original post by devoirAlliances: (See this link for how to join an alliance)"A wrongful stroke of the feline shall be the spark that lights the fire - the fire that shall encompass the lands and seas." - mrsnackroaad
Ikariam is a browser-based Civilization-inspired game with a relatively high level of polish and fun.
Rule Changes
-Bashing Rule now includes blockades
As of the 7th of May, blockades WILL be included towards the bashing rule. So blockading somebody will count as one attack towards the basing rule limit.
To make perfectly clear, the blockade IS an attack even if you do not pillage them afterwards. It is an attack by sea as opposed to on land, and will be treated just like any other attack.
Please be careful and adjust your gaming strategy accordingly.
This will be enforced as of 7th May 00:00 server time, to give everybody a chance to get themselves up to date.
Important links
Ikariam.COM (US Version) playing on the Beta server. To get your information added to the list, post your full details as below:
[in-game name] @ [coordinates] / [city name] / [luxury resource on your island]
PA map:
I'm going to keep the map here on the first page, updated occasionally.
In game, this is rotated 45 degrees clockwise; 0,0 = N; 100,0 = E; 100,100 = S; 0,100 = W
People plotted behind the spoilers below. PM me here or ig with your info if it's missing. If the other alliances would like their information added, just send it to me in a PM, either here or ig.
Okay, the spreadsheet the map is based on (well, the spreadsheet that has the WPAX and NPAX data) is now available as a
google spreadsheet. PM me with an email address for permission to modify.
Alliances: (See
this link for how to join an alliance)
- NPAX (Stretching through quadrants 1, 2, and 4)
* Marble isle: [strike]24:22[/strike], 26:21, 43:11
* Wine isle: 23:20, [strike]24:21[/strike], 43:8
* Crystal isles: 19:32, 23:21
* Sulfur isles: 25:21, 32:24
- East (used to be EPA - now being absorbed by NPAX)
* Designated Marble Island @ [strike]93:62[/strike], 95:62
* Designated Wine Islands @ [strike]93:59[/strike]
* Potential Crystal Islands @ 94:59
* Potential Sulphur Islands @ 92:62
- WPAX (West)
* Marble isle: 10:41
* Wine isle: 14:41
* Crystal isles: 12:41
* Sulfur isles: 15:41 or 12:38
{NPAX members}
Account City X Y Resource PA
181CB181 Gotham 22 20 Marble
181CB181 Karnashian 76 79 Crystal
181CB181 Karni 24 21 Wine
Akira Ashelia 25 21 Sulfur
Akira Jupiter Express 19 32 Crystal
Akira Lazengann 24 22 Marble
Aldo Stam 93 62 Marble
Aldo Tak 90 55 Crystal
Aldo Wortel 88 56 Wine
Andrewopulous Andrewopulous 93 62 Marble
Andrewopulous Bacchusylvania 93 59 Wine
Andrewopulous Funkytown 100 72 Sulfur
Andrewopulous Glass House 89 64 Crystal
APZonerunner Crusting 50 13 Wine
APZonerunner Foaming 50 11 Crystal
APZonerunner Soveriegn 50 9 Marble
Baidol Dance 75 88 Crystal
Baidol Esteroum 73 87 Wine
Baidol Joy 75 84 Marble
Baidol Song 73 86 Marble
BillyJoel Chillmark 23 21 Crystal Kris
BillyJoel Gotham City 25 21 Sulfur Kris
BillyJoel Point Place 24 22 Marble Kris
BillyJoel Wisconsin 24 21 Wine Kris
BobLobLaw Asparagus Drink 90 71 Wine
BobLobLaw Lazerz Pew Pew 87 71 Crystal
BobLobLaw Sonata Arctica 88 73 Marble
Bruised Brue 29 18 Marble
Bruised Brued 24 21 Wine
Bruised Bruised 29 19 Crystal
Caspian Calormen 97 93 Marble
Caspian Telmar 97 94 Sulfur
D A Genua 47 22 Crystal DevoutlyApathetic
D A Sto Lot 47 23 Sulfur DevoutlyApathetic
D A PseudoPolis 43 20 Wine DevoutlyApathetic
D A Quirm 43 13 Marble DevoutlyApathetic
Darian Apollonia 37 45 Crystal
Darian Dariapolis 32 24 Sulfur
Darian Dyonisium 24 21 Wine
Darian Mons Claudianus 24 22 Marble
Darian Mons Darianus 43 11 Marble
Darklyre Arghtown 63 22 Crystal
