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Metacritic's lowest scores, for your favorite games!

PolagoPolago Registered User regular
edited September 2008 in Games and Technology
Yes, this is something of a direct rip from somewhere else but it's a neat look into the minds of others, good way to broaden your mind to the masses, and question some people's sanity. At the very least, it can show important factors in people's outlook on games that differ from your own!

1. Got to
2. Search your all time favorite game in their database
3. Read both the lowest journalist and user scores/comments (bottom)
4. Post the lowest scores and comments

Give it a shot with your own personal favorites! For an example, I used a game that I don't own yet but was curious to it's public reception. A lot of people have been talking about the bad rap that Spore's gotten, and upon checking it on Metacritic the user score average based on over 700 votes is 5/10. Some of the comments and scores were:
Albert E. gave it a 0:
The game is childish and uninteresting after small quantities of gameplay. I was really hoping for something better, wow.
John S gave it a 1:
*yawn* Most boring piece of crap I've ever played. I have nothing constructive to say other than don't play this. EA Fails once again.
[Anonymous] gave it a 2:
Such a disappointment... The creature creator is cool but the rest of the game is empty and in each of the categories it tries to cover there are much better games out there. I suspect from the official spore site that the conceptors had great ideas but the EA guys cut everything out for the sake of sim-like playability and audience range. Too bad
D M gave it a 3:
Great simulator. Okay game. Horrible DRM. Lack of challenge and consequence in the beginning, and the computer nagging you at the end (which is most of the game)... if those issues could be addressed, this may be a 10. Despite my game play complaints, this game's potential lies in its longevity. While you won't play it for weeks on end (like Oblivion), the endless replay value makes this game an 8 to me. But, considering how I won't be allowed to play this game in about a year, maybe less, that replay value is gone. Thank you EA for DRM-ing this game beyond usefulness. I'll be nice and assume I'll almost get to play this game almost half as much as I'd like, so my 8 becomes a 3 (very tempted to give a 0 just to spite EA). As is, I'd recommend waiting for a price drop, hoping EA drops the DRM, or wait for other games to take after Spore's style (and do a better job of the sub-genres). If you are sure you are fine with the 3-install limit, and have no issues with secuROM, then it is a good game. Just be sure to get the most out of those 3 installs (or 4 if you can get one).
Steven W. gave it a 4:
This game, switches from a sidescroller, to a 3rd person MMO type game, then to a RTS type game. The problem is that the gameplay is like that of a pretty bad game in each of the genres.

Interesting opinions to take in! Give it a shot with your favorites and learn a little about the variety of perspectives in the market.

Polago on


  • The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Most of the lowest scores for my favourite are from sites that are now offline because it is so old.

    So discarding them you are getting into all scores being in the 90% + region so I dunno what I can do.

    The_Scarab on
  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Starcrafts lowest critic score was a 75, and lowest user score was a 9. Heh.

    Raslin on
    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Nothing on the Commander Keen series. Fuck them all.

    JAEF on
  • -SPI--SPI- Osaka, JapanRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I tried Grim Fandango, one of my all time favourites and it didn't really work. The lowest journalist score was an extremely positive 87 and every user score was a perfect 10.

    -SPI- on
  • DisruptorX2DisruptorX2 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Dark Messiah:
    1up wrote:
    But this isn't an RPG so much as an action game--a corridor shooter, to be more precise--with RPG elements. There are a few nods to broader gameplay, such as weaponcrafting and book reading. These seem like vestiges of someone's bright idea to try to be like Oblivion. [40]

    God, that guy is an idiot.

    Medieval: Total War (the first one):
    netjak wrote:
    Boring landscapes, crummy models, and weak animation. On top of that, it chugs. It's the worst of both worlds, baby! [55]
    As is this guy.

    DisruptorX2 on
  • ThreepioThreepio New Westminster, BCRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon is not acknowledged by this "Met-a-critic". :(

    Threepio on
  • DisruptorX2DisruptorX2 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Pre-internet games are unlikely to be included in a site that uses internet sources to make its scores unless they have been re-released.

