If you want to see it in action, here is a thread full of videos where you can see it:
--- You just post links to youtube videos like you normally would. The system takes care of the rest.
--- the magic that makes it work means that every single post gets regex matched searching for video links that can be replaced with inline video (whether they have video links or not). This means additional load on the servers. I don't know
how much additional load we are talking about, without trying it. This is why I sat on this for several months even though it was a simple install. Because for the first 3 months of this year we had performance issues I didn't want to exacerbate.
--- not yet, but if enough people ask for it, it is something which should be pretty doable. So if you want to be able to opt-out, please let me know here in this thread.
Thank you kindly!
the videos don't autoplay
It's only youtube, you see.
It might take some modding of PHPbb, similar to the spoiler tags.
I'm thinking of a [video] tag that would alert the server to the presence of an inline video that would also work like a spoiler tag.
eg. It would look similar to what we already have, except the bar at the top of the inline video with the address on it, instead of taking you directly to the video, would expand the video so it can load. Most flash video sites including youtube already have a direct link to the video directly on the video itself, so the viewer would still have access to the original link if they want.
No, but they still load.
but time will tell
EDIT: Wait, nevermind, there actually is something in your post.
huh, I didn't even realize it tried to enable bbcode tags. I don't want them, and will be removing them. Just post the URL and let the rest of it autogenerate.
If this even works, of course.
You can type whatever you want in the text, that's just the default.
EDIT: Ramius, do you have some kind of ninja Rickroll blocker? Every one I link tells me the video isn't available, but the actual URL works fine elsewhere.
It will show the Name, if you create a URL with a name. Like this: Vampire Weekend
Not that I'm bitching, because this is brilliant.
(Also, did you know it embeds automatically with the site GameTrailers.com, too?)
Once I start watching an embedded video I can't scroll around the threador go to different pages of the thread and still watch the video, thus making a standard link superior because I can just open it in another tab.
And, the standard link wins again because it doesn't add unnecessary page load time.
I mean, if some people enjoy and get some use out of the feature, more power to them, but, I'd love the ability to opt out.
Nope. No rickroll blocker here. I'd like to if it was feasible, though. Is there a master list of rickroll URLs? I could stringreplace them all to: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KiTM6PaXHHg
My whole browser is lagging now. I really wish Adobe would clean up Flash on OS X already.
EDIT: The browser lag may have been the desktop thread in Moe's subforum being open, now it's fine.
Eat it fuckers
I was just thinking that, too. Sometimes I want to link to a YouTube video but I wouldn't want it embedded because I'd be telling a story or whatever. Maybe wasn't such a bad idea? I don't know how you would break it for other FLV content, though.
Didn't seem to load until I opened the spoiler.
*sigh* Alright, I'll get the garden hose. Get behind the shed, I'll be there in a second.
only loads once you reveal the video
no extra load on the server, all done client-side
'course, I don't know how compatible it would be with other browsers, or pretty much jack shit about what I'm talking about, but I find if I babble in technospeak it makes me look smarter than I am