Darklyre Blarghtown 43 11 Marble
Darklyre Rarghtown 62 19 Marble
Darklyre Yarghtown 43 8 Wine
DasScoot Aeon City 89 64 Crystal
DasScoot Grandville 93 62 Marble
DasScoot Paragon 93 59 Wine
DasScoot Portal Court 93 61 Crystal
DasScoot St Martial 93 62 Marble
Deadlysherpa Everest 74 91 Wine
Deadlysherpa Godwin-Austen 73 92 Crystal
Deadlysherpa Kanchenjunga 74 90 Marble
Deadlysherpa Lhotse 73 92 Crystal
devoir Betamarblopolis 93 62 Marble
devoir Deltawinopolis 93 59 Wine
devoir Etamarblopolis 93 62 Marble
devoir Fetamarbopolis 93 62 Marble
devoir Gammawinopolis 93 59 Wine
downer Skwigelf 23 21 Crystal
downer Skwisgaar 24 21 Wine
downer Toki 26 21 Sulfur
downer Wartooth 26 21 Sulfur
Dyvion BackwdCatStroke 92 99 Marble
Dyvion Heliotropolis 97 97 Crystal
Dyvion Issy 95 95 Wine
Dyvion 92 93 Marble
Fanaticalist Crocodopolis 61 13 Wine
Fanaticalist Dongopolis 50 11 Crystal
Fanaticalist Opolopolis 60 13 Marble
focused7 Desu 40 19 Sulfur
focused7 Distortion 40 20 Crystal
focused7 Rancid 43 11 Marble
focused7 Weezer 43 20 Wine
Formido Acerbus 84 34 Sulfur
Formido New Acerbus 86 33 Marble
Gargamel Argoth 53 54 Marble
Gargamel Keld 54 48 Marble
Gargamel Phyrex 63 55 Sulfur
Gargamel Tolaria 41 31 Crystal
Garu Ank-Morpork 30 40 Sulfur
Garu Genua 24 36 Marble
Garu Lancre 37 45 Crystal
Garu Quirm 31 52 Wine
Goodchild Bregna 28 23 Crystal
Goodchild Kashmir 29 23 Marble
Goodchild Monica 33 33 Sulfur
Goodchild Theode 24 21 Wine
Hellbunny Artisans 23 21 Crystal
Hellbunny Dreamweavers 24 22 Marble
Hellbunny Peacekeepers 23 20 Wine
Hoz Hozfa C Marble 93 62 Marble
Hoz Hozfa Crystal 93 61 Crystal
Hoz Hozfa Sulfur 92 62 Sulfur
Hoz Hozfa Wine 93 59 Wine
Irony Marble Dongs 43 11 Marble
Irony Red Light 43 8 Wine
Jhawkz5 Jhawkz 90 67 Marble
Jhawkz5 Jhawkz2 91 68 Crystal
Jhawkz5 Newtron 88 67 Marble
Jhawkz5 The Tron 91 67 Sulfur
Kalkino Buttons 32 24 Sulfur
Kalkino Mittens 32 19 Marble
Kalkino Socks 28 23 Crystal
Kalkino Tickles 24 21 Wine
Kingslayer Casterly Rock 24 22 Marble
Kingslayer King's Landing 47 22 Crystal
Kingslayer Lannisport 47 18 Sulfur
koro Almost Useful 24 22 Marble korodullin
koro Pear-Shaped v2 24 21 Wine korodullin
koro Whirlygigs 25 21 Sulfur korodullin
kyru Jeru 83 82 Marble
kyru Tiphares 78 84 Crystal
kyru Zalem 84 83 Sulfur
Legba Arz 32 19 Marble
Legba Fangaerie 17 28 Wine
Legba Point Artal 43 11 Marble
Legba Varturus 23 21 Crystal
matthias00 Onett 31 85 Wine
matthias00 Threed 24 22 Marble
matthias00 Twoson 23 21 Crystal
mattmoss Calisto 23 25 Marble
mattmoss Galiste 27 34 Sulfur
mattmoss Kalista 25 29 Crystal
mattmoss Xalisti 23 20 Wine
Mith Archimedes 93 62 Marble
Mith Diophantus 89 64 Crystal
Mith Eratosthenes 90 59 Sulfur
Mith Oenopides 93 59 Wine
Mith Pythagoras 90 67 Marble
MooMan BRRAaiiIINNnss 85 67 Crystal
MooMan Mootopia 84 71 Sulfur
MooMan New Mootopia 88 66 Wine
MooMan NnaaAUuGGgnNhh 88 67 Marble
Mr Snack Road Holt 25 17 Marble
Mr Snack Road Pot Au Feu 25 21 Sulfur
Mr Snack Road StevePerryville 23 20 Wine
Orogogus Cape Shark 52 88 Marble
Orogogus Oxnard 53 88 Crystal
Orogogus Platypusville 50 87 Wine
Orogogus Xandra 52 88 Marble
Paradiso Great Wyk 24 21 Wine
Paradiso Pyke 23 21 Crystal
Paradiso Ten Towers 24 22 Marble
PipTheFair Bickdutt 65 89 Crystal
PipTheFair Dickbutt 68 91 Sulfur
PipTheFair Dickbutt2 69 93 Wine
PipTheFair Dongulous Gamma 64 95 Marble
Ponchs Pilot Arimathea 53 62 Marble juice for jesus
Ponchs Pilot Golgotha 54 57 Sulfur juice for jesus
Ponchs Pilot Samaria 57 58 Crystal juice for jesus
rayofash Knothole 7 11 Crystal
rayofash Miroslava 6 14 Sulfur
rayofash Polis 6 16 Marble
rayofash Vinneland 6 11 Wine
Romantic Undead Carcass-on 32 19 Marble
Romantic Undead Ghast Vegas 43 11 Marble
