Yes, this is something of a direct rip from somewhere else but it's a neat look into the minds of others, good way to broaden your mind to the masses, and question some people's sanity. At the very least, it can show important factors in people's outlook on games that differ from your own!
1. Got to
2. Search your all time favorite game in their database
3. Read both the lowest journalist and user scores/comments (bottom)
4. Post the lowest scores and comments
Give it a shot with your own personal favorites! For an example, I used a game that I don't own yet but was curious to it's public reception. A lot of people have been talking about the bad rap that Spore's gotten, and upon checking it on Metacritic the user score average based on over 700 votes is 5/10. Some of the comments and scores were:
Albert E. gave it a 0:
The game is childish and uninteresting after small quantities of gameplay. I was really hoping for something better, wow.
John S gave it a 1:
*yawn* Most boring piece of crap I've ever played. I have nothing constructive to say other than don't play this. EA Fails once again.
[Anonymous] gave it a 2:
Such a disappointment... The creature creator is cool but the rest of the game is empty and in each of the categories it tries to cover there are much better games out there. I suspect from the official spore site that the conceptors had great ideas but the EA guys cut everything out for the sake of sim-like playability and audience range. Too bad
D M gave it a 3:
Great simulator. Okay game. Horrible DRM. Lack of challenge and consequence in the beginning, and the computer nagging you at the end (which is most of the game)... if those issues could be addressed, this may be a 10. Despite my game play complaints, this game's potential lies in its longevity. While you won't play it for weeks on end (like Oblivion), the endless replay value makes this game an 8 to me. But, considering how I won't be allowed to play this game in about a year, maybe less, that replay value is gone. Thank you EA for DRM-ing this game beyond usefulness. I'll be nice and assume I'll almost get to play this game almost half as much as I'd like, so my 8 becomes a 3 (very tempted to give a 0 just to spite EA). As is, I'd recommend waiting for a price drop, hoping EA drops the DRM, or wait for other games to take after Spore's style (and do a better job of the sub-genres). If you are sure you are fine with the 3-install limit, and have no issues with secuROM, then it is a good game. Just be sure to get the most out of those 3 installs (or 4 if you can get one).
Steven W. gave it a 4:
This game, switches from a sidescroller, to a 3rd person MMO type game, then to a RTS type game. The problem is that the gameplay is like that of a pretty bad game in each of the genres.
Interesting opinions to take in! Give it a shot with your favorites and learn a little about the variety of perspectives in the market.
So discarding them you are getting into all scores being in the 90% + region so I dunno what I can do.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
God, that guy is an idiot.
Medieval: Total War (the first one): As is this guy.
For Bomberman Act Zero:
For Vampire Rain:
The spectrum widens!
generally, though, games like this don't come out from major publishers that are widely reviewed anymore
major publishers have grown skilled at only catering to the lowest common denominator, and i don't blame them: it's the only way to maximize profits. still, i wish there were more deep games coming out nowadays.
Meh, stuff like Hearts of Iron gets positive reviews. I don't know a single person in real life who would be able to actually sit down and play that, even people who like middle ground strategy like Total War.
Its still a great game, but with extremely limited appeal.
I don't know what netjak is, but they were the sole voice of hate.
Oh netjak, you vicious warrior-poet.
Fred D. thought it deserved a rating of zero. Ouch.
He even includes a not-very-subtle jab at Age of the Empires, which must be some shovelware put out to capitalize on the otherwise popular Age of Empires series. Maybe he was playing Medival: Tatol War. That game was pretty bad.
edit: Holy shit, disruptor. Did I fall asleep while writing this post? Because that is the most vicious beating I've ever seen anyone take.
You make a good point - making something more complicated doesn't necessarily make it BETTER. I recently tried to play a mmo game called World War II online, which came out in 2001 and has been in development since then continuously...
it is profoundly, scarily, almost dysfunctionally realistic. One of the players I was talking to was absolutely correct: it is not a game, it's a war simulation, in which you control one person. And yet for people who work together, who train for a lot of time, it is apparently incredibly fulfilling and fun. I simply wasn't willing to put that much commitment into getting there.
I'm willing to put enough commitment into a game to learn how to customize my mech in armored core 4, but just because someone else wants a simpler game doesn't make them any worse in any way, so I guess "lowest" is an inaccurate add-on to the common denominator most gamers have, at least in this particular case.
94 Metacritic rating, lowest critic rating is 75
Typo aside, isn't this usually a good thing?
NNID: Glenn565
At least you tried to play it recently, where there's more mobile deployment, etc.
I started playing in the old days. Ever run 15 minutes from one town to another, just to get popped and have to respawn? Ever drive a tank from multiple cities away, just to get a nice one to the battle, and then get popped?
I love this game exactly 2 weeks of every six months, when I pay for a month and get into it and then bored.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Mass Effect
That's the lowest review for FFT on the PSX that still has a working link.