    DisruptorX2 on
  • override367override367 ALL minions Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Didn't work for fallout, although something called "Gamezilla" gave it a 77 bringing it's overall score down

    override367 on
  • PolagoPolago Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    In a fun twist, I decided to look at two classically "terrible" games (Bomberman Act Zero, and Vampire Rain) to see what kind of positive comments people left. The results are quite interesting.

    For Bomberman Act Zero:
    Ben G. gave it a 10:
    There is no conspiracy, market ploy, or outstanding flaw with Bomberman Act Zero. It's just a Bomberman game that you can play online. (and with an optional new mode) I'm not really sure what's so hard to understand about that. This really hit the spot for me. In this game, there are two modes, 1) the standard mode which is top-down perspective like classic Bomberman, and 2) "FPB" mode in which the camera is third person. In FPB mode everyone has a life bar so FPB mode is actually more fun and has more depth. The only thing wrong with this game is that you can't play on the same screen -- you have to go online to play.

    For Vampire Rain:
    Will B. gave it an 8:
    Very much an aquired taste, if you do not like frequent death and sparse, b grade environments beware. This is a game only the Japanese could create, they have made the nightwalkers very hard to take down, and very fast, hence if one sees you you have 0 chance unless you have a shotgun. Personally i loved this harsh design sensebility as it makes it one of the first games to feature nigh on unkillable foes, meaning you have to get everything right to progress (however checkpoints are plentiful). Much better than Bullet witch Artoon's other 360 offering. Online is very well balanced but there are few users...if you see it cheap take a chance.
    Brian F. gave it an 8:
    This game will appeal to those who enjoyed Thief: Deadly Shadows and the 1st Splinter Cell on the original xbox. It is about stealth and not running and gunning. Multiplayer is a pleasant surprise because you have the option to become a "Nightwalker' during play. This makes you faster, jump higher and makes killing humans during LIVE a lot easier. Yes, it does play like Splinter Cell but that helps the player grasp the controls better for a non-steep learning curve. If you perfer "ghosting" through levels as opposed to shooting guards, then this game is for you. About a little bit before half way through, you will find weapons that can kill vampires with one or two shots (shotgun, sniper rifle, UV knife). Not for those who have little patience because there is a bit of trial & error involved here, as well as a linear gameplay a la 1st SC. But if stealth is your thing, then this game will satisfy you.

    The spectrum widens!

    Polago on
  • fallaxdracofallaxdraco Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    many really incredibly good games are just too complicated for most people, here's an example

    generally, though, games like this don't come out from major publishers that are widely reviewed anymore

    major publishers have grown skilled at only catering to the lowest common denominator, and i don't blame them: it's the only way to maximize profits. still, i wish there were more deep games coming out nowadays.

    fallaxdraco on
  • The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I wish they had posted their addresses so, you know, I could mark that as a place never to visit. Ever. Unless in a radiation suit.

    The_Scarab on
  • GertBeefGertBeef Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Bikini Karate Babes
    [Anonymous] gave it a 4:
    There's only one obvious reason to buy this game, and it's in 2 of the 3 words within the title. Those owning the game will find themselves suffering through the horribly broken gameplay simply to unlock all of the "babes" this game has to offer (the block button may as well be a decoration as the response time is way too slow to serve a purpose in a fighting game, plus once you knock your opponent down, you can essentially win the round by using any repeated combo, thus throwing any "strategy" out the window). The sex appeal is decent, though some characters have special moves that are more "eye candy" than actual attacks. The graphics are the only thing saving this game from a firey death. The fact that you're controlling full-movie girls in bikinis is what makes people buy the game, because I GUARANTEE you that no one who owns or has ever played "BKB" enjoyed it for being "a good fighting game" It's a shame that they didn't put more time into the actual gameplay, because the shock value of controlling real-life bikini babes is what makes one buy this game, but instead, this frustrating-to-play game merely has the shock value as a saving grace.
    Hope P. gave it a5:
    Very good games.

    GertBeef on
  • DisruptorX2DisruptorX2 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    many really incredibly good games are just too complicated for most people, here's an example

    Meh, stuff like Hearts of Iron gets positive reviews. I don't know a single person in real life who would be able to actually sit down and play that, even people who like middle ground strategy like Total War.