Romantic Undead Undead Romania 31 23 Crystal
Romantic Undead Zombie Lovetown 24 21 Wine
SanderJK Sanderdam 62 92 Marble
SanderJK Sanderopolis 56 92 Wine
SanderJK Sandertown 57 85 Crystal
SanderJK Sanderville 56 91 Marble
Shujaa Confidence 25 21 Sulfur
Shujaa Grand Larceny 24 21 Wine
Shujaa Larceny 24 22 Marble
Shujaa Sleight 23 21 Crystal
Skarsol Crystastic 67 38 Crystal
Skarsol Marbalicious 65 29 Marble
Skarsol Marbarific 43 11 Marble
Skarsol Marbelous 43 11 Marble
Skarsol Straasha 73 28 Wine
Solysp Altenfeuer 19 32 Crystal Kayne Red Robe
Solysp Rhenius 93 59 Marble Kayne Red Robe
Solysp Sol Haven 24 22 Marble Kayne Red Robe
Solysp Sunhame 24 22 Marble Kayne Red Robe
Sonelan New Jack 25 21 Sulfur
Sonelan New Pork City 23 20 Wine
Sonelan River City 24 22 Marble
tachyon Epoch 24 21 Wine
tachyon Halycon 61 19 Sulfur
Tamin Deepwater Watch 66 26 Marble
Tamin Dreadfort 63 34 Crystal
Tamin Winterfell 76 27 Sulfur
tgbob Candy Mountain 49 10 Marble
tgbob Polis 49 10 Marble
tgbob Waaaaagh 51 9 Sulfur
threelemmings One Lemming 97 60 Marble
threelemmings Some Lemmings 90 54 Wine
threelemmings Two Lemmings 96 60 Sulfur
Turtleboy Most 46 19 Sulfur Burtletoy
Turtleboy Phages 43 11 Marble Burtletoy
Turtleboy Republic 32 24 Sulfur Burtletoy
Turtleboy Serene 28 26 Crystal Burtletoy
urahonky Snakes Bend 56 24 Crystal
urahonky Urahonkopolis 32 24 Sulfur
urahonky Winston 35 26 Marble
Valtzy Ensideon 33 17 Wine
Valtzy Haedra 32 17 Crystal
Valtzy Veldra 33 16 Marble
Woggle Biscuits 66 15 Wine
Woggle Chips 62 19 Marble
Zalin Eighth Circle 93 62 Marble
Zalin Fifth Circle 92 62 Sulfur
Zalin Seventh Circle 93 61 Crystal
Zalin Sixth Circle 93 59 Wine
Zandracon Anthocyanis 24 21 Wine
Zandracon Marmaros 24 22 Marble
Zandracon Zan 22 27 Crystal
Zandracon Zen 23 25 Marble
zarcath1 Boob Topia 23 21 Crystal
zarcath1 Boob Town 34 13 Wine
zarcath1 Boob Villa 25 21 Sulfur
zarcath1 Boob Zilla 28 20 Marble
Zolnab Bob 23 78 Marble
Zolnab Stan 24 79 Crystal
Zolnab Steve 24 78 Wine
Account City X Y
Abinus Casino Palace [9:36] 9 36
Abinus Mute City [10:41] 10 41
Abinus Aeropolis [10:40] 10 40
area Myrmidon [17:66] 17 66
area Trumpton [17:69] 17 69
Blue map Blue map [20:72] 20 72
Blue map Platformer [20:71] 20 71
captaink Sophis [10:40] 10 40
captaink Alethia [12:41] 12 41
captaink Tharros [14:41] 14 41
captaink Philos [15:41] 15 41
Charlemagne Narshe [14:53] 14 53
Charlemagne Figaro [14:41] 14 41
Charlemagne Zozo [15:41] 15 41
Charlemagne Vector [15:46] 15 46
Coolio911911 New Ro - [15:3] - Crystal
Coolio911911 New Ro II - [15:4] - Wine
Dekent Jarak [12:51] 12 51
Dekent Jerreth [13:51] 13 51
Dekent Jerek [13:50] 13 50
Elaro Norygal [14:60] 14 60
Frdztec Rexarin II [17:4] 17 4
Frdztec Rexarin III [17:5] 17 5
Frdztec Rexarin [18:5] 18 5
Karenna Kainalu [10:40] 10 40
Karenna Kaneohe [12:41] 12 41
Karenna Kailua [14:41] 14 41
Karenna Echo Base [25:21] 25 21
MechaStalin Neo Stalingrad [12:53] 12 53
MechaStalin Petersburg Beta [13:51] 13 51
MechaStalin Cyber Moscow [14:57] 14 57
Neenjah NinjaVille [12:57] 12 57
Norgoth Pandemonium [10:99] 10 99
Norgoth Eggopolis [11:100] 11 100
Norgoth Polis Masa [10:99] 11 99
Sallust Tarentum [21:61] 21 61
Sallust Brundisium [24:58] 24 58
Tamorlane Aigai [17:69] 17 69
Tamorlane Mieza [18:68] 18 68
Tamorlane Pella [18:69] 19 69
TheLawinator Jumberlack [4:98] 4 98
TheLawinator Upper Pwnland [5:97] 5 97
TheLawinator Rocking Awesome [5:98] 5 98
Tildryn Hujaan [10:54] 10 54
Tildryn Lahara [12:53] 12 53
Tildryn Dashadim [15:56] 15 56
tomblag Los Blagjalas [10:40] 10 40
tomblag Blagadelphia [14:45] 14 45
tomblag New Blag [19:48] 19 48
Veevee Von Vore Poopopolis [10:97] 10 97
Veevee Von Vore Crapopolis [10:95] 10 95
{Full PA forums list} ** means it hasn't been mapped yet.