EDIT: Lowest user score:
The lowest review for the FFT rerelease on PSP was also a 70, by PALGN:
Edit: User review of the rerelease
Then he
-Giggled some more
-Play more of the PSX version
-Cried because he wishes he lived in Ivalice.
Argh, i really couldn't get into this game. bad visuals, bad sound, voice acting very bad, side quests suck the fat one, overall overhyped.
Will D. gave it a 0:
Quite easily, the worst game ever.
That's it. Otherwise 8s, 9s and 10s across the board, bar maybe the odd 8.
Also, IGN on god hand: 3.7
yeah, mass effect had fun if simple gameplay, but the story was so bad it was insulting to me. I really felt like they aimed that story at the most immature people imaginable.
I'm not sure he's playing what he thinks he's playing. The rest of the negative comments mostly complain about puzzles and doing nothing but "pulling switches".
Did Half-Life really have that many switches? It's been a while since I've played it the whole way through, but most of the ones I remember were pretty hard to miss.
Psychonauts: I checked all three versions of the game and none of the low scores were particularly interesting. Several complaints of being overhyped, collect-a-thon complaints, etc. Then I found this gem from the PS2 version. Slight spoilers if you've never played the game, I guess.
There were so many 10 reviews for both of these games that I didn't have time to sort through them all to find any amusing ones.
Granted that I had the Xbox version.....
and a soul.
even though IGN has a review.
I would love to read the review to see how they justify that one but the review seems to be long gone.
Seems they also gave spore a 5 out 5 so it really confirms that they are retards.
I was actually hoping for a scathing review somwhere, buts thats the lowest one =\
Have you played it lately? Jedi Outcast has some of the worst level design I have ever experienced. It is bad to the point of parody.
Zack H gave it a0:
Single player is horribly linear. Even when entering an open space, the AI and game simply forces you into moving a specific way. Multiplayer is even worse. Most of the maps are Call of Duty 2's MP maps in Middle Eastern disguise. The overall experience is a chaotic, unfocused and independent spraying spree with little heed to true physics. Most of the weapons have similar recoil, which is almost non-existent, and hardly requires the iron sights to be used, just fire from the hip and the entire magazine will hit the intended target thrice over. Ranks are virtually pointless because you cannot elevate higher than level 55, and then just to work the same tired challenges up again in 'Prestige Mode'. I give it a 0 because the MP quality is so jaw-dropping lacking and dull that it can't be described in words. It's a run and gun 'Halo' shooting spree that deserves none of the overhyped bs. Save your money and keep playing Counter Strike.
This kid is a fucking moron
Joseph B. gave it a0:
So unbelievably average! There is NOTHING new about this game. It sure is good, but I don't understand the hype. Not one bit.
0/10 is not average
Some users wrote: (This is hilarious)
"Max W. gave it a 0:
A horribly overrated game. No voice whatsoever, the whole game is mute. Bad storyline and poor selection of characters. A bad RPG if it even is one."
"Hannah L. gave it a 0:
This game is boring. Graphics are horrible, and they could've done better. I wouldn't be so angry if that was the best they can do, but I saw other ps1 games that have WAY better graphics than this. Cloud has like horse hands. And it's always so dark. And, it's SUPER boring. It's impossible to finish this game."
"Ben L. gave it a 2:
Indeed, I can't agree with Chris P. any more. People call this "the best game ever", and I honestly cannot see why. Alright, I'll hand it to you, it has good music, okay graphics (the regular animation was pretty icky, but the fmv's were pretty nice for the time), and a mediocre badguy. But, the plot was weak in many place, and the character development was terrible. Cloud has the personality of a rock, and when it comes to RPG's a game may be better looking then the rest, but if its story clunks, then it will never pass for me."
"Mark B. gave it a 0:
Final Fantasy 7 is probably the worst Final Fantasy in the entire series. I don't understand the cult following that It has. The music is bad, the gameplay is just abismal, the graphics look like crap, there is no character development and the story line is just retarded. Every time I play it I have to force myself just to finish the first disc, after that i fell like I want to drill a hole in my head. If I could, I would go back in time and stop this game from ever being made."
Fatki Blatki gave it a1:
Sucked. Bad story. Horrible controls. Just terrible. Eat my azz Atari.
J B gave it a3:
This game is horrid, poor voice acting, The controls are too geared towards the xbox controller, for some reason you keep getting taken out of first person view to 3rd person, at which point the controls invert, the gameplay is too rigid, there is no immersion, you get stuck on a fixed path and all you do is basically walk around the map in an obvious fashion completing the objectives. I Agree with John J with all the points he raised, especial the texture and color depth. Deus Ex has better textures.
Such a shame, I absolutely ADORE this game. Granted I realise that by playing it on PC, I skipped a lot of the control frustrations on the 360, but even so, damnit, can't anyone see something as great and interesting and fun for daring to be different? These are the same type of people who hate S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Also, this makes me want to post ludicrously bad comments on good games for people to find and scoff at.
You might mean 7. :P
No, the first 8 shouldn't be there.
I love Paper Mario Yellow Version.