    Its still a great game, but with extremely limited appeal.

    DisruptorX2 on
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Damn, most of my favorites aren't on there. Hmm... Wow, Medieval: Total War was pretty good, but it's got a few scathing reviews on here.

    I don't know what netjak is, but they were the sole voice of hate.
    netjak wrote:
    Boring landscapes, crummy models, and weak animation. On top of that, it chugs. It's the worst of both worlds, baby!

    Oh netjak, you vicious warrior-poet.

    Fred D. thought it deserved a rating of zero. Ouch.
    Fred D. wrote:
    It is a horrible game, it makes age of the empires seem good, the pawns are hard to manuever and the graphics are horrible.

    He even includes a not-very-subtle jab at Age of the Empires, which must be some shovelware put out to capitalize on the otherwise popular Age of Empires series. Maybe he was playing Medival: Tatol War. That game was pretty bad.

    edit: Holy shit, disruptor. Did I fall asleep while writing this post? Because that is the most vicious beating I've ever seen anyone take.

    PolloDiablo on
  • fallaxdracofallaxdraco Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    many really incredibly good games are just too complicated for most people, here's an example

    Meh, stuff like Hearts of Iron gets positive reviews. I don't know a single person in real life who would be able to actually sit down and play that, even people who like middle ground strategy like Total War.

    Its still a great game, but with extremely limited appeal.

    You make a good point - making something more complicated doesn't necessarily make it BETTER. I recently tried to play a mmo game called World War II online, which came out in 2001 and has been in development since then continuously...

    it is profoundly, scarily, almost dysfunctionally realistic. One of the players I was talking to was absolutely correct: it is not a game, it's a war simulation, in which you control one person. And yet for people who work together, who train for a lot of time, it is apparently incredibly fulfilling and fun. I simply wasn't willing to put that much commitment into getting there.

    I'm willing to put enough commitment into a game to learn how to customize my mech in armored core 4, but just because someone else wants a simpler game doesn't make them any worse in any way, so I guess "lowest" is an inaccurate add-on to the common denominator most gamers have, at least in this particular case.

    fallaxdraco on
  • Glenn565Glenn565 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Chrono Cross
    94 Metacritic rating, lowest critic rating is 75
    Eener M. gave it a 0:
    EXTREMELY overhyped game that is really not worth any praise. Just tack Chrono in front of a game and all the fanboys will praise it like it's the best thing after sliced bread (as is apparant here). As an RPG it is extremely mediocre at best. The forced/restricted level system and combat system makes fighting nothing more then a tedious un-rewarding timesink. The gameplay is very un-imaginative and bland and the story is a garbled mess that makes no sense whatsoever. Also, none of the characters have any personality of their own at all, barring extremely annoying "accents" All in all, this is a very tedious and unrewarding game that completely relies on it's Chrono prefix and it's completely blind fanboy groupies. Square should be ashamed for making a connection between the brilliant Chronotrigger and this unimaginative game. Real grade for this would have been a 5, but all the unjustly given 10s have to be compensated somewhat.
    Shane W. gave it a 0:
    This game is a disgrace. The graphics are completely off and the gameplay as no limits. You don't even have a solid story line to follow. And even if you did it wouldn't make any sense. If any of you own this game, you waisted your money on a pile of bull sh**.

    Typo aside, isn't this usually a good thing?

    Glenn565 on
    3DS code:4511-0654-1976
    NNID: Glenn565
  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    many really incredibly good games are just too complicated for most people, here's an example

    Meh, stuff like Hearts of Iron gets positive reviews. I don't know a single person in real life who would be able to actually sit down and play that, even people who like middle ground strategy like Total War.

    Its still a great game, but with extremely limited appeal.

    You make a good point - making something more complicated doesn't necessarily make it BETTER. I recently tried to play a mmo game called World War II online, which came out in 2001 and has been in development since then continuously...

    it is profoundly, scarily, almost dysfunctionally realistic. One of the players I was talking to was absolutely correct: it is not a game, it's a war simulation, in which you control one person. And yet for people who work together, who train for a lot of time, it is apparently incredibly fulfilling and fun. I simply wasn't willing to put that much commitment into getting there.

