Hey, just a bit of constructive criticism. The colors on the back, with the blending from white with gray text to blue with white text, the middle loses a lot of it's meaning when they come together. If you could up the text contrast a bit with the background, it would look a lot cleaner and give the names a bit more pop. As it is, there is a line of names I can't make out at all. Also, with the names being covered the the forums.penny-arcade.com line. I think you could just let them show through a little more, maybe just putting that part in a box surrounded by handles? Not sure, just seems like the names covered deserve more visibility, ya know?
Just my 2 cents .
Oh! Also, I don't see my name and that makes me a sad panda.
Officer on
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
edited August 2008
well would ya look at that . . . i see my name on there . . . that makes me feel special.
@ b0wser & redhalo: Whilst I have juggled with the idea of having a spot to put your own name onto the badge I have decided to not include it as the badge is laminated making it impossible to write on them.
@ BrokenAngel: There is no scientific method behind the selection of names. Thus far I have taken the names from the people that posted on this thread, the people going on West Coast Train Trip and the Bioware Minion thread. I plan to gather many more, mostly from browsing the PAX section of the PA forums with the assumption that people on these forums are actually going to PAX. I'm looking to have so many names on the back it will look like a crazy texture :P. I am also considering using a collage of forumite's avatars as the back ground. We'll see how it goes.
@ Officer: All excellent points and ones I noticed when I made the back image. This is a work in progress and I haven't started making the badges yet so any suggestions will be gratefully received. Rest assured I will implement them if I think they would make an improvement.
Thanks all for the feedback! It's much appreciated.
One suggestion I have for color scheme would be to make it the same blue hues posts in the forum are nested in. Using the 2 shades of blue would allow the use of a consistent white font while keeping the feel of the actual pages. Even with the blending, which I definitely think looks much more stylish, you could keep the consistency of a single font color and not lose so many names .
Just a thought, although this is turning out to be some kind of badass project. This year seems to be a big year for crafts hehe.
I was driving some out-of-towner friends around, and I kept complaining about being blinded. They responded with "You see, where we come from, people tend to wear Sunglasses." I retorted with a simple "You people tend to have sun."
Yeah I was sad too, but I think he just chose random names, not necessarily the regulars/year round forumers.
Oh dear, I didn't want to offend anyone! Yes the names are important but please understand that I have not finished collecting all of the names for the badge nor have I completed its overall design. The selection of names is not random either, I have put some thought into it. Granted my time in these forums is by no means as long as most here so I'm still finding my feet but I am putting names down on the card that are frequent posters to this thread and the PAX section of the forums over all. This also applies to the folks on the IRC channel.
I also have a concern over their distribution. Any ideas/assistance on how this can be done as painlessly as possible would be most appreciated.
I'll hunt you down for one of these however they're distributed.
And it couldn't be just the dinner, that would exclude everyone on the train.
Transparent on
PAXtrain '10, let's do this!
redhaloAlso a Professional AlcoholicRegistered Userregular
edited August 2008
I don't think anyone should be too offended over the names one way or another. It's difficult to quantify ones activity on the forums and you'd have to draw a line somewhere.
Yeah I was sad too, but I think he just chose random names, not necessarily the regulars/year round forumers.
Oh dear, I didn't want to offend anyone! Yes the names are important but please understand that I have not finished collecting all of the names for the badge nor have I completed its overall design. The selection of names is not random either, I have put some thought into it. Granted my time in these forums is by no means as long as most here so I'm still finding my feet but I am putting names down on the card that are frequent posters to this thread and the PAX section of the forums over all. This also applies to the folks on the IRC channel.
I also have a concern over their distribution. Any ideas/assistance on how this can be done as painlessly as possible would be most appreciated.
Oh no! ::hugs:: I wasn't offended! I was just giving Andy a e-hug hehe. ^.^
Your idea is awesome! And you chose some great people new and old (I adore some of the newer forum family! Especially my loveable new irc minions ), I think a few of us old schoolers were just feeling a teeny bit overrun like we usually do when the forums explode right before pax every year.
I think its more like the oldest kid getting pouty and kinda jealous when the parents get all excited about something the new baby did. You get a lot of "But I'm year round!", "QS23 co-runs the CCST!", "I'm an op of the PAX IRC!" But we know ALL the forumers are awesome, and I don't think theres any real hard feelings. Besides, what can be more exciting for the less frequent posters than to get their name on something cool like this? I know it would make me feel really awesome and accepted if I were in a new community. ^.^
Yeah I was sad too, but I think he just chose random names, not necessarily the regulars/year round forumers.
Oh dear, I didn't want to offend anyone! Yes the names are important but please understand that I have not finished collecting all of the names for the badge nor have I completed its overall design. The selection of names is not random either, I have put some thought into it. Granted my time in these forums is by no means as long as most here so I'm still finding my feet but I am putting names down on the card that are frequent posters to this thread and the PAX section of the forums over all. This also applies to the folks on the IRC channel.