1kDix @ 90:55/New Cabletonia/Crystal [PA = One Thousand Dicks]
Akira @ / 19:32 / Jupiter Express / Crystal
Akira @ 24:22 / Lezengann / Marble
Akira @ 25:21 / Ashelia / Sulfur
Alastar @ 55:15 / Remanas / Sulfur
Alaster @ 50:17 / Remanasa / Marble
Al Baron @ 57:58 / Baron City / Crystal
Al Baron @ 53:54 / New Baron / Marble
Aldo @ 88:56 / Wortel / Wine
Aldo @ 93:62 / Stam / Marble
Aldo @ 90:55 / Tak / Crystal
Andrewopulous @ 100:72 / Andrewopulous / Sulfur
Andrewopulous @ 93:62 / FunkyTown / Marble
APZonerunner @ 50:13 / Crusting / Wine
APZonerunner @ 50:09 / Sovereign / Marble
Ashendark @ 49:10 / Ashenvale / Marble
asimperson @ 61:15 / ASimTown / Wine
Baidol @ 73:87 / Esteroum / Wine
Baldol @ 73:86/Song/Marble
Baldol @ 75:88/Dance/Crystal Glass
Becoming @ 50:87 / Brompton / Wine
Becoming @ 36:87 / New Brompton / Marble (new capital)
Becoming @ 37:88 / Ryanland / Sulfur
Becoming @ 36:86 / Polis (undecided) / Crystal Glass
BillyJoel @ 24:22 / Point Place / Marble [PA = Kris]
BillyJoel @ 24:21 / Wisconsin / Wine
BillyJoel @ 25:21 / Gotham City / Sulfur
BillyJoel @ 23:21 / Chilmark / Crystal
Bluemap @ 20:72 / Blue map / Marble
**Blue map @ 10:40/ Shump/ Marble
BobLobLaw @ 87:71 / Rawr / Crystal [PA = killa283]
BobLobLaw @ 90:71 / Lawr / Wine
BobLobLaw @ 88:73 / Sonata Arctica / Marble
Bronzeduck @ / 42:85 / Duckopolis / Wine
Bruised @ / 29:18 / Brue / Marble
Bruised @ 29:19 / Bruised / Crystal
Brued @ 24:21 / Brued / Wine
Camui @ 48:85 / Raftel / Sulfur
Camui @ 47:85 / Syrup Village / Marble
Camui @ 48:84 / Fuschia Town / Crystal
captaink @ / 15:41 / Philos / Sulfur
Caspian @ 97:94 / Telmar / Sulphur (Capital) [PA = Deranged Hamster]
Caspian @ 97:93 / Calormen / Marble (Outpost)
casualeddy @ 43:47 / Anap Polis / Marble
casualeddy @ 44:46 / Necro Polis / Sulfur
casualeddy @ 43:46 / Metro Polis / Wine
casualeddy @ 44:47 / Acro Polis / Crystal
casualeddy @ 42:44 / Perse Polis / Marble
Charlemagne @ 14:53 / Narshe / Crystal (Capital)
Charlemagne @ 14:41 / Figaro / Wine
Charlemagne @ 15:41 / Zozo / Sulfur
Charlemagne @ 15:46 / Vector / Marble
Charlemagne @ 19:52 / Jidoor / Marble
Clayman @ 98:39 / Bengt / Sulphur
Coolio911911 New Ro - [15:3] - Crystal
Coolio911911 New Ro II - [15:4] - Wine
Coutts @ / 93:59 / Haligonia / Wine
Coutts colony @ / 93:62 / Halifax / Marble
Crash @ 87:84 / Kalos/ Crystal [PA = UEAKCrash]
Crash @ 89:88 / Kalot / Marble
Crash @ 89:78 / Katok/ Sulfur
Cronzo @ 8:52 / Diet Cheetos / Marble [PA = iSnortRitalin]
Cynic_Jester @ 22:57 / Jesterpolis / Wine
@/ 43:20 / PseudoPolis / Wine [PA = DevoutlyApathetic]
@/ 43:13 / Quirm / Marble
D A @ 47:22 / Genua / Crystal
Darian @ 32:24 / Dariapolis / Sulfur
Darian @ 24:21 / Dyonisium / Wine
Darian @ 24:22 / Mons Claudianus / Marble
Darian @ 43:11 / Mons Darianus / Marble
Darklyre @ 63:22 / Arghtown / Crystal
Darklyre @ 43:11 / Blarghtown / Marble
DasScoot @ 93:59 / Paragon the Second / Wine [PA = Scooter]
Destavan @ 23:68 / Shakey / Crystal Glass. [PA = Fragtastic]
Devoir @ 93:62 / Betamarblopolis / Marble
Devoir @ 93:59 / Gammawinopolis / Wine.
Diggo @ 38:84 / In-World / Marble
Diggo @ 50:80 / Mid-World / Wine
Diggo @ 40:83 / / Crystal
DKWiggin @ [92:47] / Dongtown / Crystal [PA = Lol!]