    I'm willing to put enough commitment into a game to learn how to customize my mech in armored core 4, but just because someone else wants a simpler game doesn't make them any worse in any way, so I guess "lowest" is an inaccurate add-on to the common denominator most gamers have, at least in this particular case.

    At least you tried to play it recently, where there's more mobile deployment, etc.

    I started playing in the old days. Ever run 15 minutes from one town to another, just to get popped and have to respawn? Ever drive a tank from multiple cities away, just to get a nice one to the battle, and then get popped?

    I love this game exactly 2 weeks of every six months, when I pay for a month and get into it and then bored.

    Raslin on
    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
  • manaleak34manaleak34 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Super Mario Galaxy:
    Shaun Q. wrote:
    This is getting boring now. Can't nintendo think of anything else or do they still have to rely on kids buying games with characters that have been used hundreds of times before. Once again Mario returns to yet another pointless and easy mission to save the princess who has been captured (again) just like he has for all the other hundreds of games. The only people who can find this game/series fun anymore are children (really really young children), people who just like walking on planets that take 10 steps to go around and catch a star while killing one enemy or brain dead people (which is actually a bit like the second one). If you want to waste your money on something repetitive then by all means get this but if you still like mario and really want to play it then play an older one (it is the same game basically).

    Mass Effect
    netjak wrote:
    Mass Effect is a serviceable game and there is plenty of fun to be had, just be prepared to be frequently slapped in the face by how inconsistent everything is. Mass Effect is a resoundingly average game in every aspect, which is a complete letdown given BioWare’s history.

    Jared J. wrote:
    Short, boring, no story, stupid, not fun, 'nuff said.

    manaleak34 on
  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    In the tradition of Final Fantasy 7, FFT has the most confusing, convoluted, mind-numbing, so-called story that you'll ever hear. You control Ramza Beoulve, a member of a noble family in the land of Ivalice who has witnessed the abduction of Princess Ovelia. The land of Ivalice has just recently seen the end of a 50 year war and the abduction of the Princess threatens to break the peace. The two families at conflict are the Galliones and the Zeltennia. This eventually breaks out into war and is known in history as "The Lion War." With help from Delita Hyral, who is known to become hero of the war, you lead your team of Hotuken Knights into history.

    That's the lowest review for FFT on the PSX that still has a working link.

    EDIT: Lowest user score:
    Bryan M wrote:
    I don't know what it is i just hate this game. it plays different then FFVII and VIII.

    The lowest review for the FFT rerelease on PSP was also a 70, by PALGN:
    Better get out of there before things get rocky
    Sounds good, right? Well it was, but that was 10 years ago. One has to keep in mind that War of the Lions is not a fully fleshed out remake of Final Fantasy Tactics like Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS, but a port with only a handful of improvements. War of the Lions’ extra features are likely only to be appreciated by those who never played the original game – new CG cutscenes that expand the overall story, widescreen view aspect to suit the PSP’s native resolution, a pair of new characters (including Balthier from Final Fantasy XII), a few new battles and changes to existing ones, a re-translation of the game’s script, a pair of new job classes and some tacked on multiplayer features are not really going to mean jack unless you’re one of the few PAL gamers that really got into the original game.

    Edit: User review of the rerelease
    H. P. wrote:
    Final Fantasy Tactics was my favorite PSOne game of all time. I spent a year looking forward to this game coming out. Here is how my first day witht he game went: -Went to BestBuy to get game. -Unwrapped game and put it into PSP. -Giggled like a little girl -Turned on PSP, watched cutscene, Great Stuff, (what's with the different dialogue?) -Started first level (Wow the graphics are worse than the PSOne, everything is stretched out, rather that it being turned into true widescreen it was just stretched horizontally) -Put in my FFT copy inot PSOne just to make sure I wasn't imagining things (I wasn't) -Beat first level, went on to next cutscene and the first bandit battle (Wow the dialogue is completely different and now has weird pseudo-Elde-Englishe tone) -Cringed -Took game out of PSP, put back into case. -Put up for sale on Auctions.
    Then he
    -Giggled some more
    -Play more of the PSX version
    -Cried because he wishes he lived in Ivalice.

