's a great place to get some snacks and check out the International District. AND Pink Godzilla is just a couple blocks away! Pink Godzilla is a small-ish but incredibly packed videogame store with the most games from the most consoles you have ever seen in one place!
I'm under the impression that the Jimi Hendrix memorial is like a museum. Is it, or is it like a gravesite? I would prefer to avoid gravesites for tourism, at least in this situation.
Pink Godzilla has a both at PAX and I think someone said they close during PAX.
And, I know Pink Godzilla does have a booth at PAX, but the store has 3x as much stuff!!! I don't know about them closing during PAX, I'll ask.
I guess this new information does bring back the question of if it's okay with everyone if we go to Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee's sites then. Maybe I should add Bruce Lee back in and let the people decide... because I know there were some interested particularly in Hendrix, and if that's just a grave-type site it'd be hypocritical of me not to let us vote for Lee as well.
Yeah, I'll put Lee back in the list tomorrow given this information. If they get under the vote threshold (i.e. a majority of people don't vote for it) we won't go to it.
They move most of the store to their booth at the Expo hall. Really, the booth isn't much smaller than the store, but at the store they have vintage games and little merchandisey crap hanging from the walls and ceilings because they have so much stuff. Still, might as well just say hi to them at PAX than make a trek to the store.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about getting to Pink Godzilla. It's cool, but tiny. Uwajimaya is awesome, though, and Pink Godzilla is only two blocks away from it.
For the first vote, the locations will be "locations outside of the central Pike Place area". It seems most of the locations are centered around the Pike Place Market location... but I picked the 10 that were furthest away from it to start with. The winners of these that we can fit into the schedule will be the locations for our "out of town" day (even though some are technically "in town").
The ones you'll have to choose from are:
* Boeing Museum of Flight
* Boeing Factory Tour
* The Digipen campus
* Jimi Hendrix Memorial
* Trophy Cupcakes
* Freemont Troll
* Seattle Asian Art Museum
* Experience Music Project/Sci Fi Museum (this one's one option because they're apparently in the same building)
* Space Needle
* Pacific Science Center
Once this one ends, we'll either have to start a new thread for the new poll or we'll have to scrap this one... I'm finding out from Moe which we'll have to do, but I'll let you know where to go in this thread if we have to spin off a new one.
We can have an "extended tour" day on Tuesday for those who want to hit the less popular ones that can't be crammed in if desired... personally, I want to hit them all anyways, so even if we have informal days on Monday and Tuesday to hit the less popular ones, you're welcome to join me on it.
But that's the buzz. Vote on! (Well, almost on )
Okay everyone, get off your butts and vote!
Might want to update the thread title?
Yeah, and definitely if you could ask about group discounts that'd be awesome! Woot! Thanks!
Good point, lemme go update that
Did we take that out of the list for a particular reason?
So don't worry, voting for the aquarium's coming up as soon as this one's done!
Woot! Yeah, bring 'em! Let me know how many you get, and if you have a car and what-not when you get that info!
Ah, right.
General consensus has been the wednesday and most of thursday preceeding the event. Wednesday being a generally longer distance trek, and thursday being CBD-oriented stuff.
There has been a few mentions of people wishing to do post-PAX stuff, but I'm pretty sure we're not really considering that at this stage.
Whoa, they'll have Lucy over there? Neat! That definitely gives it some brownie points in my book.
Also, though I've not seen the Boeing Factory I've heard it's quite a sight. Don't know if that's kosher for me to post my personal bias in here as the organizer, but unless everything I've been told is wrong, it's pretty cool even for non-airplane enthusiasts.
I'm hoping that I'll still be able to go... I think my company is taking a turn for the worst. Well, either that or I'm just starting to realize the turn it had been taking for a long time. I'll keep everyone posted... but if I need the PAX money I've been saving to instead survive between jobs, I may have to cut out of PAX. =( If that does come to pass... would someone be willing to take over the Pre-PAX tour project?
I'm going to try everything I can to make sure it doesn't come to that point, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up in advance just in case and see if there was anyone who wouldn't mind taking the reins if poo hits fan. =(
Heres to hoping it never comes to that though, and that you keep your job!
It's funny, I've been talking/reminiscing about it over in the H/A thread when it came at a breaking point for me today... and after typing out the history I've had with the company, I don't think I'll mind leaving. I've been thinking about it so fondly, but I've really spent the past four years going out of my mind. The most ideal situation to me is either:
A) Buckets of funding money rain on our company, and we can hire more people/stay afloat.
I find some way to leave tastefully, get a better job, and they agree to let me take time off for PAX.
I don't know what the odds are realistically at getting time off for PAX if (B) comes to pass though... so here's hoping for the buckets of money.
Stand outside and take pictures, but dont bother going in.
Agreed. The theme park around it is grody as well.