Downer @ 7:11 / Skwisgaar / Crystal
Downer @ 11:13 / Skwigelf / Marble
draeven @ / 50:88 / Draevenoia / Crystal
Dyvion @ 97,97 / Heliotropolis / {crystal}
Dyvion @ 92,99 / BackwdCatStroke / [marble]
Dyvion @ 95:95 / Issy / %wine%
Elaro @ 14:60 / Norygal / Sulphur
elkna @ 64:99 / Maget / Sulfur
**elkna @ 64:98 / Bonk / Marble
fanaticalist @ Hataitia[61:13] > Crocodopolis : wine
fanaticalist @ Haulios[60:13] > Opolopolis : marble
Food @ / 14:41 / Invisible City / Wine
Frdztec @ 18:5 / Rexarin / Wine
Gargamel @ 63:55 / Phyrex / Sulphur [PA = Bulwark]
Gargamel @ 53:54 / Argoth / Marble
Garu @ / 30:40 / Ankh-Morpork / Sulfur
Goodchild @ / 28:23 / Bregna / Crystal
Goodchild @ 33:33 / Monica / Sulfur
Goodchild @ 24:21 / Theode / Wine
Gorilla Salad
@88:39 / Tujuos / Wine
grrarg @ 92:41 / Grrargia / Sulfur
Gryphon @ 49:64 / Nowhere / Marble
Gryphon @ 47:64 / Somewhere / Wine
Gryphon @ 52:68 / Everywhere / Crystal
Gryphon @ 49:62 / Heisenberg / Sulfur
Handuus @ 56:14 / Murkrow / Marble [PA = n00bish]
Hellbunny @ 25:20 / / Crystal
Hoz @ 91:64 / Hozfa / Crystal
Iguanacus @ / 32:90 / Nestopoli / Wine
Incognito @ 86:96 / Jacobatopia / Marble [PA = Roxxersboxxers]
**Insingnia @ 54:94 / Zigna / Sulfur
Illwinter @ 18:86 / Winterthrone / Marble [PA Echo]
Jam Warrior @ / 3:64 / Jamville / Marble
Jam Warrior @ / 2:63 / Boozetopia / Wine
Jam Warrior @ / 2:65 / Boatmurdered / Sulphur
Johnnytoxxic @ 46:10 / Scrapheap / Wine
Kalkino @ / 32:19 / Mittens / Marble
Kalkino @ 24:21 / Tickles / Wine
Kalkino @ 34:24 / Buttons / Sulfur
Karenna @ / 12:41 / Kainalu / Crystal
Karenna @ 14:41 / Kailua / Wine
Karenna @ 25:21 / Echo Base / Sulfur
KingKoopa @ 11:60 / MushroomKingdom /Crystal [PA = dscrilla]
**kingkoopa @ 10:60 / Yoshi / Marble
**KingKoopa @ 12:59 / Humbolt / wine
Kingshand @ / 53:18 / Kingshand / Wine [PA = The Dude With Herpes]
Kingshand @ / 52:16 / Galedrid / Marble
Kingslayer @ / 47:18 / Lannisport / Sulfur
koro @ 24:21 / Pear-Shaped v2 / Wine [PA = korodullin]
koro @ 24:22 / Almost Useful / Marble
Kris_xK @ / 61:89 / Dread / Marble
Kumquat @ 76:24/Kumquatia/Wine
**larka @ 1:87 / Urbopolis Shire / marble
lawlzor1 @ / 82:63 / Poland / Sulfur
Legba @ 17:28 / Fangaerie / Wine
Legba @ 43:11 / Point Artal / Marble
Legba @ 23:21 / Varturus / Crystal
**Lehman @ 80:87 / Cumberland / crystal
Lordjulius @ 85:52 / Rome / Wine [PA = Witchdr]
**Marlinspike @ 22:21 / Scurvy Cove / Sulfur
matthias00 @ 31:85 / Awesomia / Wine
matthias00 @ 23:21 / Twoson / Crystal
mattmoss @ 25:29 / Kalista / Crystal
mattmoss @ 23:20 / Xalisti / Wine
MechMantis @ 83:30 / Blacklight / Sulfur
MechaStalin @ 12:53 / Neo Stalingrad / Crystal [PA = Flaryn]
Metapurna @ 20:38/ New Crobuzon/ Marble [PA = METAzraeL]
Mith @ 93:62 / Archimedes/ / Marble
Mith @ 93:59 / Oenopides / Wine
Mith @ Diophantus/89:64/Crystal
MooMan @ / 84:71 / Mootopia / Sulfur
MooMan @ / 88:66 / New Mootopia / Wine
MooMan @ / 85:67 / BRRAaiiIINNnss / Crystal
Mr Snack Road @ 25:17 /Holt /Marble [PA = mrsnackroad]
NATIK @ 51:28 / The Hub / Crystal
**NH03 @ 61:15 / Warlords domain / Wine
Norgoth @ 10:99 / Pandemonium / wine
Norgoth @ 11:99 / Polis Masa / Marble
Olek @ / 17:64 / Ankh-Morpork / Marble
**Orgetorix @ 65:71 / Helvetium / Marble
Orogogus @ 52:88 / Xandra / Marble (Capital)
Orogogus @ 53:88 / Oxnard / Crystal
Orogogus @ 50:87 / Platypusville / Wine
Ozmodai @ 5:14 / Ozlandia / Marble
Paradiso @ 24:22 / Ten Towers / Marble
Paradiso @ 24:21 / Great Wyk / Wine
Paradiso @ 23:21 / Pyke / Crystal
PipTheFair @ 68:91 / Dickbutt / Sulfur
PipTheFair @ 69:93 / Dickbutt2 / Wine
PipTheFair @ 65:89 / Dickbutt3 / Crystal
Ponchs Pilot @ [57:58] / [Samaria] / [crystal] [PA = juice for jesus]
rayofash @ 7:11 / Knothole / Crystal
rayofash @ 6:11 / Vinneland / Wine
rayofash @ 6:14 / Miroslava / Sulfur
RedCascade @ 89:16 / Lustris / Wine [PA = Red_Cascade]
**RedCascade @ 91:16 / Lithic / Marble
reticlariant @ 46:91 / Lazy Town / marble [PA = mccart]
Rhapsody @ / 3:6 / Aria / Sulfur
RiemannLives @ 52:89 / Istan / Sulfur
Romantic Undead @ 32:23 / Undead Romainia / Crystal
Romantic Undead @ 24:21 / Zombie Lovetown / Wine
Sallust @ [24,58] / Brundisium / wine [PA = ethicalsean]
SanderJK @ 56:92 / Sanderopolis / Wine
SanderJK @ 56:91 / Sanderville / Marble
SanderJK @ 57:85 / Sandertown / Crystal
Scone @ 46:76 / Currantia / Sulphur [PA = Bulwark]
Shujaa @ / 33:69 / Larceny / Sulfur
Shujaa @ / 24:21 / Grand Larceny / Wine
Skarsol @ / 73:28 / Straasha / Wine