    Goose! on
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    The one with pants gave it a 1:
    Argh, i really couldn't get into this game. bad visuals, bad sound, voice acting very bad, side quests suck the fat one, overall overhyped.

    Will D. gave it a 0:
    Quite easily, the worst game ever.

    That's it. Otherwise 8s, 9s and 10s across the board, bar maybe the odd 8.

    Xagarath on
  • AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Xagarath wrote: »
    The one with pants gave it a 1:
    Argh, i really couldn't get into this game. bad visuals, bad sound, voice acting very bad, side quests suck the fat one, overall overhyped.

    Will D. gave it a 0:
    Quite easily, the worst game ever.

    That's it. Otherwise 8s, 9s and 10s across the board, bar maybe the odd 8.


    Also, IGN on god hand: 3.7
    God Hand quickly becomes a boring, annoying and frustrating game.


    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
  • HozHoz Cool Cat Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    manaleak34 wrote: »
    Mass Effect
    netjak wrote:
    Mass Effect is a serviceable game and there is plenty of fun to be had, just be prepared to be frequently slapped in the face by how inconsistent everything is. Mass Effect is a resoundingly average game in every aspect, which is a complete letdown given BioWare’s history.
    My opinion is not much higher than his.

    Hoz on
  • fallaxdracofallaxdraco Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Hoz wrote: »
    manaleak34 wrote: »
    Mass Effect
    netjak wrote:
    Mass Effect is a serviceable game and there is plenty of fun to be had, just be prepared to be frequently slapped in the face by how inconsistent everything is. Mass Effect is a resoundingly average game in every aspect, which is a complete letdown given BioWare’s history.
    My opinion is not much higher than his.

    yeah, mass effect had fun if simple gameplay, but the story was so bad it was insulting to me. I really felt like they aimed that story at the most immature people imaginable.

    fallaxdraco on
  • AaronKIAaronKI Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Half-Life: The majority of the user reviews are 10's, but there are a few lower scores here and there.
    Rami W. gave it a 0:
    is that how much you guys love this game all you do is kill people for money to complete objectives. I've never agreed with a critic this much but I agree with the new york times even though its still a fair rating.
    I'm not sure he's playing what he thinks he's playing. The rest of the negative comments mostly complain about puzzles and doing nothing but "pulling switches".
    Tino T. gave it a3:
    It's good enough, then you get stuck, you can't find a switch or you're lost in some tunnel that you cant get out of and you end up stuck there for days on end. Well I gave up on it once my hair started falling out.
    1nSaNe!!! ?? gave it a 6:
    The good points of the game are the awesome story and creepy moments. The bad points are more conspicous. For example, as the game goes on it degenerates into one boring jumping or crate-pushing switch flicking puzzle after another, although it does have a great final boss.
    Matthieu R. gave it a 4:
    I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I really didn't care for Half-Life. The game engine and the mods are great, but the game itself? I got bored pretty quickly. I tried, I really did, but the lame ass switch-throwing and door opening just gets old.
    Did Half-Life really have that many switches? It's been a while since I've played it the whole way through, but most of the ones I remember were pretty hard to miss.

    Psychonauts: I checked all three versions of the game and none of the low scores were particularly interesting. Several complaints of being overhyped, collect-a-thon complaints, etc. Then I found this gem from the PS2 version. Slight spoilers if you've never played the game, I guess.
    Peter L. gave it a1:
    Overhyped game. The only thing this title has going for it is a bunch of whacky looking characters. besides that, the dialogue is flat. The voice acting is ok but not great. If you want great, play 'destroy all humans' or watch an episode of Invader Zim (it;s the same voice artist). The levels are poorly designed. The game is also very buggy with multiple glitches and freezing (sometimes the sound just disappears completely). The quests are pointless: by the time the game switches to 'nighttime' and you go fight that huge fish, you'll wonder why you even bothered collecting items for the scavenger hunt. the loading is atrociously long and in the grand old tradiition of games made 20 years ago, this one features the 'huge boss who attacks you 8 different ways but you have to beat him 3 times in a row' cliché. talk about a complete lack of imagination. Not worth a rental, not even worth pirating: this is how bad this game is designed and how long and tediously boring it is. Psychonauts is the 'Daikatana' of platform games.