I also have a concern over their distribution. Any ideas/assistance on how this can be done as painlessly as possible would be most appreciated.
Oh no! ::hugs:: I wasn't offended! I was just giving Andy a e-hug hehe. ^.^
Your idea is awesome! And you chose some great people new and old (I adore some of the newer forum family! Especially my loveable new irc minions ), I think a few of us old schoolers were just feeling a teeny bit overrun like we usually do when the forums explode right before pax every year.
I think its more like the oldest kid getting pouty and kinda jealous when the parents get all excited about something the new baby did. You get a lot of "But I'm year round!", "QS23 co-runs the CCST!", "I'm an op of the PAX IRC!" But we know ALL the forumers are awesome, and I don't think theres any real hard feelings. Besides, what can be more exciting for the less frequent posters than to get their name on something cool like this? I know it would make me feel really awesome and accepted if I were in a new community. ^.^
Except VThorn. If VThorn isn't on there, I think there would be massive uproar...
Whytmage on
:!!: Current Addiction: World of Warcraft
:!!: Progress: My mage can kick your mage's ass. My hunter can kick your mage's ass, and I'm positive my Shadow Priest can kick your mage's ass also.
@ MasterHelios: Sadly I cannot attend the Pre-PAX dinner as I have other plans that collide with it. They actually involve trying not be a zombie after a 9 hour flight from London. That and having dinner with my podcast co-hosts.
@ BrokenAngel: Thanks for the feedback on the names. The names idea came to me as what other way to show the strength of the community by putting as many names as possible on the badge itself?
@ Whytmage: Rest assured VT will be on the badge.
@Qs23: Sarcasum never translates well in text. Believe me, I know :P
OK still working on the new version, I'm tweaking some stuff I think you'll like...
kropotkin on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
edited August 2008
here's a suggestion, put someone important's name on there, mine! lol. cool idea.
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
It's looking fantastic Kropotkin! I think this is a great idea!
Would it be easier for you if we all printed out our own copy of it? It'd save you a bit of dough if everyone was responsible for printing out their own.
VThornheart on
3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
edited August 2008
Looking back at the rough draft of the card thingie, it states "Penny Arcade Forums"
...Which technically means ALL of the PA Forumers--even those who don't post over here (which is rare especially with only 25 1/2ish days left) has the ability to get this, but the background on the front says "PAX08"...just letting ya know. I say, to agree in the long-winded-way of saying it with VT, create SPECIAL hard-cards for the Foreigners (not the band) that are coming along and let us poor Americans print it out. That way, less money to waste but Forumers--both of PA-General and PAX-Specific--can still have it. As for the names thing after all this inane explanation--Play darts! Whosever names it lands on, there ya go.
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
Yeah I was sad too, but I think he just chose random names, not necessarily the regulars/year round forumers.
Oh dear, I didn't want to offend anyone! Yes the names are important but please understand that I have not finished collecting all of the names for the badge nor have I completed its overall design. The selection of names is not random either, I have put some thought into it. Granted my time in these forums is by no means as long as most here so I'm still finding my feet but I am putting names down on the card that are frequent posters to this thread and the PAX section of the forums over all. This also applies to the folks on the IRC channel.
I also have a concern over their distribution. Any ideas/assistance on how this can be done as painlessly as possible would be most appreciated.
Oh no! ::hugs:: I wasn't offended! I was just giving Andy a e-hug hehe. ^.^
Your idea is awesome! And you chose some great people new and old (I adore some of the newer forum family! Especially my loveable new irc minions ), I think a few of us old schoolers were just feeling a teeny bit overrun like we usually do when the forums explode right before pax every year.
I think its more like the oldest kid getting pouty and kinda jealous when the parents get all excited about something the new baby did. You get a lot of "But I'm year round!", "QS23 co-runs the CCST!", "I'm an op of the PAX IRC!" But we know ALL the forumers are awesome, and I don't think theres any real hard feelings. Besides, what can be more exciting for the less frequent posters than to get their name on something cool like this? I know it would make me feel really awesome and accepted if I were in a new community. ^.^
I know I do! I'm more of a lurker and a minor poster (my name is appropriately just about obscured by the URL) but I'd love to have one of these. You all are really welcoming and I'm looking forward to spending my vacation meeting you!
Well I haven't forgotten this little project and am now pleased to announce that it is now complete. Click on the spoiler buttons below to see the final designs:
With regards to VT's suggestion of printing out the cards yourselves that doesn't really work too well. First off to create these is no mean feat. You must print onto glossy paper, double sided then trim them down to A6 ISO size. Then you have to laminate them. Now I have the means and set up to do this so I'm more than willing to do so. I did it with the Paxonieers badges and I can certainly do it here. The only issue I have yet to overcome is how to distribute them fairly. If there are any suggestions on how to do this I am more than willing to listen to them.