Skarsol @ 65:29 / Marbalicious / Marble
Skarsol @ 67:38 / Crystastic / Crystal
Solysp @ 19:32 / Altenfeuer / Crystal [PA = Kayne Red Robe]
Solysp @ 24:22 / Sunhame / Marble
SuburbanJawa @ / 51:17 / Suburbia / Wine [PA = Jawa]
SuburbanJawa @ 47:14/ Suburbopoolis / Marble
tachyon @ 61:19 / Halycon / Sulfur
Taliosfalcon @ 68:73 / Khuldas / Wine
Tamin @ 76:27 / Winterfell / Sulfur
Tamin @ 63:34 / Dreadfort / Crystal
Tamin @ 66:26 / Bear Island / Marble
Tamorlane @ 18:69 / Pella / Wine
Tamorlane @ 17:69 / Seritia / Marble
Tamorlane @ 19:68 / Pangaeos / Marble'z
TheLawinator @ / 4:98 / Lumberjack / Crystal
threelemmings @ 97:60 / Lemming One/ Marble
Tiger Burning @ / 42:20 / Tigertown / Crystal
Tildryn @ 12:53 / Lahara/ Crystal
tomblag @ 19:48 / Blagtown / sulfur [PA = maturin]
tomblag @ 10:40 / Blaggertown / marble
tomblag @ 14:45 / Blagadelphia / wine
tomblag @ 12,53 / Blaga Bay / crystal
Turtleboy @ 46:19 / Dhalgren / Sulfur [PA = Burtletoy]
Turtleboy @ 28:26 / Serene / Crystal
Turtleboy @ 32:24 / Republic / Sulfur
ultrachrist @ 84:71 / Rapture / Sulfur
ultrachrist colony @ / 85:67 / Foundation / Crystal
V2-Gundam @ (18,16) / Durendal / Wine
Varxe @ 76:10 / Moon port / wine [PA = gunwarrior]
Varxe @ 75:9 / Cape sun / Marble
valtzy @ 33:17 - Ensideon - Wine
valtzy @ 32:17 - Haedra - Crystal
Veevee Von Vore @ 10:95 / Crapolis / Marble [PA = Veevee]
Viscousity @ 6:4 / Chiron HQ / Marble
Wicker @ 49:11 / Glasgow / Wine
whitey9 @ 89:64 / Norman / Crystal
WiiMote @ 2:87 / Nerdopolis / Glass [PA = Nerdtendo]
Woggle @ 66:15 / Biscuits / Wine
**Woggle @ 62:19 / Chips / Marble
yam @ 23:31 / Spusborough / Sulfur [PA = Syrion]
Zalin @ / 93:62 / Eighth Circle / Marble (Capital)
Zalin @ / 93:61 / Seventh Circle / Crystal
Zalin @ / 93:59 / Sixth Circle / Wine
Zalin @ / 92:62 / Fifth Circle / Sulphur
Zandracon @ 22:27 / Zan / Crystal
Zandracon @ 24:21 / Anthocyanis / Wine
Zandracon @ 24:22 / Marmaros / Marble
Zarcath1 @ 34:13 / Boob Town / Wine [PA = Zarcath]
Zen Vulgarity @ [90:43]/Wangulation/Wine
Zolnab @ 24:78 / Steve / wine [PA = Sagaxus]
IRC server irc.synirc.net in channel #pa_ikariam. Use
chatzilla, it's free. Chatzilla integrates with firefox from memory, and is totally free. When you've installed chatzilla, enter "irc://irc.synirc.net/" in your browser address bar, this will open up the irc server. Set your username by clicking on the button to the left of the IRC input box, and then type in /join #pa_ikariam.
FAQQ: How do you send goods to other players who aren't on your island?
A: Use the world map (or a link from a message they sent to you or from one of your advisors) to locate their island; click on it to get to the island view. Click on the city, transport goods. If they are not in your own island group, you must research expansion before you will be able to reach them with trade boats. (Darian)
Q: What should I do?
A: Read the Wiki under useful links, get on IRC, try not to ask questions that are already answered, spend some time reading the thread. (Devoir)
Q: What should I research first?
A: Well Digging first. I'd suggest then doing Paper, then going up the economy line to Wine Press. If you're in a built up area (or paranoid), then go military up to professional army. After that, go up the seafaring line to expansion. (Karenna)
Q: Some dude is attacking me! What do I do?
A: If the attacker isn't bright enough to blockade your port first, build just one offensive ship (trade ships don't count) at your drydock. This will repel the attacker. Ram ships only take 34 mins to build, which is shorter than the time it takes to attack you from the next island over! If you're blockaded, and stand to lose a lot of resources, just destroy your Trading Port (NOT your trading POST). The bigger the trading port, the more they can haul away. (Karenna)
Q: My people are pissed at me, since my city is crowded!
A: Build a Tavern, and make sure you are serving the max amount of wine possible. A L5 tavern can get your city up to size 10 easily. After taverns, work towards getting a museum, and exchange cultural goods with other PAers. Museums have zero upkeep, so are the best long-term investment in growth you can make. After Museums, research Holiday for extra happiness. (Karenna)
Q: Do cultural goods take diplomacy points?
A: No, they take cultural points, one cultural point is gained per level of museum. (Devoir)
Q: I'm attacking a city, with a level X trade port. How many resources can I expect to get?