    There were so many 10 reviews for both of these games that I didn't have time to sort through them all to find any amusing ones.

    AaronKI on
  • AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Long loading times?

    Granted that I had the Xbox version.....

    and a soul.

    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited September 2008
    Site fails for lack of


    even though IGN has a review.

    FyreWulff on
  • atat23atat23 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
    The game is flawed on so many levels (and in so many ways), that its occasional glimpses of greatness almost get lost in the Bespin Clouds.

    I would love to read the review to see how they justify that one but the review seems to be long gone.

    Seems they also gave spore a 5 out 5 so it really confirms that they are retards.

    atat23 on
  • tehmarkentehmarken BrooklynRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Breathe of Fire IV:
    Nothing less than a solid role-playing game with old-school style and flair.

    I was actually hoping for a scathing review somwhere, buts thats the lowest one =\

    tehmarken on
  • CherrnCherrn Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    atat23 wrote: »
    Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
    The game is flawed on so many levels (and in so many ways), that its occasional glimpses of greatness almost get lost in the Bespin Clouds.

    I would love to read the review to see how they justify that one but the review seems to be long gone.

    Seems they also gave spore a 5 out 5 so it really confirms that they are retards.

    Have you played it lately? Jedi Outcast has some of the worst level design I have ever experienced. It is bad to the point of parody.

    Cherrn on
    All creature will die and all the things will be broken. That's the law of samurai.
  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Why would anyone read the user reviews? Hasn't YouTube taught you not to read comments?

    Peewi on
  • The Black HunterThe Black Hunter The key is a minimum of compromise, and a simple, unimpeachable reason to existRegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Call of Duty 4

    Zack H gave it a0:
    Single player is horribly linear. Even when entering an open space, the AI and game simply forces you into moving a specific way. Multiplayer is even worse. Most of the maps are Call of Duty 2's MP maps in Middle Eastern disguise. The overall experience is a chaotic, unfocused and independent spraying spree with little heed to true physics. Most of the weapons have similar recoil, which is almost non-existent, and hardly requires the iron sights to be used, just fire from the hip and the entire magazine will hit the intended target thrice over. Ranks are virtually pointless because you cannot elevate higher than level 55, and then just to work the same tired challenges up again in 'Prestige Mode'. I give it a 0 because the MP quality is so jaw-dropping lacking and dull that it can't be described in words. It's a run and gun 'Halo' shooting spree that deserves none of the overhyped bs. Save your money and keep playing Counter Strike.

    This kid is a fucking moron

    Joseph B. gave it a0:
    So unbelievably average! There is NOTHING new about this game. It sure is good, but I don't understand the hype. Not one bit.

    0/10 is not average

    The Black Hunter on
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Final Fantasy VII

    There is tons of RPG combat, which is a little too slow for some people and slowed even further by all of the spectacular but lengthy spell animations.

    Some users wrote: (This is hilarious)

    "Max W. gave it a 0:
    A horribly overrated game. No voice whatsoever, the whole game is mute. Bad storyline and poor selection of characters. A bad RPG if it even is one."

    "Hannah L. gave it a 0:
    This game is boring. Graphics are horrible, and they could've done better. I wouldn't be so angry if that was the best they can do, but I saw other ps1 games that have WAY better graphics than this. Cloud has like horse hands. And it's always so dark. And, it's SUPER boring. It's impossible to finish this game."

    "Ben L. gave it a 2:
    Indeed, I can't agree with Chris P. any more. People call this "the best game ever", and I honestly cannot see why. Alright, I'll hand it to you, it has good music, okay graphics (the regular animation was pretty icky, but the fmv's were pretty nice for the time), and a mediocre badguy. But, the plot was weak in many place, and the character development was terrible. Cloud has the personality of a rock, and when it comes to RPG's a game may be better looking then the rest, but if its story clunks, then it will never pass for me."