I do have one idea but it is reliant on VT winning the Bioware competition. If he does pull that off then I shall PM the idea...
And third row. Wahoo!
Out of curiousity, where did you get all the names on the back? I don't recognize a third of those names and I've been a regular for years... >.>
But its an awesome and sweet idea
Just my 2 cents
Oh! Also, I don't see my name and that makes me a sad panda.
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
@ BrokenAngel: There is no scientific method behind the selection of names. Thus far I have taken the names from the people that posted on this thread, the people going on West Coast Train Trip and the Bioware Minion thread. I plan to gather many more, mostly from browsing the PAX section of the PA forums with the assumption that people on these forums are actually going to PAX. I'm looking to have so many names on the back it will look like a crazy texture :P. I am also considering using a collage of forumite's avatars as the back ground. We'll see how it goes.
@ Officer: All excellent points and ones I noticed when I made the back image. This is a work in progress and I haven't started making the badges yet so any suggestions will be gratefully received. Rest assured I will implement them if I think they would make an improvement.
Thanks all for the feedback! It's much appreciated.
Just a thought, although this is turning out to be some kind of badass project. This year seems to be a big year for crafts hehe.
Violets are blue
<Moe_Fwacky> nice girls
<Moe_Fwacky> lesbians
<Moe_Fwacky> robbed drugstores together
I feel strangely honored
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
I think he did it at random. I beat out Redy over there.
It looks awesome!! I would just make the text a little darker, it sort of blends in with the background at the top.
but I still want one. Kthx!
Yeah I was sad too, but I think he just chose random names, not necessarily the regulars/year round forumers.
Oh dear, I didn't want to offend anyone! Yes the names are important but please understand that I have not finished collecting all of the names for the badge nor have I completed its overall design. The selection of names is not random either, I have put some thought into it. Granted my time in these forums is by no means as long as most here so I'm still finding my feet but I am putting names down on the card that are frequent posters to this thread and the PAX section of the forums over all. This also applies to the folks on the IRC channel.
I also have a concern over their distribution. Any ideas/assistance on how this can be done as painlessly as possible would be most appreciated.
Violets are blue
And it couldn't be just the dinner, that would exclude everyone on the train.
Oh no! ::hugs:: I wasn't offended! I was just giving Andy a e-hug hehe. ^.^
Your idea is awesome! And you chose some great people new and old (I adore some of the newer forum family! Especially my loveable new irc minions
I think its more like the oldest kid getting pouty and kinda jealous when the parents get all excited about something the new baby did. You get a lot of "But I'm year round!", "QS23 co-runs the CCST!", "I'm an op of the PAX IRC!" But we know ALL the forumers are awesome, and I don't think theres any real hard feelings. Besides, what can be more exciting for the less frequent posters than to get their name on something cool like this? I know it would make me feel really awesome and accepted if I were in a new community. ^.^
Except VThorn. If VThorn isn't on there, I think there would be massive uproar...
I really didn't care that much about not being on there, I was just trying to be funny. it's what I do.
@ BrokenAngel: Thanks for the feedback on the names. The names idea came to me as what other way to show the strength of the community by putting as many names as possible on the badge itself?
@ Whytmage: Rest assured VT will be on the badge.
@Qs23: Sarcasum never translates well in text. Believe me, I know :P
OK still working on the new version, I'm tweaking some stuff I think you'll like...
Would it be easier for you if we all printed out our own copy of it? It'd save you a bit of dough if everyone was responsible for printing out their own.
...Which technically means ALL of the PA Forumers--even those who don't post over here (which is rare especially with only 25 1/2ish days left) has the ability to get this, but the background on the front says "PAX08"...just letting ya know. I say, to agree in the long-winded-way of saying it with VT, create SPECIAL hard-cards for the Foreigners (not the band) that are coming along and let us poor Americans print it out. That way, less money to waste but Forumers--both of PA-General and PAX-Specific--can still have it. As for the names thing after all this inane explanation--Play darts! Whosever names it lands on, there ya go.
Or rename it for the PAX forumers. Since this is in the PAX threads..
That too.
...Should have gone with my selfish instincts. My bad.
I know I do! I'm more of a lurker and a minor poster (my name is appropriately just about obscured by the URL) but I'd love to have one of these. You all are really welcoming and I'm looking forward to spending my vacation meeting you!
With regards to VT's suggestion of printing out the cards yourselves that doesn't really work too well. First off to create these is no mean feat. You must print onto glossy paper, double sided then trim them down to A6 ISO size. Then you have to laminate them. Now I have the means and set up to do this so I'm more than willing to do so. I did it with the Paxonieers badges and I can certainly do it here. The only issue I have yet to overcome is how to distribute them fairly. If there are any suggestions on how to do this I am more than willing to listen to them.
I do have one idea but it is reliant on VT winning the Bioware competition. If he does pull that off then I shall PM the idea...
"There's just no pleasing some people..."
"That's just what Jesus said, sir!"