A: Once you win a battle, you get 20 minutes to pillage. How much you gain is directly related to How many trade ships you have available, how many resources are protected by your opponent's warehouse, and how large the trading port is:
A town without a trade port can load 3 resources per minute.
A town with a level 1 trade port can load 10 resources per minute
A town with a level 2 trade port can load 30 resources per minute
A town with a level 3 trade port can load 58 resources per minute (Karenna)
Q: So I have a Hideout, and I want to spy on my enemies! How do I use them, and what can they do?
A: Read this:
http://board.ikariam.com/thread.php?threadid=2087 Of particular note is that each spy in an opponent's town acts as a battering ram when you attack! Each breach in the wall gives
your army a 10% bonus to attack. So, a L10 wall can seem insurmountable, but plug in 5 spies before the raid, and you can gain a 50% attack bonus! (Karenna)
Q: So walls make me _VULNERABLE_!?!?!?!
A: No. From the Wiki: "Each "possible breach" is a spot that can be rammed by a battering ram each turn; if that is done, the enemy gains 10% OFFENSIVE bonus for each breach opened (maximum number of breaches is that of your wall). However, this does not render your wall useless because the wall still gives all your troops defending the town a 3-point offensive bonus per level. So your troops still come out on top.
The only time your wall could remotely be considered a liability is if it is not up to your town hall level, and the enemy creates maximum breaches. At higher levels, this WILL hurt, because while the enemy gets 10% attack per breach, you're getting less than the full defensive bonus, AND the 3 point per level extra attack can't compensate for the percentage attack bonus your enemy gets." (Devoir)
Q: My account she is hacked! I can't login! Abloo abloo abloo!
A: You're using the Ikariam.org site. That's for Euro trash. Use the Ikariam.COM site. (Karenna)
Q: How do I send someone gold?
A: You can't, you can only trade gold via the Trading Post. (Burtletoy)
Q: Why do I suddenly have 50 of each resource?
A: Congratulations, you researched wealth. Now continue on to wine pressing, to use that wine up. This is also the appropriate time to put your people to work gathering the local luxury resource. (Darian)
Q: How do I move troops?
A: Similar to how you move resources. Click on the target island, target city, then deploy troops. You need a barracks at the destination to support the troops being transported. (Devoir)
Q: How do I set up a cultural exchange?
A: Send a message to the person you want to make an exchange with. In the drop-down box, choose "Kulturgüterabkommen anbieten" instead of message. They will be offered a cultural goods treaty. If you receive such an offer, click accept in the message to accept it. Note: You can only initiate an offer when you have museum slots available. But you can initiate more offers than you have slots, so it is possible to get a surplus that you will then build into. You can also accept offers at any time. (Darian)
Q: Who wants to exchange goods with me?
A: Don't post this, just send out requests to people in your aliiance or in the list of PA players by Darian. Everyone wants cultural exchanges. (Devoir, updated by Darian)
Q: What do these german words mean?
A: From the
translation thread. (Darian)
Translations so far (german - english):
Kulturgüterabkommen anbieten - Offer Cultural Treaty
Kulturgüterabkommen zurückziehen - Withdraw Cultural Treaty
Kulturgüterabkommen kündigen - Cancel current Cultural Treaty
Handelsabkommen anbieten - Offer a Trade Agreement
Handelsabkommen zurückziehen - Withdraw Trade Agreement
Handelsabkommen kündigen - Cancel current Trade Treaty
Aufnahmegesuch anfragen - Admission Request (Alliance)
Aufnahmegesuch zurückziehen - Withdraw Admission Request (Alliance)
Allianz Militärabkommen zur Stadt - Offer a Military Agreement
Allianz Militärabkommen zur Stadt zurückziehen - Withdraw Military Agreement
Friedensabkommen anbieten = Peace agreements offer
Mail Subject
Allianz Rundmail - Circular Message - Alliance
Thanks goes to Zullu and Gargamel for several of these.
Q: What happens when I switch my research from one thing to another?
A: The points get transfered, you don't "lose" research, but if you finish something you will have to restart the original topic. (Burtletoy)
Q: What happens if I hit 0 gold?
A: Citizens will be pulled off research and possibly resource gathering to ensure you have positive gold growth. You will also lose military units due to their upkeep requirements. (Devoir)
Q: Am I attacking my own city?
A: No, blame it on a bad german translation. If the military advisers background is not red then it is just your own troops returning/being transfered. (Burtletoy)
Q: What is this I hear about
pushing, and how do I avoid getting in trouble for it?
A: Pushing is the providing of materials from a lower-ranked to a higher-ranked account, with no tangible benefit received in return. If you receive any goods in trade from a lower-ranked person, you must send back equal value to them within 48 hours of the shipment. (Darian)
Q: How does one contact the Game Operator to legitimze an extortion demand or for other concerns about pushing?
A: Go to the board for the game, create an account, then send a PM to the proper GO from
the list. (Darian)
20080506 Total Score
20080505 Total Score
20080501 Total Score
20080428 Total Score
20080428 Master Builders
20080428 Building Levels
20080428 Scientists
20080428 Generals
20080428 Levels of Research
20080427 Total Score
Burn the World is a special PA project designed to add much needed emotional content to the online experience that is Ikariam! We have taken it upon ourselves to examine how we, the burners and wreckers, can enhance the user experience through organised campaigns of burning and looting. We believe that through our efforts Ikariam will continue to ascend into the hearts and minds of Internet users everywhere.
So how can you contribute?