    "Mark B. gave it a 0:
    Final Fantasy 7 is probably the worst Final Fantasy in the entire series. I don't understand the cult following that It has. The music is bad, the gameplay is just abismal, the graphics look like crap, there is no character development and the story line is just retarded. Every time I play it I have to force myself just to finish the first disc, after that i fell like I want to drill a hole in my head. If I could, I would go back in time and stop this game from ever being made."

    UnbreakableVow on
  • His CorkinessHis Corkiness Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Hoz wrote: »
    manaleak34 wrote: »
    Mass Effect
    netjak wrote:
    Mass Effect is a serviceable game and there is plenty of fun to be had, just be prepared to be frequently slapped in the face by how inconsistent everything is. Mass Effect is a resoundingly average game in every aspect, which is a complete letdown given BioWare’s history.
    My opinion is not much higher than his.

    yeah, mass effect had fun if simple gameplay, but the story was so bad it was insulting to me. I really felt like they aimed that story at the most immature people imaginable.
    Is this another quote, or are you being serious?

    His Corkiness on
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I won't say that the story was immature, but Mass Effect's main story was very boring. I stuck around for the characters, not the main plot.

    UnbreakableVow on
  • His CorkinessHis Corkiness Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    *shrug* I was entertained by it.

    His Corkiness on
  • Darth NathanDarth Nathan Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Alone in the Dark (the newest one that everyone hates but is actually really awesome)

    Fatki Blatki gave it a1:
    Sucked. Bad story. Horrible controls. Just terrible. Eat my azz Atari.

    J B gave it a3:
    This game is horrid, poor voice acting, The controls are too geared towards the xbox controller, for some reason you keep getting taken out of first person view to 3rd person, at which point the controls invert, the gameplay is too rigid, there is no immersion, you get stuck on a fixed path and all you do is basically walk around the map in an obvious fashion completing the objectives. I Agree with John J with all the points he raised, especial the texture and color depth. Deus Ex has better textures.

    Such a shame, I absolutely ADORE this game. Granted I realise that by playing it on PC, I skipped a lot of the control frustrations on the 360, but even so, damnit, can't anyone see something as great and interesting and fun for daring to be different? These are the same type of people who hate S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    Also, this makes me want to post ludicrously bad comments on good games for people to find and scoff at.

    Darth Nathan on
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Antihippy wrote: »
    Xagarath wrote: »
    The one with pants gave it a 1:
    Argh, i really couldn't get into this game. bad visuals, bad sound, voice acting very bad, side quests suck the fat one, overall overhyped.

    Will D. gave it a 0:
    Quite easily, the worst game ever.

    That's it. Otherwise 8s, 9s and 10s across the board, bar maybe the odd 8.


    Xagarath on
  • AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Xagarath wrote: »
    Antihippy wrote: »
    Xagarath wrote: »
    The one with pants gave it a 1:
    Argh, i really couldn't get into this game. bad visuals, bad sound, voice acting very bad, side quests suck the fat one, overall overhyped.

    Will D. gave it a 0:
    Quite easily, the worst game ever.

    That's it. Otherwise 8s, 9s and 10s across the board, bar maybe the odd 8.


    You might mean 7. :P

    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Antihippy wrote: »
    Xagarath wrote: »
    Antihippy wrote: »
    Xagarath wrote: »
    The one with pants gave it a 1:
    Argh, i really couldn't get into this game. bad visuals, bad sound, voice acting very bad, side quests suck the fat one, overall overhyped.

    Will D. gave it a 0:
    Quite easily, the worst game ever.

    That's it. Otherwise 8s, 9s and 10s across the board, bar maybe the odd 8.


    You might mean 7. :P

    No, the first 8 shouldn't be there.

    Xagarath on
  • DualEdgeDualEdge Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    Shawn T. gave it a 0:
    Im sorry, is this pokemon?

    I love Paper Mario Yellow Version.

    DualEdge on
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