Yeah, you read that right. It's also freeware.
Spelunky is a platform game, but the levels are randomly generated. It's also got a nice old-school La-Mulana vibe. It's also lots of fun!
What really impresses me about this game is that it's got the
feel of a rogue-like while playing like a platform game. Every time you die (and you will die a lot), you know the death was your fault. Most every run-through, you learn some new mechanic that will help you the next time. Bit by bit, you get further and further. It also has the random-ness of the encounters of roguelikes - you throw a pot at a spider, it triggers an arrow trap, the arrow shoots the girl you are trying to save....etc.
There's lots of wacky items to find, treasure to search for, and giant boulders to run from.
Go at it! (** Now updated to version 0.99, with extra shortcut and other new material!)
*I don't hate you.
if people it alot, you should make a post on the indie games thread so it gets saved
I can never understand how work places choose which sites to block. Perhaps independent games are close to independent films which are close to pornography?
Likely the filter is screwy. From what I understand of the one at the library, it 'reads' the page, looking for specific words, and if they are found, it blocks the site. Of course, it's broken all to hell, because it's let me see the word 'fuck', but not ... well, I don't know, because they'd've been blocked. Now I have the password, so all is good.
Game looks fun, will try.
Many use software which is semi-automated for this kind of thing, using a combination of centralized block lists, keyword filtering in URLs, and manual entries.
In any event, i can't get to wherever this game is hosted.
One of the things I hate about Rogue-likes is coming across something and having no idea what to do with it.
So far, I have no idea what to do with the women you find in the cave, nor any idea of what to do with locked chests.
However, falling in a booby trap is fun.
I picked up an Indiana Jones style golden skull and wait for the inevitable crushing boulder. I wait. I wait another second. Then I blow a hole in the ground figuring that will stop it if it comes.
The boulder smashes out of a wall, clears the pit, and utterly destroys me.
For the women:
For the chests:
Edit: Beat'n like a redheaded stepchild.
*slaps forehead*
I knew that was a stupid question.
A game whose defining characteristic was "you die a lot" was just begging to be made more rogue-y.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam -
Add me!
Very happy it actually lets you reconfigure the keys! Too many indy games don't let you do that and stick you with some unusable or uncomfortable configuration.
I've died like 30 times in maybe an hour. It's definately a roguelike.
Edit: FUCK!
It definitely wouldn't be a roguelike without bastard cheating shopkeepers
I've gotten the message that you should hurry up, but nothing has happened yet.
I want an FPS so friggin bad. Randomly generated levels with loads of enemies for you to blow away, skills to level, and money and weapons to obtain.
Next: A text based platformer, that relies on reflexes. Imagine Super Mario Brothers played as a text based game.
>stomp goobma
Stomp what?
The goomba touches you, you die.
>stomp goFUCK
Ghosts appear and home after you through walls and you can't whip them and they are insta kills.
...fucking spider.
Yeah, when I first read about this, I was worried that there would be lots of levels which would be impossible to finish, but that certainly isn't the case. What did you do to get trapped?
A boulder rolled over the one exit to the subarea I was in (just a hole I needed to drop through to get to the door) and I botched my bomb tosses to blow my way out.
Kind of cruel for the boulder to stop there but the way to fix it was clearly in my hands. I probably could have worked around it if I had ropes left too.
Also I've killed the girls your supposed to rescue roughly 15 different times. Dart traps, barbarians, spikes, grabbing the golden idol in panic and letting them get crushed by boulders etc.
I just managed to get a boulder to roll directly into a shop, killing the shopkeeper but leaving most of his merchandise intact, including a pickaxe and springy boots.
You can toss the girls at the exit, then go back for the idol. They will run/ be thrown into the doorway.
I went into a shop, picked up a shotgun, accidentally let it off and killed the shopkeeper. I cruised through four more levels and died to a pack of frogs and a giant tarantula over a snake pit.
I like this game.