All PA members, especially those belong to a PA guild can contribute through building strong defences (more about that later), identifying good target alliances and most importantly having a sizable strike force ready for deployment. Our aim is ensure we have multiple strong strike forces in each of the PA alliance hubs so we can leverage our size and strength against miscreants.
Our terms?
So you might get sent messages by those who have been selected to participate, messages that beg you for reasons, or for relief. What should you do? First, demand they pay a large compensatory sum for your troubles and secondly, a poem of at least 100 words on the glory of cats, cat stroking and why backwards cat stroking is to be desired. Any school of poetry is welcome as we are sophisticated types.
Current targets
SoD (3X:2X region)
Possible Targets
These guys have representatives in the 2X:2X. Working on more data
CRA -16 - ranking - 155 (8,789,939)
IMPS - 11 - ranking - 90 (14,723,250)
13th - 14 (lol!) - ranking - 178 (7,561,262)
1S1K - 26 (1 Shot 1 Kill) - ranking - 57 (20,774,297)
Cru - 4 - ranking - 316 (3,627,308)
DigiP - 10 - ranking - 317 (3,573,162)
Looking for more targets here - send me suggestions
Nah, it's just that my buildings take so much time and resources now that after building one in each colony, it amounts to a big jump like that now.
These threads move soooo damn fast - it amazes me.
Murderize them for us
You keep making me regret doing that second marble colony instead of crystal...
I currently have Wine (Capital) and Marble (Second City). What should I get next?
Also, should I maybe hold off and donate to my capital's wine fields a bit more? I'm struggling to have enough wine to keep the two cities happy, but if I go to three as soon as the third is a higher level I'm gonna hit issues, I think.
XBL/PSN/Steam: APZonerunner
People! Our beloved Home Secretary is in need of crystal, to make his crazed ships more crazier!
trust me
no you don't
If you were going to upgrade anything, why ramships?
Why do people pimp their cars?
I have everything but, for trade
Raiding has been good to me lately, so I can spare some. How much do you need?
upwards of 3k
2700 marble in three batches (from my three cities) are loading and will be on their way. Crystal glass in return would be appreciated.
Edit: Well, 1800 marble at the moment. My third city is out of action points, but will be sending its marble later today.
the glass will take a day or 2
but I will get it to you asap
No hurry. I'm stocking up for the final upgrade for my governor's mansion in my new colony.
Edit: When you do, send the glass to my capital. Esteroum at 73:87.
Edit 2: Roxxersboxxers, you can send the crystal in return for my wine to the same place.
Darian, I'm coming for you!
Edit: Shit! I just realize I'm nowhere close to doing all that. I've got everything but crystal. Anyone looking to offload some crystal in large quantities? :P I've got marble and sulfur and wine to offer. :winky:
Yay drunken loggers and sulfur gatherers!
Sell crystal no more! Seriously, all crystal needs to be traded to others within PAX, not sold to random people. If you really need gold, sell some sulfur or marble.
Ikariam (Beta)
Jhawkz 90:67 Marble
Jayhawk 91:68 Crystal
The Tron 91:67 Sulfur
Newtron 88:67 Marble
Also ok I'll stop selling it.
You never gave me any crystal for the 900 wine I sent.
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2017, colorized)
We're disbanding EPA? Can I be accepted into another alliance while still in EPA, or do I have to quit first?
Anything I can be doing to contribute, too? I have piles of everything (10,000+ wood, 2,000-3,000 of everything else . . . at the very least).
This is totally mindblowing.
edit: Andrew, I could use some wine at Worutia[25:74] > Dashboard
Not sure how far away you are though.
Yea, I was at work all day, just got your message when I got home. 6min till it is finished loading then comming to you.
19,48 / Gulf of Blag / Sulfur
10,40 / Blager Fjord / Marble
14,45 / Blaget Sound / Wine
12,53 / Blaga Bay / Crystal
25,42 / Blagoon Cove / Marble
Send a message to Solysp on the EPA wine island, offer to help him get his colony started. The sooner he gets up and running, the sooner his embassies can welcome us.
A bunch of people think that we should keep separate alliances, but I don't see the point if Solysp can handle building the colonies and embassies. The whole "but then everyone in the alliance can help you" doesn't make much sense, considering that we already just trade based on coordinates rather than whether someone's in EPA, WPAX or NPAX at the moment.
Hehe. Well you certainly weren't wrong, 24:22 is my capital. I just need it elsewhere. But no worries at all, I can easily redistribute it. The crystal is much appreciated. I'm at the point where I would do some pretty lewd things for crystal. :winky:
It has to be ok'd first. :winky:
19,48 / Gulf of Blag / Sulfur
10,40 / Blager Fjord / Marble
14,45 / Blaget Sound / Wine
12,53 / Blaga Bay / Crystal
25,42 / Blagoon Cove / Marble
I started my girlfriend on Ikariam, and she's not a big gamer at all so she's very new to this. She's having fun upgrading her buildings and collecting resources, but she just got pillaged by some guy from TDE. His military score is 9k, and I think mine is 22k so I should be able to take him.
I'm sending a spy right now, and I'm going to blockade his harbor soon. Would anyone, specifically the people near me (Becoming/Kajusta/ anyone near 40:80), please help me in my mission? Either by sending troops, ships or supplies.
And before I act, do I need the permission of higher powers incase this sparks some alliance war thing? I'm just pissed that he pillaged her, especially after I sent her a ton of resources to start up.
EDIT: TDE is ranked 680. They have 3 members. http://s2.ikariam.com/index.php?view=allyPage&allyId=2706&oldView=searchAlly&id=96954&position=7
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797