Found this on
"Unofficial Diablo 3 Countdown [April 18, 2008, 09:09 am ET] - 9 Comments and related site Blizzplanet are offering mysterious countdown timers that currently stand at 13 days and counting. It is important to note that neither site is owned or operated by Blizzard, but of course they do have some contacts there, so it seems reasonable to trust that this is somewhat significant. They're keeping things close to the vest for now, as the countdown is accompanied by this blurb: "The number of days until half the web links to But why???" Presumably we'll know the answer on May 1."
So what do you guys think? Eh or ZOMG!!!?
Hey I made a game, check it out @ (Or don't, your call)
They're still hiring people, lots of people for it.
I'm frankly not that excited.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
This is obviously a Majkat.
Just as long as it's actual 3D models. I want ragdolls to punch over cliffs!
Starcraft 2 is managing the 2D sprites -> 3D models just fine while keeping the same style.
Also, if it is coming, and it's not free to play online, there will be blood.
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Maybe the announcement is that Blizzard is going to buy the domain from them?
Actually if you want my theory, Blizzard is going to want to own, there is no way they are going to let some unofficial fan site sit on it. So blizzard probably talked to the guys who own this site (who have a prior relationship with blizzard), and decided, "Ok, you guys transfer ownship of the domain over to us, because you know if we went to court over it we would win and take it anyway but we look like dicks for taking a fan site, and in return for a peaceful transfer we will give you exclusive info on when we are announcing Diablo 3." Just a theory.
I am still waiting for Joystiq and kotaku to pick up this. I only saw this news item because my brother text messaged me this morning.
:^: and O_o
Both bits of news would be pure sex and awesome.
Why not? Starcraft II is a long ways off, and Diablo 3 (or anything really) isn't exactly going to steal any of its hype.
I will be extremely pleased if all we get is a Diablo 2ish game with 3D graphics, Titan Quest's hilarious ragdolling (just think of a Barbarian's Whirlwind with ragdolls... OMGSEX), a couple new classes, and Blizzard's ridiculous level of polish.
It you look at Blizzard's project announcements historically, it is pretty common for them to do this. I've also seen a lot of hands on reports with SC2 that say its pretty far along.
How could Blizzard put together a decent site in a day?
Honestly, it's probably something inconsequential. Like, the webmaster at Diablo 3 is having a birthday party on May 1st.
well it's not April 30th now, is it? they could be putting something together right now for all we know.
Eh, that's a possibility. I honestly think that is just yanking our collective chains.
Blizzard probably is going to buy the domain, but that doesn't mean they'll necessarily be doing anything with it any time soon.
they could have been making a diablo3 website for years. just because it's not at doesn't mean it doesn;t exist
of doom
This is the stupidest thing I have seen today. That is like saying "We can't have pizza for dinner. The tomatoes are still growing in the garden."
Thanks, dick.
Didn't Blizzard specifically say they were not ever going to make Diablo 3? I understand it's inevitable, but I'm pretty sure they said that at one point.
EDIT: After some looking, I think I just misunderstood when they said after LoD that they weren't planning on D3 anytime soon.
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It's actually going to be Diablo vs Disney.
I'd buy it.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
I don't know. They don't own either. I suppose diablo 2 was a figment of our imaginations.
See, I think the massively multiplayer part could be cool. But the grind that somehow comes along with every MMO sucks donkey dicks.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.